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Mrs. White was in hurry to visit her grandson because she missed her very much. It was nearly three months when she last saw her grandson. When she was walking by a playground, a football fly in her direction. She was already in her seventy. Should she kick the ball back and should she just go past leave it where it was? Finally she gave it a kick with greatly effort and the ball went straight on into the goal. What amazing it was! She helped them win the game.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西太原市高二4月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Together the two boys, who go to Escondido High School in California, have had the difficult job of learning in schools where the majority of the students can speak and hear. Orlando lost his hearing at the age of one. German was born deaf, and his parents moved from Mexico to find a school where he could learn sign language. He met Orlando on their first day of kindergarten.

“We were in a special class with about 25 other deaf kids,” German remembers. “Before then, I didn’t know I was deaf and that I was different.”“Being young and deaf in regular classes was very hard,” signs Orlando. “The other kids didn’t understand us and we didn’t understand them. But we’ve all grown up together, and today, I’m popular because I’m deaf. Kids try hard to communicate with me.”

Some things are very difficult for the two boys.“We can’t talk on the phone, so if we need help, we can’t call an emergency service,” German signs. “And we can’t order food in a drive-thru.”

Despite their difficulties, the two boys have found work putting food in bags at a local supermarket. They got their jobs through a “work ability” program, designed for teenagers from local schools with different types of learning disabilities. German has worked in the supermarket since August, and Orlando started in November.“The other people who work here have been very nice to us,” Orlando signs.“They even sign sometimes. At first, we were nervous, but we’ve learned a lot and we’re getting better.”The opportunity to earn money has been exciting, both boys said. After high school, they hope to attend the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in New York.

1.Orlando and German have been_____________.

A.to Mexico together.

B.deaf since they were born.

C.friends since they were very young.

D.to different high schools.

2.The word “emergency” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to________.

A.food. B.crisis. C.alarm. D.quick.

3.Both boys are happy to__________________.

A.have the opportunity to earn money.

B.work at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf.

C.help students with learning disabilities.

D.design programs for the deaf


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林吉林大学附中高二4月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

On a hot summer’s day Jonathan and his classmates were anxiously sitting in their classroom, waiting for the final bell of the day to sound. Jonathan prayed that the bell would ring soon, because he wanted to quickly run home before the three huge, fat, smelly bullies (地痞) could see him. Every day the three bullies would wait there for an innocent school kid to tease and bully.

The moment the bell sounded, Jonathan rushed out with his bag. He sped off across the school field and out onto the walkway. However, all of his effort was useless because leaning on a fence were the three bullies.

Jonathan thought about crossing the street next to him, but it would be too risky. So he hid behind a small bush in hope that the three would leave. But he moved too quickly and was seen by one of the bullies. They approached him then.

One bully grabbed Jonathan by the collar of his shirt and grabbed the money out of Jonathan’s pocket and put it into his own.

“G-Give it back”, Jonathan weakly said.

“G-G-Give it b-back”, mocked (为了取笑而模仿) the bully. The other two bullies laughed.

Beside them was a small dirty stream.

“Let’s throw him in there”, said one of the bullies.

Then they threw Jonathan into the stream and walked off down the walkway. Jonathan shakily picked himself up out of the creek and continued his walk home with his head down and tears in his eyes. He dared not cry because he knew boys didn’t cry.

Jonathan arrived at his house where his mother was waiting outside the front door with an angry look on her face.

“Why are you so late and dirty?” she asked curiously.

“I slipped”, he quietly replied.

1.Why did Jonathan run home immediately after school?

A. Because his mother was strict with him.

B. Because he was afraid of his mother.

C. Because he had to escape being bullied

D. Because he didn’t like to go to school.

2.How did the bullies find Jonathan?

A. They ran after him till they caught up with him.

B. They waited on Jonathan’s way home by chance.

C. One of the bullies noticed Jonathan hiding himself.

D. Jonathan was given away by one of his classmates.

3.Jonathan didn’t tell the truth to his mother because ______.

