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  Some children don't like to stay with their grandparents. Here's how to be good grandparents.

  Visit their grandchildren!Many grandparents don't often go to see their grandchildren.  

 So their grandchildren don't know them well.

When you visit them or when they visit you,give them little gifts. The gift can be a book,a C D. or even money!Kids love gifts.

  You can read some of your favorite children books to them or tell them what it was like when you were young. Many children like listening to stories about "the old days".

  Tell them something about their parents when they were children. Talk about things they did or toys they played with. Children are often interested in these things.

  Tell them about games. You played the games when you were a kid,and now help them play it. Also listen to the kinds of games they play.

(   ) 6. The passage mainly talks about         .

   A. how to be good students

   B. how to be good grandparents

   C. how to be good grandchildren

   D. how to be good parents

(   ) 7. Many children don't know their grandparents because         .

   A. they don't like their grandparents

   B. they are too young

   C. their grandparents don't often see them

   D. their grandparents don't like them

(   ) 8. It's good to give        to grandchildren when they visit their grandparents.

   A. a car   B. some money

   C. a computer   D. a house

(   ) 9. Grandchildren would like their grandparents to tell them something about

   A. today   B. the old days

   C. study   D. working

(   ) 10. What can't grandparents do when they visit their grandchildren?

   A. Tell stories and give gifts.

   B. Tell something about the old days and play games.

   C. Read some children books and English.

   D. Talk about their favorite toys and games.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 In England,people usually don't talk much. If you get on a bus,or a train,you may f 1       that many people sit looking out of the windows. Often they r 2 . They read books and p 3       .

  When you meet English people,they often talk a 4       one thing―the weather. So when you m 5       someone in England,you can say , " n 6       weather for the time of the year!” "but it was a bit c 7       yesterday," someone may a 8       . "But i 9       got a little warmer later," you can then say.

  When you talk like this,the English will think how f 10       you are!

1. f       2. r      3. p     4. a        5. m         

6. n       7. c        8. a     9. l      10. f         


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Mr. Brown only had a daughter. One day his daughter telephoned and said that she had a new daughter. Mr. Brown was very happy and decided to visit her.

  On Friday morning,Mr. Brown got into a train. " I'm going to see my new granddaughter," he said.

  There were three empty places in the train. There was an old man beside one empty seat,and Mr. Brown went to him and asked, "Are you a grandfather?" "Yes," the man answered. "I have three granddaughters. " Mr. Brown went to the second empty seat. A nice woman sat beside that. Mr. Brown asked, "Are you a grandmother?" The woman answered, "Yes,I have two grandsons."Mr. Brown went to the third empty seat. There was a man beside that,and Mr. Brown asked, "Are you a grandfather?" "No,I'm not," the man answered. Mr. Brown smiled happily and said, "That's good. " He said to the man kindly, "Now I'll tell you about my granddaughter."

(   ) 1. When Mr. Brown heard the good news,he felt         .

   A. surprised   B. sad   C. glad   D. interested

(   ) 2. How many daughters does Mr. Brown have?

   A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. I am not sure.

(   ) 3. He got to his daughter's home         .

   A. by car   B. by bike   C. by train   D. by subway

(   ) 4. Where did Mr. Brown sit at last?

   A. In the first place. B. In the second place.

   C. In the third place. D. He stood in the train.

(   ) 5. We can learn from the passage that         .

   A. the old man and woman didn't like Mr. Brown

   B. the last man asked Mr. Brown to sit near him

   C. Mr. Brown liked the last man very much

   D. Mr. Brown felt proud because the last man had no granddaughters


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Do you like animals? Do you often visit the zoo? There is a famous zoo in London. It is London Zoo. It's in Regent's Park.

  In the zoo there are over 14,000 cute animals. You can see lions,tigers,bears,elephants,giraffes,penguins,sharks and many other animals.  You can watch fishes swimming. You can meet face to face with some of Africa's most unusual animalszebras and hunting dogs. You can also see many butterflies,and they fly around you.

  The zoo is open from 10: 00 a.m. to 5: 30 p.m. from Tuesday to Sunday. If you visit London,you can go to the great zoo.

(   ) 6. Where is London Zoo?

   A. It's in Regent's Park. B. It's in River Street.

   C. It's in Baker Street. D. It's in Sun Park.

(   ) 7. What can't you see in the zoo?

   A. Bears. B. Dogs. C. Horses. D. Butterflies.

(   ) 8. How many animals are there in the        zoo?

   A. Over 1,000.   B. Over 14,000.

   C. Over 12,000.   D. Over 13,000.

(   ) 9. The word "unusual" in the passage means "         ”in Chinese.

