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                     Do you want a dean plate?

  同学们,如果你去同学家做客.妈妈是不是会关照你.要有礼貌?来读一读下面的故事,看看Bill是不是一个有礼貌的小客人?Come on!

   Bill is a lovely boy,and he's eight. One day Bill's friend,Betty says to him, “Tomorrow is New Year's Day. I'm going to have a party at home. Would you like to come to my party?” Bill says ,“OK. ”

   On that day,Bill's mother says to him ,“You can go to the party,but you should be polite. Don’t ask for food." “All right,Mum ,” Bill answers and goes to Betty’s  home happily.

   There are many children at the party. Betty's mother gives them some food,but she forgets Bill. Bill waits and waits,and then he takes up his plate and says to Betty's mother ,“Excuse me,Mrs White. Do you want a clean plate?”


() 1. The party is on .

   A. the 31st of December   B. the 1st of January

   C. the 1st of February

() 2. Bill's mother thinks that asking for food is .

   A. polite   B. happy   C. not polite

() 3. Does Bill have any food at the beginning?

   A. Yes? a lot. B. No,he doesn’t

   C. Yes,a little.

() 4. Betty's mother doesn’t give any food to Bill,because .

   A. she doesnM like Bill   B. Bill isn’t hungry

   C. she forgets him


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

C) 阅读对话,选出正确的答案。(选做题) 

   Gao Fei is a short and thin boy. He lives in a small village (村庄) in Guizhou. He’s got a toothache. The doctor is talking with him.

Doctor : Do you brush your teeth every day,Gao Fei?

Gao Fei: Yes,do. I brush my teeth in the morning.

Doctor : So you don't brush your teeth before you go to bed in the evening?

Gao Fei: No,I don't.

Doctor :丫ou should brush your teeth before going to bed too.

Gao Fei: I see.

Doctor : Do you always wash your hands before you eat?

Gao Fei: Sometimes,not always.

Doctor : Do you walk a lot every day?

Gao Fei: Yes,I walk to school. I walk for about three hours(小时) every day.

Doctor : That's good for you.

Gao Fei: But I have to get up at five in the morning. I feel tired in class. Sometimes I sleep in class.

Doctor : Do you eat a lot of vegetables (蔬菜) ?

Gao Fei: Yes,I do .I eat only vegetables. We don’t have money to buy meat (肉).

Doctor : Oh,poor boy.

() l. Gao Fei washes his hands before eating.

   A. always   B. often   C. sometimes

() 2. Gao Fei goes to school.

   A. by bus   B. by bike   C. on foot

() 3. Gao Fei sleeps in class because.

   A. he doesn” like the lessons

   B. he is ill

    C.he doesn’t have enough (足够的) sleep

() 4. Gao Fei eats only vegetables because.

   A. he doesn’t like meat

   B. he has no money for meat

   C. he likes vegetables very much

() 5. The underlined word “poor” means (意思是) “ ”.

   A. 可怜的   B. 幸运的   C. 不健康的


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

A) 看图完成对话填空,每空格填一词。

   It is Saturday evening. Mary and her family are at home.

A: they in their bedrooms?

B: No,they aren’t.

A: Where are they? 

B: They’re in the .

A: Is her mother housework?

B: No,she's.

A: her brother doing?

B: He’s the guitar.

A: Nancy watching TV?

B: No,she's a model plane (模型飞机) .Her father is watching TV.

A: How they are!


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

D) 听录音,填入所缺单词。(听两遍) .

A: Hi,Dad. It's the of .A nice day is coming. Do you know?

B: Let me see. Oh,yes. This is Day.

A: That's right. I want to a nice for Mum.

B:Good idea. Do you need my ?

A: No,thanks. Oh,where are my crayons?

B: Look,they’re your book.

A: Thanks,Dad. 


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

C) 听录音,根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确的图片。(听两遍)

() 1.

() 2.

() 3.

() 4.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

Min and Mog

  1. Min and Mog get up at seven o’clock in the evening. seven. 2. They eat their dinner at half past They eat some fish.

3. Min and Mog go outside at nine o’clock at night. They chase mice! 4.

Min and Mog go home at six o’clock in the morning. They wash their faces. They go to bed at seven o’clock!


Activity (活动)


get up

7:00 p. m.

eat dinner

go outside to chase mice

go home

go to bed


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

E) 阅读短文,选出正确的答案。(选做题) 

Dear Helen,

   How are you? I'm very excited because the Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. People usually eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to celebrate it. There are sweet 「ice dumplings and salty (咸的) rice dumplings. Move the sweet rice dumplings with beans (豆子) I like taking photos. I'm going to take pictures of the dragon boat races on the fifth day of the fifth lunar (阴历的) month,i will send you some photos.


() 1. This is a letter from to.

   A. Helen;Lily   B. Lily;Helen

   C. Helen's parents; Helen

() 2. Lily is very excited because is coming soon.

   A. the Dragon Boat Festival   B. eating rice dumplings   C. a dragon boat

() 3. People usually at Dragon Boat Festival.

   A. eat rice dumplings   B. have dragon boat races

   C. A and B

() 4. Lily likes .

   A. dumplings   B. taking photos

   C. salty rice dumplings

() 5. The Dragon Boat Festival is on .

   A. the 5th day of the 5th lunar month

   B. the 5th of May

   C. the 5th of June


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

                         My grandmoiber's birihday

  同学们,你知道你奶奶的生日吗?你奶奶身体情况如何?来读一读下面的短交,看看文中的奶奶八十高龄能做哪些事情?Come on!

   My grandmother—my father's mother is 80 years old today. That is really old!We have a birthday party for her. All my uncles,aunts and cousins are at the party. Thereisabigcakewith80smallcandlesonit.

   Grandmother tries to blow them all out,but she has to blow several times. Although she is very old,Grandmother is doing well. She can't hear very well but her eyes are good She is able to go out on her own and do her shopping. She is so happy.

   I hope live to be very od and have a big family. I want to have a birthday party on my 80th birthday like my grandmother.


() Which is RIGHT about my grandmother?

   A. Grandmother can blow all the candles out just once ( — 次) .

   B. Grandmother is old,but she can do shopping by herself.

   C. Grandmother has good eye-sight (视力) and hearing.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

() 8. —Your present is so nice! .

   A. That's right   B. Thank you

   C. It's not very nice

