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10.It was once unheard-of to be a businessman in China.Nowadays,though,it's quite common to become your own boss.Let's say you have an idea.Maybe you want to open an English school or sell Japanese comics.Above all,you need a business plan.It sets out what you'll sell and how much everything will cost.Most busin esses that fail didn't have this.If you need to borrow money at the start,banks will ask for a detailed plan.
The best starting place for a business plan is the 4Ps:product,place,price and promotion.All these should be important for your starting  your own business.
Your product must have something unique.What makes it special compared to other similar products?If you want to start a noodle shop that has nothing new,don't expect people to show much interest.You can research your product.For food,let people try it for free.For toys,let a few children play with them to see if they like them.
There's n o point having a product that people want to buy if your shop is in an empty mall.Think about which type of person is going to buy what you sell.W here do they usually go shopping?When looking at possible places,spend the day there.See how many people pass by.Also,are there other shops nearby selling similar products?If so,how can you be better than them?
Work out how much it costs to make or provide your product.As a general rule,your price will be double the cost.After all,you're also paying for rent,staff and you need to eat too!
How can you attract people to your shop?Advertising in newspapers and on TV is expensive.Perhaps you can get free advertising by getting a newspaper to write about your business.
21.According to the author,what is the most important in starting your own business?B
A.a shop            
B.a business plan          
D.successful businessmen
22.What does"If so"in Paragraph 4 refer to?A
A.There are shops selling the goods like yours.
B.Many people pass by.
C.You should think about which type of person is going to buy what you sell.
D.You should spend the day on possible places.
23.You are selling toys to children.It costs 5 yuan to make each one.How much should you charge the children for each toy?D
A.15 yuan.B.5 yuan.C.50 yuan.D.10 yuan.
24.What's the best title for the passage?C
A.Starting your own business.
B.How to start a business.
C.Starting a business soon.
D.Preparations for starting a business.

分析 本文主要教育我们如何进行自己的生意,给出了四个具体步骤的建议:产品,位置,价格,营销..

解答 21:B 推理题.根据文章第一段Let's say you have an idea.Maybe you want to open an English school or sell Japanese comics.First,you need a business plan.可知如果我们要自己做生意,首先就是要有一个很好的计划.故B正确.
22:A 推理题.根据本句Also,are there other shops nearby selling similar products?If so,how can you be better than them?可知这里的so就是指前面一句中的there are other shops nearby selling similar products.如果在附近有一些其他的出售类似产品的商店,你就要思考如何比对方做得更好.故A正确.
23:D 计算题.根据文章倒数第2段As a general rule,your price will be double the cost.可知你的价格要是你成本的2倍,因为你要考虑租金,职工工资和你的支出.故D正确.
24:C 主旨大意题.根据文章第2段The best starting place for a business plan is the 4Ps:product,place,price and promotion.All these must be strong to be successful.可知本文主要讲述的是如何成功地进行自己的生意的4步骤.故选C.

点评 本篇阅读较为简单.文章内容,所出题目以及选项也较短,因此考生只要阅读详略结合,细心理解,就能快速得出正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

3.Gaby Lucy is just a 17-year-old American girl,but she has experienced life in the Dominican Republic as a volunteer.When she recalls her time volunteering there,she doesn't think about the fact that she had no running water and lived in a small house outside.Instead,she remembers fondly the people she met,the work she did with a youth group to improve accessibility to a local library and the leadership skills she gained.
American teens are setting an example to their parents through their volunteer work,according to a new survey by Harris Interactive.The random national telephone survey released this week found that more teens volunteer to support a charitable cause(慈善事业)-56 percent-than have a part-time job-39 percent.Parents said 82 percent of the teens in their lives do something to support charitable causes,including volunteering,inviting others to a cause or donating money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.The writer Margaret Mitchell is best known for writing Gone with the Wind,first published in 1936.Her book and the movie based on it,tell a story of love and survival during the American Civil War.Visitors to the Margaret Mitchell House in Atlanta,Georgia,can go where she lived when she started composing the story and learn more about her life.
Our first stop at the Margaret Mitchell House is an exhibit area telling about the writer's life.She was born in Atlanta in 1900.She started writing stories when she was a child.She started working as a reporter for the Atlanta Journal newspaper in 1922.One photograph of Ms.Mitchell,called Peggy,shows her talking to a group of young college boys.She was only about one and a half meters tall.The young men tower over her,but she seems very happy and sure of herself.The tour guide explains:"Now in this picture Peggy is interviewing some boys from Georgia Tech,asking them such questions as"Would you really marry a woman who works?"And today it'd be"Would you marry one who doesn't?"
The Margaret Mitchell House is a building that once contained several apartments.Now we enter the first floor apartment where Ms.Mitchell lived with her husband,John Marsh.They made fun of the small apartment by calling it"The Dup".
Around 1926,Margaret Mitchell had stopped working as a reporter and was at home healing after an injury.Her husband brought her books to read from the library.She read so many books that he bought her a typewriter and said it was time for her to write her own book.Our guide says Gone with the Wind became a huge success.Margaret Mitchell received the Pulitzer Prize for the book.In 1939the film version was released.It won ten Academy Awards,including Best Picture.

