¡¡¡¡ One summer evening I was sitting by the open window, reading a good science storybook. I was so ¡¡11 the story I was reading that I didn¡¯t ¡¡12 that it was getting dark. When I realized that it was too dark for me to read 13¡¡ . I put the book down and got up to turn on the light. Just then I heard someone ¡¡14 , ¡°Help! Help!¡± It seemed to come from the trees at the end of the yard. I looked out but it was too dark to¡¡ 15 anything clearly. Almost immediately I heard the cry again. It ¡¡16 like a child, but I could not ¡¡17 what someone would be doing in our backyard, unless one of my neighbour¡¯s children had climbed a tree and had not been able to¡¡ 18 .

¡¡ I decided that I ought to go out and have ¡¡19 in the yard, just in case someone was 20 . I got a flashlight and a stick, which I thought might be useful. With these in my hands, I went out ¡¡ 21¡¡ the yard. Once again I heard the cry and this time there was no doubt that it came from the trees at the far end of the yard. ¡°Who is there?¡± I ¡¡22 as I walked across the yard towards the trees. But there was no ¡¡23 . With the help of my flashlight, I ¡¡24 all over that end of the yard, including the branches of the trees. There was no ¡¡25 of anybody or anything. I came to the conclusion that my ¡¡26 made fun of me, probably because of the strange creatures (ÉúÎï) on another ¡¡27 which I read about in the story.

I had to go back into the house and put the stick and flashlight away. I had just sat down to read my book again when I was ¡¡28¡¡ by the cry of ¡°Help! Help!¡± This time it was from right behind me! I dropped my book and ¡¡29 . There, sitting on the table was my neighbour¡¯s large green and red ¡¡30 .

11. A. worried about¡¡ B. interested in¡¡ ¡¡¡¡ C. surprised at¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. tired of¡¡¡¡¡¡

12. A. mind¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. hope ¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. notice ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡ D. expect

13. A. quietly ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. quickly¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. noisily¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. easily

14. A. shouting¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. laughing ¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. speaking ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. talking

15. A. listen ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. feel ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. see ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. find

16. A. sounded¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. looked¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. smelt ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. tasted

17. A. question¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. imagine¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. choose¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. understand

18. A. hurry off ¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. send away¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. come off¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. get down

19. A. a look ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. a rest ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. a sleep¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. a walk

20. A. at work¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. in shock¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. on holiday ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. in trouble

21. A. forward¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. onto ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. into ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. backward

22. A. sang¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. called out ¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. whispered¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. read

23. A. noise ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. sound¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. voice ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. answer

24. A. searched¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. touched¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. cut ¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. beat

25. A. seat¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. sign¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. place ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. sort

26. A. neighbour¡¡ ¡¡ B. imagination ¡¡ C. brother¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. dog

27. A. world¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. country¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. planet¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. satellite

28. A. called¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. told¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. encouraged¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. frightened

29. A. jumped up¡¡ ¡¡ B. sat up¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. rang up¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. knocked down

30. A. cock¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. hen¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. parrot¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. chicken

11-15     BCDAC         16-20 ABDAD  21-25 CBDAB  26-30 BCDAC


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º054

Do you know insurance£¨±£ÏÕ£©?Buying insurance is a  1   by which people can   2   themselves from large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. Large numbers of people pay  3   sums of money to an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only  4   will lose their homes by fire. The insurance company will pay these homes  5   the sums of money it has collected.

The first modern fire insurance company was  6   in London, England, in 1666. A great fire had just  7   most of the city, and people wanted protection against  8   losses. The first company grew rapidly.   9   other companies were founded in other areas.

Benjamin Franklin helped form the first fire insurance  10   in America in 1752. He also  11   a new kind of insurance for   12  . The new insurance would offer protection against the lose of crops   13   storms. In 1759, Benjamin Franklin helped start  14   new insurance company in America. This company, which   15   life insurance, collected some money  16   from many different men. If a man  17  , his family was given a large sum of money. Today, this company is  18   in business.

