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My friend Nancy is   1 (15) years old. She is a clever girl in my class. She comes from  2 (日本).But she likes China very much. Now she  3  (居住) in Shanghai with her parents. Her house is not in the   4 (中心)of the city but she enjoys it. There  5 ( 有 )a river through her neighborhood.  6 (在对面) from her building is an old park.  7 (如果) she is tired, she can   8 (散步 ) in it to relax herself. She says she wants to be a   9 (女警察) though sometimes it is kind of  10 (危险的)


小题2:come from+表示国家的名词。意思是“来自某个国家”。
小题3:live in+地点名词表示“住在某地”。因此处主语是第三人称单数形式,故用lives.
小题4:in the center是固定短语,意为“在中心”。
小题5:there be表示“有”,因此处的名次是单数形式,故用is.
小题6:across from是固定短语,表示“在……对面”。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Everything has a name. All people, places and things have names.Cities and towns have names,too.Schools and office buildings also have names. Names are important.
We use names every day.When we meet a new person, we usually ask”What’s your name?” It’s important to learn a person’s name. Most people have two names. Some have more names. Names are different all over the world, so it is very difficult to remember (记住)all of them.
In the USA, most people have a first name, a middle name and a last name. Parents choose the first name and middle names for their babies.There are names for boys and names for girls. For example, John, Peter, Tom and Mike are all names for boys, Elizabeth, Bonnie, Susan and Mary are all girls’ names. The last name is the family name. Usually it is the father’s family name.
小题1:It is difficult to remember names all over the world because names are      
A.too longB.too manyC.too differentD.too easy
小题2:What names are for girls?                       
A.George, Linda, SusanB.Tom, Bill, Cathy
C.Elizabeth, Julie, MaryD.Peter, James, Jack
小题3:Usually the last name is       family name.
A.the father’sB.the mother’sC.the parent’sD.the grandmother’s
小题4:How many names do most Americans have?                 .
小题5:Does everyone have a name?
A.Yes, they do.B.No, they don’t.C.Yes, they have.D.No, they haven’t.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We can see walls everywhere in the world. But the Great Wall of China is the biggest of all. The Chinese call it. “The Ten-thousand-Li. Great Wall.” It’s in fact (事实) more than 6,000 kilometers long. It’s 4-5 meters wide. In most places, five houses or ten men can walk side by side. When you visit the Great Wall, you can’t help wondering (疑惑) how the Chinese people were able to build (建造) such a great wall thousands of years ago. Without any modern machine (机器), it was really very difficult to build it. They had to do all the work by hand. It took millions of men hundreds of years to build it.
The Great Wall has a history of over two thousand years. The kings began to build the first parts of it around two thousand seven hundred years ago. Then, Qin Shihuang had all the walls joined up (连起来). He thought that could keep the enemy (敌人) out of the country.
Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest. Not only Chinese people but also people from all over the world come to visit it.
小题1:The Great Wall is the biggest of all walls in _______.
A.ChinaB.Europe(欧洲)C.the worldD.Asia (亚洲)
小题2:How long is the Great Wall ?
A.It’s less than six hundred kilometers.
B.It’s more than six million kilometers.
C.It’s six thousand kilometers.
D.It’s over six thousand kilometers.
小题3:It took ________ men _________ years old to build the Great Wall.
A.millions, millionsB.hundreds of, hundreds of
C.millions of, hundredsD.hundreds of, millions of
小题4:The Great Wall was built ________.
A.by people all over the world
B.without any modern machines
C.with some other countries’ help
D.by all Chinese Kings.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many people go to church(教堂) on Sunday, but others don’t. Many people sleep late on Sunday morning, but others don’t. Some people work on Sunday, but most don’t. However, almost everyone reads the Sunday paper.
Often the paper is waiting outside the door when the family gets up. The newspaper boy has put it there. The paper has many advertisements(广告) and many different parts.
The parents in the family like the front page and the world news part. Many men also read the sports pages and the financial(财经的)pages.
Most men don’t read the women’s pages, but the mother of the family usually does. The women’s pages have the news about parties and some good ideas about food, health and clothes.
Most Sunday papers have interesting stories. Children enjoy them. Old people read the death notices. They tell about people who have died during the week.
There is something for everyone in the Sunday paper.
小题1:This passage tells us ________.
A.what people usually do on Sundays
B.when people get up on Sundays
C.something about Sunday papers
D.people can know from the paper who died during the week
小题2:The Sunday papers are sent to people _________.
A.after they get upB.before they get up
C.as soon as they get upD.if they get up
小题3:Most people don’t _________.
A.go to church on SundayB.get up late on Sunday
C.read the Sunday paperD.go to work on Sunday
小题4:The parents in the family like ______.
A.the world news partB.sports pages
C.women’s pagesD.the death notices
小题5:_______ has something to read in the Sunday pages.
A.No oneB.SomeoneC.EveryoneD.Only a man


