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15.Bekoji is a small town of farmers in the Ethiopian highlands.There,time almost stands still,and the number of horse drawn carts is much greater than that of motor vehicles.Yet,it has consistently produced many of the world's best distance runners.
It's appealing.When breathing the thin air of Bekoji,to focus on the special conditions of the place.The town sits on the side of a volcano nearly 10,000 feet above sea level,making daily life a kind of high altitude training.Children in this region often start running at an early age.Covering great distances to fetch water and firewood or to reach the nearest school.Their disproportionately (不成比例地) long legs is also advantageous for distance runners.
A strong desire burns inside Bekoji's young runners.Take Millionn Abate for example.Forced to quit school in fifth grade after his father died,Abate worked as a shoe-shine boy for years.He saw a hope in running and joined Santayehu Eshetu's training program.This 18-year-old ran very fast to the finish of a 12 mile run with his bare feet bleeding.The coach took off his own Nikes and handed them to him.To help Abate continue,the coach arranged a hotel job for him,which pays $ 9 a month.
Most families in Bekoji live from hand to mouth and distance running offers the younger generation a way out.Bekoji's famous person Derartu Tulu,who won the 10,000-meter Olympic gold medals in 1992 and 2000,is a national hero.As a reward,the government gave her a house.She also won millions of dollars in the races.
Encouraged by such signs of success,thousands of kids from the villages surrounding Bekoji have moved into town.They crowd the classrooms at Bekoji Elementary School,where Eshetu works as a physical education instructor.All these kids share the same dream.Some day they could become another Derartu Tulu.
59.Which is NOT mentioned as something contributing to the excellence of distance runners in Ethiopia?D
A.Long distance running in daily life.
B.Thin air in the highlands.
C.Extraordinarily long legs.
D.Well-known coaches.
60.What can we know about Bekoji from this passage?B
A.It's the capital of Ethiopia.
B.It's situated near a volcano.
C.It's has trouble handing car accidents.
D.It's home to several Derartu Tulus.
61.What is the goal of Bekoji's school kids?C
A.To become PE teachers.
B.To work as hotel managers.
C.To win in international competitions.
D.To perform well academically at school.
62.What can be inferred from this passage?A
A.More distance runners may appear in Bekoji.
B.Nike will sponsor the young distance runners in Bekoji
C.Bekoji will host an international long-distance competition.
D.The Ethiopian government has spared no efforts in promoting running.

分析 本文讲述了Bekoji是一个距离火山很近的小镇,小镇上有那么多孩子在追逐梦想,在将来这里有可能会产生越来越多的长跑运动员.

解答 59.D  细节理解题.根据第二段第四句中的often start running at an early age可知这里的人从小就习惯跑步 A项正确;根据第二段第三句中的nearly 10,000 feet above sea level可知这里的空气非常稀薄 B项正确;根据第二段最后一句中的disproportionately (不成比例地)long legs可知C项正确;文章没有提及知名教练,所以答案为D项.
60.B  细节理解题.根据第二段第三句The town sits on the side of a volcano nearly 10,000 feet above…可知这个小镇距离火山很近,所以答案为B项.
61.C  推理判断题.根据第四段第二句中的offers the younger generation a way out 和第三句话中的 Olympic gold medals可知这里的孩子把赢得奥运会金牌当成自己的目标,所以答案为C项.
62.A  推理判断题.由最后一段的最后两句All these kids share the same dream.Some day they could become another Derartu Tulu.可知,既然在Bekoji这个小镇上有那么多孩子在追逐梦想,在将来这里有可能会产生越来越多的长跑运动员,所以答案为A项.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Not all great meals come from restaurants.Some are served from carts and stalls,and eaten on the go.So-called street food is not only delicious,but can be found in nearly every country,rich or poor,says Carla Diamanti,co-author of Street Food:Authentic Snacks from Around the World."It's a way to get to know the people and the flavor of a place,"says the Italian writer,who has nibbled her way around the globe.She shares some favorite snacks and snacking places with us.
Pizza:Pizza may be the closest thing to a global food,but Diamanti says there's nothing like the way it's prepared in Naples.The dish is often ordered from a window counter and quickly baked for customers.If you're eating it on the go,you fold it up for pizza al portafoglio,literally wallet style."Our pizza is quick and simple,"she says.www.inaples.it
New York
Hot dogs:When foreigners first visit America,one of the first things many want to try is the country's typical snack food,the hot dog."It's like the flag of America-both inexpensive and democratic,"Diamanti says."You expect to see kids queuing at a hot dog stall."212-484-1200; www.nycgo.com
Bento boxes:Diamanti says the best time and place to eat this portable Japanese meal is under a blooming cherry tree in the spring.Bento boxes are filled with different dishes:often fish,meat,pickled vegetables,rice or tofu."It's really just a taste,"she says.While the containers are often elaborate wooden serving trays,they can be also cardboard boxes ordered to go.212-757-5640; www.jnto.go.jp
Jamaa el Fna Square,Marrakech,Morocco
Food stalls:When the sun begins to set,this central square comes to life as crowds gather to sing,dance and eat.Hundreds of stalls serve grilled meat,chicken and rice."There is plenty of smoke with hundreds of people cooking at the same time,"Diamanti says.212-221-1 583; www.visitmorocco.com/index.php/eng/

