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It is said that there are many applicantsapplyingfora visa for further study abroad.

分析 applying for

解答 答案:applying for.
分析句子结构可知,that引导的为一主语从句,后面需要一个非谓语动词作定语,因为applicants和apply for之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,所以使用现在分词形式作后置定语;故答案为applying for.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Homeownership has let us down.For generations,Americans believed that owning a home was undoubtedly good.Our political leaders hammered home the point.Franklin Roosevelt held that a country of homeowners was"unconquerable."Homeownership could even save babies,save children,save families and save America.A house with a lawn and a fence wasn't just a nice place to live in or a risk-free investment; it was a way to transform a nation.No wonder leaders of all political types wanted to spend more than﹩100billion a year on subsidies and tax breaks to encourage people to buy.
But the dark side of homeownership is now all too apparent:Indeed,easy lending stimulated by the cult of homeownership may have triggered the financial crisis.Housing remains a drag on the economy.Existing-home sales in April dropped 27% from the prior month,worsening fears of a double-dip.And all that is just the obvious tale of a housing bubble and what happened when it popped.The real story is deeper and darker still.
For the better part of a century,politics,industry and culture lined up to create a fetish of the idea of buying a house.Homeownership has done plenty of good over the decades; it has provided stability to tens of millions of families.Yet by idealizing the act of buying a home,we have ignored the downsides.In the bubble years,lending standards slipped dramatically,allowing many Americans to put far too much of their income into paying for their housing.And we ignored longer-term phenomena too.Homeownership contributed to the hollowing out of cities and kept renters out of the best neighborhoods.It fed America's overuse of energy and oil.It made it more difficult for those who had lost a job to find another.Perhaps worst of all,it helped us become casually self-deceiving:By telling ourselves that homeownership was a pathway to wealth and stable communities and better test scores,we avoided dealing with these frightening issues head-on.
Now,as the U.S.recovers from the biggest housing bust(破产)since the Great Depression,it is time to rethink how realistic our expectations of homeownership are-and how much money we want to spend chasing them.Many argue that homeownership should not be a goal pursued at all costs.

