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8."Let's have a journey.Why not fly out and meet me,Dad?"I say one day.
My father had just retired after 27 years as a manager for IBM.His job filled his day,his thoughts,and his life.While he woke up and took a warm shower,I screamed under a freezing waterfall in Peru.While he tied a tie and put on the same Swiss watch,I rowed a boat across Lake of the Ozarks.
My father sees me drifting aimlessly,nothing to show for my 33 years but a passport full of funny stamps.He wants me to settle down,but now I want him to find an adventure.
He agrees to travel with me through the national parks.We meet four weeks later in Rapid City.
"What's our first stop?"asks my father.
"What time is it?"
"Still don't have a watch?"
Less than an hour away is Mount Rushmore.As he stares up at the four Presidents carved in granite(花岗岩),his mouth and eyes open slowly,like those of a little boy.
"Unbelievable,"he says."How was this done?"
A film in the information center shows sculptor Gutzon Borglum devoted 14 years to the sculpture and then left the final touches to his son.
We stare up and I ask myself,"Would I ever devote my life to anything?"
No directions,no goals.I always used to hear those words in my father's voice.Now I hear them in my own.
The next day we're at Yellowstone National Park,where we have a picnic.
"Did you ever travel with your dad?"I ask.
"Only once,"he says."I never spoke much with my father.We loved each other-but never said it.Whatever he could give me,he gave."
That last sentence-it's probably the same thing I'd say about my father.And what I'd want my child to say about me.
In Glacier National Park,my father says,"I've never seen water so blue."I have,in several places of the world.I can keep traveling,I realize-and maybe a regular job won't be as dull as I feared.
Weeks after our trip,I call my father.
"The photos from the trip are wonderful,"he says."We've got to take another trip like that sometime."
I tell him I've decided to settle down,and I'm wearing a watch.

32.We can learn from Paragraphs 2 and 3 that the fatherD.
A.was a very fashionable manager           
B.liked the author's collection of stamps
C.got bored with his job so he retired         
D.was unhappy with the author's lifestyle
33.What does the author realize at Mount Rushmore?B
A.His father is interested in sculpture.
B.He should pursue a specific aim in life.
C.His father is as innocent as a little boy.
D.He should learn sculpture in the future.
34.From the underlined paragraph,we can see that the authorC.
A.hopes to give whatever he can to his father
B.learns how to communicate with his father
C.comes to understand what parental love means
D.wants his children to learn from their grandfather
35.What could be inferred about the author and his father from the end of the story?D
A.The call solves their disagreements.
B.The Swiss watch has drawn them closer.
C.They decide to learn photography together.
D.They begin to change their attitudes to life.

分析 本文讲述了一直工作稳定的父亲在退休之后跟着四处旅游的我一起出去游玩,在这次旅游里,我对自己之前的生活方式产生了怀疑,决定定居下来,为一个目标而努力.而父亲在这次旅游里认识到外面的世界很精彩,也改变了他自己的态度.

解答 32-35 DBCD
32.D 推理题.根据文章第三段第一句My father sees me drifting aimlessly,nothing to show for my 33 years but a passport full of funny stamps.可知父亲认为我的生活是没有目标的额,除了一个贴满很多邮票的护照以外没有说明可以展示的.说明父亲对我的生活方式很不满意.故D正确.
33.B 推理题.根据We loved each other---but never said it.Whatever he could give me,he gave.可知我的爷爷很爱父亲,但是他不善于表达.The kast sebtebce----it's probably the same thing I's say about my father.And what I'd want my child to say about me.
我在想我也想让自己的孩子这样认为自己:Whatever he could give me,he gave.也就是说我从父亲的话里慢慢理解了父母之爱的意义.故B正确.
34.C 推理题.根据文章最后2行he says."We have got to take another trip like that sometime.和I tell him I've learn decided to settle down,and I'm wearing a watch.可知父亲询问我什么时候开始另外一次旅行,说明父亲的生活方式发生了改变.而我说我想定居下来,说明我不想再和以前一样没有目标地生活.说明我的想法也发生了变化.故C正确.
35.D 推理题.根据文章最后2行he says."We have got to take another trip like that sometime.和I tell him I've learn decided to settle down,and I'm wearing a watch.可知父亲询问我什么时候开始另外一次旅行,说明父亲的生活方式发生了改变.而我说我想定居下来,说明我不想再和以前一样没有目标地生活.说明我的想法也发生了变化.故D正确.

