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10.I'mextremely(极其地)sorry for the delay.

分析 我为我的延误感到极其抱歉.

解答 答案:extremely
解析:根据括号内所给中文提示可知,本题考查extremely"极其"这一副词.拓展:be/feel sorry for"为…感到抱歉".

点评 本题考查翻译填空,做此类题目时一定要根据中文及英文题干确定需要翻译的成分,再找出与之对应的英文并考虑各成分是否有形式的改变.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.In the very early 1800's,a young boy about 14 years old named John lived in an orphanage (孤儿院) in Old England along with several other children.Orphan meant unwanted and unloved.
     Christmas was the one day of the year when the children didn't work and received a gift,an orange.Usually they tried to taste and preserve it for so long that it often rotted before they ever peeled(剥开)it to enjoy the sweet juice.Many thought were expressed as Christmas time approached.The children would say,"I will keep mine the longest."John usually slept with his next to his pillow.This year John was overjoyed by the Christmas season.He was b ecoming a man and stronger and soon he would be old enough to leave.He would save his orange until his birthday in July.
     Christmas day finally came.The children were so excited as they entered the big dining hall.Immediately the master shouted,"John,leave the hall and there will be no orange for you this year."John's heart broke violently wide open.He turned and went swiftly back to the cold room.Then he heard the door open and each of the children entered.Little Elizabeth with her hair falling over her shoulders,a smile on her face,and tears in her eyes held out a piece of rag to John."Here John,"she said,"this is for you."As he lifted back the edges of the rag he saw a big juicy orange all peeled and quartered and then he realized what they had done
John never forgot the sharing,love and personal sacrifice his friends had shown him that Christmas day.In memory of that day every year he would send oranges all over the world to children everywhere.
24.These children would be happiest whenC.
A.they got the special gift                     
B.they preserved it very long
C.they finally enjoyed the sweet juice      
D.they entered the dining hall
25.What would overjoy John most the next year according to the second paragraph?B
A.He placed his orange next to his pillow.
B.He would eat his orange on his birthday.
C.He wouldn't get his special gift.
D.He would stay in the orphanage for another year.
26.According to the text,where did John's orange come from this year?A
A.It was made up of what these children donated.
B.His master gave him a whole one again.
C.These children bought him one.
D.Little Elizabeth donated hers to John.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Professor Edward is widely acknowledgedas the best tutor in teaching the students how to revise essays.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.Recently,there have been many famous people (71)watering(water) themselves with buckets of ice water-what's all that about?That is called the"Ice Bucket Challenge",one of the hottest activities.
The activity was created by the ALS Association,an American charity organization,who are working to fight a disease(72)called(call) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).The disease ALS makes peopl's muscle become hard and(73)it  is very hard for the patients to move.Stephen Hocking is one of the patients.According to the game rules of"Ice Bucket Challenge",participants have to pour a bucket of ice water over the head,and anybody (74)who is invited to the challenge can either do the pouring in 24hours (75)or donate 100U.S.dollars,or do the both.
Like the epidemic(流行病),Ice bucket challenge,which is popular around the world very(76)quickly(quick),has made a growing number of famous persons worldwide,including Bill Gates,Christiano Ronaldo,and Lady Gaga and so on.The activity not only helps the sick people to get the money (77)to cure(cure) their disease,but also makes more and more people aware (78)ofthe disease.Ice bucket challenge is (79)agreat success.Until now,a big sum of money(80)has been received (receive).We hope the patients become better.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.On hisarrival( 到达 ),he was greatly welcomed by his fans.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.One hot summer I was traveling down the freeway on a day trip to Los Angeles.During my journey down the highway,another motorist suddenly started cutting into my lane.Being in the far right lane,my car was forced onto the shoulder of the road.Being an experienced driver,I steered my car back onto the highway,the motorist drove away without saying anything.
While I wasn't very happy with the person for cutting in front of me,I decided to consider it an honest mistake-a lack of attention to the lane change or a driver lost in thought.It certainly could not have been done on purpose.The car sped away after cutting in front me and was soon out of sight.
After a while,I caught up with the same motorist on the side of the road.He was an elderly gentleman who was walking along the side of the freeway on this hot day.With his car stopped on the side of the road and the nearest services at least twenty miles away,I decided to stop and see what the problem was.
The man's car had a flat tire,and while he had a spare tire,he didn't have a jack.I decided to help him and allowed him to sit in my air-conditioned car while I changed his tire.Fifteen minutes later,I was hot,sweaty and dirty,but I did feel good after doing something for someone.

