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   A Canadian study suggests that current sodium (钠) intake levels are relatively safe for most Americans and that reducing them to the very low levels recommended by federal health officials and leading medical groups may harm a significant number.

   The current average sodium consumption in the United States is about 3,400 milligrams (there are 1,000 milligrams in one gram) per day. This is about the amount of sodium in about 1. 5 teaspoons of salt. Dietary guidelines offered by the federal government and leading medical groups recommend reducing the average to 2,300 milligrams for the general population and 1,500 for groups considered at greater risk,like adults older than 50,African-Americans,and people with high blood pressure,among others.

   However,previous studies have found little evidence to support those low recommended sodium targets. There is considerable evidence that lowering sodium can reduce blood pressure,but there is scant evidence that reducing sodium consumption will necessarily reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes(中 风) and death.

   Now a large study by researchers at McMaster University in Ontario,Canada,which tracked more than 100,000 people from 17 countries on five continents,has found that the safest levels of sodium intake are between 3 ,000 and 6,000 milligrams. Consumption below that level showed increased risk of death and cardiovascular(心血管的) events.

Roughly 10 percent of the patients followed in the study fell below 3,000 milligrams,a sizable number to put at risk.

   Brian Strom,honorary head of biomedical and health sciences at Rutgers University,who led a group of experts who reviewed the data on sodium for the Institute of Medicine last year,said that the new McMaster data are among the best available and that no study has shown a benefit from reducing sodium consumption to below 2,300 milligrams a day.

   That does not mean individuals wiiose sodium intake is high should not take steps to bring it down. The McMaster researchers say that if your blood pressure rises beyond the normal level (140/90 or higher) or your sodium intake is high,you should reduce sodium consumption,perhaps even to below 5 ,000 milligrams.

6. For healthy elderly people,the US government recommends sodium intake .

   A. 1,500 milligrams daily

   B. 2,300 milligrams daily

   C. 3,000 milligrams daily

   D. 3,400 milligrams daily

7. The underlined word “scant” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “”.

   A. direct   B. important

   C. limited   D. conflicting

8. According to the study,consuming less than 3,000 milligrams of sodium a day.

   A. is beneficial for most patients

   B. may help prevent heart disease

   C. may be harmful to your health

   D. is especially helpful for Americans

9. What is Strom's attitude towards the research findings?

   A. He is doubtful about them.

   B. He is uncertain of them.

   C. He tolerates them.

   D. He supports them.

10. What is the Canadian scientists’ advice for high blood pressure patients?

   A. Follow the government's dietary guidelines.

   B. Lower sodium intake to a reasonable level.

   C. Join one of the leading medical groups.

   D. Have physical examinations regularly.

6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. B



6. A.推理判断题。由第二段中的 1.500 for groups considered at greater risk,like adults older than 50 可知,美ft政府建议健康的老人每一天食用1500毫克钠。

7. C.词义猜测题。由第三段该词所 在句中的but可知,scant与con-siderable (相当多的) 意思相反,故 选C项。

8. C.细节理解题。由第四段中的 Consumption below that level showed increased risk of death and cardiovascular events可知,该研究认为,每天食用少于3000毫克的钠 对健康不利。

9. D.推理判断题。由倒数第二段中 的 the new McMaster data are among the best available and that no study has shown a benefit from reducing spdium consumption to below   2.300 milligrams a day.可知, Strom支诗该研究结果。

10. B.细节理解题。由最后一段可知,这些加拿大科学家建议高血 .压患者适当降低钠的摄入量。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第38期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


6. The children should on no account go on their own.

on their own.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Here's a good deed you can do without parting with a single thing.Synthetic(合成的) voices for people who have lost the ability to speak only come in generic( —般的) types — think of Stephen Hawking's voice — but one amazing project wants to build custom voices for each person. To do that they need your help: specifically,a recording of your voice.

   VocallD is the brainchild of two speech scientists,who are turning their research into a much larger project. Voice is very personal and,like a prosthetic(假体) leg or arm,it makes sense it should be customized to each person.

