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C) 听录音,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。

()1. Dick and Betty get up early.

()2. The children's beds are very warm.

()3. The world is white because it snows.

()4. The children don't have any warm clothes.

()5. They like making snowmen and having a snowball fight.

()6. They have a good time in the garden.

C) 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T

C) 听录音,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。(听两遍) 

   It's not early,but Dick and Betty are still in bed. They feel cold and they like their warm beds. .

   Mother comes in. She says ,“Look,children. The world is white." The two children get up and look out of the window. How nice!There is snow in the garden. There is snow on the trees and on the houses too. “We can have a good time today,” the chidren say. uYou must put on very warm clothes before you go out,” their mother says.

   The children go into the garden. They have a snowball fight. They make a snowman with their father. They’re so happy to play with snow.

题目来源:2016年英语文化之旅小学英语听读空间五年级下册 > Unit 1 Cinderella


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

五、阅读对话,判断正(T) 误(F) 。

Doctor: Come in and sit down,please.

Helen: Thank you.

Doctor: What's the matter?

Helen: I have a headache and a fever.

Doctor: Let me have a look. Open your mouth and say “Ah”.

Helen: Ah …

Doctor: OK,I see. Here is some medicine (药) for you. Go home and go to bed now.

Helen: Thank you.

() 1. Helen is in the library now.

() 2. Helen has a headache and a fever.

() 3. The doctor gives a glass of water to Helen.

() 4. The doctor wants Helen to have a good rest.

() 5. Helen can go to school now.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

八、 根据图意及中文提示完成对话。(每空i分,共9分)

Bear: Good morning!

Doctor:  the matter you?

BearI a (发烧) .

Doctor: Anything else (别的呢) ?

Bear: Fve got a bad (感冒) .

Doctor: You've got a . Take pills and have a good rest.

Bear: OK.  .


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

D) 听录音,填入所缺单词。(听两遍)

A: Look at my home.

B: How nice! do you now?

A: I on River Street.

B: Is it from your school?

   A. Yes,but there's a stop my home. I go to school by.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:


2. A: Excuse me, do I the shopping centre?

B: Let me see. Go along this,and then turn at the crossing (十字路口) It's on your,near the

A: Is it far from here?

B: .t's only three hundred metres (米) away. I think you can go there on .

A: Thank you.

B: You’re welcome.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

() 6. — I'm too . Can I have some cakes? 一 Sure.

   A. hungry   B. ill   C. thirsty


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

六、 单项选择。(每小题2分,共12分)

() 1. I'm very.

   A. cough   B. a cold   C. cold


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:


   There is a monkey. He lives in the forest. There are many flowers in front of his house. An old woman takes a walk and picks a flower there.

   The monkey is angry. He shouts at the old woman, "You shouldn’t pick my flower. Now give me your child. ”

   The old woman is very afraid. Her child is a beautiful girl. She has to live with the monkey. The monkey is nice to her.

   The monkey feels ill. The girl looks after him. There are some spots (污点) on his clothes. She makes clothes for the monkey. The monkey takes off his clothes and puts on the new clothes. They fit him very well. Then the monkey turns into a prince.

1. The monkey lives in the .

   A. zoo   B. park   C. forest

2. The old woman gives her child to the monkey because .

   A. the monkey has no child

   B. the monkey loves her child

   C. she picks the monkey's flower,and the monkey is angry

3. The monkey turns into a .

   A. lion   B. princess   C. prince


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

                      Why is it farther?

   Jim要去两千米外的镇上找医生,坐了半小时的马车后.离镇居然 更远了.这是怎幺回事?快来读一读下面这个英语小故事.找到问题 的答案吧.Have a try!

   Jim's father is ill,and his mother must look after him at home. So she says to Jim, “Go to the hospital and ask a doctor to come here. ” “OK,” says the boy ,“but where is the hospital?” “In the town. ”

   Then Jim leaves his house. He gets to a crossing,but he doesn’t know the way. So he stands there.

   Just then a farmer drives a carriage and comes. Jim wants the farmer to take him to the town.

   “How far is the town from here?” asks Jim. 

   “Two kilometres ,”saysthefarmer.

   “May take your carriage?” asks Jim.

   “OK. ”

   “Thank you very much ,” says Jim. He is happy and gets on the carriage.

   Half an hour later,the carriage doesr’t get to the town. “How far is the town from here?” Jim asks again.

  “Fourkilometres ,”sciysthefarmer.

   “Why is it farther now?”

   “The carriage is going in the opposite direction. ”


() 1. Jim must ask a doctor to come because.

   A. his mother is ill

   B. his father is busy

   C. his father is ill

() 2. Jim stops at the crossing because .

   A. he doesiVt know the way to the town

   B. he wants to have a rest

   C. he wants to wait for a carriage

() 3. Half an hour later,Jim is farther from the town because

   A. the farmerloses his way

   B. the carriage goes very slowly

   C. the carriage goes in the opposite direction

() 4. 与这个故事相类似的一个寓言故事是:

   A. 南辕北辙   B. 画蛇添足   C. 亡羊补牢