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Uncle Wang works in a book shop in the middle of the city. The shop is not far from his home. It is about one kilometer away. So Uncle Wang seldom(很少)goes to work by bus. He usually goes bike there by bike, sometimes on foot .It takes (花费) him twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. Today his bike is broken. He wants to walk there. Now he is having breakfast. He leaves home at 7:50 and he walks to work twenty minutes earlier. His work starts at 8:30 in the morning and finishes at 4:45 in the afternoon.
小题1:What does Uncle Wang do?
A.He sells books.
B.He grows flowers.
C.He makes shoes.
D.He works in a hospital.
小题2:Where is the book shop ?
A.In the middle of the city .
B.In a town .
C.Far from his home .
D.We don’t know .
小题3:Why does he seldom (很少) go to work by bus? Because _________.
A.there is no bus
B.his shop is not far from his home
C.he likes riding a bike
D.his shop isn't in the middle of the city
小题4:How long does it take him to walk to his book shop?
A.Twenty minutesB.Forty minutes
C.Ten minutes D.Half an hour
小题5:Today his bike is ________.
小题6:His work finished at ________.
A.4:45 B.5:15 C.4:55D.5:05


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Are you still doing the V for victory sign? It’s out. The latest popular hand gesture(手势)is to curl both of your hands and put them together to make a heart—shape. Known as “hand heart”, many young stars in the US including Justin Bieber , Blake Lively and Taylor Swift have done the move in recent photos.
“The heart — hand gesture means something between ‘I love you’ and ‘thank you’, ”said the country singer Taylor Swift,21.”It’s a sweet, simple message which you can send without saying a word.”
Taylor Swift often puts her hands above her head in the heart shape at her concerts. And she is believed to be the first to make the gesture popular.
Last month during a charity show, Justin Bieber and his superstar friends did it to help out three kids whose parents were killed in a car accident. The gesture became a real hit after that.
“It used to take longer for nonverbal(不用语言的)culture to move. But now ,with smart phones and the Internet, it’s much faster,” said Patti Wood, an American language expert.
In the Republic of Korea, the hand heart has been popular for a long time, in a different way. People there like making a “bigger heart” by putting their hands above their heads and making a heart shape with their arms. It means: “I love you.”
小题1:When we want to express ideas, we often move our hands to mean something besides language. Do you know the meaning of this gesture(手势)?
A.Good luck.B.We’ve won.
C.Everything is all right.D.Best wishes.
小题2:Who is the first to make the heart — hand gesture popular?
A.Justin BieberB.Blake LivelyC.Patti WoodD.Taylor Swift
小题3:A charity show is a show that is put on to.
A.help the people in needB.make a gesture popular
C.express your love or thanksD.show your special gesture
小题4:Which of the following statements is true?
A.Smart phones and the Internet are improving fast.
B.Smart phones and the Internet used to take longer time in use.
C.It’s much easier for nonverbal culture to reach more people.
D.It takes nonverbal culture a long time to become popular.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Feeling left out?
A reader wrote in to say that she was feeling lonely at break because her best friend wasn’t around.Here’s our advice to her—and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes. It’s hard when a best friend isn’t around—maybe because she moved to a different school or a different class.You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime.You want to have new friends.But how do you make them? Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friends.But remember, there’s always room for more friends.
Start by looking around your classroom—think about which kids you’d like to play with at break.Look for chances to say hi to them,smile,and be friendly.Offer to share something or express your appreciation(欣赏)to them.Invite someone to play with you or say “Do you want to sit here?” in the lunchroom.When you’re at break,walk over to kids you want to play with.Act friendly,and say “Hi,can I play, too?” or just join in.
If you have trouble doing this or if you’re feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make  new friends.Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends.The best way to make friends is to be a friend.Be kind,be friendly,share,say nice things,offer to help—and pretty soon,you’ ll have one,or two,or even more new friends. You might still miss that special best friend.But when you see each other, you can share something you didn’t have before she left:You can introduce her to your new friends!
小题1:This text is written for ________ .
小题2:According to the writer, some kids feel lonely at break because they  ________  .
A.have trouble with their studies
B.don’t have their best friends around
C.need their parents to be with them
D.are too young to look after themselves
小题3:The underlined words in Paragraph 4 refers to ________  .
A.sharing your ideasB.talking before many people
C.studying better at schoolD.developing new friendship
小题4:Some kids need help from teachers to make friends because  ________   .
A.they miss their old friends a lot
B.they have no time to stay with others
C.teachers know who wants a new friend
D.they are shy or not good at making friends
小题5:The expression “feeling left out'’ means“ _______    ” in Chinese.
A.受冷落    8.被调侃    C.挨批评    D.遭攻击