A. he felt ashamed after being bullied

B. he wanted to be considered a boy

C. he didn’t dare to tell it to his mother

D. he was not allowed to play in the creek

4.The story is about ______.

A. trouble during a boy’s growing up

B. development of a boy’s heart

C. the way of a boy’s going home

D. a boy’s learning from life


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届宁夏石嘴山市高三下第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

According to EMTP and Stat Gear CEO Avi Goldstein, every driver should be taught how to get out of a car when it becomes submerged in water.

“Accidents and natural disasters often occur so quickly that it’s essential for drivers to be prepared,” says Goldstein. “In this case, preparation is simply knowing what should be done before it happens.”

Goldstein offers the following lifesaving tips:

1.Try to stay calm. The worst thing you can do is become overly agitated and panicked.

2. Don’t try to open the door. This will cause the car fill with water very quickly.

3. Unfasten your seat belt or cut it if it’s jammed.

4. Help free anyone else in the car.

5. Use a window punch — preferably spring-loaded. It’s nearly impossible to break a car window with your hands or feet.

6. Exit through the broken window and swim up to safety.

“Every car should be equipped with a window punch and seat belt cutter, but they are usually completely forgotten by car owners,” says Goldstein. For example, the T3 Tactical Auto Rescue Tool from Stat Gear features a 440c stainless steel serrated knife, seat belt cutter, spring-loaded window punch and LED light.

Goldstein asserts that the T3 or another similar tool should always be within arms length of a driver. “If for any reason a driver becomes pinned into his or her seat, emergency tools need to be within reach--otherwise they are useless. They will do you no good in your trunk or backseat.” The following is a quick demonstration on how to escape a sinking car with a baby on board.

1.What is the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 1?

A. washed B. cleaned C. stuck D. discovered

2.According to the passage, where should you put a window punch and a seat belt cutter in your car?

A. Near the driver’s seat. B. In the trunk.

C. In the back seat. D. Under the engine.

【小题What will be following the passage?

A. How to save a baby in a car.

B. How to help a baby escape from a car.

C. How to escape from a sinking car with a baby.

D. How to avoid sinking a car with a baby.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西南昌市高三第一次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When people introduce themselves, I always hear them say "I'm just a housewife". I don't understand why their introduction is always filled with regret and self - pity. Is it, really a crime to be a housewife? Is it really embarrassing when you choose not to work outside and instead choose to work in your home?

How could you be "just a housewife" when the basic social unit of society depends on you and your service? A housewife works for the longest hour, supporting your husband, child studies, caring for eld-ers, managing finances, paying bills, grocery shopping, cooking according to individual taste-, cleaning, etc. A housewife could be anyone: daughter, wife, mother, teacher, financial advisor, fashion designer and nurse, gardener, driver, cook, and so on. Don't think you are not being paid for it. You ~;et the re-ward that no money can offer-the love and affection of your family, their trust洒 you, a happy home and your own satisfaction.

It is you who choose to be in this occupation, willingly or for any other reason. After a busy day, all wait to return to the comfortable home set by you. They know you will be there to absorb all their stress and tiredness and relax them. Would the life have been the same had you been working outside to earn some money? Would you along with your family have been able to buy all the content in life that you are enjoying now with that money?

Respect yourself for what you are. Introduce yourself to the world with the same dignity. The world understands the importance of your job; it's time to make them accept it. Introduce yourself with pride and with twinkle in your eyes "I am a housewife". Kick that "just" out.

1. How do people feel when they say "I'm just a housewife": ?

A. Satisfied. B. Proud.

C. Regretful. D. Anxious.

2. Listing the housewife's duties, the author implies a housewife .

A. usually leads a terrible life

B. plays a more important role

C. does not always get her reward

D. makes a great contribution to the family

3. If a housewife worked outside, she would .

A. have the same life like before

B. set a comfortable home for her family

C. absorb her family's stress

D. lose the content that she is enjoying

4.What is the author's attitude toward housewives?

A. Supportive. B. Doubtful.

C. Opposed. D. Tolerant.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖南衡阳八中高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

You’re probably aware of the basic trends. The financial rewards to education have increased over the past few decades, but men fail to benefit.

