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Manuel came home crying. The children had called him "Fatso" again,and he hated it. He sat down,and looked very sad. "Don't worry. F m  fat too," said his mother. "But it's me they call Fatso," Manuel cried. His mother felt very sorry for him. "All right then," she said. " We're both too fat. Let's go on a diet together."

It would not be easy. They both loved bread,cakes,potatoes and chips. To diet,they had to eat salads. The first day was fun,but by nighttime,they felt very hungry. "We won't think about food. Let's think about airplanes," said his mother.

"But I keep seeing chocolate in my mind," Manuel answered. The second day was hard,for they both kept thinking about cream cakes. The third was worse. By now they both wanted to give up. "No,no, we must be strong," said Manuel's mother.

Somehow,they kept on dieting for three weeks,and lost a lot of fat. They liked their new bodies so much they kept going until they were really slim. After a few months,Manuel enjoyed eating fruit or nuts instead of sweets. Nobody called him Fatso any more. Some were calling him Spider Legs―and he loved it.

(   ) 1. It's clear that the word "diet" in the passage is about         .

   A. one's bad name   B. food for each day

   C. flying in the sky   D. cooking at home

(   ) 2. Manuel and his mother kept thinking about cream cakes because .

   A. the cakes could help them lose weight

   B. they had no other food to eat

   C. they liked eating them a lot before

   D. the cakes could make them think about airplanes

(   ) 3. We know from the passage         .

   A. there was no fun at all in losing weight for Manuel

   B. Manuel's mother didn't eat cream cakes at all

   C. "potatoes and chips" can make people thin

   D. Manuel and his mother eat salads to lose weight

(   ) 4. Manuel's mother felt sorry because         .

   A. her son was too fat

   B. Manuel was very sad

   C. the other children were not fat

   D. Manuel couldn't eat cream cakes any more

(   ) 5. Manuel loved others calling him Spider Legs because         .

   A. Spider Legs sounds good for him

   B. the other children are all Spider Legs

   C. he didn't eat cream cakes any more

   D. he could eat lots of sweets now


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Many people today read stories about UFOs. But w 1       are UFOs? The most popular answer for UFOs is that they c 2       visitors coming from other planets. They seem to fly much f 3       than planes on the earth. Some UFO s 4       think it's right. Some people think few UFOs r 5       the earth and the space visitors were living with us.

Sometimes people make m 6       when they say they see UFOs. They m 7       see a weather balloon of a strange plane,or the light they see in the sky c 8       from the air. However,there are a lot of o 9       we can't find. It may take many years to find a r 10       answer.

1. w       2. c        3. f       4. s         5. r         

6. m         7. m          8. c         9. o       10.r      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Last year my English class was difficult. First of all,it wasn't e 1       for me to understand the teacher when she talked. To begin with,she spoke too quickly,and I c 2       understand every word. Later on,I realized that it doesn't matter if you don't understand every word. I was also a 3       to speak in class,because I thought my classmates might laugh at me. I couldn't always make complete sentences,e 4       Then I started to watch Englishlanguage TV. It h 5       a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the s 6       of becoming a good language learner. Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar. So I d 7       to make lots of grammar notes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences u 8       the grammar I was learning. It's a 9       how much this helped. Now I am enjoying 1 10       English and I got an A this term. My teacher is very impressed.

1. e        2. c        3. a         4. e         5. h      

6. s         7. d         8. u         9. a       10. l       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States and Canada. In the United States,it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November every year. The Canadians celebrate it on the second Monday in October. It is associated (相关的) with giving thanks to the God. In the beginning,people expressed gratitude for the harvest they got.

  The most important part of the celebration is the dinner which includes the customary turkey served with sauce (酱汁) and pumpkins. A lot of business goes on during this holiday. For example,restaurants take advantage of the holiday to sell turkey dinners.

  Families and friends usually get together for a large meal or dinner on Thanksgiving Day and have a lot of fun. That's why the Thanksgiving holiday is considered one of the busiest travel periods of the year. Students are given a fourday or fiveday vacation. Thanksgiving is also a paid holiday for most workers.

(   ) 1. When do people celebrate Thanksgiving in America?

   A. On the second Monday in November.

   B. On the fourth Thursday in November.

   C. On the fourth Thursday in October.

   D. On the second Monday in October.

(   ) 2. The underlined word "gratitude" means "       " in Chinese.

   A. 感激   B. 自豪

   C. 梦想   D. 忠诚

(   ) 3. The most important part of the Thanksgiving celebration is         .

   A. the God   B. the business

   C. the vacation   D. the dinner with the turkey

(   ) 4. The last paragraph mainly tells us         .