   Here's how it works — and don't worry,this does not mean someone will be walking around with the same voice as you out there:

   After recording a couple of hours of audio in,say,a quiet room with an iPhone,you send it to Vocall   D. where a program called ModelTalker cuts it up into the basic units of speech that can be recombined as new words and sentences. In that same step,characteristics of the patient's voice — based on what limited sounds they can make 一 are mixed with the donor's to create a whole new one.

   VocallD is still in its beginning stages,and they're looking for help from everyone including voice donors,financial support,and programmers. A priority(优先的事物) is making voice donation even easier,cutting down recording time,especially for kids. But as it stands already,your voice is just about the easiest thing to donate.

6. Stephen Hawking's voice.

   A. has no personal characteristics

   B. was donated by a volunteer

   C. was created by VocallD

   D. sounded amazing

7. We can infer that VocallD aims to .

   A. do research on voices

   B. teach some people to speak

   C. produce prosthetic legs or arms

   D. help some people have their “own” voice

8. To create a new voice,which of the following is / are needed?

   A. Sounds made by the patient.

   B. A few days of audio recording.

   C. The voice of at least two donors.

   D. ModelTalker that can combine words.

9. What is the main purpose of the text?

   A. To introduce some jobs in Vocall   D.

   B. To encourage readers to donate their voice.

   C. To advertise a program called ModelTalker.

   D. To collect money for people who cannot speak.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   While the first part of the news is upsetting,the end results are much more optimistic. Gavin,a teenager with Asperger's Syndrome,was beaten up just for being different. Asperger,s Syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects a person's ability to socialize. This explains why Gavin sometimes appears distant from his schoolmates.

   On Thursday night,some kids were talking about how “it's weird(怪异的) ” that he is always by himself,attending events alone and watching people,and they thought it was “creepy” that he wanted to be friends with people he didn't know.

   On Friday night,another kid that overheard that conversation decided to take matters into his own hands and become judge,and this is the result of that. He didn't ask questions,didn't get to know Gavin,never met him,and didn't give him a chance to leave. Gavin was called to meet someone,surrounded by people he didn’t know,choked,hit,and left lying on the pavement so he would “leam his lesson”.

   A friend of Gavin's mother shared photos on Facebook of the injuries to his nose,eyes and esophagus(食道). Luckily,Gavin is doing OK and none of the damage is permanent. Instead of pressing charges or fighting back,Gavin' s reaction speaks volumes.

   He requested the bullies’ community service be disability related,that they write a paper on Asperger's,and that they watch a 20-minute video statement he taped while their families were present so they could see the damage they did and hear the event from his perspective.

   Instead of an actual “punishment”,he wanted the kids to truly leam about Asperger's Syndrome. Hopefully this will lead to the teens being more tolerant and no one else ever going through the pain that Gavin did. After all of that,Gavin's mom's message couldn’t be more true to parents and teachers alike:

   “If you are reading this,I hope you can talk to your teens,tell them about disabilities you can't see,teach them to be tolerant of people that are different,teach them that if they continuously see someone alone,ask questions first and get to know one another. Maybe it is not their choice to be alone."

10. Gavin is always alone because .

   A. he enjoys being alone

   B. he is always upsetting

   C. he suffers from a disease

   D. he doesn’t like his schoolmates

11. Which can best replace the underlined word wcreepyw in Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Fun. B. Strange.

   C. Natural. D. Inspiring.

12. Why was Gavin beaten?

   A. He hurt some kids before.

   B. He is different from normal people.

   C. He refused to make friends with a kid.

   D. He didn't take school lessons seriously.

13. How did Gavin react to his injuries?

   A. He fought back bravely.

   B. He was too scared to react.

   C. He decided to turn to court for help.

   D. He asked the bullies to leam from the incident.

14. Gavin's way of reacting was .

   A. interesting   B. praiseworthy

   C. disappointing   D. unreasonable


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

            Reasons why people who learn music are more likely to be successful

   I myself became a drummer at around the age of 11 ,and have played ever since. 1 Nowadays,there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that music education is not only good for you,but very important if you want to be successful in life. So why are people who learn music more likely to be successful? Read on.

   They are more creative. Recent research has shown that many successful politicians,businessmen,and people in other fields were trained at a young age to be a musician of some kind. 2 What does matter is that these people credit their music education with making them more creative.

