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A smile will tell people around you that you are a kind and friendly person. However,many people don't smile because they think they have ugly teeth. For example,one of my classmates,Mile,doesn't have very nice teeth,and that is why he seldom opens his mouth. He even says that he has lost confidence because of his teeth. So it is very important for us to look after our teeth. In fact,a lot of people have tooth problems. Some people inherit teeth problems from their parents,while others' teeth are damaged because of bad habits,like heavy smoking,eating too much sugar or not brushing teeth often. If your teeth are in bad shape,you should see a dentist and ask for help. They can help improve your teeth and tell you how to take care of them.

Smiling can help you to feel more confident and make other people think of you as a more friendly person. If you want to keep healthy,you should not only smile but also laugh. An Indian doctor called Kataria said that young children should laugh about 300 times a day,while adults should laugh between 7and 15 times a day. So please take this chance to smile and laugh now !

(   ) 1. What has made Mike lose his confidence?

   A. His bad habit. B. His bad teeth.

   C. Not smiling. D. Eating too much sugar.

(   ) 2. Many people don't smile because         .

   A. they don't like smiling

   B. they think they are ugly

   C. their teeth are not beautiful

   D. they can't open their mouths

(   ) 3. What can a dentist do according to the passage?

   A. A dentist can tell you how to improve your bad teeth.

   B. A dentist can help you to take care of your bad teeth.

   C. A dentist can tell you how to brush your teeth.

   D. Both A and   B.

(   ) 4. If you want to keep healthy,you had better        .

   A. not smile often

   B. laugh all the time

   C. neither smile nor laugh

   D. smile and even laugh often

(   ) 5. How many times should a child laugh every day in doctor Kataria's opinion?

   A. Either 300 or 30  times a day.

   B. Between 7 and 15  times a day.

   C. Around 300 times a day.

   D. Only 30 times a day.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Cecillia Cheung (张柏芝) is wellknown in Hong Kong and mainland for her good look,but now she is not just f 1       because she is pretty. She won great population also because of her e 2       and perfect acting. The beautiful Hong Kong actress was n 3       Best Actress at the 2004 Hong Kong Film Awards on April 4. She is very skillful in her acting and brings many characters lively to the cinema. Some directors said that she was b 4       to act. She can show feelings very well. Once she told a reporter, "I know myself better than anyone e 5       does. And if I feel Fve done the right thing,then I am OK."Cheung likes to be herself. "I hate t 6       lies. I want to stay happy and not to get too tired of work. To have a good body and mind is a 7       first," she said.

In 2003,her film Lost in Time was a great success. That opened a wider market for her career. Now she is very e 8       in acting and is able to start many different characters. She doesn't want to fix herself in a single model. She has tried d 9       acting styles. We hope to see her act in more films in the c 10       days.

1,f         2. e        3. n       4.b        5. e      

6. t      7. a       8. e       9. d          10. c



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

There is an old saying;Early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise. It m 1       that we should go to bed early and get up early the next morning. By doing this,we will be in good h 2         And we'll also be rich and c 3       It's true that our b 4       need to have enough sleep to be healthy. Children should have a tenhour sleep e 5       night. Those who do not have enough sleep can't do their work very w 6         . They will not be clever,and they may not get wealthy in the future.

The body needs e 7       as well. Walking,running,jumping,riding bikes and p 8       games are all exercises. Exercise helps to k 9       the body strong and fit. It also helps the blood (AiA) to move around inside the body. The blood takes food to all parts of the body. The head n 10       blood,too. So exercise helps people think better.

1. m          2. h         3. c          4. b       5. e         

6. w       7. e       8.  p       9. k       10. n       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

This is not a diet. It's a simple way to lose weight. And you don't even have to give up the food you love or join a gym. You just follow some habits that thin people have. Keep them,and you* 11 become thin.

(1) Wakeup When you wake up in the morning,sit up slowly without using your hands. With legs straight out,bend (弯曲) forward until you feel sore in your back. It will burn about 10 calories (热量单位,卡路里) .

(2) Start with Soup When you have a meal,order a clear soup,and have it before having the main food. In this way,you'll feel fuller,so you'll eat less when the main food comes.

(3) An Apple (or More) a Day Apples are full of fiber (纤维) and water,so your stomach will want less. The study snows that people who eat at least three apples a day lose weight.

(4) Stand Up and Walk Around Every time you use the mobile phone,stand up and walk around. Heavy people sit on tverage (平均) two and a half hours more each day than thin people.  This skill is very nportant as standing up and walking around will burn 50 or more calories. Use these skills,and you will have a big weight loss.

(   ) 6. What should we have first if we want to eat less main food?

   A. Soup. B. Ice cream. C. Salad. D. Cheese.

(   ) 7. Why does eating apples make one's stomach want less food?

   A. Because apples are delicious.

   B. Because apples are full of fiber and water.

   C. Because apples are sour.

   D. Because only apples are filled with calories.

) 8. Which of the following may the author DISAGREE?

