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A boy was walking home from school when he saw a large, tempting (诱人的)apple on one of the branches of an apple tree hanging out over a tall fence. The boy wasn’t much of a fruit-eater, a bar of chocolate if given the choice, , as they say, the forbidden fruit can be tempting. Seeing the apple, the boy wanted it. The more he looked at it, the he felt and the more he wanted that apple.

He stood on tiptoe(脚尖), as high as he could, but even as his tallest he was unable to touch it. He began to up and down, as high as he could, at the of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple. Still it remained out of .
Not giving up, he thought, if only he had something to on. His school bag wouldn’t give enough height and he didn’t want to the things inside, like his lunch box, pencil case, and Gameboy. Looking , he hoped he might find an old box, a rock, or, luck, even a ladder, but it was a tidy neighborhood and there was nothing he could use.
He had tried everything he could think to do. seeing any other choices, he gave up and started to walk . At first he felt angry and disappointed thinking about how hungry he had become from his , and how he really wanted that apple. The more he like this, the more unhappy he became.

, the boy of our story was a pretty smart guy, even if he couldn’t always get what he wanted. He started to say to himself. This isn’t . I don’t have the apple and I’m feeling miserable as well. There’s more I can do to get the apple—that is unchangeable—but we are supposed to be able to our feelings. If that’s the case, what can I do to feel better?

1.A. preferring B. offering C. receiving D. allowing

2.A. so B. then C. but D. or

3.A. sadder B. angrier C. hungrier D. tastier

4.A. expanding B. stretching C. swinging D. pulling

5.A. strength B. length C. range D. height

6.A. jump B. look C. walk D. glance

7.A. tip B. stage C. top D. level

8.A. hope B. hand C. sight D. reach

9.A. put B. stand C. get D. hold

10.A. break B. shake C. take D. strike

11.A. up B. forward C. down D. around

12.A. for B. with C. on D. of

13.A. After B. Through C. Without D. Upon

14.A. back B. away C. up D. down

15.A. wishes B. beliefs C. efforts D. goals

16.A. thought B. imagined C. tried D. claimed

17.A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Otherwise

18.A. skilful B. cheerful C. harmful D. helpful

19.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

20.A. change B. express C. forget D. describe
























2.根据下面的句子the forbidden fruit can be tempting. “禁果诱人”可判断,上下文之间是转折关系,所以选择but。





7.每次跳到最高(top)的时候,小男孩就伸长了胳膊去够苹果。at the top of在……顶部或顶端。

8.根据下文可知,小男孩最终没有摘到苹果。out of reach是固定短语,意为“手够不着, 达不到”。out of sight“看不见”。



11.根据上下文内容可知,为了找到能踩在脚下的东西,小男孩四处环顾。look around“四处环顾”。look up “向上看”;look forward“向前看”;look down“向下看”。

12.小男孩希望自己能够找到一个旧箱子,一块大石头,或者,如果顺利的话,能找到一架梯子。for luck“为了吉利,为了祈求好运”;with luck“如果一切顺利的话”;其他两个介词不能与 luck搭配。


14.没有办法摘到苹果,小男孩只好失望地走开。walk away“走开”。

15.根据上文可知,小男孩做了很多努力(effort),因此耗尽了力气,觉得又累又饿。A 愿望;B信念,信仰;D目标。




19. 结合上文内容可知,小男孩清醒地认识到自己已经没有其他法子(nothing)可用了,苹果也不会得到了。




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省湛江市高三8月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

People aren’t walking any more---if they can figure out a way to avoid it..

I felt superior about this matter until the other day I took my car to mail a small parcel. The journey is a matter of 281 steps. But I used the car. And I wasn’t in any hurry, either. I had merely become one more victim of a national sickness: motorosis.

It is an illness to which I had thought myself immune, for I was bred in the tradition of going to places on my own two legs. At that time, we regarded 25 miles as good day’s walk and the ability to cover such a distance in ten hours as sign of strength and skill. It did not occur to us that walking was a hardship. And the effect was lasting. When I was 45 years old I raced –and beat—a teenage football player the 168 steps up the Stature of Liberty.

Such enterprises today are regarded by many middle-aged persons as bad for the heart. But a well-known British physician, Sir Adolphe Abrahams, pointed out recently that hearts and bodies need proper exercise. A person who avoids exercise is more likely to have illnesses than one who exercises regularly. And walking is an ideal form of exercise--- the most familiar and natural of all.

It was Henry Thoreau who showed mankind the richness of going on foot. The man walking can learn the trees, flower, insects, birds and animals, the significance of seasons, the very feel of himself as a living creature in a living world. He cannot learn in a car.

The car is a convenient means of transport, but we have made it our way of life. Many people don’t dare to approach Nature any more; to them the world they were born to enjoy is all threat. To them security is a steel river thundering on a concrete road. And much of their thinking takes place while waiting for the traffic light to turn green.

I say that the green of forests is the mind’s best light. And none but the man on foot can evaluate what is basic and everlasting.

