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科目: 来源: 题型:054

Miss Richards was a teacher at a school for boys and girls.She 1 ndline  chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the 2 ndline.Sometimes the new classes 3 ndline  rapidly(迅速地),but sometimes they were very 4 ndline,and then Miss Richards had to 5 ndline  things many times.

  One year,the first class had been studying chemistry for several 6 ndline  when Miss Richards suddenly asked,“What is water? Who knows? 7 ndline  up!”

  There was silence(沉默) for a few seconds,and Miss Richards felt saddened(难过),but then one boy 8 ndline  his hand.

  “Yes,Dick?”said Miss Richards encouragingly(鼓励地).He was not one of the brightest children in the class,so she was 9 ndline  that he could answer.

  “Water is a liquid which has no 10 ndline  until you wash your hands in it,Miss.Then it turns black,” the boy replied with great confidence(信心).


A.teaches B.teaching  C.taught      D.teach

[  ]


A.schooling B.school   C.schools     D.home

[  ]


A.learned B.learning  C.had been learned D.were learned

[  ]


A.slow   B.being slow C.slowly      D.slowest

[  ]


A.repeated B.repeating C.do        D.repeat

[  ]


A.years   B.minutes   C.weeks       D.seconds

[  ]


A.Put   B.Hands   C.Get       D.Look

[  ]


A.lows   B.ride    C.put down     D.put up

[  ]


A.sad   B.glad    C.angry       D.hungry

[  ]


A.colour B.colourful C.colourless    D.with colour

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:054

How are you? It is very nice 1 ndline  you to write 2 ndline  me.From your letter I know a lot 3 ndline  your school.Now I 4 ndline  you know something about me and my school.I am thirteen years old.I am in Class One,Grade One.My father is a 5 ndline .He teaches English.My mother is a doctor.She works in a 6 ndline .I 7 ndline  early and 8 ndline  English.Our school is big.It has 2,000 students and 200 teachers.All the teachers and students work 9 ndline  .Please come and have a look 10 ndline  our school if you have free time.


A.of   B.on    C.for    D.to

[  ]


A.from   B.of    C.in     D.to

[  ]


A.of   B.for   C.about   D.to

[  ]


A.let   B.say   C.talk   D.know

[  ]


A.teacher B.worker  C.student  D.doctor

[  ]


A.school B.hospital C.factory  D.hotel

[  ]


A.go to bed B.have lessons C.get up D.come here

[  ]


A.look   B.see   C.watch   D.read

[  ]


A.hard   B.hardly  C.careful  D.fast

[  ]


A.at   B.in    C.on     D.to

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:054

My name is George.I'm from Canada.I'm fourteen years old.I can 1 English very well.I 2 to be a reporter(记者) when I grow up(长大).I work 3 a children's magazine(杂志) on weekends.I have to 4 from 8 am to 3 pm.I think 5 an interesting job for me 6 I liketailking with people very much.Now I 7 something about my job for the school's newspaper.I 8 want to have a lot of money.I'm going to 9 a big house when I grow up.I look forwardto living in the big house with my 10ndline


A.say  B.speak  C.talk

[  ]


A.like  B.have  C.want

[  ]


A.on  B.in  C.for

[  ]


A.work  B.study  C.play

[  ]


A.it's  B.they're  C.he's

[  ]


A.when  B.because  C.and

[  ]


A.write  B.am writing  C.am going to write

[  ]


A.again  B.also  C.always

[  ]


A.get  B.take  C.buy

[  ]


A.family  B.class  C.magazine

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:054

I am a middle school student.1ndline   name 2ndline   Jane.My friend is 3ndline4ndline   name is Jim.Jim and I 5ndline   in the same(同一) class.There 6ndline   ten boys and eleven girls in 7class.

  There is a map of England 8ndline   the wall of our classroom.We have three lessons in the morning.The first lesson 9ndline   Maths.I like Maths but Jim 10ndline   like it.


A.Me B.My C.I

[  ]


A.is B.am C.are

[  ]


A.boy B.a boy C.girl

[  ]


A.He B.His C.Her

[  ]


A.is B.am    C.are

[  ]


A.have B.is    C.are

[  ]


A.our B.ours C.us

[  ]


A.over B.in    C.on

[  ]


A.is B.has C.are

[  ]


A.does B.doesn’t C.is

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:054

A:Where are the students now?

