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The following are four kinds of medicine at home. We should know how to use them. Never make any mistakes.

Take the medicine with water. One or two pills (片) every eight hours. Don’t take more than six pills in 24 hours. For children under six, go to ask the doctor.
Three times a day and one pill a time. One pill before breakfast, one before 11:00 and one before sleep. Not for children under six and persons with stomachache.
The medicine is for a person with a toothache. Two pills a time a day before sleep for adults (成人). Half (一半) for children under 12.
Take the medicine four times a day. Four pills a time for adults with a cold. Half the pills for children under 10. Take the medicine before three meals and before sleep.
【小题1】Which medicine is for people with a toothache?
【小题2】People with _______ should not take medicine II.
A.a toothache B.a cold
C.a headache D.a stomachache
【小题3】Medicine I should not be taken more than 6 pills in _____________.
A.6 hours B.8 hours
C.24 hours D.12 hours
【小题4】If a girl is 7 years old, she should take _____ pills of medicine IV a day.
A.5 B.8 C.10 D.20
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.None of them are good for children under 6.
B.Three kinds of the medicine should be taken 3 times a day.
C.Three kinds of the medicine should be taken before sleep.
D.None is for a cold.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

The Internet, mobile phones and Ipads are part of our lives now. Technology is greatly affecting all ways of our lives, from the ways we work to the ways we play. And it even causes a number of social problems such as cloning humans.
We have had lots of technology and it has changed our lives a lot. There is no doubt that humans will continue to use more and more technology. Here are some examples of modern technology that will change our ideas and will affect our lives greatly.
Global positioning system(GPS)(全球定位系统)
It’s a system that uses radio signals from satellites to show exact(精确的) information. It tells you where the user is on the earth in all weather conditions. It’s made up of three parts:satellites, control equipments(设备) on land and receivers.
Space Technology
Russian and American scientists have worked together for the international Space Station(ISS) for a long time. They hope the ISS will provide a long-lasting lab. Such a lab will bring humans limitless(无限的) advantages. It’s even hoped that one day spare technology will take humans to their new houses in space.
Underwater Robot
Hercules is a kind of underwater robot with some high technology equipments. It will be used to search for ancient ships which were destroyed into the deep sea during their journey long ago.
The world is changing so quickly that it’s hard for us to catch up with all the new inventions because they seem to come out every month. It’s important for us to learn about new technology and the role that it plays in our lives. So we should be willing to accept modern technology, or we will fall behind the times.
【小题1】_______ can tell you where the user is on the earth exactly.

C.Global Positioning System
D.Underwater Robot
【小题2】According to the passage, which is NOT true about the ISS?
A.It has carried people to other planets.
B.It will provide a long-lasting lab for us.
C.Russian and American are working for it.
D.Humans will get a lot of advantages from it.
【小题3】Hercules is used to _______.
A.save lives in the sea
B.take picture in the sea
C.repair the broken ships
D.look for the ancient ships in the sea
【小题4】From the passage, we know that _______.
A.the use of GPS is affected by the weather conditions
B.it’s very important for us to learn about new technology
C.it’s easy for us to catch up with all the new inventions
D.technology brings us many advantages such as cloning humans
【小题5】What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To help us study some new technology.
B.To tell us technology is changing the world.
C.To help solve the problems that technology causes.
D.To remind us the advantages of technology are limitless.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Name: Sara
Age: 14
Class: Junior 3
Student’s progress report: My exam results are good in all subjects and I am very pleased about this because I did a lot of revision. My best results were in my favourite subjects, physics and chemistry, I know I am good at them and I enjoy doing scientific experiments.
Teacher’s report: Sara is an intelligent, hardworking student with an excellent attitude(态度) to her school work. She is quite shy and should be encouraged to join school clubs and after school activities.
Name: Steve
Age: 15
Class: Junior 3
Student’s progress report: I am happy because my exam results are a lot better than they were last term. I love computers and computer games and my best grades were in Information Technology. I would love to be a computer programmer but I don’t know if I’m clever enough. But I would like to do work with computers. The other thing I’m really interested in is languages. I enjoy learning English and find translation quite easy.
Teacher’s report: Steve is a lively and popular student who has made much progress this term. However, he needs to be more serious and organized if he wants to become a computer programmer. He should get good results in math. Steve’s English has improved a lot. Perhaps he should consider becoming an English teacher.
【小题1】Sara enjoys ___________.
A.playing computer games.
B.doing scientific experiments
C.learning English
D.flying a kite
【小题2】The teacher thinks Steve needs to ___________.
A.improve his mathB.learn English better
C.play more computer gamesD.eat more vegetables
【小题3】Which of the following activities is the most suitable to improve Sara?
A.Playing computer games.B.Watching TV.
C.Playing basketball.D.Sleeping more.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

