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We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had brought me to this spot in a small town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered why.

"Look down, Elsa," Father said. I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village, And I saw the criss-cross(纵横交错) of streets leading to the square. "See, my dear," Father said gently, "There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can't get to the place where you want to go by one road. try another."

Now I understood why I was there, Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do something about the awful lunches that were served at school. But she refused because she didn't believe the lunches were as bad as I said.

When I turned to Father for help, he would not interfere(干涉). Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson. By the time we reached home, I had a plan.

At school the next day, I secretly poured my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I asked our cook to serve it to Mother at dinner. The plan worked perfectly. She swallowed one spoonful and sputtered, "The cook must have gone bad!" Quickly I told what I had done, and Mother stated firmly that she would deal with the matter of lunches at school the next day!

In the following years I often remembered the lesson Father taught me. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago. I wouldn't stop working until I tried every possible means to my goal. Father's wise words always remind me that there is more than one way to the square,

1.The author's father took her to the top of a church tower to_______.

A. enjoy the beautiful scenery of the whole town

B. encourage her to find out another way to solve her problem

C. find out how many ways lead to the square

D. help her forget some unpleasant things earlier that day

2.What did the author(作者) want her mother to do earlier that day?

A. Do something delicious for lunch.

B. Taste her awful lunch.

C. Dismiss the cook.

D. Speak to the school about lunch.

3. What did the author's mother think of her lunch soup after she tasted it?

A. It wasn't so bad as the author said.

B. It was delicious.

C. It couldn't be worse.

D. It was as good as her cook did.

4. The underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph means_______.

A. the cook agreed to serve the soup to Mother

B. the matter of lunch was successfully settled

C. her father persuaded her mother successfully

D. the way the author thought of was successful







1.推理判断题。此题根据问题“The author's father took her to the top of a church tower to ”定位到信息句:Father said gently, "There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can't get to the place where you want to go by one road. try another."推知父亲想要教育孩子在人生中如果一条路走不通时,他应该换一条路线。故选B。

2.2】细节信息题。此题根据问题“ What did the author(作者) want her mother to do earlier that day?”定位到信息句:Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do something about the awful lunches that were served at school,作者请求妈妈关于学校难吃的食物进行和学校的沟通。故选D。

3.3】细节信息题。此题根据问题“ What did the author's mother think of her lunch soup after she tasted it?

”定位到信息句:She swallowed one spoonful and sputtered, "The cook must have gone bad!" 妈妈尝了以后觉得汤一定是坏了,故选C。




科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川成都七中实验学校九年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I often have trouble _________ up the morning.

A. waking B. to wake C. wake


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年内蒙古赤峰市宁城县九年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空


1. There will be a composition contest named “My Good Teacher” to celebrate the ________(30) Teachers’ Day.

2.When Tom was young, his parents were so busy that they always left him alone by_____ (he).

3.There are six__________(French) talking loudly in the room.

4.It rains____________(heavy) in Guizhou when the peaches and plum are ready to eat June .

5.The ________ (deep) you are in understanding, the better you’ll be in your work.

6.The cook _________ (cut) up the bananas and mixed it with milk. The milk shake tasted very delicious.

7.Let’s stop _______ (exercise) unhealthily, and we can make a better life.

8.He does his best in order that the books can ________(sell) out.

9.We should be brave when we meet illness and __________(difficult).

10.It is _______ (luck) for him to lose his wallet and cellphone on the playground.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年内蒙古赤峰市宁城县九年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—It’s a quarter to eight. The train is leaving.

—She’ll be here on time. So ______ .

A. that sounds exciting B. there’s no need to worry

C. what a mess D. I can’t wait


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏永丰初级中学九年级上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.With the development of __________(工业) and agriculture , more and more waste is produced.

2.Funny Face was Audrey Heyburn’s ____________( 最后的) Hollywood film.

3.After _____________(采访) several stars, the host asked the audience questions.

