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[l] Canadian culture was heavily influenced by British culture and traditions.Now one can also notice the influence of American culture.Over the years, lots of people have moved to Canada.There has been a healthy change of Canadian' s ideas that has resulted in the development of certain special features in Canada.The people of Canada have always been proud of their diverse cultural backgrounds.
[2] Art: Canada has some of the most wonderful classical works of art.In the year 1930, artists began developing their own personal style.The "Group of Seven" is considered to be the first group of native artists to create their own style.
[3] Language and religion: Because of its diverse cultures, Canada has two official languages, English and French.There is _________.A number of people in Canada have confirmed that they have no religious belief, though there are many other groups that follow Protestantism as a religion.
[4] Literature: The literature of Canada basically shows the different cultural influences of other countries.Some of the early works were divided according to the region of Canada from which the author came, but there were also authors who gave a humorous touch to serious contents.A number of authors have been awarded for their literature works.
[5] Music: Music in Canada has seen many developments in styles along the way.Many Canadian; musicians have earned worldwide fame.From folk music to rock, Canadian music continues to entertain people.In recent years, music from Asia and Africa has found quite a fan following in Canada.
小题1:What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 3 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 3 words)
小题3:What does the word “their” (Line 4, Para 1) refer to? (no more than 2 words)
小题4:Canadian culture has been influenced by many other countries.List all of them mentioned in the text.
小题5:Complete the following statement with proper words .(no more than 5 words)
Recently, music from Asia and Africa has become          in Canada.

小题1:Canadian culture
小题2:no official religion
小题3:Canadians/ Canadian people
小题4:British, American, Asian and African cultures
小题5:more and more popular

小题1:根据Canadian culture was heavily influenced by British culture and traditions.故用Canadian culture.
小题2:根据因为该段主要谈到的是Language and religion:前面是Language ;所以后面应该是religion ;又根据空格后的内容可知,故用no official religion.
小题3:根据The people of Canada have always been proud of 这是指的是句子主语The people of Canada与主语一致,故用Canadians/ Canadian people.
小题4:根据Canadian culture was heavily influenced by British culture and traditions.Now one can also notice the influence of American culture.In recent years, music from Asia and Africa has found quite a fan following in Canada.可知故用British, American, Asian and African cultures.
小题5:根据In recent years, music from Asia and Africa has found quite a fan following in Canada.故用more and more popular.

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Some years ago, I was hired by an American bank. I received a letter from the head of the Personnel Department that started, “Dear John, I am quite pleased that you have decided to join us.” That “quite” saddened me. I thought he was saying “we’re kind of pleased you decided to join us although I wish we had hired someone else.” Then I discovered that in American English “quite” sometimes means “very”, while in British English it means “fairly”.
So the first lesson about working in other countries is to learn the language and by that I don’t just mean the words people speak. It is body language, dress, manners, ideas and so on. The way people do things highlights many of the differences we see between cultures.
Some of these differences may be only on the surface—dress, food and hours of work-while others may be deeper and take longer to deal with. Mostly, it is just a question of getting used to the differences and accepting them, like the climate, while getting on with business.
Some of the differences may be an improvement. People are more polite; the service is better; you ask for something to be done and it happens without having to ask again. However, other differences can be troubling, like punctuality(准时). If you invite people to a party at 7 o’clock, your guests will consider it polite to turn up exactly on time in Germany, five minutes early in the American Midwest, an hour early in Japan, 15 minutes afterwards in the UK, up to an hour afterwards in Italy and some time in the evening in Greece. I prefer not to use the word “late” because there is nothing wrong with the times people arrive. It is simply the accepted thing to do in their own country.
小题1:Why was the author unhappy as mentioned in Paragraph 1?(within 12 words)
小题2:If one wants to work in foreign countries, what should he do first? (within 12 words)
小题3:What attracts people’s attention to the cultural differences? (within 5 words)
小题4:Who are usually punctual when invited to a party the people? (within 2 words)
小题5:According to the author, what should we do with most cultural differences? (within 7 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.
Bullying (欺负) can take a variety of forms, from the verbal being taunted or called hurtful names to the physical being kicked or shoved, as well as indirect forms, such as being excluded (排除)from social groups. A survey I conducted with Irene Whitney found that in British primary schools up to a quarter of pupils reported experience of bullying, in which about one in ten cases was persistent(执意的). There was less bullying in secondary schools, with about one in twenty-five suffering persistent bullying, but these cases may be particularly recalcitrant.
Bullying is clearly unpleasant, and can make the child experiencing it feel unworthy and depressed. In extreme cases it can even lead to suicide, though this is thankfully rare. Victimized pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults, while children who persistently bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent, and convicted of anti-social offences.
