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-Where are you exactly?

I_ ___to you from a small town about 50 miles away from your city

A .will speak B. am speaking

C. have spoken D. speak




试题分析: 句意:--你究竟在什么地方呢?--我正在一个离你所在城市50英里的小镇和你说话。根据句意可知此处用现在进行时,选B。




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届天津滨海新汉沽第五中学高三上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

________ of the land in the district ________ covered with trees and grass.

A.Two-fifth;is B.Two-fifth;are

C.Two-fifths;is D.Two-fifths;are



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届吉林省高三10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假设你是Linda ,你现在正感到生活不快乐,不健康,有压力,可又不知道如何改变自己的生活方式,于是写信给你的一个好朋友,请求他/她提些建议。


1.要有足够的睡眠,至少8小时,这样才能精力充沛(energetic adj.)、学习积极(active)。


3.多吃水果和蔬菜,不要吃垃圾食品(junk food)。









科目:高中英语 来源:2015届北京市海淀区高三上期中练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

-What life be like without cell phones?

-I cannot imagine it!

A. may B. can C. will D. would



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届北京市海淀区高三上期中练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

1 was watching Time of Chief Editor__—Phoenix Satellite TV at that time

A. at B. to C. for D. on



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届北京市高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke

Most people know that cigarette smoking is harmful to their health. Scientific research shows that it causes many kinds of diseases. 1. However, Edward Gilson has lung cancer, and he has never smoked cigarettes. He lives with his wife, Evelyn, who has smoked about a pack of cigarettes a day throughout their marriage. The Gilsons have been married for 35 years.

No one knows for sure why Mr. Gilson has lung cancer. However, doctors believe that secondhand smoke may cause lung cancer in people who do not smoke because nonsmokers often breathe in the smoke from other people’s cigarettes. _2. The US Environmental Protection Agency reports that about 53, 000 people die in the United States each year as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke.

The smoke that comes from a lit cigarette contains many different poisonous chemicals. In the past, scientists did not think that these chemicals could harm a nonsmoker’s health. 3. They discovered that even nonsmokers had unhealthy amounts of these toxic (有毒的) chemicals in their bodies. 4. For example, we cannot avoid secondhand smoke in restaurants, hotels and other public places. Even though many public places have nonsmoking areas, smoke flows in from the areas where smoking is permitted. It is even harder for children to avoid secondhand smoke. In the United States, nine million children under the age of five live in homes with at least one smoker.

Research shows that children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are sick more often than children who live in homes where no one smokes and that the children of smokers are more than twice as likely to develop lung cancer when they are adults as the children of nonsmokers. The risk is even higher for children who live in homes where both parents smoke.

5. As a result, they have passed laws which prohibit people from smoking in many public places.

A. Recently, though, scientists changed their opinion after they studied a large group of nonsmokers.

B. As a matter of fact, almost all of US breathe tobacco smoke at times, whether we realize it or not.

C. In fact, many people who smoke get lung cancer.

D. However, secondhand smoke is dangerous to all people, old or young.

E. People are becoming very aware of the dangers of secondhand smoke.

F. This smoke is called secondhand smoke.

G. Many people, including doctors, parents, teachers, and others, are concerned about the health risks of cigarette smoking.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届北京市高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mary’s mother told her daughter not to spend too much time surfing the Internet, but ______ didn’t help.

A. this B. that C. it D. which



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届内蒙古赤峰市宁城县高三上学期统一摸底考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

It was the district sports meet.My foot still hadn’t healed (痊愈) from a(n) _____ injury.I had _____whether or not I should attend the meet.But there I was, _____for the 3,000-meter run.

“Ready … set …” The gun popped and we were off.The other girls rushed _____ me.I felt ___ as I fell farther and farther behind.

“Hooray!” shouted the crowd.It was the loudest _____ I had ever heard at a meet.The first-place runner was two laps (圈) in front of me when she crossed the finishing line.“Maybe I should _____,” I thought as I moved on._____, I decided to keep going.During the last two laps, I ran _____ and decided not to _____ in track next year.It wouldn’t be worth it, _____ my foot did heal.

When I finished, I heard a cheer _____ than the one I’d heard earlier.I turned around and _____, the boys were preparing for their race.“They must be cheering for the boys.”

I was leaving _____ several girls came up to me.“Wow, you’ve really got courage!” one of them told me.

“Courage? I just _____ a race! ” I thought.

“I would have given up on the first lap,” said another girl.“We were cheering for you.Did you hear us? ”

Suddenly I regained _____.I decided to _____ track next year.I realized strength and courage aren’t always _____ in medals and victories, but in the _____ we overcome.The strongest people are not always the people who win, _____ the people who don’t give up when they lose.

1.A.slighter B.worse C.earlier D.heavier

2.A.expected B.supposed C.imagined D.doubted

3.A.late B.eager C.ready D.thirsty

4.A.from behind B.ahead of C.next to D.close to

5.A.ashamed B.astonished C.excited D.frightened

6.A.cheer B.whisper C.cry D.noise

7.A.slow down B.drop out C.go on D.speed up

8.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Besides D.However

9.A.with delight B.with fear C.in pain D.in advance

10.A.keep B.arrive C.race D.attend

11.A.even if B.only if C.unless D.until

12.A.weaker B.longer C.lower D.louder

13.A.well enough B.sure enough C.surprisingly enough D.strangely enough

14.A.while B.when C.as D.since

15.A.finished B.won C.passed D.lost

16.A.cheer B.hope C.interest D.experience

17.A.hold on B.turn to C.begin with D.stick with

18.A.measured B.praised C.weakened D.increased

19.A.sadness B.struggles C.diseases D.tiredness

20.A.or B.nor C.and D.But



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届上海理工大学附属中学高三10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Tom is one of the boys who __________ on time.

A. is B. are

C. am D. was


