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The wedding took place in a Birmingham hotel. The bride and her father arrived in a new black American sports car. Her father looked nervous and uncomfortable in front of the cameras. The bride wore a silk wedding dress. She smiled nervously at the waiting photographers and went to a room on the first floor where she met her future husband for the very first time.

Carla Germaine and Greg Cordell were the winners of a radio station’s competition. The aim of the competition was to find two strangers prepared to marry without having met each other. Miss Germaine, 23, is a model. Mr. Cordell, 27, is a TV salesman. They were among the two hundred people who entered for a particular “experiment” organized by BMRB radio in Birmingham, England. Greg and Carla were among eight finalists who were interviewed live on radio. They took a lie detector (测谎仪)test and the station also spoke to their friends and family about their personalities. The competition judges included an astrologer(占卜家)who declared that they were suited.

The couple celebrated their wedding with a wedding breakfast and a party for 100 guests in the evening, but not everyone shared their joy. Miss Germaine’s mother looked anxious through-out the wedding and Mr. Cordell’s parents are reported to be less than delighted.

Organizations, including the marriage guidance service Relate, have criticized the marriage. As one expert put it, “we have enough problems getting young people to take marriage seriously. Marriage should always be about love.”

The couples are now on a Caribbean honeymoon followed by journalists. Their other prizes include a year’s free use of a wonderful apartment in the centre of Birmingham, and a car. But will it last?

1.How did the couple’s parents react to the wedding?

A. The bride’s mother shared their joy.

B. The bridegroom’s parents were not that joyful.

C. The bridegroom’s parents were quite delighted.

D. The bride’s father felt uncomfortable about the wedding.

2.Some experts believe that ________.

A. marriage without the couple’s meeting each other first ends up in divorce.

B. most young people take marriage seriously except this couple.

C. taking a lie detector test can not solve all the marriage problems.

D. young people nowadays are too careless about marriage.

3.One of the prizes for the couple is ________.

A. to use an apartment free for some time.

B. to spend their honeymoon wherever they like.

C. to have a wedding dress free.

D. to own an American sports car.

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. A Wedding Based on love. B. Two Strangers and a Wedding.

C. A Short--lived Marriage. D. A Well--Matched Couple.







试题分析: 本文讲述了在广播电台组织的一项特殊比赛中获胜的一对陌生男女的婚礼情况。获胜的这对男女获得了免费去加勒比海度蜜月和免费一年使用豪华公寓和汽车的奖励。但是新郎和新娘的父母以及一些专家却对此持否定的态度。

1.。细节理解题。根据文章第三段Miss Germaine’s mother looked anxious through-out the wedding and Mr. Cordell’s parents are reported to be less than delighted.可知新郎的父母不是很高兴,故答案选B。

2.。细节理解题。根据文章第四段一位专家的话 “we have enough problems getting young people to take marriage seriously. Marriage should always be about love.”可知一些专家认为年轻人对婚姻太随便,故答案选D。

3.。细节理解题。从文章末段Their other prizes include a year’s free use of a wonderful apartment in the centre of Birmingham, and a car.可知他们所获得的奖品是免费使用公寓和汽车,故答案选A。




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省高二下学期第一次质量检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You can take the rest of the pie with you. ________, I wish you would, since I’m on a diet.

A. On the other hand B. As a matter of fact

C. As a consequence D. In addition to it



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江瑞安龙翔高级中学高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The snowstorm ________ our difficulties.

A. added to B. added up C. added up to D. has added



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江巨人中学等三校高二下第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Your job here is only ________ , for you will be removed from it when we have a proper post for you.

A. professional B. temporary

C. appropriate D. permanent



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Don’t Wait Until Flowers Fade

Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches (路沟) along the highway I travel daily to work.

There is one blue flower that has always my eye. I’ve noticed that it blooms only in the morning hours, and the afternoon sun is too warm it. Every day for approximately two weeks, I see those beautiful .

This spring, I started a wildflower garden in our yard. I can look out of the window while doing the dishes and see the flowers. I’ve often thought that those lovely blue flowers from the ditch would look in that bed alongside wildflowers.

Everyday I drove the flowers thinking, “I’ll stop on my way home and dig them.” “Gee, I don’t want to get my good clothes ...” Whatever the reason, I never stopped to dig them. My husband gave me a folding shovel(铁锹) one year to be used for that purpose.

One day on my way home from work, I was to see that the highway department had moved the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were gone. I thought to myself, “Way to go, you too long. You it when you first saw them blooming this spring.”

A week ago we were shocked and saddened to learn that my oldest sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor(脑瘤晚期). She is 20 years older than my husband and , because of age and distance, we haven’t been as as we all would have liked.

I couldn’t help but see the between the pretty blue flowers and the between my husband’s sister and us. I do believe that God has given us some time left to plant some valuable that will bloom every year for us.

And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, you can bet I'll stop and them to my wildflower garden

1.A.sweetB.interesting C.differentD.particular

2.A.fascinated B.struckC.caughtD.charm



5.A.openB.main hall C.frontD.kitchen






11.A.expressed B.temporary C.unfinishedD.permanent

12.A.annoying B.saddened C.interestedD.helpless


14.A.would have done B.need have done C.should have doneD.muse have done

15.A.unconsciously B.fortunately C.unfortunately D.consciously


17.A.connection B.difference C.meaningD.significance

18.A.friendship B.relationship C.supportD.relative

19.A.treesB.memories C.speciesD.roses




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省灵宝市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mobile phone(手机)has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned(禁止)students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.

Mobile phone used among children has become a problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phone as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them.

Mary Bluett, an official, said mobile phone use is a distraction(分心的事)to student during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.

She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t get in touch with their children.

Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school: they were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies.

Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.

1. Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones___.

A. because they are students

B. when they are free

C. when they are at school(在上学)

D. because they are children

2.What does the underlined word “cheat” mean in the passage?

A. 聊天B. 核对

C. 查询D. 作弊

3.Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t _________ during school hours.

A. use their mobile phones

B. leave their mobile phones at school office

C. help the teachers with their work

D. get in touch with (和……取得联系)their children

4.The passage tells us that _________.

A. students shouldn’t have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons

B. it is impossible to ban students from using mobile phone at school

C. some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t use their phones at school

D. parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hours



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省灵宝市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Not until ________to do my homework ________ how much time I had wasted playing computer games.

A. I began; I realized B. I began; did I realize

C. did I begin; I realized D. did I begin; did I realize



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省高二下学期期中模拟英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达













Dear Editor,

I’m a senior two student . I’m writing to tell you my opinion
















科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省周口市英文学校高二下学期期考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


There is an old saying that chance favors the prepared mind. For those who aren’t prepared, even if they have a lot of chances, they won’t catch them, let alone the chances in such fierce competition.





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