3£®²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÅʱȣºvie with¡­ÔÚУ԰ÄÚ£ºon the campus ÊÖ»ú£ºmobile phone
Dear editor£º
I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school£®
Yours truly£¬
Li Hua£®

·ÖÎö ¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£º
I'm writing to tell you about the debate we've had whether£¨1£©it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school£¨2£©£®ÎÒдПæËßÄã¹ØÓÚÎÒÃǾÙÐеÄÖÐѧÉúÊÇ·ñÓбØÒª´øÊÖ»úȥѧУµÄ±çÂÛ£®
£¨1£©whether Òýµ¼µÄͬλÓï´Ó¾ä£¬ËµÃ÷debateµÄÄÚÈÝ£®ÔÚÊéÃæ±í´ïÖÐ×ÔÈçÔËÓôӾäÊÇд×÷ÄÜÁ¦µÄÌåÏÖ£¬Í¬Î»Óï´Ó¾ä¾ÍÊÇÆäÖг£¼ûµÄ¸ß¼¶¾äÐÍ£®
£¨2£©It is necessary for sb£®to do sth£®¶ÔijÈËÀ´Ëµ×ö¡­ÊÇÓбØÒªµÄ£¬ÆäÖÐit ÊÇÐÎʽÖ÷ÓÕæÕýµÄÖ÷ÓïÊǶ¯´Ê²»¶¨Ê½µÄ¸´ºÏ½á¹¹for sb£®to do sth£®£®
However£¬most teachers think otherwise£¬arguing that middle school students are not old enough to control themselves£®È»¶ø£¬´ó¶àÊýÀÏʦ¿´·¨²»Í¬£¬ËûÃÇÈÏΪÖÐѧÉúÄê¼ÍÇᣬ²»ÄÜ×ÔÎÒ¿ØÖÆ£®
£¨1£©think otherwise=think differentlyÏë·¨²»Í¬£®£»¿´·¨²»Ò»Ñù£®

½â´ð Dear editor£º
I'm writing to tell you about the debate we've had whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿£¨Ð´ÐŵÄÒâͼ£©£®
The majority of the students think that it is more convenient for them to keep in touch with their parents and classmates if they have a mobile phone£®And what's more£¬it's a fashion£¨´ó¶àÊýѧÉúµÄ¹Ûµã£©£®
However£¬most teachers think otherwise£¬arguing that middle school students are not old enough to control themselves¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿£®It is a waste of time for students to play games and send messages to each other by mobile phone£®And it's easy to cause the students to vie with each other£®If necessary they can make phone calls by using public phones on the campus£¨´ó¶àÊýÀÏʦµÄ¹Ûµã£©£®
In my opinion£¬following the fashion is understandable£®But as middle school students£¬we should put all our heart into our study£¨ÎҵĹ۵㣩£®

µãÆÀ д×÷ʱÊ×ÏÈÉóÌâÒªµ½Î»£ºÉóÌå²Ã¡¢È˳ƺÍʱ̬£»ÉóÒªµã£®Æä´ÎÒª¿¼ÂǸ߷ִÊÓïºÍ¾äÐ͵ÄÑ¡Ó㬴Ӿ䡢·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê¡¢µ¹×°¡¢Ç¿µ÷¾äÐ͵ȶ¼ÊÇ¿É¿¼Âǵĸ߼¶¾äÐÍ£»´ÊÓïºÍ¾äÐ͵ÄÑ¡ÓÃÒª°üº¬×÷ÕߵĸÐÇéÉ«²ÊºÍÔöÇ¿±í´ïµÄÆøÊÆ£»ÔٴΣ¬ÔËÓùØÁª´ÊÈçbesides¡¢what's  more¡¢moreover¡¢for one thing ¡­for anotherµÈ£¬Ê¹ÎÄ×Ö¸ü¼ÓÁ÷³©£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÑ¡ÔñÌâ

7£®-Hello£¬is Mr Smith in£¿
-Sorry£¬there is no such person _______ you referred to in my office£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÑ¡ÔñÌâ

8£®The word"media"basically refers to ________ we commonly call newspapers£¬magazines£¬radios and televisions£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÑ¡ÔñÌâ

5£®Many difficulties have ______ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

12£®Work your brain!
Between 2 and 3 pounds of wonder£¬it controls everything we say£¬do or think£¬who we are and what we care about£®The way we walk or laugh or figure out things£®What we like and the talents we possess£®How we see and talk and run and jump and process our food£®
    The brain uses 20 percent of our body's oxygen and 20 percent of its blood£®Somewhere within its protein£¬fat£¬100£¬000 miles of blood vesse ls and 100 billion nerve cells£¬it helps us remember where we put our gym shoes£®Change our temperature so we don't die because of the heat or cold£®Speed us up or slow us down£®Help us choose between orange juice or orangeflavored drinks£®
Its complexity£¨¸´ÔÓÐÔ£© are stunning£¬far beyond anything most of us can imagine£®To keep this work of art as polished as possible we need to eat right£¬exercise and keep mentally stimulated£®Good nutrition helps brain cells communicate with each other£®Exercise stimulates a hormone in our brain that improves memory£®Mental stimulation keeps you sharp even as you age£®
"It's very important that we tell people to be physically active and mentally active£¬"said neurologist Malcolm Stewart£®"People cannot stop aging£¬but you're able to reduce the damage£» you're able to keep the function up£®"
Following are Dr£®Stewart's advice for improving brain health£º
NutritionAvoid fast food£®Follow the old adage£¨¸ñÑÔ£©£ºFor breakfast£¬eat like a king£» for lunch£¬like a queen£» for supper£¬like a beggar£®
ExerciseDo a combination of stretching aerobic and musclestrengthening every day£®
Mental gamesTry to have a sense of hope about the future£®Do puzzles£®Listen to music£®Reach out to others to make their lives better£®
54£®The purpose of the author in writing this passage is toD£®
A£®inform us how the brain works
B£®show how special the brain is to us
C£®tell us that the brain plays an important role in our lives
D£®give us advice on how to keep the brain healthy
55£®The underlined word"stunning"meansA£®
A£®amazing ¡¡       
56£®According to the text£¬more exerciseC£®
A£®keeps our mind sharp     
B£®gives our brain a rest ¡¡
C£®helps improve our memory  
D£®is good for brain cells communicating with each other
57£®In order to keep brain healthy£¬we should avoidA£®
A£®eating a large supper                            
B£®doing puzzles
C£®eating a good lunch                          
D£®taking aerobic exercise£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º¶ÌÎĸĴí

Monday£¬May 18£¬2015
During the class break this morning£¬I noticed a message on the board which a lecture on oceanic environment would be given in the afternoon£®I decided to attend it£®
When I enter the great meeting hall£¬I found seat at the back£®The report involved marine life and pollution problems£®I listened attentive£¬took notes of the important points£®
At the end of the report£¬the host asked if anyone of them had a question£®I rose my hand and asked if the government had taken step to protect the resources£®The host told us that every country had its law to protect from the sea and our country was no exception£®
I learned a lot from today's report£®We shall do more to protecting our blue sea£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÑ¡ÔñÌâ

9£®---Did you participate in his celebration party yesterday£¿
---No£¬I _____ my mother do housework all day£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£®would helpB£®helpedC£®had helpedD£®was helping


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÌî¿ÕÌâ

6£®The time I had been looking forward tocame £¨come£© at last£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÌî¿ÕÌâ

7£®It's no usecrying£¨cry£©  for  the  fallen milk£®