67.Political leaders wanted to spend money encouraging people to buy houses becauseD.
A.owning a home was undoubtedly good
B.homeownership was unconquerable
C.houses could save families and America
D.homeownership could shape a country
68.The underlined sentence in Para.2meansD.
A.homeownership has quite a lot of bad effects
B.there might be another housing breakdown in the U.S.
C.the existing-home sales will keep decreasing in the U.S.
D.the result of homeownership is much worse than it appears
69.It can be inferred from Para.3thatC.
A.it is hard for Americans to get a home loan
B.it is the way to wealth to have one's own house
C.many Americans choose to live out of urban areas
D.homeownership has made many people out of work
70.What is the author's attitude towards homeownership?C
A.Favorable.  B.Ambiguous.  C.Cautious.  D.Optimistic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Bekoji is a small town of farmers in the Ethiopian highlands.There,time almost stands still,and the number of horse drawn carts is much greater than that of motor vehicles.Yet,it has consistently produced many of the world's best distance runners.
It's appealing.When breathing the thin air of Bekoji,to focus on the special conditions of the place.The town sits on the side of a volcano nearly 10,000 feet above sea level,making daily life a kind of high altitude training.Children in this region often start running at an early age.Covering great distances to fetch water and firewood or to reach the nearest school.Their disproportionately (不成比例地) long legs is also advantageous for distance runners.
A strong desire burns inside Bekoji's young runners.Take Millionn Abate for example.Forced to quit school in fifth grade after his father died,Abate worked as a shoe-shine boy for years.He saw a hope in running and joined Santayehu Eshetu's training program.This 18-year-old ran very fast to the finish of a 12 mile run with his bare feet bleeding.The coach took off his own Nikes and handed them to him.To help Abate continue,the coach arranged a hotel job for him,which pays $ 9 a month.
Most families in Bekoji live from hand to mouth and distance running offers the younger generation a way out.Bekoji's famous person Derartu Tulu,who won the 10,000-meter Olympic gold medals in 1992 and 2000,is a national hero.As a reward,the government gave her a house.She also won millions of dollars in the races.
Encouraged by such signs of success,thousands of kids from the villages surrounding Bekoji have moved into town.They crowd the classrooms at Bekoji Elementary School,where Eshetu works as a physical education instructor.All these kids share the same dream.Some day they could become another Derartu Tulu.
59.Which is NOT mentioned as something contributing to the excellence of distance runners in Ethiopia?D
A.Long distance running in daily life.
B.Thin air in the highlands.
C.Extraordinarily long legs.
D.Well-known coaches.
60.What can we know about Bekoji from this passage?B
A.It's the capital of Ethiopia.
B.It's situated near a volcano.
C.It's has trouble handing car accidents.
D.It's home to several Derartu Tulus.
61.What is the goal of Bekoji's school kids?C
A.To become PE teachers.
B.To work as hotel managers.
C.To win in international competitions.
D.To perform well academically at school.
62.What can be inferred from this passage?A
A.More distance runners may appear in Bekoji.
B.Nike will sponsor the young distance runners in Bekoji
C.Bekoji will host an international long-distance competition.
D.The Ethiopian government has spared no efforts in promoting running.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Every year,thousands of young Europeans set off to explore their continent by train in the summertime.It is a necessary part of growing up and often the first time many Europeans travel without their parents.Now you too can share this adventure.
There are so many places you can not afford to miss while travaling in Europe:the Eiffel Tower in France,windmills of the Netherlands and the Colosseum in Rome.How can young people afford to visit everything they want?
The answer lies with the Eurailpass.This ticket allows a traveler unlimited journeys by rail in European countries which are members of the scheme.Ambitious Chinese travelers can buy the ticket in Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou.
The most popular type of Eurailpass amongst young people,according to zhaoJiaji,from China Air Service LTD,is the Rurail Selectpasses.With this you can design your own trip by selecting three,four or five neighboring countries from a total 18 nations including Liechtenstein,Monaco,Hungary and Romania.
"There is plenty of choice with this pass:in total this range offers over  400 different combinations of countries to choose from."Said Zhao.
The Rurail Selectpass gives five to 10 travels days within a two-month period.
For example flexibility there is the Eurailpass which allows you to take trains in 17 combinations on any day you like.It is valid on a continuous basis for a period of either 15 or 21days,one,two or three months.
If you just want to travel in one or two countries to learn more about the local culture,the Eurailpass also offers two-country passes such as Spain-Portugal,France-Switzerland and Belgium-Luxemburg.Countries like Britain,France and Germany offer a kind of Eurailpass which allows unlimited train travel in their country.
Before buying a Eurailpasts,you should be aware of the best ways to save money.A second class train travel ticket is cheaper than first class; youths under 26 years old or group of two or more people traveling together can enjoy discounts.
For more information,please visit http://www.Eurail.com\home.
61.the author introduces three tourist spots in paragraph2 becauseC.
A.they are expensive places
B.you will have to travel a long distance to visit to all of them
C.they are famous places for sightseeing
D.they are located in different countries
62.Which of the following is not an advantage of the    Eurailpass?D
A.Reasonable price
B.Variety of choices
C.Wide coverage     
D.Number of discounts
63.With the Eurail Selectpass,you canB.
A.stay in Europe for two months or even longer.
B.enjoy a wide range of country combination.
C.take trains on any day you like.
D.focus your trip in one or two countries.
64.Which of the following is TRUE?D
A.The Euraipass is like is TRUE.
B.Youths under 26 years old can't buy a first class Eurailpass.
C.In Switzerland you can't use Eurail Selectpasses.
D.With one kind of Eurailpass,you can enjoy unlimited trail travel in France.
65.How many major kinds of Eurailpass are introduced here?A
A.Four       B.Five      C.Six      D.Seven.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Sunday is more like Monday than it used to be.Places of business that used to keep daytime"business hours"are now open late into the night.And on the Internet,the hour of the day and the day of the week have become irrelevant (不相关的).A half century ago in the United States,most people experienced strong and precise dividing lines between days of rest and days of work,school time and summer time.Today the boundaries still exist,but they seem not clear.gkstk
The law in almost all states used to require stores to close on Sunday; in most,it no longer does.It used to keep the schools open in all seasons except summer; in most,it still does.And whether the work week should strengthen its legal limits,or whether it should become more"flexible,"is often debated.How should we,as a society,organize our time?Should we go even further in relaxing the boundaries of time until we live in a world in which every minute is much like every other?gkstk
These are not easy questions even to ask.Part of the difficulty is that we rarely recognize the"law of time"even when we meet it face to face.We know as children that we have to attend school a certain number of hours,a certain number of days,a certain number of years-but unless we meet the truant officer (学监),we may well think that we should go to school due to social custom and parents'demand rather than to the law.As adults we are familiar with"extra pay for overtime working,"but less familiar with the fact that what constitutes (构成)"overtime"is a matter of legal definition.When we turn the clock forward to start daylight-saving time,have we ever thought to ourselves:"Here is the law in action"?As we shall see,there is a lot of law that has great influence on how we organize and use time:compulsory education law,overtime law,and daylight-saving law-as well as law about Sunday closing,holidays,being late to work,time zones,and so on.Once we begin to look for it,we will have no trouble finding a law of time to examine and assess.

51.By saying"Sunday is more like Monday than it used to be",the writer means thatD.
A.work time is equal to rest time              
B.many people have a day off on Monday
C.it is hard for people to decide when to rest
D.the line between work time and rest time is unclear
52.The author raises the questions in Paragraph 2to introduce the fact that peopleC.
A.fail to make full use of their time        
B.enjoy working overtime for extra pay
C.are unaware of the law of time    
D.welcome flexible working hours
53.According to the passage,most children tend to believe that they go to school because theyB.
A.need to acquire knowledge   B.have to obey their parents
C.need to find companions     D.have to observe the law.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.As we all know,fruits and vegetables are of greatbenefit(好处)to our health.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.The co-founder of Facebook,Mark Zuckerberg,has launched (61)what could be the world's largest ever book club.Zuckerberg announced last week that his New Year's resolution was   (62)to read (read) a book every other week.He then invited his 30million (63)followers(follow) to join him in his literary pursuit.He created his own Facebook page called A Year of Books,(64)on  which he  (65)will announce (announce) what his latest read is and ask people to discuss the book with him.He explained the rationale for his initiative in a post,(66)saying(say):"I'm excited for my reading challenge.I've found reading books very intellectually fulfilling.Books allow you to (67)fully (full)  explore a topic and immerse yourself in a   (68)deeper (deep) way than most media today."
Zuckerberg has already selected his first book,'The End of Power'by Moises Naim.He explained:"It's a book that explores how the world is shifting to give individual people more power that was traditionally only (69)held (hold) by large governments,militaries and other organizations.The trend towards giving people more power is one I believe in deeply,and I'm looking forward to reading this book and exploring this in more detail."Zuckerberg takes on a challenge every year   (70)asa way to broaden his perspectives and learn more about the world,different cultures,beliefs,histories and technologies.A previous task was to learn to speak Mandarin,which he has managed to do.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.He is so busy with the research _____ he has no time left for any other activity.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.         fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.(  )