   A. Sitting up slowly without using your hands helps burn calories.

   B. Eating apples every day is good for people's health.

   C. You have to join a gym if you want to lose weight.


   D. It's good to walk around while talking on the mobile phone.

(   ) 9. What's the purpose of the passage?

   A. To give some advice on how to lose weight.

   B. To advise people to eat apples every day.

   C. To tell people how to enjoy a better life.

   D. To advise people to give up bad habits.

(   ) 10. In which part of a newspaper would you most probably read the passage?

A. Shopping. B. Teaching. C. Family. D. Health.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Different countries have different customs. When you travel to other countries,please follow their customs,just as the saying goes, "         .”

Very often people who travel to the United States forget to tip (付小费) .It is usual to tip porters who help carry your bags,taxi drivers and waiters. Waiters expect to get a 15% tip on the cost of your meal. Taxi drivers expect about the same amount.

In England,make sure to stand in line even if there are only two of you. It's important to respect lines there. It's a good idea to talk about the weather. It's a favorite subject of conversation with the British.

In Spain,it's a good idea to have a light meal in the afternoon if someone invites you for dinner. People have dinner very late,and restaurants do not generally open until after 9 pm.

In Arab countries,men kiss one another on the cheek (脸颊) .Your host may welcome you with a kiss on both cheeks. It is polite for you to do the same.

In Japan,people usually give personal or business cards to each other when they meet for the first time. When a person gives you a card,don't put it into your pocket right away. The person expects you to read it.

Don't forget to be careful of your body language to express something in conversation. A kind of body language that is acceptable in one culture may be impolite in another.

(   ) 11. When you travel to the USA. you don't need to tip         .

   A. porters   B. waiters   C. book sellers   D. taxi drivers

(   ) 12. The missing sentence in the first paragraph should be "         .”

   A. Love me,love my dog

   B. He who laughs last laughs best

   C. When in Rome,do as the Romans do

   D. Where there is a will,there is a way

(   ) 13. The underline word "porters" in the passage means       .

A. 搬运工   B. 清洁工

   C. 接线员   D. 售票员

(   ) 14. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A. In Spain,people usually have dinner very early.

   B. In England,it's not polite to talk about the weather.

   C. In Arab countries,men kiss one another on the cheek.

   D. In Japan,you should not read the business card as soon as you get it.

(   ) 15. What's the best title for the passage?

   A. How to Tip

   B. Body Language

   C. When to Have Dinner

   D. Advice to International Travelers


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Many people buy a lot of gifts just before Christmas. But some people think we buy too much. They have started a special day called Buy Nothing Day. They don't want anyone to go shopping on that day.

Buy Nothing Day is November 29.        It's 25       days before Christmas. It's after Thanksgiving and often the first day of Christmas shopping. At this time we see ads in newspapers and on TV telling us to "buy,buy,buy" !

The idea for Buy Nothing Day started in Vancouver,British Columbia. Now people all over the world celebrate Buy Nothing Day. In California,parents and children get together to read stories,sing songs and paint pictures. The children talk about why they don't need a lot of toys. This year,in Manchester,England,people dressed up in costumes (盛装打扮) to tell other people that we buy too much.

In New Mexico,high school students wanted to tell other students about Buy Nothing Day. They held a special dinner for it. They asked restaurants nearby to donate the food. The dinner was a big success,and many students agreed not to buy anything on November

29.        The students at the high school liked the idea of this new tradition (传统) .Next year,they want to have another dinner to tell more people about Buy Nothing Day.

(   ) 1. Some people have Buy Nothing Day before Christmas because at this time ―         .

   A. most people usually do a lot of shopping

   B. people want to save more money

   C. people want to have more free time

   D. people aren't allowed (允许) to buy things

(   ) 2. Buy Nothing Day is         .

   A. before Thanksgiving   B. December 29

   C. the first day of Christmas   D. 25 days before Christmas

(   ) 3. What do NOT parents and children in California do on Buy Nothing Day?

   A. Read stories. B. Sing songs.

   C. Paint pictures. D. Buy toys.

(   ) 4. The underlined word "donate" in the fourth paragraph probably means "         ”.

   A. sell out   B. give away

   C. eat up   D. go on

(   ) 5. What do the high school students in New Mexico think of Buy Nothing Day?

A. Good. B. Traditional.

   C. Strange. D. Boring.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Many young people want to be pop stars. Pop stars are rich. Many people think they are leading a happy and easy life. In fact,they have very hard lives. They spend much of their time on travel. Sometimes the travel is interesting,but in most time it is boring to pop stars. The following chart is a day's life of a pop star.

Feb. 10, 2007


Woke up and had breakfast   in the hotel, packed bags. Took taxi to airport.

7: 30

Plane took off half an   hour later than usual for the bad weather.

8: 30

Plane landed. Waited for   luggage for half an hour. Signed for fans at the airport.

9: 45

Arrived at the hotel and   had a short rest.


Started out to attend the   meeting with fans and gave an interview to the local reporters.


Went to radio station to   attend the live show.

12: 00

Had lunch with local   producer.

13: 00

Went to theatre and prepared for the night's show. The lighting of the   theatre was good, but the band did poorly.

