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You can take the rest of the pie with you. ________, I wish you would, since I’m on a diet.

A. On the other hand B. As a matter of fact

C. As a consequence D. In addition to it




试题分析:A. On the other hand另一方面,B. As a matter of fact事实上,C. As a consequence因此,D. In addition to it此外,句意:你可以把其余的饼带上,事实上,我希望你会带上,因为我在节食。根据句意选B。




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省桐乡市高二下学期期中测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

My brother and I were brought up in a town in Scotland. Our father was a struggling , but I always knew he was . He never criticized us, but used to bring out our best. He’d say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die.” I as a child I said something about somebody, and my father said, “ time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you.” He explained that if I looked for the best people, I would get the best .From then on I’ve always tried to the principle in my life and later in running my company.

Dad’s also always been very . At 15, I started a magazine. It was a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a :stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.

I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision, any good father would. When he realized I had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad me to go into law. And I’ve __regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist, _ I didn’t pursue my .You know what you want. Go fulfill it.”

As turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national for young people in the U.K.My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad me.

1.A. biologist B. lawyer C. managerD. gardener

2.A. strictB. honestC. learnedD. special

3.A. powerB. courageC.praiseD. warmth

4.A. thinkB. rememberC. imagineD. guess

5.A. unkind B. unnecessaryC. unimportantD. unusual

6.A. Another B.Any C. SomeD. Other

7.A. onB. at C. in D. about

8.A. in caseB. in returnC. by chanceD. by turns

9.A. reviseB. setC. review D. follow

10.A. serious B. experienced C. understandingD. demanding

11.A. keeping upB. making upC. picking upD. taking up

12.A. suggestionB. decisionC. choiceD. notice

13.A. andB. even ifC.as D. as if

14.A. persuaded B. allowedC. helped D. suggested

15.A. almostB. neverC. seldomD. always

16.A. but B. ratherC. forD. therefore

17.A. promise B. task C. dream D. belief

18.A. thisB. itC. heD. that

19.A. magazine B. newspaperC. programD. project

20.A. controlledB. raised C. remindedD. comforted



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.The teacher taught us how to a_________ classic literature. We should know the background of the work, its plot, major characters, character development and so on.

2.Recently, our school has put forward a new rule that students are p__________ from eating snacks in the classroom.

3.He has been living in Britain for many years and has got a___________ to driving on the left.

4.Who will be offered the position of manager when it becomes v_________?

5.Unfortunately, she has lost the ring which is one of her most treasured p_____________.

6.The speaker r_________ to his past experiences in his speech which was delivered on the previous day.

7.On the run from the FBI, he made a d___________ attempt to hijack a plane.

8.The acts of v__________ at Kunming train station shocked people all over the country.

9.The queen is very pretty, but so proud and v__________ that she can not bear that Princess Snow White should be more beautiful than her.

10.The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good r____________.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

_______ for the doctor’s careful treatment, he _______ till last year.

A. If it is not; can’t live B. Were it not; couldn’t live

C. Had it not been; couldn’t have livedD. If it were not; wouldn’t live



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省高二下学期第一次质量检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


1.After s__________ the water out of the shirt, she hung it in the sun.

2.Remember to cover the burned area with a dry and clean b__________.

3.What she said c_________ me of my foolish mistake.

4.It is supposed that the p__________ food may be the cause of the man’s sudden death.

5.He gave us s__________ instructions on how to get there.

6.When Susan fell off her bike, her only i__________ was a twisted ankle.

7.His approach has won him a r as a tough manager.

8.Many elderly people expressed a strong p to live in their own homes.

9.It was fairly e________ from her tone of voice that she disapproved.

10.A t__________ picture of the Middle Ages was full of religious symbols.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省高二下学期第一次质量检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He had a strange hairstyle and he instantly became the ________ of attention the moment he stepped into the classroom.

A. aim B. focusC. directionD. point



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省高二下学期第一次质量检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mary failed the driving test again.If she ________ harder, she ________ the test easily.

A. practiced; would pass

B. had practiced; would pass

C. had practiced; would have passed

D. should practice; should have passed



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江瑞安龙翔高级中学高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mary began here as a(n) ______ worker and ended up getting a full-time job with the company.

A. optimistic B. temporary C. previous D. uncertain



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The wedding took place in a Birmingham hotel. The bride and her father arrived in a new black American sports car. Her father looked nervous and uncomfortable in front of the cameras. The bride wore a silk wedding dress. She smiled nervously at the waiting photographers and went to a room on the first floor where she met her future husband for the very first time.

Carla Germaine and Greg Cordell were the winners of a radio station’s competition. The aim of the competition was to find two strangers prepared to marry without having met each other. Miss Germaine, 23, is a model. Mr. Cordell, 27, is a TV salesman. They were among the two hundred people who entered for a particular “experiment” organized by BMRB radio in Birmingham, England. Greg and Carla were among eight finalists who were interviewed live on radio. They took a lie detector (测谎仪)test and the station also spoke to their friends and family about their personalities. The competition judges included an astrologer(占卜家)who declared that they were suited.

The couple celebrated their wedding with a wedding breakfast and a party for 100 guests in the evening, but not everyone shared their joy. Miss Germaine’s mother looked anxious through-out the wedding and Mr. Cordell’s parents are reported to be less than delighted.

Organizations, including the marriage guidance service Relate, have criticized the marriage. As one expert put it, “we have enough problems getting young people to take marriage seriously. Marriage should always be about love.”

The couples are now on a Caribbean honeymoon followed by journalists. Their other prizes include a year’s free use of a wonderful apartment in the centre of Birmingham, and a car. But will it last?

1.How did the couple’s parents react to the wedding?

A. The bride’s mother shared their joy.

B. The bridegroom’s parents were not that joyful.

C. The bridegroom’s parents were quite delighted.

D. The bride’s father felt uncomfortable about the wedding.

2.Some experts believe that ________.

A. marriage without the couple’s meeting each other first ends up in divorce.

B. most young people take marriage seriously except this couple.

C. taking a lie detector test can not solve all the marriage problems.

D. young people nowadays are too careless about marriage.

3.One of the prizes for the couple is ________.

A. to use an apartment free for some time.

B. to spend their honeymoon wherever they like.

C. to have a wedding dress free.

D. to own an American sports car.

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. A Wedding Based on love. B. Two Strangers and a Wedding.

C. A Short--lived Marriage. D. A Well--Matched Couple.