21.It can be learned from the text that Carla DiamantiB.
A.doesn't like street food.
B.has traveled a lot.
C.has set up the website www.inaples.it.
D.likes the pizza most.
22.What is special about the pizza in Naples,Italy?D
A.its attractive taste.   B.its low price.
C.its unique ingredients. D.the way it's prepared.
23.For those who want to eat under blooming cherry trees in the spring,they'd better go toC.
A.Naples,Italy   B.New York   C.Japan   D.Morocco.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.With Captain Cash's help,we've put together the BIGGEST and BEST money-saving guide EVER-so what are you waiting for?Start saving NOW!The first step is to sign up to Captain Cash's fantastic new website.
1.Captain's saving tip on car insurance
MAKE sure you give an accurate figure for your annual mileage when you get a quote-if you overestimate,your premium(保费)will rise.
2.Captain's saving tip on home insurance
Don't overinsure your home-by sticking to the rebuild cost (the amount that really matters),you're covered if there's a disaster.When in doubt seek independent advice.
Plus,pay your insurance policy in one hit,if you can.Many insurance companies charge higher interest rates when you pay in monthly installments.
3.Captain's saving tip on entertainment
BUY the latest CDs online from HMV via Captain Cash for great price deals.For instance,The Friends 15th Anniversary Complete Collection:40DVD box set is just£69.99with free UK delivery-saving£30on the RRP (Recommended Retail Price).
4.Captain's saving tip on utility bills
DON'T be loyal to expensive suppliers-always check out the best deals.Getting gas and electricity from the same company and paying by direct debit instead of cash or cheque also lowers the annual cost of your bills.You can also shave money from bills by turning appliances off,rather than leaving them on standby,and by turning the heating down by a degree or two.

69.What is Captain Cash?D
A.A bookstore  B.An online shop  C.An expertD.A website
70.What's the RRP of 40DVD box set of The Friend?B
A.£39.99   B.£99.99     C.£59.99        D.£109.99
71.Which of the following is NOT TRUE concerning Captain's saving tips?A
A.Paying utility bills in cash is a more economical way.
B.Paying the full price when buying a home insurance is a wise choice.
C.Accurate estimate of your yearly mileage is key to a car insurance.
D.Power off the electrical appliances while they are not being used.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.I used to believe in the American dream that meant a job,credit,success.I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else,all of us separately chasing the same thing.
One year,through a series of unhappy events,it all fell apart.I found myself homeless and alone.I had my truck and﹩56.I searched the countryside for some place I could rent for the cheapest possible amount.I came upon a deserted cottage in a small remote valley.I hadn't been alone for 25 years.I was scared,but I hoped the hard work would distract and heal me.I found the owner and rented the place for﹩50 a month.The locals knew nothing about me.But slowly they started teaching me the art of being a neighbor.They dropped off blankets,tools and canned deer meat and began sticking around to chat.They would ask if I wanted to meet cousin Albie or go fishing.They started to teach me a belief in a different American dream,not the one of individual achievement but of neighborliness.Men would stop by with wild berries,ice cream,truck parts to see if I needed some.The women on that mountain worked harder than any I'd ever met.They taught me how to store food in the stream and keep it cold and safe.I learned to keep enough for an extra plate for company.
What I had believed in,all those things I thought were necessary for a civilized life,were non-existent in this place.Up on the mountain,my most valuable possessions were my relationships with my neighbors.
After four years in that valley,I moved back into town.I saw a lot of people were having a really hard time,losing their jobs and homes.With the help of a real estate broker(房地产经纪人) I chatted up at the grocery store,I managed to rent a big enough house to take in a handful of people.It's four of us now,but over time I've had nine come in and move on to other places from here.We'd all be in shelters if we hadn't banded together.
The American dream I believe in now is a shared one.It's not so much about what I can get for myself; it's about how we can all get by together.

