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Old Tom had a small house at the foot of the hill. It was under a big tall tree. This was an old house. The front wall of it was not really a wall, but a big plastic window. The back wall was the trunk of the big tree. Behind the house there was a clear river. There were many ducks in the river.

Old Tom was an old man. He had many friends. His friends were little animals. They were cats, dogs, cocks, hens and ducks.

1Where was old Tom's small house? It was ________. ( )

Abehind a clear river

Bon the hill

Cunder a big tree

Dbehind the big tree

2The back wall of the old house was ________. ( )

Aa big picture

Ba plastic window

Cthe stone

Dthe trunk of the big tree

3This old house had ________ walls. ( )





4There were ________ in the river. ( )

Aclear water

Bmany ducks

Cmany little animals

Dmany hens and cocks

5Old Tom ( )

Alived with the animals all the time

Bliked animals very much

Coften ate little animals

Dwas not an old man



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tom is a five-year-old boy. He likes chocolates (巧克力) very much. (89)But his mother doesn’t think they are good for his health. So she doesn’t usually buy them for Tom. Tom has a nice grandfather. The old man doesn’t live with them. He loves Tom very much. He usually comes to see Tom on weekends. And he often buys some chocolates when he comes. Then Tom’s mother lets him eat it, because she wants to make her father happy.
Tom’s birthday is on Saturday. On Friday evening, Tom says to his mother, “Oh, I’m very happy today.”
“Why?” asks his mother.
“Because tomorrow is my birthday, and I can get chocolates,” says Tom, “Please God, (90)give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.
“Ha! God can’t hear you. Don’t shout (喊)!” says Tom’s mother.
“I know,” says the boy with a smile, “but my grandfather is in the next room, and he can.”
1. When does Tom’s grandfather usually see Tom?
2. Why is Tom happy on Friday evening?
3. Can Tom get a box of chocolates on his birthday?


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省宿迁市初二上学期期末考试英语卷 题型:其他题


Tom is a five-year-old boy. He likes chocolates (巧克力) very much. (89)But his mother doesn’t think they are good for his health. So she doesn’t usually buy them for Tom. Tom has a nice grandfather. The old man doesn’t live with them. He loves Tom very much. He usually comes to see Tom on weekends. And he often buys some chocolates when he comes. Then Tom’s mother lets him eat it, because she wants to make her father happy.

Tom’s birthday is on Saturday. On Friday evening, Tom says to his mother, “Oh, I’m very happy today.”

“Why?” asks his mother.

“Because tomorrow is my birthday, and I can get chocolates,” says Tom, “Please God, (90)give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.

“Ha! God can’t hear you. Don’t shout (喊)!” says Tom’s mother.

“I know,” says the boy with a smile, “but my grandfather is in the next room, and he can.”


1. When does Tom’s grandfather usually see Tom?


2. Why is Tom happy on Friday evening?


3. Can Tom get a box of chocolates on his birthday?







科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Mike: Hello, Tom. What's that?
Tom: It's an old photo of my family.
Mike: Is this man your father, Tom?
Tom: Yes, he's my father. He's a worker. Now, look at this woman. She's my mother.
Mike: Is she a worker, too?
Tom: No, she's a teacher. She teaches Chinese.
Mike: Who's this little girl? Is she your sister?
Tom: Yes. She's in Grade Two. Her classroom is next to(紧靠) ours.
Mike: How old is she?
Tom: She's fourteen.
Mike: Who's this little boy? Is he your little brother?
Tom: No, ha, ha, it's me.
1. What's that?
    __________ __________ __________ __________ of Tom's family.
2. What is Tom's father?
    He is __________ __________.
3. What is Tom's mother?
    She is __________ __________.
4. How old is the little girl?
    She __________ __________.
5. Is Tom the boy in the photo?
    __________, he __________.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Tom is a five-year-old boy.He likes chocolates(巧克力)very much.(4)But his mother doesn't think they are good for his health.So she doesn't usually buy them for Tom.Tom has a nice grandfather.The old man doesn't live with them.He loves Tom very much.He usually comes to sec Tom on weekends.And he often buys some chocolates when he comes.Then Tom's mother lets him eat it,because she wants to make her father happy.

Tom's birthday is on Saturday.On Friday evening,Tom says to his mother,“Oh,I'm very happy today.”

“Why?” asks his mother.

“Because tomorrow is my birthday,and I can get chocolates,” says Tom,“Please God,(5give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday

“Ha! God can't hear you.Don't shout(喊)!” says Tom’s mother.

“I know,” says the boy with a smile,“but my grandfather is in the next room,and he can.”


1.When does Tom's grandfather usually see Tom?


2.Why is Tom happy on Friday evening?


3.Can Tom get a box of chocolates on his birthday?