In elementary and high school, male academic performance is lagging. Boys earn three-quarters of the D’s and F’s. By college, men are clearly behind. Only 40 percent of bachelor’s degree go to men, along with 40 percent of master’s degree.

Thanks to their lower skills, men are dropping out of the labor force. In 1954, 96 percent of the American men between the ages of 25 and 54 worked. Today, that number is down to 80 percent. In Friday's jobs report, male labor force participation reached an all-time low.

Millions of men are collecting disability benefits. Even many of those who do have a job are doing poorly. According to Michael Greenstone of the Hamilton Project, annual earnings for average prime-age males have dropped by 28 percent over the past 40 years.

Men still dominate (主宰) the top of the corporate ladder because many women take time off to raise children, but women lead or are gaining nearly everywhere else. Women in their 20s outearn men in their 20s. Twelve out of the 15 fastest-growing professions are dominated by women.

Over the years, many of us have employed a certain theory to explain men's economic decline. It is that the information-age economy rewards qualities that women are more likely to possess.

To succeed today, you have to be able to sit still and focus attention in school at an early age. You have to be emotionally sensitive and aware of context. You have to communicate smoothly. For genetic and cultural reasons, many men are not good at these.

But, in her fascinating new book, The End of Men, Hanna Rosin suggests a different theory. It has to do with adaptability. Women, Rosin argues, are like immigrants (移民) who have moved to a new country. They see a new social context, and they flexibly adapt to new circumstances. Men are like immigrants who have physically moved to a new country but who have kept their minds in the old one. They speak the old language. They follow the old customs. Men are more likely to be rigid; women are more fluid.

This theory has less to do with born qualities and more to do with social position. When there’s big social change, the people who were on the top of the old order are bound to stick to the old ways. The people who were on the bottom are bound to experience a burst of energy. They are going to explore their new surroundings more enthusiastically.

Rosin reports from working-class Alabama. The women she meets are flooding into new jobs and new opportunities — going back to college, pursuing new careers. The men are waiting around for the jobs left and are never coming back. They are strangely immune (免疫的)to new options. In the Auburn-Opelika region, the average female income is 140 percent of the average male income.

Rosin is not saying that women are winners in a global gender (性别) war or that they are doing super simply because men are doing worse. She's just saying women are adapting to today’s economy more flexibly than men. There’s a lot of evidence to support her case.

A study by the National Federation of Independent Business found that small businesses owned by women outperformed male-owned small business during the last recession (衰退). In finance, women who switch firms are more likely to see their performance improve, whereas men are likely to see theirs decline. There's even evidence that women are better able to adjust to divorce. Today, more women than men see their incomes rise by 25 percent after a marital breakup.

Forty years ago, men and women stuck to certain theory, what it meant to be a man or a woman. Young women today, Rosin argues, have abandoned both feminist (女权主义者)and prefeminist preconceptions. Men still stick to the masculinity (大男子主义的)rules, which limit their vision and their movement.

If she's right, then men will have to acknowledge that they are strangers in a strange land.

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Male labor force participation has declined by 80% since 1954.

B. More men than women take time off to raise children now.

C. Good communication is one of the qualities that women possess.

D. Men are still taking most top and fastest-growing professions.

2.In Hanna Rosin’s opinion, male performance is falling behind because _______.

A. men are less likely to sit still and focus in school at early age

B. men are more rigid and less able to adapt to new circumstances

C. women are doing better for genetic and cultural reasons

D. it is more and more difficult for men to get bachelor’s degree

3.What is the passage intended to convey?

A. The differences between men and women.

B. The reasons why men do no better than women.

C. The social status of men and women.

D. The reasons why men fail compared with women.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北省沙市高三下期第三次半月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


How do actors and actresses memorize hundreds of lines? Memorizing lines takes practice and constant repetition. However, there are a few ways to make the memorization process run smoothly and quickly.


For most performers, there is no quicker way of memorizing lines. To learn lines, an actor must recite the play loud over and over again. Most rehearsals(彩排) encourage this by running through the lines or having a "read through". By the time opening night arrives, most actors have spoken their lines hundreds of times.