   A. there are many things to do during the Thanksgiving holiday

   B. people are very busy during the Thanksgiving holiday

   C. how people celebrate Thanksgiving

   D. the dinner is the most important part of the celebration

(   ) 5. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Restaurants will sell turkey dinners during the Thanksgiving holiday.

   B. People in America and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving on different days.

   C. Thanksgiving is related with giving thanks to the God.

   D. Most workers can't get pay during the Thanksgiving holiday.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Students ofEnglandlike to listen to songs in English. Do you want to know who the most popular singer is that helps people to learn English? It is Bob Marley.

  His songs help fourteen percent of students learn English. The research was made by Kaplan International Colleges and you can read the whole research.

  Bob Marley is followed by singers such as Michael Jackson,Madonna,Rihanna,Beyonce,Lady-Gaga,Justin Bieber and Eminem.

  The Jamaican singer has many famous songs,such as No Woman No Cry,Stir It Up and One Love*

  Bob Marley's daughter said that she was excited because of the research. She was happy that her father had helped so many people.

  Kaplan's research also discovered that watching television,films and playing video games can help English learning.

  The film that helped the most people learn English was Harry Potter. Friends was the most popular television program for helping people to understand the language.

  Kaplan International Colleges has over 40 schools worldwide. You can study inEngland,theUS,Canada,Ireland,AustraliaorNew Zealand.

(   ) 1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the research?

   A. Bob Marley's daughter was excited because of the research.

   B. The research was made by Bob Marley.

   C. The research discovered watching television can help to learn English.

   D. Bob Marley's songs help 14% of students to learn English.

(   ) 2. Bob Marley's daughter was very happy because         .

   A. her father was followed by other signers

   B. the research was very successful -

   C. her father helped many people to learn English

   D. her father has many famous songs

(   ) 3. The following things can help to learn English EXCEPT        according to the passage.

   A. seeing films

   B. watching TV

   C. playing video games

   D. reading Harry Potter

(   ) 4. We can learn        from the passage.

   A. all students inEnglandlike to listen to songs in English

   B. Stir It Upwas Michael Jackson's famous song

   C. Kaplan International Colleges has just 40 schools all over the world

   D. Friends was a television program that helped people understand the language

(   ) 5. The passage is mainly talking about that         .

   A. Bob Marley helps people learn English

   B. Bob Marley has many famous songs

   C. Kaplan International Colleges is great

   D. Kaplan International Colleges made a research


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Some time ago,I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg. I didn't think there would be any difficulty in getting it mended,as there are a whole lot of antique (古董) shops near my home. So I left home one morning carrying the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception (接待) .I was quite wrong. The man wouldn't even look at my chair.

The second shop,though slightly more polite,was just the same,and the third,and the fourth. So I decided to do things differently.

I went into the fifth shop with a good plan in my mind. I placed the chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper, "Would you like to buy a chair?" He looked it over carefully and said, " Yes,not a bad chair. How much do you want for it,sir?" "Twenty pounds," I said. uOK," he said. "I'll give you twenty pounds. " "It's got a slightly broken leg," I said. "Yes,I saw that. It's nothing.”

Everything was going according to the plan and I was getting excited. "What will you do with it?" I asked. " Oh,it will be easy to sell it once the repair is done. ” "I'll buy it," I said. "What do you mean? You've just sold it to me," he said. "Yes,I know,but I've changed my mind. Fm sorry,I'll give you twentyseven pounds for it." "You must be crazy," he said. Then,suddenly the penny dropped. "I know what you want. You want me to repair your chair. " "You're right," I said. "And what would you have done if I had walked in and said,  Would you mend this chair for me'?" "I wouldn't have agreed to do it," he said. "We don't do repairs,not enough money in it and too much trouble. But I'll mend this for you. " He was a very nice man,and was greatly amused (感到有趣) by the whole thing.

(   ) 11. We can learn from the text that in the first shop the writer         .

   A. was rather impolite

   B. was warmly received

   C. asked the shopkeeper to buy his chair

   D. asked the shopkeeper to repair his chair

(   ) 12. The expression "the penny dropped" in the last paragraph means the shopkeeper      

   A. changed his mind

   B. accepted the offer

   C. saw the writer's purpose

   D. decided to help the writer

(   ) 13. How much did the writer pay for repairing his chair?

   A. £5.   B. £7.

   C. £20.   D. £27.

(   ) 14. From the text,we can learn that the writer was       .

   A. honest   B. careful

   C. smart   D. funny

(   ) 15. The best title of the passage is "         ".

   A. Changing Your Way of Thinking

   B. Impolite Shopkeepers

   C. Mending a Chair

   D. Buying a New Chair



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Today was not a good day. Everything went wrong. First, I slept late and Mom shouted at me to wake up. When I went to the kitchen for breakfast, there was no cereal (谷物加工食品).I decided to have some toast instead , but I burned it. I had to eat it anyway because there was no more bread. There was no juice, either. I just had a glass of water.