点评 解答细节理解题时,一个常用的方法就是运用定位法,即根据题干和选项中的关键词从原文中找到相关的句子,与选项进行比较从而确定答案;推理判断题既要求学生透过文章表面文字信息推测文章隐含意思,又要求学生对作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展作正确的推理判断,力求从作者的角度去考虑,不要固守自己的看法或观点


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.The old couple usually exerciseoutdoors(在户外)in the moring.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

My school start at 8:30a.m.and ends at 3:30p.m.There is three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.We don't need to do so many homework.Therefore,we has more time for afterschool activities.For example,we can  read for two hour and play sports for one hour every day.My school look like a big garden.There are all kinds of flower and trees around the teaching buildings.We can lie on the grass for a rest,sitting by the lake listening music.The teachers here are kindly and helpful.They is not only our teachers but also our friends.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.The garden city was largely the invention of Ebenezer Howard (1850-1928).After immigrating from England to the USA,and an unsuccessful attempt to make a living as a farmer,he moved to Chicago,where he saw the reconstruction of the city after the disastrous fire of 1871.In those days,it was nicknamed"the Garden City",almost certainly the source of Howard's name for his later building plan of towns.Returning to London,Howard developed his design in the 1880s and 1890s,drawing on ideas that were popular at the time,but creating a unique combination of designs.
The nineteenthcentury poor city was in many ways a terrible place,dirty and crowded; but it offered economic and social opportunities.At the same time,the British countryside was in fact equally unattractive:though it promised fresh air and nature,it suffered from agricultural depression(萧条) and it offered neither enough work and wages,nor much social life.Howard's idea was to combine the best of town and country in a new kind of settlement,the garden city.Howard's idea was that a group of people should set up a company,borrowing money to establish a garden city in the depressed countryside,far enough from existing cities to make sure that the land was bought at the bottom price.
Garden cities would provide a central public open space,radial avenues and connecting industries.They would be surrounded by a much larger area of green belt,also owned by the company,containing not merely farms but also some industrial institutions.As more and more people moved in,the garden city would reach its planned limit-Howard suggested 32,000 people; then,another would be started a short distance away.Thus,over time,there would develop a vast planned house collection,extending almost without limit; within it,each garden city would offer a wide range of jobs and services,but each would also be connected to the others by a rapid transportation system,thus giving all the economic and social opportunities of a big city.

32.How did Howard get the name for his building plan of garden cities?D
A.By taking other people's advice.
B.Through the combination of different ideas.
C.Through his observation of the country life.
D.By using the nickname of the reconstructed Chicago.
33.According to Howard,garden cities should be builtB.
A.as far as possible from existing cities
B.in the countryside where the land was cheap
C.in the countryside where agriculture was developed
D.near cities where employment opportunities already existed
34.The passage mainly talks aboutC.
A.a new city in Chicago
B.the invention of the garden city
C.a well-known garden city in England
D.the differences between the countryside and the city
35.What can we learn about garden cities from the last paragraph?A
A.Their number would get larger and larger.
B.Every garden city would continue to become larger.
C.more and more people moved out of the garden city.
D.Each garden city would offer a wide range of houses.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.Waiter,who is in charge here?Where is your manager?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.I have a very busy life with no time ___________feeling sorry for myself.(  )
A.to sit aroundB.sitting around
C.to sitting aroundD.sitted around


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Students all over Canada know that there are awards that they can apply for,but many of them do not know how many are out there.We will learn a bit more about these awards and find out what to do in order to apply.
Many awards are focused on a particular type of study that a student is taking.There are a lot of awards of this kind and they are offered by a lot of Canadian organizations.
Making the decision of what award to look into is another issue that students are unsure about.The guidance counselors (顾问) that are employed by the school can also help you determine the things that will be necessary for you to do.
Using the Internet can be another great way to find out about what awards are available.Many resources offer applications that are able to be completed right from the website.This can make the process(过程) a great deal faster,which can mean a lot to those in need of assistance.
Preparing all of the information that you need for filling out the forms beforehand is a good idea.This can take a lot of stress off this situation and you will not be running around to look for things because you are not prepared ahead of time.The less interruptions there are,the easier the process will be.
Not all of the awards are based on sports or academics.Many are available to students who are at a disadvantage of some sort due to a particular disability that they may have.Others are based only on where a person is from.Taking time to find out about the choices is important if you want to be sure to apply for all that you qualify (具备合格条件) for.
Many students greatly appreciate the help that these things bring them.Education costs are very high,and any financial help can reduce the stress of finances that a great many people have.