Until recently, little help was available to teachers to deal with bullying. Perhaps as a consequence, schools would often deny the problem. “There is no bullying at this school” has been a common refrain, almost certainly untrue. Fortunately more schools are now saying: “There is not much bullying here, but when it occurs we have a clear policy for dealing with it.”
(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN ELEVEN WORDS)
小题1:According to the first paragraph, the fact that _________________ belongs to an indirect form of bullying.
小题2:The survey the author conducted indicates that as students grow older, ______________.
小题3:Bullying is likely to cause ________________ feelings among victimized children.
小题4:One possible reason why schools denied the problem of bullying was ______________.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Everyone has dreams and they obey the rules that if you can dream it, you can achieve it! Here are four goals for people to reach a perfect life in their future.
The first goal common to all of us is health and energy. We all want to be healthy and fit, to have high levels of energy and to live free of pains and illnesses. Today, with the incredible advances in medical science, the quality of our health and fitness, and our lifespan, is largely determined by design, not by chance. People with excellent health habits are far healthier, have more energy, and live longer and better than people who have poor health habits. Remember that health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing!
The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationships--- intimate, personal or social--- with the people we like and respect, and who like and respect us in turn. Fully 85% of your happiness will be determined by the quality of your relationships at each stage, and in each area, of your life. How well you get along with people, and how much they like, love and respect you, have more impact on the quality of your life than perhaps any other factor.
The third common goal is to do work that we enjoy, to do it well, and to be well paid for it. You want to be able to get and keep the job you want, to get paid more and elevated faster. You want to earn the very most that is possible for you at each stage of your career, whatever you do.
The fourth goal we all have in common is to achieve financial independence. You want to reach the point in life where you have enough money so that you never have to worry about money again. You want to completely be free of financial worries. You want to be able to order dinner in a restaurant without referring to the price listings to determine what you want to eat.
小题1:What does this passage chiefly talk about?  (No more than 15 words)
小题2:Why does the author put health ahead of other goals?  (No more than 20 words)
小题3:Judging from the passage, what directly influences most of your happiness?  (No more than 20 words)
小题4:The underlined word “elevated” in Paragraph 4 refers to “_________”.   (No more than 5 words)
小题5:How can you gain financial independence? Please give your idea in brief. (No more than 15 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Imagine waking up to a world where China is the world's leading superpower, astronauts are busy walking on Mars and a brand new political party is ruling the UK? Well, this could be die reality in 14 years if some of the predictions of 100,000 Britons are correct.
The survey asked the people of the UK how they pictured the world in 2025.
Nearly half believe Prince William will be crowned King of England instead of Prince Charles although one in six think the monarchy (君主制度) will have been abolished.A quarter of those surveyed believe a new party will form the government in 2025 although the same number of people think that Labor will be back in power.
On the world stage 60 per cent think China is set to become the world's leading superpower, while a third of us think Great Britain will be made up of four self- governed countries.
Meanwhile technology will have come on in leaps and bounds.Four percent are optimistic that there will be a permanent human base on Mars while one in ten expect a colony of humans to be living in space.More than half questioned in the MSN study predict people will watch all their favorite shows via TV sets hooked up to the Internet.Two - thirds believe cosmetic surgery(整容手术) will have become common place and one in six think we will look after our own health using computers rather than     .
But at least we can amuse ourselves with the daily comings and goings of pop singers and reality stars, as more than half thinks that “celebrity(明星)”will be a registered profession.
小题1:What is the main idea of the text?(less than 10 words)
小题2:According to the passage, finish the following sentence, (less than 4 words)
The majority of people questioned in the survey believed that China would play___________in the world in 14 years.
小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words, (less than 6 words)
小题4:What did more than 30 percent of the people surveyed think about the UK? (less than 10 words)
小题5:What does the underlined word in the third paragraph refer to? (less than 8 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Many people spend a lot of time making money because they believe the money itself will make them happy, or will guard them against things that will make them unhappy. They make great efforts to achieve that perfect relationship, the perfect house, the beautiful body, the approval of others, all in an attempt to be happy.
Sometimes these things make people happy; other times, people stress over not having reached the goals, or reach them and find they’re still unhappy. Other times, people focus on just one goal and don’t have time for other things that will make them truly happy.
Some experts studying human happiness and the factors that contribute to it have identified several key areas of life that seem to be more related to personal happiness. Some of them are the things like money, friends, health and living conditions; others are things you may not think of in your daily life, such as your neighborhood and sense of meaning in life.
So while setting your goals, remember all of the areas of life that are important to you and find a balanced lifestyle including social support, personal development, physical health and meaningful pursuits(追求) besides career success and financial security. _____________, your attitude about life and the things that happen to you each day can also have a great effect on your level of happiness and life satisfaction. In addition to being optimistic, happy people tend to believe they are the masters of their fate, rather than the victims of circumstance.