32.Which of the following word can best describe the author?D
33.We can infer from the second paragraph that theD.
A.motorist didn't pay any attention to the lane change
B.motorist was lost in thought while he was driving
C.motorist cut in front of the author on purpose
D.author forgave the motorist
34.Why did the motorist stop his car on the side of the road?BecauseB.
A.he got lost                                  B.his car had a flat tire
C.he wanted to have a rest             D.he wanted to travel with the author
35.What can we learn from the text?B
A.Actions speak louder than words.B.An act of kindness can make you feel good.
C.No pain,no gain.D.It is no use crying over spilt milk.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

2.Americans are obsessed (着迷的) with telling their life stories.This phenomenon isn't simply the product of the technological world.(36)F.People are eager to tell stories and are fascinated by those of others.Even at preschool,"sharing time"is a common Monday-morning activity where the teenagers will sit in a circle and take turns telling a story about something they did over the weekend.
      (37)C.In many Asian countries,talking about and drawing attention to oneself can be seen as socially inappropriate.People are often unwilling to share their life stories and do not encourage others to do so.But there are also times when Asians do share their stories.(38)A.Asians believe that a person is largely decided by his or her social status and relationships,leaving little reason to broadcast detailed and revealing personal stories to establish a unique self.
    Ironically,the more unique Americans strive to be,the greater their need to feel connected with others.In their culture of individuality,relationships are highly mobile and can be easily formed or dissolved(破裂).
    Sharing personal stories brings them closer through the exchange of thoughts,feelings and desires.(39)E.But this motivation is not nearly as strong among Asians,for whom social relations are generally unconditional,obligatory(义不容辞的) and stable,and therefore require little maintenance(维护).
 (40)G.American parents encourage children to share their stories and create opportunities to re-experience the past with children.Asian parents,by contrast,engage their children in telling personal stories less frequently.When they do talk about a child's experiences,they are not particularly concerned with parent-child bonding but tend to focus on disciplining the child.

A.It helps them shape their"selves"and makes them who they are.
B.They tend to focus more on outer facts than personal details.
C.Talking about personal stories is to cheer people on with positive feelings.
D.It connects them like many different points,holding their society together.
E.Sharing personal stories is also an essential part in everyday conversations.
F.Parents in America and Asia differ in how they share memories with children.
G.Interestingly,this obsession is not necessarily shared in other cultures.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Advertising gives useful information about which products to buy.But modern advertising does more than gives news about products and services.Today's advertisements,or ads,try to get consumers to buy certain brands.Writers of advertising are so skillful that they can,sometimes persuade a consumer to wear a certain kind of clothing,eat a special kind of food,or see a movie.Consumers might never even want a product if they did not see or hear advertisements for it.
For example,you probab1y do not need the newest cereal in the supermarket.There are probably many cereal brands on your kitchen shelves.You may not have space on a shelf for another.But if you see ads about a new cereal that is your extra-tasty and has a free prize in the box,you may want it.
Advertising must get attention.To be effective,it must be exciting,entertaining,or provide some pleasure.The secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a good idea as well as a product.The idea is what the ad is really selling.One example is an ad that says eating a certain cereal will make a person do well in sports.That cereal brand may sell better if consumers think it offers strength and energy.

24..What is discussed in this passage?B
A.The content of modern advertising.
B.The skills of modern advertising.
C.The results of modern advertising.
D.The writing of modern advertising.
25.According to the passage,a good advertisement shouldA.
A.be both persuasive and effective
B.give people useful information
C.show people a product
D.show people a new idea of a product
26..From the passage,we know thatD
A.modern advertising has less effect on customers
B.once customers see ads about a new cerea1,they are sure to buy it
C.cereal can make people strong
D.cereal is a kind of food which is popular among people
27.What can we infer from the passage?A
A.Customers can easily be persuaded by advertisements.
B.Customers should be persuaded by advertisements.
C.It's impossible for customers to buy a product without advertisements.
D.Customers buy products according to their demands rather than the advertisements.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Mother's Day can date back to the ancient Greeks,who held festivities (庆典) in honor of Rhea,the mother of the gods.And the early Christians celebrated Mother's Day on the fourth Sunday of Lent (大斋期) in honor of Mary,the mother of Christ.However,the Mother's Day was cancelled because of lack of time.In 1872,Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers who were working hard for the cause of peace.It is great landmark in the history of Mother's Day.
In 1907,Anna M.Jarvis,a teacher from Philadelphia,started a movement to set up a national Mother's Day in honor of her mother.Then a celebration was held for Anna's mother.Anna presented some white carnations,her mother's favorite flowers,to her mother on that day.Seven years later,Anna's hard work finally paid off and in 1914,President Woodrow Wilson announced the second Sunday in May as a national holiday for mothers.
Gradually,Mother's Day became very popular in the US.Actually,the second Sunday of May has become the most popular day of the year.Even though Anna has been dead for long,Mother's Day lives on and has spread to lots of countries all over the world.Although many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day at different dates,some countries including Denmark,Finland,Italy,Turkey,Australia and Belgium still celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May.
35.Who did ancient Greeks hold festivities in honor of?B
A.Mary         B.Rhea             C.Anna         D.Julia
36.Why did Anna present some white carnations to her mother?A
A.Her mother liked white carnations very much.
B.She didn't have enough money to buy other things.
C.She herself liked white carnations.
D.It was a tradition in her hometown.
37.What is the best title for the passage?C
A.Anna and her mother.
B.Mother's Day in ancient Greece.
C.The history of Mother's Day.
D.People's opinions on Mother's Day.