27.The book Gone with the Wind wasA.
A.written in"The Dump"
B.adapted from a movie
C.first published on a newspaper
D.awarded ten Academy Awards
28.The underlined phrase"tower over"in Paragraph 2is closest in meaning toB.
A.be very pleaed with
B.be much taller than
C.show great respect for
D.show little interest in
29.We can know about Margaret Mitchell from the passage thatD.
A.her height made her marriage unhappy
B.her life was full of hardship and sadness
C.writing stopped her working as a reporter
D.her interest in writing continued as an adult
30.Which is the best title for the passage?A
A.A Trip to Know Margaret Mitchell.
B.Gone with the Wind:A Huge Success.
C.Margaret Mitchell:A Great Female Writer.
D.An Introduction of the Margaret Mitchell House.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.So much to do,so little time.So much information,so little time to read it.In this age there is more information than ever before.There is not enough time to read everything we want to read.However,you can consume more information in shorter time through speed-reading.
The first thing about speed-reading is looking at the word and recognizing it.Don't say the word in your mind,just look at it and recognize its importance.Later you will recognize clumps of four words or more to increase your speed.This is the first and most important step in speed-reading.
The next step is technique.As with any other skill,speed-reading requires technique.You should first be sitting up straight with your book flat on a horizontal (水平的) surface such as a table or a desk.Next,you should be able to see the entire page.This is necessary if you want to recognize clumps of words.Lastly,you should be focused.It is hard to read with a lot of noise.Find a quiet place to read.This will help your understanding of the text.
You need something to guide your eyes while reading.You should use your finger.Move your finger smoothly across the page.Keep your eyes focused on the words as you recognize them while using your finger as a guide.This will increase your speed.
The third step is practice.Practice makes perfect.Read using different techniques,but make sure you understand what you are reading.

28.From the first paragraph,we know thatB.
A.there is more limited information than ever before
B.conditions ask people to use less time to know more information
C.people can read what they like
D.the less you read,the more time you will spend
29.Which of the following shows the RIGHT time order for speed-reading according to the passage?C
a.Ask for more technique.
b.Look at many words and recognize them.
c.Practise more.
A.c,a,b       B.c,b,a       
C.b,a,c       D.a,c,b
30.The underlined part"you should be focused"in the third paragraph means thatA.
A.a person should devote all his attention to reading
B.your feelings will be hurt while reading
C.a person should forget his difficulties while reading
D.you should pay attention to your faults while reading
31.To speed up your reading,you couldA.
A.use something to guide your eyes
B.say every word out loud
C.know it is necessary to read quickly
D.underline some important words while reading.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.As we know,it is common for people to catch a cold in winter and most people believe they know the reason for colds.However,scientists say people have some wrong beliefs about the cause of colds.
Many people think that once you get infected by colds,you will not be easy to be attacked by colds for the rest of your life.That's not the case.There are about 200 different viruses that cause the common cold.You catch a cold because of one kind of them this time,but you might catch a cold next time because of another.
Others believe that people get sick just because of the cold weather in winter.That is also wrong.
It's because people tend to stay closer in winter and the cold virus is transmitted from one person to another through handshakes,sneezing,or coughing.
While there is no actual cure for the common cold,scientists say there are still a few things you can do to help you.Some experts say honey and chicken soup are effective against colds.Especially honey.There is increasing evidence that it helps shorten the duration of the common cold sometimes even by two to three days particularly in children.Chicken soup also helps reduce the duration of the cold.
In addition,if you do have a cold and you don't feel like eating anything,it's not going to hurt you but you have to drink a lot and you can drink water or tea because doctors say the water cycle in your bodies helps to cure colds.That's very important.Though there is more than one way to deal with colds,doctors say the best advice is to continue using whatever works best for you.
61.We know from the second paragraph thatA.
A.colds can be caused by different viruses
B.there are people who never catch a cold
C.the common cold is caused by only one virus
D.all people are easily attacked by colds
62.The underlined word"transmitted"in the fourth paragraph means"C".
A.cured            B.changed      C.passed           D.caused
63.If you have a cold,you can do the following exceptB.
A.drinking a lot of water                 
C.forcing yourself to eat
C.eating honey                        
D.drinking chicken soups
64.It can be inferred from the passage thatA.
A.different people may have different ways to fight against colds
B.now scientists have found out practical treatment for colds
C.working in freezing weather is the main reason for colds
D.colds can be passed from animals to human beings.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.依我之见,吸烟对你的健康有很坏的影响.(concerned,effect)As far as I'm concerned,smoking has a bad effect on/upon your health..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

I joined a book club recently.In the book club,we decide on a book to read but we read it at the same time.When we had finished the book,we get together and discuss it.We can also hear different people points of view.We even realize anything about the story that we have not thought about it.
Join a book club is also great way to meet new people.It is important to choose the right one.Make sure that the people in your group are interesting in the same kind of books.Beside,make sure that the people in your group read on the same speed as you do.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.She wasunlike(不像)her father in every way except for her coal-black eyes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Dead andinjured (injure) people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.

