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Last Saturday,I went to the People's Park with my parents.We were hanging out while we saw a naughty boy throwing a banana's skin casual on the ground.Just then,an old man passes by and didn't notice the skin.He slipped on it and fell down.On see that,we hurriedly went up and found that he was injure.So I called 120for help immediately and then an ambulance soon arrived at and took an old man to the nearest hospital.However,the boy had left before we knew it.It was the boy's casual behavior caused this accidents.It's high time that we minded our manners and behaved us.

分析 本文讲述了作者在公园时碰到的一次事故.

解答 Last Saturday,I went to the People's Park with my parents.We were hanging out while we saw a naughty boy throwing a banana's skin casual on the ground.Just then,an old man passes by and didn't notice the skin.He slipped on it and fell down.On see that,we hurriedly went up and found that he was injure.So I called 120 for help immediately and then an ambulance soon arrived at  and took an old man to the nearest hospital.However,the boy had left before we knew it.It was the boy's casual behavior∧caused this accidents.It's high time that we minded our manners and behaved us
1.while--when.考查状语从句的引导词.根据主语We were hanging out 可知用when,表示"我们正在逛街,就在那时,看到一个孩子随意的吧香蕉皮仍在街上".
2.casual--casually.考查副词的用法.修饰动词短语throwing a banana's skin 用副词casually.
6.去掉at.考查介词.本句里arrived后面没有宾语,所以去掉 at.
7.an--the.考查冠词.特指上文提到的an old man 用定冠词the.
8.caused前加that.考查强调句式.和It was 一起,强调主语the boy's casual behavior用that.
10.us--ourselves.考查代词.因为主语是we,所以动词behaved 的宾语不能用us,应该用反身代词ourselves,表示"举止得当".

点评 考查短文改错.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

19.Everyone wants to be happy,but not everyone can make it.Do you want to have a good mood every day?If so,the following steps will be useful to you.
Be grateful.
(36)GThey can be simple things like the purple flower on the sidewalk,the beautiful sunset,and the hot shower you take every day.When you have a grateful heart,you'11cherish them and be naturally filled with happiness.
When you put your mind,heart and soul into what you're doing,you're creating a happiness state-called the"flow".When you're living in the flow,you're less likely to mind what others may think about you,and less bothered by unimportant things.The result?More happiness,of course!
Become a problem solver.
Happy people are problem solvers.(38)DInstead,they face up to the challenge and channel their energies into finding a creative solution.By becoming a problem solver,you'll build up your self-confidence and your ability to accomplish whatever you determine to do.
Practice forgiveness.
Hatred and anger are forms of self-punishment.When you forgive,you'reactually practicing
kindness to yourself.(39)C Everyone makes mistakes.It's through our mistakes that we learn and grow to become a bigger and better person.
Give back.
Doing good is one of the surest ways to feel good.According to Harvard,when people do good,their brains become active in the very same reward center that is stimulated when they experience other rewards.

A.Go with the flow.
B.Focus on what you are doing.
C.And most importantly,learn to forgive yourself.
D.When they face a challenge in life,they don't fall into a sad state.
E.When they meet with difficulties,they will solve them on their own.
F.So It's not a surprise that people who care more about others are happier.
G.Slow down,look around,and pay attention to the little details in your life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Garlic is one of the most common cooking ingredients around the world.Many dishes in Europe,Africa,Asia and the Americas use this strong-flavored vegetable.
Garlic is similar to other bulb-shaped plants,including onions,chives,leeks and scallions.But garlic is special.For centuries,people have used garlic not only for cooking,but also for medicine.
Medicinal garlic throughout time.
Researchers at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Cornell University studied the medicinal use of garlic throughout history.They found references to garlic in ancient texts from Egypt,Greece,Rome,China and India.
For example,in ancient Greece and Rome,people considered garlic an aid to strength and endurance.
The original Olympic athletes in Greece ate garlic to improve their performance.The ancient Romans fed garlic to the soldiers and sailors.
Workers who built the pyramids in Egypt ate garlic.In fact,this is a theme throughout early history--workers eating garlic to increase their strength.
Some researchers in China have gone so far as to call hydrogen sulfide the key to a longer life.
In a 2007 study,researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham studied how garlic increased hydrogen sulfide and how that,in turn,affected red blood cells.
David Kraus led that study.
In 2013,scientists were finally able to see this process happen.Chemists Alexander Lippert of Southern Methodist University in Dallas and Vivian S.Lin discovered how to observe this process in living human cells.
Their discovery has opened the door to more research into the health benefits of garlic and the production of hydrogen sulfide in the body.
In a 2015experiment at Penn State University,researchers injected a solution that would create hydrogen sulfide in the arms of healthy young adults.They wanted to see what hydrogen sulfide would do to a small area of blood vessels.
The initial findings are that hydrogen sulfide widened blood vessels,which then increased the flow of blood.These researchers plan to continue their research.They published their findings in The Journal of Physiology.
Older garlic may be even healthier.
But let's leave the laboratory and go to the kitchen.Don't throw out older garlic that has sprouted.You may have thought that garlic growing light green sprouts was past its prime or old and on its way to the trash bin.
But not so fast.
Scientists have reported in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry that this older garlic has even more properties that are good for our bodies than fresh garlic.When researchers tested garlic that had sprouted for five days,they found it had higher antioxidant activity than fresher bulbs of garlic.
Also,to get the full effect of garlic's health benefits,do not add it to food or cook with it immediately.Cutting,crushing or mincing garlic releases the healthy compound found in the vegetable.But heating the garlic or adding it to other ingredients prevents the release of this healthy compound.So cut or crush or mince the garlic,and let it rest by itself for a couple minutes.
So,are there any downsides to garlic?Well,the same reason garlic is good for us and good in dishes--that strong sulfur odor--is the same reason it gives us bad breath.
But there might be a cure for that,too.Yet another study found that eating an apple or lettuce after eating garlic cuts down on the strong garlic smell on one's breath.