Over the years, people have benefited from many new kinds of insurance when they have suffered from  19   accidents as car or plane crashes. Today almost everyone has  20   kind of insurance.

1. A. means¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. idea¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  C. thought¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    D. company

2. A. protect¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    B. stop¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. sell¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. introduce

3. A. small¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   B. large¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    C. little¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. a lot

4. A. few¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. quite a few ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  C. a few¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   D. many

5. A. to¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    B. out of¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. by¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   D. of

6. A. came into being¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    B. formed¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. found¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   D. set out

7. A. injured¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. hurt¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. harmed¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    D. destroyed

8. A. longer¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  B. farther¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  C. deeper¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. further

9. A. Quickly¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   B. Slowly¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  ¡¡¡¡   C. Soon¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    D. Immediately

10. A. school¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   B. factory¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    C. company¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. store

11. A. suggested¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   B. insisted¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. advised¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    D. wanted

12. A. farmers¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  B. workers¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. people¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. salesmen

13. A. of¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  B. for¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. with¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. by

14. A. other¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. the other¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. others¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. another

15. A. worked¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  B. studied¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. borrowed¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. offered

16. A. often¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. regularly¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. usually¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. always

17. A. went out¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    B. died¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. gave in¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. married

18. A. still¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    B. yet¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. already¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. seldom

19. A. many¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  B. same¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    C. such¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    D. few

20. A. certain¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   B. some¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    C. any¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. no



¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÓ¢Óï½ÌÑÐÊÒ ÌâÐÍ£º054

Do you know insurance£¨±£ÏÕ£©?Buying insurance is a  1   by which people can   2   themselves from large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. Large numbers of people pay  3   sums of money to an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only  4   will lose their homes by fire. The insurance company will pay these homes  5   the sums of money it has collected.

The first modern fire insurance company was  6   in London, England, in 1666. A great fire had just  7   most of the city, and people wanted protection against  8   losses. The first company grew rapidly.   9   other companies were founded in other areas.

Benjamin Franklin helped form the first fire insurance  10   in America in 1752. He also  11   a new kind of insurance for   12  . The new insurance would offer protection against the lose of crops   13   storms. In 1759, Benjamin Franklin helped start  14   new insurance company in America. This company, which   15   life insurance, collected some money  16   from many different men. If a man  17  , his family was given a large sum of money. Today, this company is  18   in business.

Over the years, people have benefited from many new kinds of insurance when they have suffered from  19   accidents as car or plane crashes. Today almost everyone has  20   kind of insurance.

1. A. means¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. idea¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  C. thought¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    D. company

2. A. protect¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    B. stop¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. sell¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. introduce

3. A. small¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   B. large¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    C. little¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. a lot

4. A. few¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. quite a few ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  C. a few¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   D. many

5. A. to¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    B. out of¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. by¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   D. of

6. A. came into being¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    B. formed¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. found¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   D. set out

7. A. injured¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. hurt¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. harmed¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    D. destroyed

8. A. longer¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  B. farther¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  C. deeper¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. further

9. A. Quickly¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   B. Slowly¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  ¡¡¡¡   C. Soon    ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    D. Immediately

10. A. school¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   B. factory¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    C. company¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. store

11. A. suggested¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   B. insisted¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. advised¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    D. wanted

12. A. farmers¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  B. workers¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. people¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. salesmen

13. A. of¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  B. for¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. with¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. by

14. A. other¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. the other¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. others¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. another

15. A. worked¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  B. studied¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. borrowed¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. offered

16. A. often¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. regularly¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. usually¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. always

17. A. went out¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    B. died¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. gave in¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. married

18. A. still¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    B. yet¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   C. already¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. seldom

19. A. many¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  B. same¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    C. such¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    D. few

20. A. certain¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡   B. some¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡    C. any¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡  D. no



¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

Jame¡¯s New Bicycle

James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully __36__ the coins that lay on the bed. ¡ç24. 52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least ¡ç90!_37____ on earth was he going to get the ___38___ of the money? He knew that his friends all had bicycle. It was __39___ to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no ___40__ asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to _41____.