   A. 常见的   B. 神圣的   C. 普通的   D. 不同寻常的

(   ) 10. When can you go to the zoo?

   A. At 11:00 a.m. on Monday. B. At 9: 00 a.m. on Thursday.

   C. At 5: 00 p.m. on Saturday. D. At 5: 30 p.m. on Wednesday.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  In Galileo's (咖利略) time people believed that the earth never moved. But Copernicus (哥白尼) had new ideas. He wrote in his book that the earth was moving round the sun and that it was not the center of everything. When Galileo read Copernicus' book many years later,he believed it. But many people of his time didn't believe the earth was moving. They were angry with Galileo. So Galileo had to say he was wrong although he knew he was right.

 People took a long time before believing the new idea. Experiments were made one after another. At last scientists proved that the earth was moving.

(   ) 6. One of Copernicus' ideas was         .

   A. the earth never moved

   B. the earth was moving round the sun

   C. the earth was round

   D. the earth was the centre of everything

(   ) 7. Galileo believed         .

   A. what Copernicus said in his book was right

   B. people would believe him at that time

   C. no one was against his new idea

   D. people would agree with him

(   ) 8. Many people were angry with Galileo,because         .

   A. he didn't believe the earth was moving round the sun

   B. he believed the sun was moving round the earth

   C. he believed the earth was moving round the sun

   D. he believed the sun didn't move at all

(   ) 9. People of Galileo's time         .

   A. believed the new ideas after they made a few experiments

   B. didn't believed Copernicus' new ideas for a long time

   C. believed the new ideas at once

   D. many scientists had the same idea about the sun and the earth as Galileo

(   ) 10. At that time         .

   A. Galileo was not sure about Copernicus new idea

   B. Galileo thought Copernicus' new idea might be wrong

   C. Galileo was'forced to say that he was wrong

   D. Galileo had no idea of the sun and the moving earth


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



 Ned is very fond of (酷爱) sports. He plays baseball on Sundays. Last Sunday he got up earlier than usual. He washed his face and went down to the living room.

His father was reading a newspaper. He looked at Ned and said, "Oh Ned,you got up so early this morning. Are you going to play baseball?"

  "Yes,I am," said Ned.

  Ned went into the kitchen. His mother was cooking breakfast. She said, "Ned,you may play baseball in the morning. But you must come back before noon. I know you have a lot of homework today."

  "Yes,mother. Fm going to do it in the afternoon”,answered Ned. He ate breakfast and went out with his glove and bat (球棒) .

(   ) 1. Net plays baseball on         .

   A. Saturdays   B. Sundays   C. Mondays   D. Thursdays

(   ) 2. What was his father doing?

   A. Ned's father was washing his face.

   B. Ned's father was cooking breakfast.

   C. Ned's father was reading a newspaper.

   D. Ned's father was having breakfast.

(   ) 3. Why did Ned's mother ask him to come back before noon?

   A. Because Ned had a lot of homework.

   B. Because Ned was sick.

   C. Because he did not eat breakfast.

   D. Because he got up too early.

(   ) 4. When did Ned plan to do his homework?

   A. In the afternoon. B. In the evening.

   C. At night. D. Tomorrow.

(   ) 5. Which of the following is WRONG?

   A. Ned is very fond of sports.

   B. Last Sunday he got up early as usual.

   C. He likes to play baseball.

   D. Ned had a lot of homework.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Many thousands of children have serious (严重的) accidents (事故;) in their homes. Some children are so badly hurt that they die.

  The most common (普通的) accidents are with fire and hot water. Small children often touch pots of boiling. The pots fall over and the hot water falls on the children and burns them. Some children like to play with fire. They enjoy striking matches (点火柴) or throwing things on a fire to make it burn. If a fire gets too big,it gets out of control (4空制) .Then the house catches fire. It is very dangerous to play with matches.

  Some kinds of clothing burn very easily. Many children have been badly burned because they have stood too near a fire and their clothing has suddenly burst into fire. Although fire and hot water cause most accidents in the home,many children cut themselves with knives. Some are made very ill from taking their parents' medicine.

  There is only one good way to prevent accidents in the home:Do not touch anything that is dangerous.

(   ) 11. Where do the accidents happen?

   A. At school. B. In the cinema.

   C. At home. D. In the office.

(   ) 12. Why have some children been badly burned? Because they .

   A. can't run away from the fire

   B. don't stand far away enough from the fire

   C. stand too close to the hot water

   D. lie in bed for too long a time

(   ) 13. Why does the fire get out of control? Because         ― .

   A. the firefighters don't come   B. the children run away

   C. the fire is too big   D. the firefighters come too late

(   ) 14. The passage is mainly about advice on         .