63.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?C
A.Garlic can be used not only for cooking,but also for medicine.
B.Workers would eat garlic to increase their strength in the past.
C.Garlic growing light green sprouts was past its prime or old and should be thrown to the trash bin.
D.Heating the garlic or adding it to other ingredients would reduce the health benefit of garlic.
64.Which sentence could be filled in the blanks?A
A.So many studies on garlic 
B.Medicinal garlic throughout time
C.Garlic is such a healthy food
D.Study about garlic
65.Where can you probably find the text?D
A.In a popular magazine.
B.In a story book.
C.In a biology textbook.
D.In a health report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.There are about 100 million middle-aged women dancing in parks and on squares in China,and Deborah Roundy,(61)a U.S retired school teacher,is one of them.
Mrs.Roundy is the only foreigner on the Shanghai dance team at Tongji University,where she is (62)currently (current) teaching English.
Mrs.Roundy ran upon a dozen or so middle-aged women dancing (63)to the tunes of Chinese songs in 2012.At the time,she didn't feel used to the new environment and wanted to have some fun in her life.She (64)was invited(invite) to join the dancing team.
At first,Mrs.Roundy communicated with her teammates by (65)exchanging(exchange) notes to help translate for her.Now she uses a translation app.On her iPad.(66)While/Though/Althoughthe Chinese language is not the most difficult thing for her,mastering Chinese dance is.Mrs.Roundy used to do ballet.She said (67)dancers(dance) in the U.S.always dance facing the audience.But in China,they change directions all the time,and (68)it was very confusing for her at first.
They have developed good personal relations.Mrs.Roundy says they also go out to eat and on field trips together,which are (69)unforgettable(forget ) experiences for her.
Square dancing opens a window for her (70)to understand(understand) China,Mrs.Roundy said:Besides dancing,she and he husband have been active in community life,teaching English,and helping elderly neighbors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.More than 80 percent of Chinese students returned to the country after completing their studies abroad,and the country sent 544,500 students in 2016 (61)to study(study) abroad.
China's Ministry of Education (MOE)(教育部)said at(62)anews conference that most of the world's foreign students who study abroad are from China.Over 90 percent of them attend schools in English-speaking countries,such (63)as the US and Australia,and over 70 percent pursue at least a bachelor's degree.
It also said 98 percent of government-sponsored(公费的) students returned to China.So far,government-sponsored students who study abroad (64)have chosen(choose)to pursue disciplines most needed in China,(65)including(include) engineering,agriculture and medical science.
The government-sponsored students have signed an agreement that says they(66)are required(require) to reimburse (偿还) the government if they do not return home after completing their studies.
China is trying to attract more students with an international background because of the country's involvement in (67)global(globe) cooperation.
"Moreover,most Chinese (68)families(family) only have one child,so many of us return to China (69)willingly(willing) because we want to stay close to our family and friends,"said a student surnamed Su,(70)who gave up his job in the UK and returned to take care of his mother in China.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Spain Environmental ProjectFull Description
Greenheart Travel?Casita Verde (Green House) is an incredible eco-center situated in a beautiful valley near the village of San Jose,Ibiza.This great Mediterranean island is renowned for its rich culture and incredible scenery.Casita Verde is considered an experiential eco-education center,and showcases the best practices for sustainable living and alternative energies.The center includes almost 14acres of working farm land created to demonstrate ecological development powered by wind and sun energy.
How You Will Make a Difference:
-Maintain and improve the farm facilities
-Install an alternative energy system
-Promote environmental awareness among visitors
-Cook delicious,organic meals for visitors
-Learn farming that emphasizes the use of renewable natural resources and the enrichment of local ecosystem
Assist with Sunday community visit/meals
Dates:Flexible dates available
Duration:1to 12weeks
Cost Details:fee includes:housing,fool,medical insurance,in-country staff support,pre-departure orienta-tion,in-country orientation,24-hour emergency contact
A Great Opportunity for:Teens/Professionals
Skills Needed/Experience
Participants should have an active interest in environmental studies/ecology,and strong desire to contribute to the international effort to protect the environment.Those who are interested in it must have extensive hands-on conservation experience and be willing to live rustically(淳朴地)in an alternative community.Some knowledge of Spanish is helpful but not required.