There was only one way to get money, and that was to __42_ it . He would have to find a job . __43____ who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice who usually had__44_ on most things.

¡°Well, you can start right here,¡± said Mr. Clay. ¡°My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing. ¡±

That was the __45__ of James¡¯s odd-job£¨Á㹤£©business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards and mended books. He lost count of the _46____ of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the¡¡ 47 of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the __48___ increased and he knew that he would soon have __49____ for the bicycle he longed for.

The day __50_ came when James counted his money and found ¡ç 94. 32. He _51___ no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode __52__ home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard _53__ for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more _54__ he had bought it with his own money. He had _55__ what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even than the bicycle.

36. A. cleaned¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. covered¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. counted¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. checked

37. A. How¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. Why¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. Who¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. What

38. A. amount¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. part¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. sum¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. rest

39. A. brave¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. hard¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. smart¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. unfair

40. A. point¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. reason¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. result¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. right

41. A. split¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. spend¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. spare¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. save

42. A. borrow¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. earn¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. raise¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. collect

43. A. Or¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. So¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. For¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. But

44. A. decisions¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. experience¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. opinions¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. knowledge

45. A. beginning¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. introduction¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. requirement¡¡¡¡ D. opening

46. A. similarity¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. quality¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. suitability¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. variety

47. A. brand¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. number¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. size¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. type

48. A. effort¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. pressure¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. money¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. trouble

49. A. all¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. enough¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. much¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. some

50. A. finally¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. instantly¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. normally¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. regularly

51. A. gave¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. left¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. took¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. wasted

52. A. patiently¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. proudly¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. silently¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. tiredly

53. A. applying¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. asking¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. looking¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. working

54. A. since¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. if¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. than¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. though

55. A. deserved¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. benefited¡¡ C. achieved¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. learned


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

¡¡ As a physician who travels quite a lot, I spend a lot of time on planes listening for that dreaded ¡°Is there a doctor on board?¡± announcement. I¡¯ve been ¡¡16 only once ¡ª for a woman who had merely fainted. But the ¡¡17 made me quite curious about how ¡¡18 this kind of thing happens. I wondered what I would do if ¡¡19 with a real midair medical emergency ¡ª without access ¡¡20 a hospital staff and the usual emergency equipment. So ¡¡21 the New England Journal of Medicine last week ¡¡22 a study about in-flight medical events, I read it ¡¡23 interest.

¡¡¡¡The study estimated that there are a(n) ¡¡24 of 30 in-flight medical emergencies on U.S. flights every day. Most of them are not ¡¡25 ; fainting and dizziness are the most frequent complaints. 26 13% of them ¡ª roughly four a day ¡ª are serious enough to ¡¡27 a pilot to change course. The most common of the serious emergencies ¡¡28 heart trouble, strokes, and difficulty breathing.

¡¡¡¡Let¡¯s face it: plane rides are ¡¡29 . For starters, cabin pressures at high altitudes are set at roughly ¡¡¡¡ 30 they would be if you lived at 5,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level. Most people can tolerate these pressures pretty ¡¡31 , but passengers with heart disease ¡¡32 experience chest pains as a result of the reduced amount of oxygen flowing through their blood. ¡¡33 common in-flight problem is deep venous thrombosis ¡ª the so-called economy class syndrome (×ÛºÏÖ¢). ¡¡34 happens, don¡¯t panic. Things are getting better on the in-flight-emergency front. Thanks to more recent legislation (Á¢·¨), flights with at ¡¡¡¡ 35 one attendant are starting to install emergency medical kits to treat heart attacks.

