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The chairperson received about three ______ applications to join the Bird watching Club.

A. hundred                    B. hundreds of        C. hundred of     D. hundreds


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 -Happy birthday to you.


A. Thank you. B. The same to you.

C. Happy birthday to you, too.

D. That's great.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  "Green" is more than just a color.It also means taking special steps to protect the environment — the water,the land,and the air we breathe.What can you do? Here's one of the guides to being green:

  Sometimes people call our society a "throwaway society".That means that we're a little willing to throw away old things and buy new things.Many times,even if you no longer need something,someone else just might.For example,if your baby brother doesn't want his plastic basketball hoop(篮筐),why not give it to another family who has a little kid?

  Here are some other ways to reuse the things you have:

  Use rechargeable(可再充电的) batteries for your laptops,MP3 players,cell phones,and digital cameras.

  Choose reusable travel cups instead of disposable(一次性的) paper or plastic cups.

  Take your own bags when you go to the grocery store.

  Drink tap water instead of buying bottled water.If you don't like how your tap water tastes,a low-cost filtration(过滤) system could make a difference.Get a reusable water bottle so you can take it with you.

  Organize an exchange among your friends.What can you exchange? Books,toys,even clothes.It's a way for everyone to get something new without spending any money and without throwing lots of things away.


  1.Green is not only a color but also means _______.

  2.If your brother doesn't want his plastic basketball hoop,you can _______.

  3.You should _______ instead of disposable paper or plastic cups.

  4.You can exchange _______ with your friends.

  5.The article mainly tells us _______.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

______it take you to walk from your home to your office?

A. How long is B. How long does

C. How many time does D. How many hours are


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 In order to find ______ better job, she planned to learn ______ second foreign language.

A. the; a         B. a; a               C. the; the              D. a; the


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

We haven’t discussed ______ yet .

A. where we are going to put our new table

B. where are we going to put our new table

C. what we are going to put our new table

D. what are we going to put our new table


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

TOKYO, JAPAN--What do you do when you see a cockroach (蟑螂)? Do you hit it with a newspaper? Do you step on it?

When researchers at Tokyo University see a cockroach, they take the remote control and make the cockroach turn around, run left or right, or go forward. These scientists are changing the cockroaches into robots. Each cockroach has a very small pack that has in it a microprocessor(微处理器).Then researchers can send signals from the remote control to the pack. The signals control the movements of the cockroaches.

Why does anyone want to control a cockroach? “Insects can do many things that people can’t,” says Isao Shimoyama, head of robot research at Tokyo University. In a few years, he says, these robot insects will carry very small cameras. They will be able to move through earthquake rubble(瓦砾)to look for people or move under doors to find information about someone.

This may seem strange, but the Japanese government thinks the research is very important. The government is giving the scientists $ 5 million for this research.

First, the researchers breed (培育)hundreds of cockroaches. They use only the American cockroach because it is bigger and stronger than other cockroaches. Then they choose the best cockroaches and remove their wings and antennae(触须). They put small packs where the antennae were. The packs weigh about three grams, or about two times the weight of the cockroaches themselves. “Cockroaches are very strong,” says Ralph Holzer, who is a researcher at Tokyo University. “They can lift 20 times their own weight. ”

With a remote control, the scientists send signals to the packs. When a cockroach gets the signal, it moves. The problem is that the cockroaches don71 always move in the right direction.

1. The scientists are changing the cockroaches into robots because ______.

A. they want cockroaches to do things people can’t in the future

B. they want to control the movements of the cockroaches

C. they want cockroaches to take photos of the earthquakes

D. they want to send signals to the packs on the cockroaches

2. What can cockroaches do to help people?

A. They can lift 20 times their own weight.

B. They can help people to carry very small cameras.

C. They can breed hundreds of cockroaches.

D. They can search for those people in rubble after an earthquake.

3. Scientists control cockroaches’ movements ______.

A.by removing their wings          B. by sending signals from the remote control

C. by using very small cameras      D. by removing their antennae

4. What problem do the rcscarchcrs meet with?

A. The cockroachcs sometimes clon;t move.

B. The cockroachcs sometimes move in ihc wrong direction.

C. The cockroachcs arc too big to move through earthquake rubble.

D. The cockroachcs can only lift 20 times their own weight.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

--What are you going to do ________ Sunday morning  ---I’m going to fly kites      _______the park.

 A. in; in      B. on; in      C. at; on      D. in; at


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Everybody wants to learn English well but many find it not easy . They can ___1____ three hours on English every day, but ___2____ they get is not the same. I have been studying English for many years. I am very glad to share my ____3___ with you.

I like English . Only when you want to do something can you do it ___4____ . Eight years ago, my English teacher took me into the English ___5___ . I feel ___6____ because I met a good teacher . Her teaching style was great and we were ___7____ and excited in classes. So I can say , when I first met English , it __8___ me very much.

For some students, to remember the new words is the biggest ___9___ , because the words are ___10___ than those I learned before . In fact, words come along with sentences. Of course, it is necessary that you should ___11___ them now and then, or you will forget them easily . When ___12__ English books, I always write some special and important phrases down on the notebook so that I can find them when I ___13__ . If you want to study English __14__ than others , you must study harder than others, and you must spend more time. Don’t be __15__ .

We still have so much to learn about English. It is endless.

( ) 1. A. spend B. use C. take D. study

( ) 2. A. how B. where C. what D. when

( ) 3. A. enjoyment B. solution C. secret D. expensive

( ) 4. A. slowly B. well C. carefully D. badly

( ) 5. A. world B. countries C. books D. class

( ) 6. A. lucky B. frustrated C. excited D. unhappy

( ) 7. A. noisy B. active C. tired D. nervous

( ) 8. A. troubled B. interested C. helped D. liked

( ) 9. A. success B. hobby C. problem D. task

( )10. A. more boring B. shorter C. more difficult D. easier

( ) 11. A. copy B. memorize C. write D. read

( ) 12. A. buying B. borrowing C. writing D. reading

( ) 13. A. study B. speak C. build D. review

( ) 14. A. quicker B. deeper C. better D. easier

( ) 15. A. late B. nervous C. afraid D. lazy