1.What do we know about Casita Verde?B
A.It covers about 14 acres in size.
B.It is powered by renewable resources.
C.It is the center of a beautiful valley.
D.It develops its unique culture.
2.What can you do in Casita Verde?C
A.Teach visitors how to grow organic plants.
B.Help the local promote environmental awareness.
C.Prepare organic meals for visitors on Sunday.
D.Make research into an alternative energy system.
3.Who are the intended readers of the text?D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.When I first started university,I remembered hearing about bone marrow(骨髓)donation during Freshman's Week.Some students volunteers from a group called Marrow tried to convince me to attend an event so I could learn more about it.The word"bone"immediately made me think that donating would be a painful procedure,so I refused. Back then,there was no way I could have known three years later,I would be one of the many people that desperately needs a bone marrow donor to save their lives.
I am currently waiting to be matched with a donor and if I am lucky enough to find a good match,it will be this lovely stranger that saves my life.I received my cancer diagnosis in June.It is only at that time that I realized how ignorant I had been about the bone marrow donation process.
The process of donating stem cells is actually very simple.In 90% of cases,donors are asked to donate their blood stem cells,the other 10% will give their bone marrow.Lots of donors say that both these things are virtually pain free,and nothing to be scared about.Being a bone marrow donor should be something to be proud of,as every donor has an opportunity to save someone's life!
At the moment I know that the doctors are busy searching for a match,I simply live every day in the hope that there will be a donor right for me.If I have an opportunity for life,I won't waste it.
When I was a first year at university,I made the mistake of walking away from becoming a stem cell donor.Please don't make the same mistake that I did.There are so many people out there,including myself,that need your help; and by undergoing a simple,pain-free procedure,you could have the chance to proudly say that you saved someone's life.

25.Why did the author refuse to learn more about bone marrow donation before?B
A.Because she could get nothing from it.
B.Because she thought that donating would be painful.
C.Because she had known nothing about it.
D.Because she was in poor health.
26.What can we learn from the underlined sentence in paragraph1?C
A.The author was concerned about others.
B.The author was confident about the bone marrow donation.
C.The author needs the bone marrow donation now.
D.The author donates her bone marrow to save others.
27.The author needs the bone marrow because she gotA
D.high blood pressure
28.The author told us her story toD
A.show us the experience of her college life.
B.explain the cause of her cancer.
C.recall her painful past.
D.encourage people to be a bone marrow donor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.It was the words and actions of the actor,not the actor's appearance,__________ caused his fans to scream with excitement.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.On many campuses,it has become a trend for a host of students to participate in various (56)activities(activity).Involved in some positive ones,students find them quite (57)beneficial(benefit) and rewarding.
A case in point is the English club (58)where the activity of learning benefits me most.In contemporary world,English learning has gained great popularity and its is (59)ofgreat importance for students to learn English well.However,I (60)have met(meet)a variety of difficulties in study so far.For instance,I have trouble (61)memorizing(memorize) words.Sometimes,it is also difficult for me to understand the rules of grammar.Although I can read and write,I can not express myself freely in English.
Then,how to get a good command of his language for me?I (62)am convinced(convince) that practice makes perfect and that joining the English club is worthwhile.In the English club,daily practice enables me (63)to speak(speak)and write fluently.It is also through constant practice (64)that I can master the rules of grammar and remember words.I will bear in mind that (65)if I try my best to practice every day,the future of my English learning will be promising.