56.In the past,the American dream the writer believed in wasA.
A.fame   B.big houses   C.relationships with neighbors    D.sharing
57.Before a series of unhappy events happened,the writerB.
A.had a well-paid job                B.worked hard for his American dream
C.worked hard and liked to share     D.felt hopeless about his American dream
58.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3most probably mean the writer learned toB.
A.run a company
B.share with others
C.keep enough plates
D.save money for his company
59.Why did the writer rent a big house?C
A.To make some money.
B.To show off his wealth.
C.To share with those people in need.
D.To make friends with his neighbors.
60.The writer mainly tells us aboutD.
A.his unhappy experiences      
B.the friendly people in the valley
C.the change of his living conditions
D.his new idea of the American dream.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Le Whif,an inhaler (吸入剂) that allows chocolate lovers to meet their needs whenever they please without putting on weight,is to be on market in British stores.The invention,called the world's first breatheable food,lets consumers suck in the taste of chocolate or coffee while taking on less than one calorie.Its makers claim it will enable dieters to enjoy their favorite snacks without worrying about their waistline.
The lip-stick-style tube contains hundreds of milligrams of tiny food particles (粒子) which are small enough to be carried by air,but too large to enter the lungs.Each Le Whif contains enough flavor for about eight to ten whiffs (一阵气味) and costs﹩1.99 on its own,or﹩4.99 a pack of three.The inhaler is available in chocolate as well as coffee flavor.
It was invented by Prof.David Edwards.He said Le Whif was not designed to replace food but could be used to increase dining experiences,such as allowing people to try a variety of dishes from restaurant menus before ordering their meal.
He said,"In terms of living on whiffing,we aren't even close to being there.But there clearly has been a revolution over the last few years where we are eating smaller amounts of food more frequently,and choosing food for its aesthetic (审美的) pleasure.We will be launching new whiffing experiences probably every six months.It is reasonable to predict that the next line of whiffing products will be even more health centered."
The product came onto market in Paris in 2009and the first production run of 25,000inhalers were sold out within a month.It has since been made available across France and in the US.In Britain Le Whif is to be sold firstly in House of Fraser for a month,after which it could become more widely distributed.

64.We can learn from Paragraph 1thatA.
A.Le Whif isn't availabe in British stores yet
B.Le Whif can help dieters to lose weight
C.Le Whif is calorie-free
D.Le Whif is popular with British chocolate lovers
65.What's the main purpose of inventing Le Whif?D
A.To replace food.
B.To help people stop drinking coffee.
C.To replace the traditional chocolate.
D.To increase people's dining experiences.
66.Which of the following statements does David Edwards agree with?B
A.His new products will come out once a year.
B.The whiffing products in the future will be improved.
C.Le Whif can make people eat less food.
D.Le Whif is a revolution that will change people's life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Welcome to Financial Aid Need Estimator!This free service can help you plan more effectively to meet college costs.The Financial Aid Need Estimator allows you to figure out your family costs at specific intitutions by taking you through two steps.
Step 1:during the first step,the Financial Aid Need Estimator will help you estimate how much you and your family will be expected to pay.
Step 2:Using the second step,you may estimate the costs of attending specific institution.Your results will show your results will show your eligibility(合格) for financial aid based on both your expected family costs and the costs of attending the institution you selected.By selecting another institution,you may repeat these calculations for as many institutions as you wish without entering your personal information.
The Financial Aid Need Estimator does not ask you to identify yourself and will not keep your personal information.
Because  international students are not eligible for federal need-based financial aid program results from the Financial Aid Need Estimator will apply only to students who are the U citizens.
41.The result of calculation you get from the Financial Aid Need Estimator will.D
A.help you get the financial aid
B.provide database for official results
C.help you meet your college costs
D.show your eligibility for financial aid
42.The Financial Aid Need Estimator is reliable because.B
A.it is controlled by government
B.it uses the same formula as the government's official results
C.it can make sure of its accuracy
D.it provides good services free of charge
43.Who will be most interested in the passage?A
A.The Us students who want to apply for financial aid.
B.The international students who have financial difficulty.
C.The US students who want to go to college.
D.The international students who want further study.
44.The Financial Aid Need Estimator may mainly consider.C
A.the college you want to go to
B.the accuracy of the information you provide
C.family costs and college costs
D.the application for financial aid
45.The purpose of writing this passage is probably to.C
A.tell the possible ways to get financial aid
B.tell who will the eligible for financial aid
C.introduce the financial Aid Need Estimator
D.introduce the financial aid to college students.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.The Focal Point of the"Chinese Liquor Golden Triangle"
In China,there is a saying:a good spirit(wine) is in Sichuan,but the great one is in Yibin.
Yibin,the birthplace of Wuliangye,has a centuries-old tradition of producing great spirits.At the confluence of Jinsha and Min rivers,Yibin is praised as the first city on the source of the Yangtze River.Here,the water is clean,the soil is rich,and the climate is very favorable for brewing good liquor.The blessings of nature and centuries-old liquor brewing traditions gave rise to"The Ten-Mile Liquor City",the main production facility of domestic liquor giant Wuliangye Group Co.Ltd.
Extending across 10 kilometers and dotted with gardens and sculptures,the city attracts domestic and foreign visitors with its famed liquor brewing and related culture.Another attraction is its legendary Ming Dynasty (1368-1644AD) liquor cellars (酒窖,地下储藏室).
The city has 30,000 large modern brewing tanks that provide an enormous capacity to store liquor.
The high quality of Wuliangye also owes much to its unique brewing techniques and materials.These traditional techniques are included on the list of national intangible(非物质的) cultural heritage.
Wuliangye's sales revenues(销售额)and pre-tax profits accounted for nearly half of the respective (分别的) 59 billion yuan and 12.5 billion yuan generated by Sichuan's provincial liquor industry in 2008.Liquor production by large enterprises in the province was about 1.1 million kiloliters,accounting for 19.6% of the production in the country.
Wuliangye is now investing 300 million yuan in a state-of-the-art quality assurance center (质保中心)that has higher standards than national requirements,which will boost the existing quality-control system when it is put into service next year.
With a goal of production value of 100 billion yuan for the year of 2020,Wuliangye is playing a leading role in the development of the liquor industry in the region.A lot of related industries are now building up in the region to create a Chinese Liquor Golden Triangle-the Chinese equivalent (相当于)of the French Bordeaux region---that continues to appear on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.
1.To be exact,the domestic liquor giant Wuliangye Group Co.Ltd.LiesC.
A.on the Jinsha River             
B.in the city of Yibin
C.to the west of Sichuan           
D.on the middle reaches of the Youngtze River
2.Which of the following is the most favorable for brewing the good wine?B
A.The water         B.The soil    C.The climate     D.The facility     
3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage above?A
A.Compared with the western countries,Chinese wines have a long way to go.
B.The Golden Triangle is known for its wines and related industries.
C.Wuliangye's pre-tax profit accounted for nearly 6.25 billion in 2008.
D.The liquor production of our country in 2008 is about 5,6 million kiloliters.
4.Domestic and foreign visitors go to the city for itsA.
A.famous wine brewing and related culture
B.beautiful geographical landscape
C.historic relics of different Chinese dynasties
D.the source of the Yangtze River.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