1.What is the national sickness?

A. Walking too much

B. Traveling too much

C. Driving cars too much

D. Climbing stairs too much.

2.What was life like when the author was young?

A. People usually went around on foot.

B. people often walked 25 miles a day

C. People used to climb the Statue of Liberty.

D. people considered a ten-hour walk as a hardship.

3.The author mentions Henry Thoreau to prove that________.

A. middle-aged people like getting back to nature

B. walking in nature helps enrich one’s mind

C. people need regular exercise to keep fit

D. going on foot prevents heart disease

4.What is compared to “a steel river” in Paragraph 6?

A. A queue of carsB. A ray of traffic light

C. A flash of lightningD. A stream of people

5.What is the author’s intention of writing this passage?

A. To tell people to reflect more on life.

B. To recommend people to give up driving

C. To advise people to do outdoor activities

D. To encourage people to return to walking



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省高三暑假联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


你的笔友George 是英国某动物保护协会的成员,想了解2011年在上海举办的动物运动会的情况。请你根据下表,向他介绍该运动会的相关情况。







参考词汇:海野生动物园 the Shanghai Animal Park 动物运动会 Animal Games

田径赛 track and field 尊严 dignity



Dear George,

I’m glad to have received your letter, in which you require some information about the Shanghai Animal Games. Here are some details about it.





This is all I know about the animal games. I hope this can be of some help to you.





科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省广州市海珠区高三摸底考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


Two years ago, when I was an oversea student, I worked early mornings and late nights to pay for my school fees.

One day, I was seriously ill with a very high fever. I had stayed at home for a few days, and I had run out of food. Because I had been in this town just for a short time, I also had no friends nearby who could help. So I went out to get some food. I would have gone to the supermarket, but on this occasion, I went into a small store because it was closer.

I picked up a few items. When I handed them to the shopkeeper, she said, “You are unwell.” “Yes,” I nodded.

She pointed at the salami and bread I was buying and offered, “I can make you a sandwich, so you don’t have to do it yourself’. So, she made the sandwich and asked me to wait a moment. She went in the back room and returned with a bowl of hot soup.

“It will warm you up,” she said with a genuine smile.

What really warmed me up was not the soup, but her kindness. It made me want to be as kind as the shopkeeper who had been kind to me.


1. 用约30个词概括上文的要点;

2. 用约120个词以“善举的影响”为话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:





1. 你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。

2. 作文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。








科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省广州市海珠区高三摸底考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:填空题

My older brother and I are busy 1. (arrange) a trip to Africa. We will leave London on 15 July, and we’ll be flying to Morocco. We are going to travel on camels 2. the Sahara Desert. After the trip by camel, we’re going to travel down the River Nile. We’ll start at Lake Victoria. A little way down the river from Lake Victoria, the water 3. (actual) gets quite rough. So, we’ll go white-water rafting, 4. is quite dangerous, but very exciting! After white-water rafting, we’re going on a trip to see wild animals in Kenya.

5. we’ll be walking for almost two weeks, I’ll need to buy a large, strong, light backpack 6. advance to carry my 7. (supply) of food and water. It is so dangerous that our guides will have guns 8. (scare) the animals away if they come too near. I really want to see 9. elephant close up. After that, we’ll be moving on to Tanzania, 10. we’re going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. The African part of our trip will take about four weeks and we will surely have a happy time.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山西省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Most people know that Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, and the first person to win it twice. However, few people know that she was also the mother of a Nobel Prize winner.

Born in September, 1897, Irene Curie was the first of the Curies’ two daughters. Along with nine other children whose parents were also famous scholars, Irene studied in their own school, and her mother was one of the teachers. She finished her high school education at the College of Sévigné in Paris.

Irene entered the University of Paris in 1914 to prepare for a degree in mathematics and physics. When World War I began, Irene went to help her mother, who was using X-ray facilities(设备)to help save the lives of wounded soldiers. Irene continued the work by developing X-ray facilities in military hospitals in France and Belgium. Her services were recognized in the form of a Military’s Medal by the French government.

In 1918, Irene became her mother’s assistant at the Curie Institute. In December 1924, Frederic Joliot joined the Institute, and Irene taught him the techniques required for his work. They soon fell in love and were married in 1926. Their daughter Helene was born in 1927 and their son Pierre five years later.

Like her mother, Irene combined family and career. Like her mother, Irene was awarded a Nobel Prize, along with her husband, in 1935. Unfortunately, also like her mother, she developed leukemia because of her work with radioactivity(辐射能). Irene Joliot-Curie died from leukemia on March 17, 1956.

1.Why was Irene Curie awarded a Military Medal?

A. Because she received a degree in mathematics.

B. Because she contributed to saving the wounded.

C. Because she won the Nobel Prize with Frederic.

D. Because she worked as a helper to her mother.

2.Where did Irene Curie meet her husband Frederic Joliot?

A. At the Curie Institute.

B. At the University of Paris.

C. At a military hospital.

D. At the College of Sevigne.

3.When was the second child of Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot born?

