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In 1982, Steven Callahan was crossing the Atlantic alone in his sailboat when it struck something and sank.He got into a life boat, but his supplies were .His chances of surviving were small. when three fishermen found him 76 days later, he was alive —much than he was when he started, but alive.
His of how he survived is fascinating.His cleverness —how he to catch fish, how he evaporated(蒸发) sea water to fresh water—is very interesting.
But the thing that my eye was how he managed to keep himself going when all hope seemed lost, and there seemed no in continuing the struggle .He was starved and9 worn-out.Giving up would have seemed the only possible choice.
When people these kinds of circumstances, they do something with their minds that gives them the courage to keep going.Many people in desperate circumstances in or go mad.Something the survivors do with their thoughts helps them find the courage to carry on difficulties.
"I tell myself I can it," wrote Callahan in his book.-Compared to what others have been through, I'm fortunate.I tell myself these things over and over, up courage..."
I wrote that down after 1 read it.It me as something important.And I've told myself the same thing when my own goals seemed off or when my problems seemed too terrible.And every time I've said it, I have always come back to my .
The truth is, our circumstances are only bad to something better.But others have been through the much worse, that is, in comparison with what others have been through, you're fortunate.Tell this to yourself over and over again, and it will help you through the rough situations with a little more courage.

1.A.full B.rich C.few D.enough

2. A.And B.Yet C.Still D.Thus

3.A.thinner B.stronger C.worse D.healthier

4.A.attitude B.assumption C.instruction D.account

5.A.assisted B.tended C.managed D.intended

6.A.make B.absorb C.select D.replace

7.A.attacked B.caught C.froze D. cheated

8.A.operation B.taste C. message D. point

9.A.firmly B.completely C.hardly D.generally

10.A. deal B. defend C. survive D.observe

11.A.similarly B.differently C.gradually D.commonly

12.A.pull B. take C. break D. give

13.A.for the lack of B. in the face ofC.in exchange for D. As a result of

14.A.handle B. carry C. follow D. inspect

15.A.rolling B.using C.building D.making

16.A.defeated B.Recommended C.introduced D.struck

17.A. far B.long C.ever D. even

18.A.feeling B.senses C.plans D.influences

19.A.related B.measured C.contributed D.compared

20.A.see B. cut C. go D. think























试题分析:这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。Steven Callahan在独自穿越大西洋时,他的船沉了。他一次次地鼓励自己,“我能行”,他终于靠着顽强的意志和有效的生存技巧生还。作者被这句话打动,时常用它来勉励自己。























科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高二4月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Twenty-first century humanity has mapped oceans and mountains, visited the moon, and surveyed the planets. But for all the progress, people still don’t know one another very well.

That brings about Theodore Zeldin’s “feast of conversation”-events where individuals pair with persons they don’t know for three hours of guided talk designed to forget the past “Where are you from?”

Mr. Zeldin, an Oxford University professor, heads Oxford Muse, a 10-year-old foundation based on the idea that what people need is not more information, but more inspiration and encouragement.

The “feast” in London looks not at politics or events, but at how people have felt about work, relations among the sexes, hopes and fears, enemies and authority, the shape of their lives. The “menu of conversation” includes topics like “How have your priorities changed over the years?” Or, “What have you rebelled against the past?”

As participants gathered, Zeldin opened with a speech: that despite instant communications in a globalized age, issues of human heart remain. Many people are lonely, or in routines that discourage knowing the depth of one another. “We are trapped in shallow conversations and the whole point now is to think, which is sometimes painful,” he says. “But thinking interaction is what separates us from other species, except maybe dogs…who do have generations of human interactions.”

The main rules of the “feast”: Don’t pair with someone you know or ask questions you would not answer. The only awkward moment came when the multi-racial crowd of young adults to seniors, in sun hats, ties and dresses, looked to see whom with for hours. But 15 minutes later, everyone was seated and talking, continuing full force until organizers interrupted them 180 minutes later.

“It’s encouraging to see the world is not just a place of oppression and distance from each other,” Zeldin summed up. “What we did is not ordinary, but it can’t be madder than the world already is.”

