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Have you ever thought of joining a book club and buying new books through the post?Here at the International Book Club,we already have many members buying books from us by mail.

Immediate benefits:


?As a special offer,you may choose any reduced?price books from our new members’ book list,to the value of $6 in total (plus postage and packing).By doing this,you will save pounds on the publishers’ prices.

?Tick the box on your form to order a free watch.

?If you reply within seven days,we will send you another free gift carefully chosen from our book list by our staff

?Order a DVD from the many on offer in our list,at half the recommended retail price.

When you’ve joined:

As a member,you’ll enjoy savings of between 30% and 50% off the publisher’s price on every book you buy,and what’s more,they’ll come straight to your door.Your free club magazine arrives once a month,to keep you up to date with the latest best?sellers.This means that every year we offer over 1,000 books to choose from.On the Internet,you can find all our titles for the year on our exclusive members’ website.

Being a member:

All we are asking you to do while you are a member is to choose four books during your first year.After that,you can decide on the number of books you wish to take.

In each of our monthly club magazines,our experienced staff choose a Club Choice book—a work of fiction or a reference title which they feel is particularly worth buying,and which is offered at an extra?special price.However,if you do not want this book,just say so in the space provided on the form.We will always send the book if we do not receive this.

So,return your application form today,but hurry—it’s not every day we can make you an offer like this.To apply to become a member,all you need to do is simply fill in the enclosed form and return it in the postage?paid envelope supplied.

Before you know it,your books will be with you.Please don’t send any money now,as we will send you your bill with the books.And remember,you have up to a fortnight to decide if you wish to keep the books you have ordered.You should then either return the books or send your payment.

1.Which of the following doesn’t belong to the benefits of being a club member?

A.Get four books for free in the first year.

B.Order a free watch.

C.Get a gift for nothing.

D.Order a DVD at a low price.

2.Every month the club provides a free club magazine in order to________.

A.let readers know the number of books to be sold

B.keep readers well informed of recent best?selling books

C.make readers know the club’s development

D.attract more and more readers to join the club

3.If a book is worth $100,how much will a member probably save if he buys one?



4.What should you do if you want to join the book club?

A.Just fill in a form with personal information and send the club an email.

B.Ask other club members to recommend you to the club.

C.Fill in an application form with needed information and return it to the club.

D.Apply for a membership card.








1.细节信息题。根据Being a member部分中的第一句话“All we are asking you to do while you are a member is to choose four books during your first year.”可知,成为会员后,第一年要选购四本书,这些书并不是免费的,因此A选项不是成为会员的好处。根据Immediate benefits部分的内容可知,B、C、D三项都是成为会员后可以享受到的好处。

2.When you’ve joined部分中的第二句话“Your free club magazine arrives once a month,to keep you up to date with the latest best?sellers.”可知,每月给会员一本免费的会员杂志是为了告知会员最近的畅销书,因此答案为B。

3.When you’ve joined部分中的首句“As a member,you’ll enjoy savings of between 30% and 50% off the publisher’s price on every book you buy”可知,会员购书可以打七到五折,因此一本100美元的图书,会员将节省30至50美元,故B项正确。

4.To apply to become a member,all you need to do is simply fill in the enclosed form and return it in the postage?paid envelope supplied.”直接可知,要成为该图书俱乐部的成员,所需要的就是简单地填好所附的表格然后用提供的已付邮资的信封寄回就OK了。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高二4月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The matter __________ your fate can't be taken for granted. You have to think it over seriously.

