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— Have a nice weekend!

—_________.  The same to you.

A. Thank you          B. That's OK          C. No, problem         D. You're joking


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Sally 喜欢收集新闻图片,因为她知道每一幅图片的背后都蕴藏着一个故事。你知道以下四幅图片背后的故事吗?请把A、B、C、D四则简要新闻故事与1~4的新闻图片配对。

1.            2.

3.    4.



三.On top of the world
On May 8, the Olympic flame(火焰)was lit on the top of Mount Qomolangma! It was a historic moment for China.

四.We’ll beat this

五.Soldiers and policemen have been sent into Sichuan soon after the 8.0 earthquake. They are helping there.



八.A youthful president

九.At the age of 42, he became the youngest president of modern Russia.

十.Making friends at last

十一.“Getting to know each other better is the basis (基础) of friendship and should be started with youth exchanges,” said President Hu Jintao during his five-day “warm-spring” trip to Japan.

5. 新闻每天发生,视角各有不同。请以你的视角为下面这幅校园新闻图片写一个标题。  


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Today is Sunday. Tom, I would like to take you to the park.

B: Can I come, too?

A: Oh no, Mary, you can't go. You must look after(照顾)your sister. And your mother is at work. B: I can take my sister to the park, too. She can play games with the other children. A: OK. Go to your bedroom and put on(穿上)the new dress in the box.

B: OK.

A: It's about nine o'clock. Let's go.

B: All right, let's go.


1.It's Sunday today.

2.They want to go to the park.

3.Tom's mother is at school.

4.They go to the park at about nine.

5.Tom goes to his bedroom and puts on the new coat in the box.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

当询问物体的色彩时,你可以说:        ?
A. What’s this              B. What color is it     C. What’s your name 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

— What's the date today?      —_________.

A. It's sunny           B. It's June 14th        C. It's 9 o'clock         D. It's Saturday


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 — Excuse me.  Do you know how to spell the word "/delm/"?

—  Sure._________.

A. d-a-m, dam           B. d-a-m-e, dame     C. d-o-m, dora     D. d-o-m-e, dome


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Gloria arrived in Barbados on 26 January, 2008 after rowing * across the Atlantic for three months and a half. Gloria was in one of 36 small wooden rowing boats that set off on 7 October, 2007 from Tenerife Island on the Atlantic Rowing Challenge Race*. Each boat was exactly the same design and each one had food for the journey *. There were two people in each boat and their challenge was to row across the Atlantic, a journey of about 3 ,360 kilometres.

Gloria began the journey with her husband in a small boat. However, after 14 days he became very afraid of the huge ocean and was

not able to go on, so he left her with the help of a helping boat. This did not make Gloria give up. Instead, she decided that she would continue by herself. So, for the next hundred days, she rowed her small boat alone and fought against the waves and the winds, and her own fears.

When she finally arrived in Barbados, Gloria was not willing to leave her boat although her husband and family were there to greet her. She sat so long in the boat that she could hardly stand, her husband had to carry her off the boat. After that, the first thing she did was to drink a toast * to her small boat, the very special lady. This lady carried her safely through many storms on her long journey and she loved it.

Gloria is really a brave woman. She has become the tenth woman in the world to row across the Atlantic. Like the others, she has experienced great joys and terrible things. But a brave person is not always brave, "Sometimes I wanted more than anything to be warm and dry in bed and safe from the storm around me. I wanted to stop being brave," she said.

1. When did Gloria's husband leave her? It was_________.

A. on 7 October, 2007 B. on 26 January, 2008

C. on 21 October, 2007 D. on 12 January, 2008

2. When she reached Barbados, _________.

A. Gloria thanked her husband B. Gloria felt sad to leave her boat

C. Gloria jumped off her boat quickly D. everyone drank a toast to Gloria

3. What does "the very special lady" mean?_________.

A. Gloria's boat B. Gloria's mother

C. Gloria herself D. Gloria's motherland

4. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the sentence "A brave person is not always brave. " ?__________.

A. She was not willing to leave her boat, her close friend

B. Her husband became very afraid of the huge ocean and left her

C. She fought against the big waves and strong winds, and her own fears

D. Sometimes she wanted to be warm and dry and to stop being brave

5. Why does the writer think that Gloria is really brave? Because_________.

A. she got to Barbados successfully with her husband

B. she took part in the Atlantic Rowing Challenge Race

C. she arrived at Barbados after rowing 3,360 kilometres

D. she didn't need her husband at all during the journey


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 It’s going to rain. You’d better      .

A. take a raincoat          B. to take a raincoat             C. not take a raincoat


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1.          (stay) up late is bad for your health.

2.I read an article about         (smoke) in Ren’ai English Post.

3.My father should give up          (drink) coffee at night.

4.Don’t          (throw) litter about.

5.The baby is keeping         (cry), can you stop him?