29.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?A
A.Many students don't know which award to choose.
B.When filling out the forms,you should ask for help.
C.Many students don't know how many awards there are.
D.Students can pay the guidance counselors to fill in the forms.
30.The underlined word"beforehand"in Paragraph 5 means"D".
A.systematically        B.quickly        C.in particular     D.in advance
31.What do we know about the awards in Canada?B
A.They are available on the Internet.
B.A disabled student can apply for some awards.
C.They can help reduce teachers'financial stress.
D.There are awards intended for guidance counselors.
32.From the last paragraph,the author mainly wants to showB.
A.the high cost of education
B.the importance of the awards
C.the financial stress on students
D.the types of the awards.


科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市2017届高三高考适应性月考(七)英语试卷 题型:完形填空

The pea incident happened when I was eight. My grandmother, my mother and I were having lunch at a restaurant. I __ a Salisbury steak. When served,it was __ accompanied by a plate of peas.

I have always __ peas. It is a complete __ to me why anyone would voluntarily eat peas.

“Eat your peas,” my grandmother said.

“Mother,” said my mother in her __ voice. “He doesn’t like peas. Leave him alone.”

My grandmother __ at me and said the words that __ ray life, “I’ll pay you five dollars __ you eat those peas. Five dollars! And only one plate of peas stood between __ and the possession of that __ amount of money. I began to __ the awful things down ray throat and finally swallowed the __ one of them. My grand-mother handed me the __. I can do what I want, Ellen, and you can’t stop me,” she __ to my mother. My mother glared at her and also glared at me ___

Several days later, at dinner, my mother offered me some steaming peas and I, of course, __. My mother fixed me with a __eye as she __ more peas onto my plate. “You ate them for money,” she said, “You can eat them for love.”

Oh, despair! Now, too late, I realized that I had been __ in a terrible place from which there was no __. “you ate them for money. You can eat them for love.” Did I eat the peas? You bet I did. I ate them that day and every other time they were served thereafter.

1.A. enjoyed B. ordered C. afforded D. prepared

2.A. unexpectedly B. undoubtedly C. reasonably D. naturally

3.A. preferred B. valued C. hated D. ignored

4.A. joke B. mystery C. tale D. disaster

5.A. trembling B. ringing C. urging D. warning

6.A. aimed B. looked C. laughed D. shouted

7.A. changed B. improved C. controlled D. mixed

8.A. unless B. when C. before D. if

9.A. my grandmother B. my mother C. me D. us

10.A. unimaginable B. believable C. unpredictable D. acceptable

11.A. throw B. place C. force D. bite

12.A. best B. single C. possible D. last

13.A. peas B. steak C. plates D. money

14.A. explained B. announced C. whispered D. screamed

15.A. in excitement B. in relief C. in silence D. in love

16.A. nodded B. declined C. defended D. waved

17.A. mild B. blank C. distant D. cold

18.A. held B. chose C. piled D. dropped

19.A. caught B. left C. beaten D. hidden

20.A. stop B. risk C. escape D. cost


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省毕业班第三次诊断性检测英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Have you thought about the idea of using energy to overcome health problems, stress and even disease? Dealing with stress and illness can have a negative impact on more than just your physical self, burning to a deep emotional space. Entire families and circles of friends feel worried about someone when they are dealing with a tough situation. But what if positive thinking could have the power to turn things around?

Going way back, when I was working with my husband to start our business, times were tough. Not only had we poured every part of our savings into building our dream, but we were working around the clock to make it happen. Our friends and family were our business partners. We were all tired and stressed but determined. Especially during that time, we did not surround ourselves with anyone who wasn’t positive and encouraging in our efforts. Think great thoughts and welcome the idea that you are sure to succeed.

In business and in our personal lives, we are challenged at some point with unexpected hurdles. Wrapping yourself in positive energy by surrounding yourself with good people, good habits and love can be the perfect way to use optimism to overcome a challenge.

Just recently, I was curious if a positive attitude has been proved to help patients who are suffering from illness or disease to overcome and heal. What I found delighted me. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health. “By accepting an optimistic approach, you are able to deal with tough situations productively.”

I have certainly heard many stories about people who have used a great attitude to overcome life–changing obstacles, and I am a total believer. I have seen the power of positive energy work for me—when I believe, I can handle anything that life sends my way.

1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Taking Charge of Your Attitude

B. Stopping Worrying about Others

C. Getting Prepared for Obstacles

D. Dealing with the Tough Situation

2.How did the author and her husband get success?

A. By keeping a positive and determined attitude.

B. By using all their savings to realize their dream.

C. By getting financial assistance from friends and family.

D. By making themselves full of courage and perseverance.

3.The underlined word “ hurdles ” in Paragraph 3 means _______.

A. assistance B. opportunities

C. disease D. obstacles

4.The author has discovered recently that _______.

A. positive people can face any obstacles

B. she has the most powerful positive energy

C. the positive attitude benefits the patients

D. stress management means good health