4.I had to throw away all the food after I left the fridge open.What a ____________(浪费)!

5.They are very good ________________(讲故事的人).

6.If you describe someone as an ___________(天使), you mean that they seem to be very kind and good.

7.The famous ___________(direct) names are almost well known to all in China.

8.San Francisco is a city of great___________(beautiful).

9.The inventor was rewarded by government for his scientific _________(achieve).

10.Romantic films usually have happy ___________(end).


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏永丰初级中学九年级上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My parents want me to get further study to be ________ an engineer _______ a scientist, ________ I would like to be a famous surgeon doctor.

A. neither; nor; and B. either; or; but

C. not only; but; so D. both; and; or


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏永丰初级中学九年级上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I want to buy a good CD but_______ was available from the shop.

A. none B. neither C. no one D. Nothing


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏如皋市开发区九年级上第三次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


There once was a boy who loved eating sweets. He asked for sweets from his father. His father was a man and they lived in a very old house. He could not always sweets for his son. But the little boy did not this, and demanded sweets all the time.

The boy’s father thought hard about to stop the child asking for so many sweets. There was a very holy(神圣的) man living nearby at that time. The boy’s father had a(n) .He decided to take the boy to the great man who might persuade(说服) the child to stop asking for sweets all the time. The boy and his father went along to the man. The father said to him, “Oh, great saint, could you ask my son to stop asking for sweets which I cannot afford?” The great man was in , because he liked sweets himself. How could he ask the boy to give up asking for sweets? The holy man told the father to his son back after one month.

During that month, the holy man gave up eating sweets, and when the boy and his father after a month, the holy man said to the boy “My dear child, will you stop asking for sweets which your father cannot afford to give you?” , the boy stopped asking for sweets.

The boy’s asked the saint, “Why didn’t you ask my son to give up asking for sweets we came to you a month ago?” The holy man replied, “How could I ask a boy to give up sweets when I loved sweets myself. In the last month I gave up eating sweets.”

A person’s is much more powerful than just his words.

1.A. always B. never C. hardly D. seldom

2.A. rich B. honest C. kind D. poor

3.A. make B. accept C. afford D. find

4.A. ignore B. understand C. remember D. change

5.A. what B. where C. why D. how

6.A. excuse B. surprise C. idea D. proverb

7.A. can B. was able to C. be able to D. could

8.A. young B. strong C. great D. ugly

9.A. difficulty B. peace C. danger D. tears

10.A. call B. turn C. get D. bring

11.A. returned B. asked C. left D. disappeared

12.A. Up to no B. Sooner or later C. In other words D. From then on

13.A. sister B. brother C. father D. mother

14.A. when B. because C. until D. though

15.A. success B. history C. future D. action


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南华容南山乡教育联校九年级下第三学月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

第一节翻译语篇阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。(共5 小题,计10 分)

Sometimes you feel busy and worried. 1.你可能有许多事情要做,时间却不够。You may wonder, “ Where does time go?” Here are some ideas to help you make use of it and find more free time to enjoy your life.

Plan ahead of time. 2.It’ s necessary for you to make a plan at the beginning of a week or a day. Think of what you really need and don’t need to do. Spare(匀出)some time to have a short rest and look back on what you’ve done. You may have a sense of success.

Say no to yourself. If you are not excited about attending(出席)a social activity, then don’t go. 3.呆在家里休息。If you plan to go to a supermarket but it is raining heavily, why not stay inside? It’s fine to change your mind and do your shopping another day.

Change your pace(节奏). If you usually go shopping on Saturday, choose a weekday night to go instead. 4.The stores are less crowded on Wednesday evening than Saturday afternoon. You can feel better if you regard your way home as taking a relaxing walk after supper.

Focus on(关注)simple pleasures. 5.When your day’s work is done, it’s time to get yourself relaxed. A pleasant bath, a cup of coffee or a gentle song can be enough. Although expensive relaxation is nice, when you focus on simple pleasures, you’ll get more.