16. A. called¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. addressed ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. informed ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. surveyed

17. A. accident ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. condition ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. incident ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. disaster

18. A. soon ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. long ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. many ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. often

19. A. faced ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. treated ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. identified ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. provided

20. A. for ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. to ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. by ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. through

21. A. before ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. since ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. when ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. while

22. A. collected ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. conducted ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. discovered ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. published

23. A. by ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. of ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. with ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. in

24. A. amount ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. average ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. sum ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. number

25. A. significant ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. heavy ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. common ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. serious

26. A. For ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. On ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. But ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. So

27. A. require¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. inspire ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. engage ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. command

28. A. include ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. limit ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. imply ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. contain

29. A. enjoyable ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. promoting¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. dull ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. stressful

30. A. who¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. what ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. which ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. that

31. A. severely ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. unwillingly ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. easily ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. casually

32. A. ought to ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. may ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. used to ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. need

33. A. Any ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. One ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. Other ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. Another

34. A. Whatever ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. However¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. Whenever ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. Wherever

35. A. most ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. worst ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. least ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. best


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

What would you do if you were unemployed, homeless and you found a large sum of money? Pauline Nichter, 46, and her husband, Tom, 44, had both 1¡¡ their jobs and were living in and out of motels(Æû³µÂùÝ) with their 11-year-old son, Jason. They were in danger of losing their car for ¡¡2¡¡ to make payments on it.

One day last summer, Pauline found a wallet ¡¡3¡¡ a credit card, an airline ticket to New Zealand and $2,394 in ¡¡ 4 ¡¡ at a shopping center in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park. ¡°For a second I ¡¡5¡¡ about taking the money,¡± she said later. ¡°¡¡ 6 only for a second. It wasn¡¯t our money and we don¡¯t want to set a bad ¡¡ 7 to our son.¡± She delivered the wallet and the contents to the nearest ¡¡¡¡8¡¡ , where the owner reclaimed them. Police admitted that they were¡¡ 9 when the Nichters walked into the police station with the¡¡ 10¡¡ and the money.

Word of the ¡¡11¡¡ quickly got around, and a grateful community ¡¡12 in kind. The Nichters received more than ten job offers and a(n) ¡¡13 rent-free for six months. An unknown donor£¨¾èÖúÈË£© brought the car ¡¡14 up to date. Others gave cash. One elderly couple walked into the police station ¡¡15¡¡ Pauline had turned in the wallet and asked how much had been in ¡¡16¡¡ . When they were ¡¡ 17¡¡ the amount, the man said, ¡°Then that¡¯s what they ¡¡18¡¡ ,¡± and wrote out a check for $2,400.

At a news conference Pauline said in 19¡¡ , ¡°Never in a million years would I have thought this would happen to us. What we have ¡¡20 is far more than what was in the wallet.¡±

1. A. dropped¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. received¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. found¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. lost

2. A. fear¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. failure¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. unwillingness¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. hesitation

3. A. containing¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. promising¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. folding¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. covering

4. A. total¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. bill¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. cash¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. rent

5. A. looked¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. consulted¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. moved¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. thought

6. A. And¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. But¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. Or¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. So

7. A. sample¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. example¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. goal¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. limit

8. A. post office B. railway station¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. police station D. shopping center

9. A. surprised¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. delighted¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. frightened¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. scared

10. A. credit card¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. airline ticket¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. wallet¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. money

11. A. devotion¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. loyalty¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. bravery¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. honesty

12. A. responded¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. replied¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. reflected¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. required

13. A. department¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. apartment¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. holiday¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. electricity

14. A. payments¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. license¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. park¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. parts

15. A. what¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. when¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. where¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. which

16. A. them¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. it¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. each¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. all

17. A. asked¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. repaid¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. told¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. reminded

18. A. value¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. reserve¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. earn¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. deserve

19. A. tears¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. cheers¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. shock¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. silence

20. A. created¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ B. donated¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ C. returned¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ D. received