When I was almost at the bus stop , I realized that I had forgotten my wallet , so I had to go back home and get it. Of course, I missed the bus and had to wait for the next one.

I was late for school and the teacher told me to stay in the classroom at lunchtime to catch up on(弥库卜)the schoolwork I had missed.

After lunch, it was the time to give the teacher our homework. I reached into my bag to get it but it wasn't there. I had left it at home. I was in trouble again.

When I got home, I went straight to my room to do my homework. Mom cooked fish for dinner. She knows I don't like fish, but she thinks it is good for her son. It was a horrible day. I hope tomorrow will be better.

(       )1. What happened to the writer on this bad day?

A.     The writer argued with his parents.

B.     The writer heard some terrible news.

C.     Many small things went wrong.

D.     Part of the writer's house was on fire. 

(       )2. When did the writer's bad day begin?

A. In the morning.                                               B. At school.

C. At lunchtime.                                                   D. In the afternoon.

(       )3. What did the writer do after he went home?

A.     He did some homework.

B.     He made a telephone call.

C.     He made fun with his friend.

D.     He was tired, so he went to bed.

(       )4. When you "burn" something, you________ .

A. cook it too long                                               B. eat it too fast

C. give it away                                                     D. make it very well

(       )5. According to the passage, we can know________ .


A.     the writer fell off from his bike

B.     the writer went to school

C.     the writer got up early in the morning

D.     the writer left his homework at home


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


I can never talk to mom about anything!If I tell her something,she will tell her friends,my dad and everyone. How can I stop my mum from telling others?


I'm afraid of singing songs in front of lots of people. I'm OK when I act (表演) and speak in front of people,but singing makes me really nervous. Fm OK when I sing in groups. Can you help me?


I'm starting middle school this year!I'm excited,but a little nervous because I don't know anyone in my class yet. It seems that all my friends are in another class,and Fm afraid that if they spend a lot of time together,they will forget me.   Any advice?


I think I'm a smart student,but I'm not so good as a student when it comes to the test day. How can I remember all the information I study on the school days?

(   ) 6. Tina has problems with         .

   A. her lessons   B. her mother

   C. her friends   D. her exams

(   ) 7.        have problems at school.

   A. Tina and Jeff   B. Tina and Henry

   C. Jeff and Henry   D. Henry and Maria

(   ) 8. Jeff will feel nervous when he        in front of people.

   A. acts   B. sings alone

   C. speaks   D. sings in groups

(   ) 9. Henry is worried that      

   A. his old friends may forget him

   B. his classmates may dislike him

   C. he will have little time to play

   D. his friends will go to another school

(   ) 10. What do you know about Maria?

   A. She doesn't like studying.

   B. She is not a good student.

   C. She doesn't do well in tests.

   D. She wants to study everything.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Traveling to every part of the world gets easier, but how well do we know and understand each other? Here's a simple test. Imagine you are planning to hold a meeting at four o'clock. What time should you expect your foreign business friends to arrive? If they are Germans, they'll arrive on time. If they are Americans, they'll probably be 15 minutes early. If they are Englishmen, they'll be 15 minutes late. And you should allow up to an hour for the Italians.

The British seemed to think since the English language was widely used in the world, people would always understand what they do. However, they found they were completely(完全)wrong. For example, the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters and have a drink during the meal. But the Japanese prefer not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for them to relax and get to know each other, and they don't drink at lunchtime. The Germans like to talk business before dinner. The French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything. (       )1. What do the Germans prefer when they go to a meeting?

A.     They prefer to be on time.

B.     They prefer to arrive very early.

C.     They prefer to arrive very late.

D.     They prefer to arrive a little late.

(       )2. According to the text, if a group of Englishmen, Americans and Italians hold a meeting, who will be the last to arrive?

A.     The Englishmen.

B.     The Americans.

C.     The Italians.

D.     Both the Englishmen and the Italians.

(       )3. What do the Japanese like to do at lunchtime?

A.     To drink.

B.     To get to know each other.

C.     To talk business.

D.     To eat only.

(       )4. According to the writer, the British like to ________ .

A. arrive on time and talk business during the meal


B.     arrive earliest and hate talking business at a meal

C.     arrive 15 minutes late and talk business after the meal

D.     arrive a few minutes late and discuss business during the meal

(       )5. By giving us the two examples, the writer means to show us that_________ .

A.     different countries have different cultures in different parts of the world

B.     the Germans are more serious and have good living habits

C.     the Italians are careless people and they are never on time for everything

D.     the French people are very lazy. They prefer eating and drinking more

