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She was so _______ that she wouldn’t give in until she received a full apology.

A. simple B. lucky

C. stubborn D. proper




试题分析: 考查形容词辨析。A. simple简单的;B. lucky幸运的;C. stubborn固执的;D. proper 恰当的;句意:她如此的固执 最后没有屈服,直到最后得到道歉;根据until she received a full apology.可知选C项。

考点 : 考查形容词辨析



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江杭州市高三9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Flying kites, ______ some researchers point out, can not only bring about joy to us, but also promote our physical and mental health.

A. which B. what C. as D. where



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江富阳第二中学高二下第三次质量检测5月英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We all write ____________ even when there's not much to say.

A. now and then B. by and by

C. step by step D. more or less.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江富阳第二中学高三上第二次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Can I smoke here?

---Sorry. We don’t allow _______ here.

A. people smoking B. people smoke

C. to smoke D. smoking



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江富阳第二中学高三上第二次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We were put into a position ________ we had either to accept we were less important, or fight for equal rights.

A. when B. in which

C. which D. on which



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江余杭普通高中第二共同体高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


A. How inner beliefs can help

B. How to develop positive habits

C. Improve your life

D. You can do it

E. Action plan

F. Why are habits so important

The single most important factor that contributes to success is what you do every single day. It is as simple as that. Your habits will determine whether you are successful or not. If you have strong and healthy positive habits, it does not matter whether or not you fail today because you are guaranteed to succeed in the long run.


Because you repeat the same actions and the same behaviors every single day, a single positive action will not change your life, but the same action repeated 1,000 times will have a significant impact on your life. For example, if you go to the gym one time, you won't see a big difference in your life. However, if you go to the gym 1,000 times over a five year period, you will see a big difference in your body. The same principle applies to finance, health, relationships, work, career, and school. Simple positive actions repeated every single day will have a great impact on your life in the long run.


There's nothing easier than developing positive habits. You simply have to do every single day the action you want to make a habit. If you want to develop the habit of running, run almost every day. If you want to develop the habit of eating healthy, eat healthy every day. If you want to develop the habit of reading, read every day. Habits are created by repetition. The more you do an action, the easier it becomes in the long run.

3. ________

If you want to be successful in changing your habits, you should think about changing your inner beliefs about your habits. For example, your old belief was: "I love cigarette because it makes me feel good and relaxed. I need cigarette to be happy and relaxed." If you keep this belief, you won't be able to keep your resolution to stop smoking for very long. Instead, you should adopt this new belief: "I love yoga because it makes me feel good and relaxed. Cigarette is poisonous and destroys my body. Yoga makes me happy." You should analyze your beliefs and make sure they won't stop you from changing your habits. The same is true when you try to form positive habits. If you want to start eating healthy food, here are some positive beliefs you should start thinking about: "Healthy food is very good for my health. It gives me a lot of energy and I feel very good."


It's now time for you to develop positive habits in your life and avoid your negative habits. Write down 3 positive habits that you would like to develop and 3 negative habits that you would like to get rid of. For each positive habit, write down exactly what actions you're going to take every single day in order to develop the new habit. For each negative habit, write down exactly what actions you're not going to take in the next weeks. Here are some positive habits that will lead to success: exercise, healthy food, reading, saving, studying, healthy relationships, hard work, etc... Here are some negative habits to get rid of: gambling, drug and alcohol abuse, overeating, shyness, etc.


Everybody can change. All it takes is courage and commitment. Decide right now to improve your life by changing your habits. Take action right now! Don't be afraid. Yes, you will probably make mistakes along the way. But never forget that success is guaranteed for you if you have positive habits in your life. If you refuse to quit, success will be yours.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江余杭普通高中第二共同体高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--- What’s your idea?

--- My opinion is _____, _____ happens, we should not stop the reform.

A. when; what B. that; when

C. that; whatever D. when; what



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江余杭普通高中第二共同体高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Hiking is ____ great fun .You will get close to ____ nature and take exercise at the same time.

A. a; the B. a; 不填

C.不填;the D.不填;不填



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省名校高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Late one night, a thief crept into a wealthy merchant’s house. He was a young thief, without experience. In fact, this was his first professional . So he had everything carefully.

All went marvelously well at first. He found, as he , an unlatched window and got into the room easily. But, stepping his way through the room, he stubbed (碰到) his bare against a table leg. Choking (抑制) back a cry of pain, terrified of waking the merchant, he hit on the forehead and called himself a fool. He had to bring a light.

In the darkness, , he was able to see an oil lamp on the table, and lit it, then he gave a of relief. As he the lamp, a small spider came out from under its .

“Thank you for saving my life,” said the spider. “Before he went to bed, the merchant set this lamp down on top of me so I couldn’t escape. If you hadn’t come along, I wouldn’t have the night; , I’d have extremely uncomfortable situation for a long time.”

“You have saved a life and shown compassion (同情), ”the spider went on, the impatient thief said he had not to do so. “ yet, you have done so without the thought or hope of reward. You have gained more merits (优点) than you could possibly imagine.”

“But you’re only a spider,” said the thief.

“And you’re only a man.” said the spider. “My dear thief, when you understand that is life, whether on eight legs or , you will have understood much. Your deed, , has got rid of the bad things from your heart. Go from here with a fresh spirit. And good luck to you.”

The thief did so and never thought to steal again.

1.A. job B. mistake C. appearance D. finding

2.A. explainedB. managed C. planned D. imagined

3.A. expected B. remembered C. reminded D. meant

4.A. dull B. dark C. sitting D. terrible

5.A. head B. shoulder C. hand D. toe

6.A. the merchantB. the spider C. the thief D. himself

7.A. rememberedB. forgot C. avoided D. happened

8.A. howeverB. when C. so that D. but

9.A. applauseB. cry C. sigh D. laugh

10.A. woke upB. laid down C. picked up D. turned over

11.A. base B. cap C. cover D. foot

12.A. spent B. lasted C. hated D. worried

13.A. in timeB. however C. anyhow D. indeed

14.A. althoughB. so C. so that D. as if

15.A. said B. led C. cared D. intended

16.A. Better B. Worse C. Natural D. Lucky

17.A. hopefulB. least C. ordinary D. most

18.A. man B. spider C. life D. chance

19.A. three B. two C. a dozen D. a hundred

20.A. in no caseB. at ease C. in any case D. without delay


