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Bad eating habits

Lots of people have bad eating habits and they still don't know how bad these habits are.

Bad eating habits include: eating too often;eating too much or too little;eating junk food;not eating breakfast.

How to change these habits?

You need to make up your mind and overcome them. Soon you will get used to it and develop the new habits. You will feel good about yourself because you overcome a bad and unnecessary habit.


() l. Everyone has bad eating habits.

() 2. Eating too much is a good habit.

() 3. If you have good eating habits,you will feel good about yourself.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

E) 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容符合。相符合的打√不符合的打╳

     A father takes his son to the hospital. He wants the doctor to pull out (拔掉) a tooth for his son. After that,the doctor asks the father to payG+) fiftyyuan.

    “What? Fifty yuan? I should pay only ten yuan for one tooth as usua(通常) !” the father gets very angry.

     “That's right”’ says the doctor. “But when I pull out the tooth for your son,he cries terribly (可怕地叫) ,so he frightens (吓喊) my four patients (病人) away."

(  )1. The father wants to pull out one of his teeth.

(  )2. The doctor asks the fatheer to pay him forty yuan.

(  )3. As usual,a patient should pay ten yuan for pulling out one tooth.

(  )4. The father wants to pay only teh yuan.

(  )5. The son cries terribly because the doctor wants fifty yuan.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

KaKa the seal

Kaka is a young seal in a zoo. Many children and their parents come to see him every day. They are happy to see him when he swims in the pool. Kaka can do many things as the people there teach him He can play with a big ball in the pool. And if you wave your hand to him,he can wave his “hand” to you too.

One day,Sushu,an 11-year-old girl,is very sad. Her mother takes her to the pool to see Kaka. The mother tells her daughter, u Look,how happy Kaka is!He always tries his best to make people happy. Now,let's wave our hands to him to say hello!” The girl begins to smile when she sees Kaka waving his “hand” to them. She stays with Kaka for the whole afternoon,and feels happy all the time.


() 1. Kaka is .

   A. a dog   B. a child   C. a seal

() 2. Many children like to play with Kaka because        .

   A. Kaka needs them to come

   B. Kaka can make them happy

   C. their parents like Kaka

() 3. What does the underlined word “wave” mean in Chinese?

   A. 挥舞   B. 窗户 C.点头

() 4. Why is Sushu sad that day?

   A. Because she loses (丢失) her favourite doll.

   B. Because she can't find her ball.

   C. We don't know.

() 5. What is NOT right about Kaka?

   A. Kaka looks very beautifu when he is in the pool.

   B. Kaka can sing a nice song.

   C. Kaka can do many things as the people there teach him.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

B) 根据首字母提不完成短文,每空格填一词。

Do you have a good timetable? Keeping a good timetable is very 9 for us. We should have ten hours’ s every night,or (否则) we can't do our study very well. So we should get up e and never go to bed I , We’d better (最好) f  Our homework before dinner. We shouldn,t play computer games too much or w TV too much. They are b for our eyes. We should do sports too. Walking,running,swimming,jogging and playing ball games are all good exercises for us.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

D) 听录音,补全下列短文。(听两遍) Yang Ling often has some porridge for Sometimes she

an egg too. For lunch and dinner,she has a lot of

some and some vegetables. She likes cola,but she eats a at a time. She eats someevery day.

Does Yang Ling have a healthy ?


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

The diet 

Mrs White is worried about her weight,so she goes to see a doctor. “〇h,I'm too fat. I need to lose a lot of weight. ” “It isn’t difficult to lose weight ,” the doctor says.

“All you need to do is to go on a diet. HI give you a method. ” The doctor takes out a piece of paper and writes ,“Eat lots of fruit,vegetables and grains. ” The doctor gives the paper to Mrs White. “Eat all those things and you?II soon lose weight. ”

A few weeks later,Mrs Whitens friend visits her. Her friend sees that Mrs White is still fat. She is eating a big hamburger,a chocolate cake and an ice cream now. “I thought (think 的过去式) you were on a diet”’ her friend says. “Oh,I am”’ Mrs White answers. “I already had all the food on my diet today. Now l'm having my dinner. ”


1. Mrs White is about her ,so she goes to

a doctor.

2. Mrs White is too ,and she needs to lose .

3. The doctor  _ a piece of paper and writes something.




科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

A) 看图并根据上下文提示完成对话,每空格填一词。

A: David,what are you doing?

B: I'm surfing the , Mum.

A: Look at your bedroom. It's so

There are some dirty on your bed.

There are some toys on the . You should put them in .

B: OK,Mum,l'll do it. But ? Can you teach me?

A: First,   up the toys and put them in the boxes. Next,put the dirty in the aundry basket (洗衣篮) Finally,

the floor.

B:Thank you,Mum. I'll clean my at once (马上)


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

(   )6. ——Whose gloves are these? —— .

   A. They’re the twins’   B. It's Meimei's

   C. They are Meimei


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

A letter

Dear Sandy 

I'm going to have a birthday party at my house next Saturday. I have to prepare for the party and I need your help. Could you please heip me do the following things?

1. Call some friends and invite them to the party.

2. Help me clean the room.

3. Before the party,prepare some food and drinks for the party.

4. After the party,help me take out the rubbish.

Hope to hear from you soon.



1. Tm going to  .

2. I'm going to .

3. I'm going to  .