   They connect with others better. 3 Even when you are unfamiliar with a location,you can always use your ability to play music to get to know those around you,and establish connections that may have been impossible to create otherwise.

   They are better at math. I am not sure if this one applies to me,but it has long been known that there is some kind of connection between math and music. 4 If you can get a sense of music and musical language,mathematical concepts should begin to make more sense.

   5 As a drummer,I know how to keep time in a song and play to the beat. In life,I use those same skills to maintain some order in my schedule. Thus,learning how to maintain a steady pace not only makes for a good musician,but a more productive and effective worker as well.

   A. They have more self-control.

   B. They have a better sense of rhythm.

   C. Becoming successful requires that you be a good listener.

   D. Whether they were trained to play the piano or the violin,it doesn't matter.

   E. Music is often thought of as a useful way to connect different cultures and ideas.

   F. Both deal with analyzing puzzles and finding patterns in order to work out solutions.

   G. From my own experiences,I have believed learning how to play an instrument is beneficial.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                          How to set goals 

   Whether you have small dreams or great expectations,setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life. Some achievements can take a lifetime to attain. 1 No matter what goals you are setting,getting started can be difficult,but we'11 show you how to build up to even the biggest dream.

. Determine your life goals. 2 What do you want to achieve: today,in a year,in your lifetime? The answers to this question can be as general as “I want to be happy,” or “I want to help people." A career life goal might be to open your own business. A fitness goal might be to become fit. These goals can be amazingly broad.

. Set priorities(事先的事物) . At any giyen moment,you probably have a number of goals all in different states of completion. 3 If you find yourself with too many goals,you’ re going to feel lost and are less likely to accomplish them.

. Keep track of your progress. Writing in a journal is a great way to keep track of both personal and professional progress. Acknowledging the progress made towards a certain goal is key to staying motivated. 4 Asking a friend to keep you on track can also help you stay focused.

. 5 Once you have achieved goals — even major life goals 一 you will want to continue to grow and set new goals for yourself. Once you run your marathon,you should assess what you'd like to do next. Do you want to run another marathon,but improve your time? Or do you want to run longer distances?

   A. Keep setting goals.

   B. So be realistic about your goals.

   C. It may even encourage you to work harder.

   D. Others,however,can be completed in the course of a day.

   E. Break the big picture down into smaller and more specific goals.

    F. So deciding which goals are more important than others is important.

   G. Ask yourself some important questions about what you want for your life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     To New Zealanders,their big brother across the Tasman Sea in Australia was always 1.(confidence) and exciting. With the purpose of 2. (find) well-paid jobs,the Kiwis have 3. (traditional) gone west in vast numbers.

     But things are changing. New Zealand has a renewed sense of confidence,and 4.(encourage) by the international success of The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies (三部曲)5. is not only foreign tourists that are heading to Middle-earth. Others are seeking fresh opportunities in a “rock star” economy.

     For 6. first time in 24 years,more people are now heading east from Australia to New Zealand.

     The end of a long mining boom in Australia and the rebounding of its trans-Tasman neighbour's fortunes are among the main 7. (reason) .

     “We’ve been describing New Zealand 8. a rock star in the sense that it has been doing 9. (well) than almost all of the other developed world economies over the past couple of years ,” says Paul Bloxham,HSBC’s chief economist for Australia and New Zealand.

     Recent figures show 10. employ- ment growth in Australia is running at 2%, while across the Tasman Sea the Kiwis are enjoying rates of more than 3%.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一 个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写 出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只充许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

  Like a movie lover,I used to stay home watching TV during the summer holidays. After doing my homework,I always spend too much time in front of the TV set. Unless my parents encouraged me go outside and get some fresh air,I didn't listen to them. The summer holiday is coming and all I want to do are lie on the couch and watch TV as usually. However,V ve been told the park in our area will offer free movies the whole family can watch them soon. The news which we can watch movies under the star really makes us happy. After all,we can watch some movies together with our family while enjoyed the fresh air.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. 1 don't think (him,it) possible to finish the hard work in such a short time.