Some said they felt “liberated” to talk on sensitive topics. Thirty-something Peter, from East London, said that “it might take weeks or months to get to the level of interaction we suddenly opened up.”

1.What can the “conversations” be best described as?

A. Deep and one-on-one. B. Sensitive and mad.

C. Instant and inspiring. D. Ordinary and encouraging.

2.In a “feast of conversations”, participants ______.

A. pair freely with anyone they like

B. have a guided talk for a set of period of time

C. ask questions they themselves would not answer

D. wear clothes reflecting multi-racial features.

3.From the passage, we can conclude that what Zeldin does is ______.

A. an attempt to promote thinking interaction

B. one of the maddest activities ever conducted

C. a try to liberate people from old-fashioned ideas

D. an effort to give people a chance of talking freely



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

In 1778, Banks was elected ________president of the Royal Society, ________position he held for 42 years.

A. /, a B. / , the C. the, a D. the, the



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏江阴祝塘中学五校联考高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Measures have been taken to fight ________recurring food safety problems, but there is still a long way to go before China can rid itself ________ these issues.

A. for; of B. for; from C. against; of D. against; from



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届新疆昌吉州一中高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达





注意:1.此投诉信应写给电信公司(China telecom)服务经理。








科目:高中英语 来源:2015届新疆兵团农二师华山中学高三上学期学前英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

作为即将参加高考的高三学生,学习任务重,压力大,所以你认为有效的学习显得尤为重要。请根据你的切身体会,以“How to Be an Efficient Learner?”为题,从合理安排、劳逸结合等方面谈谈你对有效学习的看法。

注意:1.短文标题和开头句子已给出,不计入总词数;2.词数:120左右;3.参考词汇:agenda n.日程表;balanced adj.均衡的。

How to Be an Efficient Learner?

Being Senior Three students,we have a tight schedule and seem to have endless homework to do everyday.








科目:高中英语 来源:2015届新疆兵团农二师华山中学高三上学期学前英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever thought of joining a book club and buying new books through the post?Here at the International Book Club,we already have many members buying books from us by mail.

Immediate benefits:


?As a special offer,you may choose any reduced?price books from our new members’ book list,to the value of $6 in total (plus postage and packing).By doing this,you will save pounds on the publishers’ prices.

?Tick the box on your form to order a free watch.

?If you reply within seven days,we will send you another free gift carefully chosen from our book list by our staff

?Order a DVD from the many on offer in our list,at half the recommended retail price.

When you’ve joined:

As a member,you’ll enjoy savings of between 30% and 50% off the publisher’s price on every book you buy,and what’s more,they’ll come straight to your door.Your free club magazine arrives once a month,to keep you up to date with the latest best?sellers.This means that every year we offer over 1,000 books to choose from.On the Internet,you can find all our titles for the year on our exclusive members’ website.

Being a member:

All we are asking you to do while you are a member is to choose four books during your first year.After that,you can decide on the number of books you wish to take.

In each of our monthly club magazines,our experienced staff choose a Club Choice book—a work of fiction or a reference title which they feel is particularly worth buying,and which is offered at an extra?special price.However,if you do not want this book,just say so in the space provided on the form.We will always send the book if we do not receive this.

So,return your application form today,but hurry—it’s not every day we can make you an offer like this.To apply to become a member,all you need to do is simply fill in the enclosed form and return it in the postage?paid envelope supplied.

Before you know it,your books will be with you.Please don’t send any money now,as we will send you your bill with the books.And remember,you have up to a fortnight to decide if you wish to keep the books you have ordered.You should then either return the books or send your payment.

1.Which of the following doesn’t belong to the benefits of being a club member?

A.Get four books for free in the first year.

B.Order a free watch.

C.Get a gift for nothing.

D.Order a DVD at a low price.

2.Every month the club provides a free club magazine in order to________.

A.let readers know the number of books to be sold

B.keep readers well informed of recent best?selling books

C.make readers know the club’s development

D.attract more and more readers to join the club

3.If a book is worth $100,how much will a member probably save if he buys one?



4.What should you do if you want to join the book club?

A.Just fill in a form with personal information and send the club an email.

B.Ask other club members to recommend you to the club.