A. In 1932.

B. In 1927.

C. In 1897.

D. In 1926.

4.In which of the following aspects was Irene Curie different from her mother?

A. Irene worked with radioactivity.

B. Irene combined family and career.

C. Irene won the Nobel Prize once

D. Irene died from leukemia.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山西省忻州市高二下学期期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Down-to-earth means being honest, open, and easy to deal with. It is a pleasure to find someone who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to. He or she accepts others as equals. A down-to-earth person may be an important member of society, of course, but they do not let their importance go to their heads, and they do not consider themselves to be better than others who are less important. Someone who is filled with self-importance and pride, often without cause, is said to have his nose in the air. There is no way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.

Americans use another expression that is similar in some way to down-to-earth. The expression is both feet on the ground. Someone with both feet on the ground is a person with a good understanding of reality. He has what is called common sense. He may have dreams but he does not allow them to block his knowledge of what is real. The opposite kind of person is one who has his head in the clouds. A man with his head in the clouds is a dreamer whose mind is not in the world. Sometimes such a dreamer can be brought back to reality; and sharp words from the teacher, for example, can usually get a daydreaming student to put both feet back on the ground.

The person who is down-to-earth usually has both feet on the ground. But the opposite is not always true. Someone with both feet on the ground may not be as open and easy to deal with as someone who is down-to-earth. When we have both our feet firmly on the ground, we are realistic and we act honestly and openly toward others, and our lives are like the ground below us, solid and strong.

1.If a person has his nose in the air, he _______.

A. is confident

B. is easy to deal with

C. is down to the earth

D. is always self-important and pride.   

2.What can a daydreamer probably be like?

A. A person full of dreams in life.

B. A person with his head in the clouds.

C. A person with both his feet on the ground

D. A person with a good understanding of reality.

3.The underlined sentence “But the opposite is not always true.” most probably means that ______.

A. the opposite direction is always wrong

B. the person who has his nose in the air is not true

C. a man with his head in the clouds is often not intelligent

D. a person who has both feet on the ground may not be down-to-earth

4.From the passage, we can infer the person who is _____ is the most popular kind of person.

A. down-to-earthB. standing on the ground

C. with his nose in the airD. with his head in the clouds



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山西省高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Cities need to put efforts to deal with pollution and clear the air.

Chinese cities will need to put efforts to clear up the sky when a new department to improve regional air quality is set up by 2015, according to the latest plan released by the State Council.

Besides the existing pollution control program for SO2, regional emission caps (区域排放上限) for other certain chemicals will be established in the three key air polluting areas— the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Coal-consumption caps will also be tried out in some areas, according to the plan.

“The plan is aimed at dealing with regional air pollution—such as acid rain and smog—which have become increasingly obvious in China in recent years and caused a severe threat to people’s health,” Zhang Lijun, vice-minister of environmental protection, said in an interview on Monday.

“The air quality in a city affects the regions nearby because pollutants (污染物) Can travel through the atmosphere,” said Chai Fahe, vice-director of Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences.

“So efforts to reduce air pollution in a single city, targeting a certain pollutant will not be enough,” Chai said.

Zhang said, “The country’s major industrial districts—the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region—have recorded more than 100 misty days annually in recent years.”

These three regions, home to at least 200 million people, occupy only 6. 3 percent of the country’s area but consume 40 percent of the country’s coal and produce half of its steel, according to official figures.

Studies also show that the visibility (能见度) in eastern regions of China has dropped by 7 to 15 km compared to that in the early 1960s, as a result of air pollution.

Liaoning province, the Shandong Peninsula, Wuhan in Hubei province and its surrounding area, the Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan region in Hunan province, the Chengdu-Chongqing region, and the western coast of the Taiwan Straits are also listed as areas to carry out such regional air pollution control programs, according to the plan.

The new plan also requires an improved air quality system, which will measure the pollution levels. “The current system, which only measures some major pollutants, cannot reflect the true picture.” said Chai.

1. It will not be enough to reduce air pollution in a single city because   .

A. air pollution has been becoming more and more serious in recent years

B. air pollution like acid rain and smog is threatening people’s health

C. air pollutants in a city can travel in the sky and affect nearby areas

D. air pollutants stay in fixed places over the cities

2.. Suppose the visibility in eastern regions of China was 130 km in the early 1960s, the visibility there nowadays is   .

A. 123 to 115 km    B. 137 to 145 km

C. 123 to 145 km    D. 115 to 137 km

3.. The main purpose of the passage is   .

A. to inform readers of the damage caused by air pollution

B. to introduce the new plan to control air pollution

C. to provide official figures of air pollution levels

D. to point out the regions affected by air pollution

4.. What does the underlined phrase“the true picture”in the last paragraph mean?

A. The major pollutants.

B. The key polluted areas.

C. The major polluted cities.

D. The pollution levels.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东高三上学期月考(1)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

His parents were angry when they learned he had borrowed the car ______ their wishes.

A. against B. to C. from D. by