17: 00

Back to hotel. Tried to   have a rest. Still worried about the band.


Had supper, but ate   little.

18: 30

Went to theatre again and   got ready for show.


Sang very well, and   audience gave a warm welcome. The band improved a little.


Show was over. Very tired   from it.


Back to hotel. Took a   bath. Too excited to sleep, so watched TV.


Fell asleep, with TV on.

(   ) 6. According to the chart,the pop star was a         .

   A. singer   B. dancer   C. player   D. pianist.

(   ) 7. According to his plan,his plane should have taken off at .

   A. 6:30   B. 7: 00   C. 7: 30   D. 8: 00

(   ) 8. How long did he spend on his way to the place for his performance?

   A. One hour.

   B. Two hours.

   C. Four hours and three quarters.

   D. One hour and a quarter.

(   ) 9. At the radio station,the pop star         .

   A. showed fans how to become famous

   B. gave a performance on the air

   C. met fans and signed for them

   D. told people how he lived his life

(   ) 10. From this passage we get to know that         .

   A. not all people like pop stars

   B. pop stars have their own bands

   C. fans are troublesome for pop stars

   D. to be a pop star is not all fun 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Kate Smith walks along a road on St. John, an island(岛屿)in theUS. She asks her mum to give her the next clue (线索).

Looking at the piece of paper in her hand , her mum reads out loud , " Walk along the road. Pass the mammee apple tree on your right. Get to the high ground and find the cacao tree."

After a few minutes, they're in front of the cacao tree and reading the last of the clues, "Keep your back to the tree and take four steps off the road."

After taking four steps, Kate looks down at an old stone(;石头)wall. Digging() in carefully, she calls out, "There it is!" It is a plastic(塑料的)box in a plastic bag.

The Smiths are letterboxing , a fun outdoor activity that sends people to different places to look for letterboxes. " Letterbox" is the word used for a mailbox inEngland. The letterboxing game probably first started in the 1850s, when an Englishman left cards in a bottle(瓶子)with a note. He invited others to do the same. Soon people began leaving messages or letters for other people to find. Modern letterboxes are not bottles but plastic boxes. 

(       )1. What are the Smiths doing?

A. Taking a walk.                                           B. Playing a game.

C. Sending a letter.                                         D. Learning about trees.

(       )2. When does the family read the last clue?

A.     After passing the mammee tree.

B.     After finding the old stone wall.

C.     When standing in front of the cacao tree.

D.     When taking four steps off the road.

(       )3. Where does Kate find the plastic box in the end?

A. Under the bed.                                           B. Under the cacao tree.

C. Four steps from the tree.                          D. In the old stone wall.

(       )4. What did the people use to play the letterboxing game in the past?

A. Stones.                                                        B. Cards.

C. Plastic bags.                                               D. Mailboxes.

(       )5. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. People do letterboxing inside their houses.

       B.     The Smiths are on vacation on St. John in theUS.

C.     An American started the letterboxing game in the 1850s.

D.     People will take away the boxes that they find in the game.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Happiness is important for everyone. Most people want to be happy,but few know how to find happiness. Money and success don't bring lasting happiness. Happiness depends on ourselves. In other words,we make our own happiness.

Some people believe that if they are wealthy,they will be able to do anything they want,which means happiness. On the other hand,some people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness. In this way,you have not only money,but also many other things which can't be bought by money. However,other people believe that having lots of money is not happiness,nor is holding a high position in the government. These people value (重视) their beliefs,or their intelligence,or their health. They think these can make them happy.

Here are a few ways to help you be happier.

The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often,we spend so much time thinking about the future,for example,getting into college or getting a good job,that we don't enjoy the present. You should enjoy life's simple pleasures,such as reading a good book,listening to your favorite music,or spending time with close friends. People who have close friends usually enjoy happier and healthier lives.

The second secret of happiness is to be active. Many people go dancing or play sports. People can forget their problems and only think about the activities.

Finally,many people find happiness in helping others. According to studies,people feel good when they volunteer their time to do many meaningful things for other people. If you want to feel happier,do something nice for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies,go shopping to get food for an old neighbor,or simply help around the house.

Now maybe you know how to find happiness !

(   ) 11. The underlined word "wealthy" means "         ” in the article.

   A. pleased   B. healthy   C. excited   D. rich

(   ) 12. Some people who hold a high position in the government think they can       .

   A. get money and something they can't buy with money

   B. do what they want to do at any time

   C. enjoy health which makes them work hard

   D. take an active part in all kinds of activities every day

(   ) 13. The writer thinks the secret of happiness is that people         .

   A. think about getting a good job

   B. think of presents they don't like

   C. often spend time with close friends

   D. often spend time on entering the college

(   ) 14. Many people find it happy to         .

   A. remember the old days and troubles

   B. do some meaningful things for others

   C. go shopping to buy some food

   D. make much money and little success

(   ) 15. The passage mainly tells us         .

   A. how to find happiness

   B. how to save happiness

   C. to do something good for others

   D. to value our beliefs or health