 Explore the state of your life, assess how truly happy you are, and find a direction to work toward that will likely bring more happiness. Reach your goals, set new ones and live a life that truly makes you happy.
小题1:What does the first paragraph mainly talk about? (Please answer within 15 words.)
小题2:Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?
It’s impossible for those that stick to one thing only to experience happiness from other things.
小题3: Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (Please answer within 5 words.)
小题4: Do you think money could bring true happiness? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.)
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once upon a time, there was a poor boy working for a king day and night, but the king treated him badly. Every day, the boy went cold and hungry, so he ran away. Then one day, he met a big lion in the desert. The lion looked angry and the boy was afraid. He was about to run away when the lion said, “I am angry because there is a thorn(刺) in my foot.” “Don’t worry. I will help you.” So the boy sat down and helped to pull the thorn out. From then on, they became good friends.
One day, the king went hunting in the desert and he caught the lion! He threw it into a net. On his way back he saw the boy and caught him as well. “I will punish you for running away. I will throw you to the lion’s den(兽窝)!” said the king angrily. So he did! But to the king’s surprise, when the lion saw the boy, it lay down and smiled. The boy smiled too and put his arm around his friend. Greatly moved, the king let the boy and the lion go.
小题1:Why did the boy run away from the king?(回答词数不超过8个)
小题2:What did the lion do when the boy was thrown to its den?(回答词数不超过8个)
小题3:What have you learnt from the story?(回答词数不超过12个)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Many students find it hard to make friends when they are in high school. Keeping my suggestions in mind may give you a hand. They certainly helped me, and by the end of my three years of high school, I had formed my group of friends, with whom I still keep in touch now.
Here are my tips:
Say hello anytime I see an acquaintance(相识的人).
Because I was always smiling and greeting the people I knew, people naturally thought I was friendly(though I am not naturally sociable). And high school students want to be friends with sociable people.
Take the first step.
All the girls there already knew each other—they didn't need another friend. But I did, so I had to make the effort. I had to be the first one to invite somebody to go to a movie with me, or come to my house. Once I did that they started to respond with the same thing.
Use classes to get to know people.
I met most of my first friends because I sat next to them in class. Class(before, after, or even during class time)is a great opportunity to begin a conversation. For example, ask for help about homework.
Make friends slowly.
I couldn't get discouraged (泄气的) when it took a while to make friends.It really takes some time to make new friends. In a word, ________________________.
 Above all, remember that it can and will get better. You may have to work a little to make your high school experience a great one, but it's really worth it!
小题1: For what purpose does the writer write this passage?(Please answer within 15 words.)
小题2: Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?
I was believed to be sociable because of my friendly attitude towards others.
小题3:Fill in the blank with a sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)  _____________________________________________________________________
小题4: Which piece of advice does the following sentence belong to? (Write in detail)
Everybody should make friends patiently in high school. 
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.    ___________________________________________________________________


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Read the following passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.
The library is one of the most popular places at a Western university. Students turn to it for research, conversations about class, and many other services.
Compared with Chinese libraries, college libraries in the US and UK tend to offer more resources. A graduate student at Yale University can borrow as many as 225 books at a time.
In addition to borrowing books, there are online and electronic resources. These include a database (数据库) search of popular and academic material, such as LexisNexis Academic, which offers items from newspapers and magazines.
Although books and articles are the items that students ask for most frequently, some libraries provide video recordings. At some schools, teachers and tutors put electronic copies of their teaching PPTs on the library Web to give easier access for students.
Another useful service in Western college libraries is the Interlibrary Loan. This allows a student at one school to borrow books from another school. The loan request is made through the student’s college library, which gets the book, gives it to the user, and arranges for its return.
Technology has made libraries more attractive. Some universities have services for students to send messages through the computer.
Earlier this year, Harvard University introduced a new Scan and Deliver service, allowing students to make requests for parts of books and articles. Requests made through the system are handled by library staff. The student receives an e-mail with an Internet link to the scanned pages. The service is free and all material comes within four days.
It used to be that libraries didn’t allow food or drinks. But that rule is changing and many of them now contain a café so students can spend as much time as they want in the library.
Additionally, some US university libraries are now all-night affairs, or have at least one study room open all night.
(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
小题1:In comparison with Chinese libraries, college libraries in the US and UK not only_________________.
小题2:According to Paragraph 4 and 5, what are the two useful services for students in Western College libraries?
小题3:The purpose of Harvard University’s introducing a new Scan and Deliver service is to let __________________.
小题4:What have some US university libraries done for a change?