A. relates to B. related to C. relate to D. to relate to



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏江阴祝塘中学五校联考高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

_________at the cafeteria before, Tina didn’t want to eat there again.

A. Having eaten B. To eat C. Eat D. Eating



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届新疆昌吉州一中高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

In 1982, Steven Callahan was crossing the Atlantic alone in his sailboat when it struck something and sank.He got into a life boat, but his supplies were .His chances of surviving were small. when three fishermen found him 76 days later, he was alive —much than he was when he started, but alive.
His of how he survived is fascinating.His cleverness —how he to catch fish, how he evaporated(蒸发) sea water to fresh water—is very interesting.
But the thing that my eye was how he managed to keep himself going when all hope seemed lost, and there seemed no in continuing the struggle .He was starved and9 worn-out.Giving up would have seemed the only possible choice.
When people these kinds of circumstances, they do something with their minds that gives them the courage to keep going.Many people in desperate circumstances in or go mad.Something the survivors do with their thoughts helps them find the courage to carry on difficulties.
"I tell myself I can it," wrote Callahan in his book.-Compared to what others have been through, I'm fortunate.I tell myself these things over and over, up courage..."
I wrote that down after 1 read it.It me as something important.And I've told myself the same thing when my own goals seemed off or when my problems seemed too terrible.And every time I've said it, I have always come back to my .
The truth is, our circumstances are only bad to something better.But others have been through the much worse, that is, in comparison with what others have been through, you're fortunate.Tell this to yourself over and over again, and it will help you through the rough situations with a little more courage.

1.A.full B.rich C.few D.enough

2. A.And B.Yet C.Still D.Thus

3.A.thinner B.stronger C.worse D.healthier

4.A.attitude B.assumption C.instruction D.account

5.A.assisted B.tended C.managed D.intended

6.A.make B.absorb C.select D.replace

7.A.attacked B.caught C.froze D. cheated

8.A.operation B.taste C. message D. point

9.A.firmly B.completely C.hardly D.generally

10.A. deal B. defend C. survive D.observe

11.A.similarly B.differently C.gradually D.commonly

12.A.pull B. take C. break D. give

13.A.for the lack of B. in the face ofC.in exchange for D. As a result of

14.A.handle B. carry C. follow D. inspect

15.A.rolling B.using C.building D.making

16.A.defeated B.Recommended C.introduced D.struck

17.A. far B.long C.ever D. even

18.A.feeling B.senses C.plans D.influences

19.A.related B.measured C.contributed D.compared

20.A.see B. cut C. go D. think



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届新疆兵团农二师华山中学高三上学期学前英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Once upon a time there was a rich merchant1.__________ had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife the most. He took great care of her and gave her nothing 2._________ the best. He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He was very 3._________ (pride)of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends. He also loved his 2nd wife. She is4._________very considerate person, always patient and in fact is the merchant’s close friend. 5._________ the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his 2nd wife and 6._________ would always help him out and tide(帮助渡过)him 7.__________ difficult times. Now, the merchant’s 1st wife is a very loyal partner and has made great 8._________ (contribute)in maintaining his wealth and business as well as 9.__________ (take)care of the household. 10.__________, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配




1.Mr. Jones likes military history very much. He knows well a lot of battles in World War Two. Now he wishes to know even more. He wants to learn about some other battles that happened in different parts of the world, so he wants to get a magazine to help him.

2.Mr. Spencer has a very big family and they have different interests, so he wishes to subscribe a magazine that can satisfy all of his family members' needs. For example, he is interested in politics and events, his wife cares about movies while his sons and daughters love music and fashion.

3.Mrs. Baker is trying to subscribe a magazine for her son, aged 10, and her daughter, aged 8. She needs one that includes fun facts about human body and animals, stories, and illustrations designed to spark her children's interest, educating while also entertaining.

4.Mrs. Bates has a full-time job while she has to take care of her family. Sometimes she finds it really difficult for her to get meals ready for them after she gets back from work. Now she needs to find a magazine that could help her prepare some quick and easy food for her family.

5.Mr. Barrow runs a small pub in downtown areas and every day he gets quite a lot of customers who come for beers. To offer better service to his customers, he wishes to know more about beer like new trends in beer. So he wants to find a magazine to do that.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省湛江市高三8月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

Latest statistics from the Ministry of Health showed that the incidence rate of kidney cancer increased on average by 2.5 percent annually, with men aged 55 to 65 at particular risk. "It has now become the 10th most common cancer type among men and will be on the rise in the future," said Ma Jianhui, a leading doctor at the Department of Urological Surgical Oncology of the Cancer Institute and Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

Chinese senior cancer specialists warned the public that rising kidney cancer, one of the major health problems in China in recent years, is largely due to an unhealthy lifestyle associated with obesity, smoking and drinking. Lack of healthy diet is also one of the major causes.