If the rose can be said to be a special flower, then the apple can be said to be a special fruit. It is very important in American culture. American stories speak of Johnny Appleseed, who went throughout America collecting apple seeds and planting apple trees. He had a great love for nature and went through fields and farms adding richness and beauty to the country.
One of the first sayings taught to school children is, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This short saying encourages children to eat fresh fruit to keep healthy. If someone always says good words to a person, people will call him an “apple polisher”. This, however, is not a good name. If someone is very dear to us, we say that he or she is the “apple of our eye”.
Most people believe that the fruit which Eve gave to Adam was an apple, even though the Bible(圣经) never says so. The apple, therefore, is a deep part of the language and stories of America.
An apple is also delicious. Apples can be cooked in many ways, used as a dessert, and made into sweet juice.
In many parts of the country during the harvest season, a popular activity is to go into an apple garden to pick apples. Washington, D. C. and New York are both famous for
their apples.
Finally, when it’s time to take a vacation to American cities, one can always visit New York, which is “the biggest apple” of all the American cities.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “apple polisher” mean?

A.Something for cutting apples.
B.A person who likes to please others.
C.A person who is dealing with fruits.
D.A machine for cleaning apples quickly.
【小题2】“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a proverb about ____________.
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE with apples?
A.Apples are medicine.
B.Apples are the most important food.
C.New York is famous for its big apples.
D.The Bible says Adam was given an apple.
【小题4】The passage is mainly about___________.
A.stories about the apple
B.apples in American culture
C.some famous sayings of the apple
D.big cities that is famous for apples


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


【小题1】Drink eight cups of water every day.
A. Breakfast gives you energy for the morning.
【小题2】 Go for a walk.
B. Every year, seat belts save thousands of lives.
【小题3】Eat breakfast every day.
C. Water helps your body in many ways.
【小题4】Wear a seat belt.
D. Walking is good exercise, and exercise is necessary for good health.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When we say the way of life. it means culture. It is the way people do things, for example, culture of eating. Festivals and holidays are also part of culture. Let’s have a look at the American way of life.
Fast food
Fast food is so popular in America. Every street in America has a fast food restaurant. You can find McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, Papa Johns, Pizza Hut, Dominoes, 1Hop, Dennys and so on. McDonald’s is the most popular place to go to.
Americans shake hands with each other when they are first introduced or when they meet again. Social kissing with a hug is also common between men and women who know each other well and among women. American men hardly hug or kiss each other.
A family here includes a pet. Most families have a dog. It is a good friend in the house and it is part of the family. For some, it is even considered as one of their children.
Americans love sports. Soccer, baseball and basketball are the most famous sports here. Most of them like wrestling too, if you would consider that a sport.
【小题1】How many names of fast food restaurants can you find from the passage?

【小题2】From the third paragraph, we call know that in America__________.
A.hugs are common between men
B.people usually shake hands when they say goodbye
C.men and women who know each other well may kiss
D.children usually hug each other when they first meet
【小题3】What does the underlined word "includes" mean in Chinese?
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Most American families like to keep a cat as their pet.
B.Holidays aren’t part of American way of life
C.If Bob meets Tom for the first time in American, they should hug.
D.The writer talks about the American way of life from four aspects(方面)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Do you want to be in good health?Try to do the following things!You can become stronger.
Drink eight cups of water every day. Water helps your body in many ways. If you feel thirsty,just have a cup of water.
Don’t forget to eat your breakfast. Breakfast gives you everything your body needs for the morning,so do not forget your breakfast.
Get enough calcium(钙). Your bones need it. Milk has more calcium. You may also drink orange juice with calcium in it.
Go for a walk every day after meals. Walking is good exercise,and people need exercise for good health. It’s better to walk after meals.
Stretch for five minutes after sitting for one or two hours. Stretching your arms and legs is good for your body.
Use your brain every day. For example,you can do crossword puzzles or read a new book..
Have a rest about twenty minutes when you are tired. You may do something different to have a break. For example,get up and walk. Or sit down to listen to music.
【小题1】How many things does this passage mention for you to do if you want to keep healthy?

【小题2】Which meal can provide what your body needs for the morning?
【小题3】It’s better to take a walk after meals,isn’t it?
A.No, it isn’t.B.Yes, t is.
C.No, it doesn’t.D.Yes, it was.
【小题4】What does the word “stretch”mean in Chinese?
【小题5】What is the best title of this passage?
A.It’s Important to Keep Healthy
B.Ways to Keep Healthy
C.Why People Do Exercise
D.Take Care of Yourself


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:写作题

每个同学在学校都有自己喜爱的学科,有的喜欢语文,有的喜欢数学,有的喜欢英语,请你根据下面的提示以“My favourite subject” 为题,写一篇短文介绍一下你最喜爱的学科。
提示词:⑴What is your favourite subject?
⑵Why do you like it?
⑶What can you learn from it?
My favourite subject
My favourite subject is


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题