C.Fill in an application form with needed information and return it to the club.

D.Apply for a membership card.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省湛江市高三8月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Following some of the tips for green living helps save our planet. All of these involve just a few changes to our daily habits.

Just walk and limit the use of your car. One of the poster images of pollution is our vehicles. It burns fuel. It is not as efficient as we hope it could be, and we use it every single day. To lessen the effects of the air pollution caused by our vehicles, we should limit their use. If we can walk to our destination then just let us go. Not only do we lessen our carbon dioxide emissions, but we also get a good exercise out of it.

Use a laptop instead of a computer desktop. Laptops are more energy efficient compared to their bigger counterparts. A laptop is generally 50 percent more efficient in using electricity. Aside from that there are other benefits of a laptop. It is portable so you can work anywhere you like and that you get powerful features without the large size of desktop units.

Turn off the faucet while you are brushing your teeth. It is always a better idea to use a glass when we are brushing our teeth and not to just let the faucet keep on running. Therefore,there is less water to waste while we are cleaning our pearly whites. Simply turn off the faucet when you are not using it.

Make good use of natural light. We have a great and natural lamp --- the sun, and we should learn how to take full advantage of it during daytime. So instead of turning on our lights or lamps even if it is still not evening, we should pull up the drapes and let the natural light come in from the windows.

These are just some of the best tips for green living, but of course there are still many of these tips if you just search for them. But you can do your own variation any time just always prioritize how you can use less energy and produce even lesser trash and pollution.

1.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. How to Save Our Planet

B. How to Change Our Daily Habits

C. Tips for Green Living Today

D. Green Living and Serious Pollution

2.Compared with a computer desktop, a laptop is__________.

A. less energy efficient B. faster at work

C. easy to repair D. easy to carry

3.How many tips does the passage mention for green living today?

A. Three B. Four

C. Five D. Six

4.The underlined word “prioritize” in the last paragraph can be replaced by the word


A. decrease B. consider

C. imagine D. guess

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. A few changes to daily habits can help a lot.

B. While washing teeth we should turn off the faucet.

C. Vehicles bring pollution and we should try to avoid.

D. In the daytime we should not pull up the drapes.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省高三暑假联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配



Simple Way to Boost Marital Happiness? Say ‘Thank You’.

‘Thank You’goes a long way to keeping couples happy.


Dads Struggle to Find Work—Life Balance

Working dads say work—life balance is hard to find.


What Workers Want From Their Bosses...Besides Money

Money isn’t everything,and they need recognition as well.


Bosses Say It Is, Indeed,Lonely at the Top

CEOs of public firms say they feel especially isolated.


Americans Say They are Healthy, But Not Wealthy

Americans are evaluating the health of their personal finances with the same rigor as they do their physical health.


Higher Housework Burden Stresses Women

Unequal employment and pay add to mom’s stressors,because they make her feel the need to do more housework.



1.Work appears to be taking its toll on the relationship between dads and their families, a new study finds. CareerBuilder’s annual Father’s Day survey found that 22 percent of fathers say their work has negatively affected relationships with their children, while 26 percent believe their job has hurt relationships with significant others.

2.U.S.workers are looking for a little pat on the back,according to a new study.The latest Globoforce Workforce Mood Tracker revealed that more than half of employees would leave their current job to go work for a company that recognized their efforts. The research shows a direct correlation between recognition and retention.

3.It’s lonely at tile top, and CEOs know that better than anyone, according to a new poll.While being a CEO may come with prestige and financial benefits.a study by RHR International, a global executive talent development firm, revealed that the high, ranking position is often accompanied by isolation.

4.While women are doing less housework than they used to. they still take on the brunt of the household cleaning chores. New research indicates that this extra work stresses them out,and that stress worsens when there is salary or gender inequality present in the relationship. Though both men and women spend less time spent on domestic duties, women still take on a large amount of the work, studies show.

5.Saying “thank you” may be a simple way to boost marital happiness,new research suggests. This cycle of appreciation may also make for longer-lasting relationships.” Feeing appreciated by your partner influences how you act in your relationship, and how much you want to stay in that relationship,”study researcher told LiveScience.