   A. how to teach children

   B. how to control the fire in our homes

   C. how to prevent the accidents at home

   D. how to control the children in our homes

(   ) 15. The word "pot" is         .

   A. 药瓶   B. 火盆   C. 热水器   D. 水壶


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Lily bought shoes from the shoe factory and tried to sell them to people. There were not many shops in small villages. People there did not want to go to town to buy their shoes. So Lily sold a lot of shoes.

  One day Lily drove along the street. She stopped in front of a house. There was a small boy beside the door. Lily opened the window of her truck and called to the boy , " Hello!Is your mother at home?"

  The boy looked at her. Then he answered, "Yes,she is."

"That's good," Lily said. She got out of her truck,took some shoes and went to the door of the house. She knocked at the door and waited for a few minutes,but nobody came to answer the door.

  Lily knocked again and waited for a few more minutes,but still no one answered.

Then Lily looked at the small boy and said angrily, "Your mother is not at home!"

  "She is”, the small boy said.

  "Why didn't she open the door?" Lily asked.

  "Because this is not my house."the small boy answered.

(   ) 6. Lily tried to sell shoes to people         .

   A. in shops   B. in small villages

   C. in the town   D. in a factory

(   ) 7. Lily stopped in front of a house and asked the boy if his mother was at home because she wanted to         .

   A. sell the shoes to the boy

   B. sell the shoes to the boy's mother

   C. visit the boy's mother

   D. drink some water because she was thirsty

(   ) 8. Lily knocked at the door and no one answered,so she         .

   A. knocked again   B. opened the door

   C. drove away   D. got angry

(   ) 9. Why didn't the mother open the door of the house?

   A. Because she didn't want to buy the shoes.

   B. Because the boy didn't like Lily.

   C. Because Lily didn't knock hard and the boy's mother couldn't hear her.

   D. Because this is not the boy's house.

(   ) 10. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. Lily went to town to sell shoes.

   B. Lily bought a lot of shoes from the shoes factory.

   C. Lily thought that house was the boy's.

   D. Lily wanted to sell shoes to the boy's mother.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I used to be very close to my father when I was a child. He gave me almost everything I wanted. Whenever I quarreled with my mother,I would turn to my father for comfort. He was everything to me.

Time flies like a bird. As I got older,I became silent and found it hard to start a conversation with my father. The gap between us began to grow. He has done so much for me but I always take it for granted.

Last time our school gave us two days off,and Daddy gave me a ride home on his motorbike. I was tired and fell asleep on his back. Later my mother said he was very happy because it had been a long time since we got close last. Suddenly I felt a little ashamed. I realized that I had ignored (忽略) him a lot during the last few years.

The next day I stayed in bed late and when Daddy tried to wake me up to have breakfast,I pretended that I couldn't hear him. At last he brought a bowl of noodles to my bed,and said, "Come on,dear,have your breakfast and then continue your dream."I got so angry with him for interrupting my sleep that I shouted ," Leave me alone!"

As I said this,I sat up quickly,and the bowl of noodles fell on the floor. Hearing the noise,Mum came in and shouted at me, "What do you think your father is? Who else treats you as well as he does?"

I was shocked and didn't know what to say. Finally I rushed out with tears all over my face. I went to the pool where I used to go fishing with Daddy. A few minutes later,I heard the sound of daddy's motorbike. He was looking for me anxiously,but he didn't notice me as I was sitting behind a tall bush.

I didn't return home until 10 a.m. The moment my parents saw me,they rushed to me. Mum hugged me tightly and daddy looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Are you hungry,dear?" he said at last. Before T could say anything,he had gone off on his motorbike to buy food for me.

(   ) 11. When the writer grew older,he found it        for him to have a talk with his father.

   A. a pleasure   B. pleasant   C. a problem   D. fantastic

(   ) 12. The sentence in this passage "He was everything to me" means         .

   A. my father gave me everything

   B. my father would give me whatever I wanted

   C. when my father was angry,he wouldn't give me anything

   D. I used to depend on him in everything in my life

(   ) 13. The writer was angry with his father because         .

   A. he didn't realize his father's love for him

   B. his father destroyed his sleeping

   C. the father didn't know his son was sleeping

   D. his father wanted him to have noodles

(   ) 14. The father went off to buy food for the writer because the father         .

   A. felt sorry for waking his son up

   B. was really wrong about his behavior

   C. knew his son hadn't had his breakfast yet

   D. still held deep care for his son

(   ) 15. The best title for this passage is         .

   A. The Gap Between the Father and the Son   B. Father's Love

   C. Who Was Really Wrong   D. Right or Wrong