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A young man worked very hard at his lessons. He was too busy to have a rest. At last, he became ill, so he couldn’t go to sleep. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But he always stayed awake and couldn’t fall asleep.
After some days, he decided to see a doctor. “I just can’t go to sleep at night. What should I do? Could you please help me?”
“I have a suggestion(建议),”said the doctor. “Try counting numbers. By the time you reach one thousand, you’ll be asleep. I’m sure of it.”
The next day the man returned to the doctor’s office. “Well,” said the doctor, how are you today? Did you try my suggestion?”
The man still looked tired. “Yes,” he said, “I tried counting one, two, and three— up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some tea so that I could go on counting up to one thousand. But then I still couldn’t fall asleep.”
小题1:The young man couldn’t go to sleep because ____________________,
A.he was worried about his homework
B.he worked too hard and became ill
C.he didn’t finish doing his lessons
D.there was a lot of noise there and he couldn’t have a rest
小题2:The doctor asked the young man ________________________.
A.to get up to drink some tea
B.to take some medicine and go to bed earlier
C.to count numbers while he was lying in bed
D.to count numbers before he went to bed
小题3:The young man returned to the doctor’s office the next day because______.
A.he wanted to ask the doctor how to count the numbers
B.he wanted to thank the doctor
C.he was better and wanted some more medicine
D.he still couldn’t go to sleep at night
小题4:The young man _________.
A.counted from 569 to 1000
B.counted from 1 to 1000 and fell asleep
C.counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea
D.counted from 1 to 569 and fell asleep
小题5:The young man _____ in fact.
A.didn’t understand the doctor’s suggestion
B.wasn’t ill at all
C.was not able to count numbers
D.didn’t try the doctor’s suggestion


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Friendship Restaurant
We have different kinds of Japanese food here. The food menu is in Japanese and Chinese. All the waiters or waitresses can speak at least one foreign language.
Tel: 312–9997       Time: 11:30am –10:00pm
Volunteer Project
Maybe you want to help others but don’t know how to do it. Then Volunteer Project will help you. Here you will get the best idea of volunteering.
Call 822-5566 to join it.   Email address: Lisa@hot-mail.com
The Dream Corner
Do you want to improve your English? Do you want to practice your English with native speakers? If yes, why not join the Dream Corner? Come here on Friday afternoon every week.
Red Bird Club
Do you like dancing ? Do you want to show off your cool dance at parties? Join us and make your dream come true. Closed on Tuesday. Call 822-333 for information.
The Underwater World
Here you will find different kinds of fishes and even some kinds of sharks. You will feel you are in the sea but of course this is not true. If you like fishes, I suggest that you pay a visit to it.  Time: 9:30am –5:30pm.
小题1:In the Friendship Restaurant you can eat _____ food.
小题2:Sarah wants to do some volunteer work. She can call _____ to get some ideas.
小题3:Red Bird Club is closed on ______.
小题4:According to the ad, you can see ______ in the Underwater World.
B.excellent dancers
C.sea animals
D.waiters and waitresses
小题5:If you want to practice English with native speakers, you can join_____.
A.the Red Bird Club
B.the Volunteer Project
C.the Dream Corner
D.the Underwater World