B:They are 1 ndline.They 2 an English lesson.

A:Do they have 3 English lesson at this time every day?

B:4 ndline,except(除……以外) on Friday.

A:5 teaching them English?

B:Miss Green.

A:Let’s walk over to see 6 they are doing now.Who’s standing 7 the blackboard?

B:It’s Luck. She’s 8 something on the blackboard.

A:Is the young woman by the window 9 English teacher,Miss Green?

B:Yes,she’s a new teacher from England,and she 10 well.

A:What’s she doing now?

B:She’s asking the students questions.


A.in the classroom B.in the open air C.on the playground D.in the fields

[  ]


A.have B.are giving C.are working D.are having

[  ]


A.the B.a C.an D.any

[  ]


A.OK B.Oh,no  C.Yes D.I don’ t know

[  ]


A.Who’s B.What’s C.Is Miss Green D.Is Mrs Green

[  ]


A.how B.what C.which  D.where

[  ]


A.on  B.at  C.in front of D.at the front of

[  ]


A.speaking B.writing  C.looking D.seeing

[  ]


A.a B.an  C.also D.the

[  ]


A.teaches B.studies  C.makes D.plays

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:054


  A famous philosopher(哲学家) once wrote,“Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn base-ball.” Many people believe that Abner Dou-bleday 1 ndline  baseball. They say that in 1839, in Cooperstown, NY, Doubleday organize(组织)the first game of baseball ever 2 ndline. Cooperstown is now the 3 ndline  of the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

Others believe that baseball 4 ndline  from an English game called rounders. As early as the 1600s, people were playing rounders. People playing rounders first hit a ball with a bat and then ran 5 ndline  bases. It looked like baseball, 6 ndline  there were some differences. The main difference was the way 7 ndline  fielders(外野手)got run-ners out. In rounders, the fielder threw the ball at the runner. If the ball 8 ndline  the runner while he was running around the bases, the 9 ndline  was out.

  Gradually(逐渐地), Americans changed rounders to make it baseball. The big 10 ndline  came when the fielder stopped 11 ndline   the ball at the runner. Instead, the fielder tagged(追上)the runner, just as fielders 12 ndline  today.

  In 1845, a sportsman called Alexander Cartwright wrote a set of baseball rules 13 ndline  the clubs. Many of these rules are still used.

  With the 14 of the modem equip-ment(设备), baseball has become more and more15 ndline.


A. made   B. found   C. discovered D. invented

[  ]


A.seen   B.shown   C.played   D.noticed

[  ]


A.home   B.stadium C.playground D.middle

[  ]


A.developed B.moved   C.improved  D.advanced

[  ]


A.through B.across  C.improved  D.around

[  ]


A.and   B.or    C.because   D.but

[  ]


A.that   B.what   C.where   D.when

[  ]


A.killed  B.hit   C.hurt    D.shot

[  ]


A.rounder B.fielder C.runner   D.ball

[  ]


A.chance B.change  C.idea    D.thought

[  ]


A.catching B.keeping C.throwing  D.passing

[  ]


A.watch  B.do    C.hit     D.throw

[  ]


A.on   B.for   C.in     D.about

[  ]


A.help   B.way   C.develop   D.leading

[  ]


A.strange B.difficult C.easy    D.popular

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:054


Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective? We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long 1 ndline. This is very good,but it doesn't 2 a lot,for an effective student must have enough sleep,enough rest and exercise.Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places.It's good for your study.

  When you return 3 your studies,your mind will be refreshed(清醒) and you'll learn more 4 study better. Psychologists(心理学家) 5 that learning takes place this way.Here take English learning 6 an example.First you make a lot of progress and you feel happy.Then your language study seems 7 the same.So you will think you're learning 8 and you may give up.This can last for days or even weeks,yet you really have been learning all along.If you get enough sleep,food,rest and exercise,studying English can be very effective and 9 ndline.Don't give up along the way.Learn slowly and you're sure to get a good 10 ndline.