It is said that there are many applicantsapplyingfora visa for further study abroad.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.This afternoon,my office sent out over 34,000e-mail notifications to high school seniors who were waiting to learn whether they would be invited to spend the next four years at Stanford.Even though I have been in the admission field for over 30years,I still feel the pain of the many exceptional youths who were not offered places.
Given that today's teens already have enough pressure in their lives,I wish to impart (告知) three messages to any particularly disappointed parents.
First,it's all relative.While the number admitted into the undergraduate (本科的) class has remained unchanged for years,Stanford,like many of its peer (同类的) schools,has had a record number of total applicants-more than 42,000.Regardless of arguments over whether too much preference is given to one category over another,thousands of students are going to be turned away,and there is no doubt that the vast majority of them could have met the demands of a Stanford education.
I wish there were a formula (公式) to explain who is accepted and who isn't,but the decision-making is as much art as it is science.Each class is a symphony with its own distinct composition (乐曲)and sound.The final roster (花名册) is an effort to create harmony (和谐),and that means that some extraordinary bass players don't get a chair.What's more,even among my staff (员工) there are legitimate (合理的) differences about applicants.
Second,celebrate the bigger picture.Most of the applications I reviewed are truly remarkable.The transition from high school to college is a turning point,and it's more important to focus on how a young adult is moving on to a new stage than where that stage happens to be.You should mark the success of your children and rejoice (喜悦) in the excitement that the next four years will bring.
And that leads to my final point:education is what a student makes of it.Of course,certain schools have resources (资源) that others don't,but they all offer opportunities to learn and to grow.Thousands of applicants who aren't accepted to Stanford go on to have fulfilling lives.What parents and college applicants across the country need to remember is that the news they receive,whether good or bad,is but a single step on a much longer journey.

29.Which of the following statements might the author agree with?B
A.Bass players,even some extraordinary ones,have little chance of being accepted by Stanford.
B.Those who fail to get admitted into Stanford don't necessarily do worse than those who make it.
C.Those who fail to get admitted by Stanford probably wouldn't meet the demands of a Stanford education.
D.There are more students applying to study at Stanford than its peer schools in the US.
30.In the last two paragraphs,the author intends to convey the message thatD.
A.most colleges offer students the same resources as Stanford does
B.Stanford offers the best opportunities for young adults to learn and grow
C.parents should tell their children that this rejection will only make them stronger
D.it's not which college that students enter but what they do there that counts
31.What is the main purpose of the article?B
A.To congratulate those who have been admitted into Stanford.
B.To tell parents that there is no need to feel down if their children weren't admitted to Stanford.
C.To inform us what kinds of applicants are more likely to be accepted by Stanford.
D.To inform us of the characteristics of a Stanford education.