Though many people already know their unhealthy ways, they keep on doing it. "I smoke because I work in sales and it helps me cope with the stress of meeting targets," said Wu, after she smoked inside a public restaurant. "I know it is bad for me and I'm trying to quit, but I'm still very healthy now, and I'm optimistic about my future."








1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。










科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省清远市高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Exam anxiety is something that almost every person experiences during his or her student life. Little anxiety actually helps one and work hard for the exams. However, if students spend all their time in feeling , a lot of valuable study time would be lost.

In this competitive world, cause a lot of nervousness in students. For some, exam anxiety encourages them to work hard, while for others it may be the root cause for poor performance, leading to academic and lack of confidence. In fact, some students are anxious by nature and easily get nervous when they face a(n) situation. They will think even if they have prepared well. They fear that they may what they have studied, and when it is too much, their is likely to come true.

One of the most important methods of exam anxiety is to prepare well in advance. Studying regularly for a few hours every day helps increase the of students. If students are not able to handle anxiety or nervousness, they could talk to their teachers, parents, friends or instructors. should also avoid giving pressure to their kids to do well. Creating a peaceful and atmosphere at home can be greatly helpful.

To and sleep properly is also important. Students tend to avoid sleep and starve themselves due to anxiety, but it is to their academic performance and health. It’s better that students should plan their time well and take proper breaks between studies. They should always remember to set aside some time for their since some entertainment helps them relax and concentrate.


















科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省广州市高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I never thought I would have a life-changing experience at Wal-Mart.

Although my thoughts were only on speed, the checkout line I was standing in wasn't moving as quickly as I wanted, and I glanced toward the cashier.

There stood a man in his seventies, wearing glasses and a nice smile. I thought, well, he's an old guy!

For the next few minutes I watched him. He greeted every customer before scanning the items. Sure, his words were the usual, “How's it going?” But he did something different—he actually listened to people. Then he would respond to what they had said and engage them in brief conversation.

I thought it was odd. I have grown accustomed to people asking me how I was doing simply out of robotic conversational habit. After a while, you don't give any thought to the question and just mumble something back. I could say, “I just found out I have six months to live,” and someone would reply, “Have a great day!”

But that wasn't the end.

He gave them the change, walked around the counter, and extended his right hand in an act of friendship. He looked at the customers in the eyes. “I sure want to thank you for shopping here today,” he told them. “You have a great day. Bye-bye.”

The looks on the faces of the customers were priceless. There were smiles and some sheepish grins. All had been touched by his simple gesture---and in a place they never expected. They would gather their things and walk out, smiling.

Of course, he did the same to me and I got to know his name, Marty.

Who was that guy? It was as if Sam Walton had come back from the dead and invaded this old guy’s body.

I had never walked away from that shop feeling like that.

1.The checkout line the writer was standing in moved slower than expected because_______ .

A.the cashier couldn’t work as fast as others

B.there were some big purchases

C.the cashier did more than scanning the items

D.the writer was not patient enough

2.According to the writer, when common people ask you “How’s it going?”

A.they don’t really care what you may answer

B.they are just practicing their conversation ability

C.they are inquiring about your private information

D.they don’t expect to hear any negative answers

3.What was most customers’ reaction to Marty’s behaviors?

A.They thought it priceless. B.They were in some way moved.

C.They thought it awful and odd. D.They felt somewhat offended.

4.What can we infer about Sam Walton?

A.He might be Marty’s father or grandfather.

B.He might be friendly and devoted to Wal-Mart.

C.He might have died while working in the market.

D.He might have come back from the dead once before.

5.What does the writer intend to express through the text?

A.Our everyday life is always full of surprises.

B.Most customers enjoy being treated this way.

C.Being different is a good way of doing business.

D.A little positive action can make a big difference.