A.days   B.months   C.hours   D.weeks

[  ]


A.help   B.give     C.make    D.take

[  ]


A.after   B.for     C.at     D.to

[  ]


A.get    B.and     C.or     D.but

[  ]


A.have found B.have taught C.told    D.said

[  ]


A.with   B.for     C.as     D.to

[  ]


A.to have  B.to make   C.to take   D.to stay

[  ]


A.something B.anything   C.nothing   D.everything

[  ]


A.hard   B.common   C.interesting D.possible

[  ]


A.work   B.jump     C.walk    D.result

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:054

We know that trees are useful in our everyday lire.They 1 ndline  us many things,such as wood,oxygen,rubber,medicines and many other things.They can 2 ndline  tell us a lot about our climate.The following are the reasons.If you 3 ndline  a tree,you can see that it has many rings(年轮).Most trees grow one new ring 4 ndline  year.Because of this reason,we know 5 ndline  a tree is.A tree over a hundred years old means that it has more than a hundred 6 ndline.When the climate is dry or very cold,the trees do not grow very much and their rings are usually 7 ndline.When it is wet and warm,the rings are much thicker.If the rings are suddenly very thin or suddenly very thick.this means that the 8 ndline  changed suddenly.If we look at the rings on this tree,we can learn about the 9 ndline  for a hundred years.We can see 10 ndline  our climate is changing today.


A. tell   B. ask   C. give   D. get

[  ]


A. not   B. too   C. to    D. also

[  ]


A. cut down B. climb up C. walk past D. look at

[  ]


A. many   B. every  C. the first D. from

[  ]


A. how big B. how long C. how old D. how much

[  ]


A. trees  B. leaves C. people  D. rings

[  ]


A. big   B. thin   C. small   D. thick

[  ]


A. climate B. trees  C. things  D. animal

[  ]


A. people B. things C. climate D. life

[  ]


A. how   B. why   C. when   D. while

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:054

Different countries have different manners.For example,if you are a 1 ndline  in a Chinese house,when you have a meal,you usually do not 2 ndline  the food.You often leave a little to 3 ndline  that you have had enough. Butin England,a visitor always finishes the food to show that he has 4 ndline  it.We must know the customs of other 5 ndline,so that they will not think 6 ndline  bad-mannered.People all over the world 7 ndline  that a well-mannered person should be kind and 8 ndline  to others. If you 9 ndline  this,at least you will not go very far wrong. 10 ndline  like a person withgood manners,but no one likes a Person with bad manners.


A.stranger  B.traveler  C.visitor  D. foreigner

[  ]


A.need  B.finish  C.choose  D. have

[  ]


A.say  B.see  C.understand  D. show

[  ]


A.finished  B.enjoyed  C.taken  D. drunk

[  ]


A.countries  B.villages  C.cities  D. places

[  ]


A.them  B.me  C.us  D. him

[  ]


A.find  B.know  C.guess  D. agree

[  ]


A.careful  B.hetpful  C.hardworking  D. healthy

[  ]


A.forget  B.remember  C.learn  D. study

[  ]


A.somebody  B.Anybody  C.Nobody D. Everybody

[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:054

China's First Spaceman梇ang Liwei

  Yang Liwei was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province in 1965.He became a pilot of the Chinese Air Force in 1987.He 1 ndline  1350 hours in the air.It took him five years to be-come a spaceman.Yang Liwei was 2 ndline  into space by China's Shenzhou V spacecraft at 9 a.m. 3 ndline  October 15th,2003.It moved around the 4 ndline  fourteen times.He came back 5 ndline  at 6:30a.m.the next day,making China the 6 ndline  country to successfully send a person into space after the former Soviet Union(前苏联) 7 ndline  the USA.Yang Liwei returned to the earth after a 8 ndline  trip to space.In space,Yang Liwei not only recorded(记录) 9 ndline  he saw but also showed China's national flag(国旗) and the United Nations' flag to the people who watched on TV at home.

  All of the Chinese people are 10 ndline  our first spaceman梇ang Liwei.


A. paid  B. spent  C. took   D. cost

[  ]


A. sent up B. sent off C. sent away D. sent for

[  ]


A. for   B. in   C. at    D. on

[  ]


A. moon   B. earth  C. star      D. ocean

[  ]


A. careful B. quick  C. slowly     D. safely

[  ]


A. first   B. second C. third     D. fourth

[  ]


A. and   B. or   C. but       D. then

[  ]


A. 21 hours B. 21-hour C. 21-hours    D. 21st hour

[  ]


A. nobody  B. somebody C. nothing     D. everything

[  ]


A. proud of B. full of C. speak highly of D. lose ourselves in

[  ]