Listen to your cast members.

Sometimes inexperienced actors spend rehearsals looking at fellow performers, waiting patiently to say their next line. 2. This will help the actor learn his lines better because the context of the dialogue is absorbed.


Because there is often not enough rehearsal time, many performers find ways to listen to the play’s dialogue during everyday activities. They use a tape recorder or an MP3 player to listen to the lines from each relevant scene . Some actors prefer to record the lines of all the characters, including their own. 4. Others like recording the lines of fellow cast members, and they leave a blank space so that they can insert their dialogue while listening to the recording.

Think positively and don’t panic.

Most actors will experience stage fright before the opening night. Actors forget lines now and then. When it happens, however, most of the time the audience never notice. If you forget a line in the middle of your performance, don’t freeze. Stay in character. Keep the scene going to the best of your ability. If unfortunately you forget a line once, you will probably never forget that line ever again. 5.

A. Record your lines.

B. Practice makes perfect.

C. Read lines loud and repeat them.

D. Read lines loud and remember them in a short time.

E. Sometimes embarrassment is the toughest method of memorization.

F. Then, they not only listen carefully, but they also speak all of the lines.

G. Instead, they should be listening carefully, responding in character at all times.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市东城区高三下期综合练习(一)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The U. S. Postal Service (USPS) is losing billions of dollars a year. The government company that delivers "small mail" is losing out to email and other types of electronic communication. First-class mail amount fell from a high point of 104 million pieces in 2000 to just 64 million pieces by 2014.

Congress permits the 600.000-empIoyee USPS to hold a monopoly (垄断) over first-class and standard mail. The company pays no federal, state or local taxes; pays no vehicle fees; and is free from many regulations on other businesses. Despite these advantages, the USPS has lost $52 billion since 2007, and will continue losing money without major reforms.

The problem is that Congress is preventing the USPS from reducing costs as its sales decline, and is blocking efforts to end Saturday service and close unneeded post office locations. USPS also has a costly union-dominated workforce that slows the introduction of new ideas or methods down. USPS workers earn significantly higher payment than comparable private-sector workers. The answer is to privatize the USPS and open postal markets to competition. With the rise of the Internet, the argument that mail is a natural monopoly that needs government protection is weaker than ever.

Other countries facing declining letter amounts have made reforms Germany and the Netherlands privatized their national postal companies over a decade ago, and other European countries have followed suit. Britain floated shares of the Royal Mail on its stock exchange in 2013. Some countries, such us Sweden and New Zealand, have not privatized their national postal companies, but they have opened them up to competition.

These reforms have driven efficiency improvements in all of these countries. Additional number of workers have been reduced, productivity has risen and consumers have benefited. Also, note that cost-cutting measures—such as closing tone post offices—are good for both the economy and the environment.

Privatization and competition also encourage new changes. When the USPS monopoly over "extremely urgent" mail was stopped in 1979, we saw an explosion in efficient overnight private delivery by firms such as FedEx.

The government needs to wake up to changing technology, study postal reforms abroad and let businessmen reinvent our out-of-date postal system.

1.What do we know about the USPS?

A. Its great competitor is the delivery firm FedEx.

B. It is an old public service open to competitions.

C. Its employees don't pay federal, state or local taxes.

D. It has complete control of first-class and standard mail.

2.The author mentions some other countries in Paragraph 4 to __________.

A. explain the procedures of reform to the USPS

B. show the advantages of private postal services

C. set some examples for the government to learn from

D. prove the situation is very common around the world

3.The author probably that the USPS __________.

A. needs government’s protection as ever

B. can work together with other businesses

C. must be replaced by international companies

D. should be sold out and become a private service

4.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?

A. B.

C. D.

I: Introduction CP: Central point P: Point

Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林松原油田高中高二下4月考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡将该选项的标号涂黑。

Hope in my arms

Last year, I was invited to participate in a carnival for Tuesday’s Child, an organization that helps children with AIDS.

All the children that had gathered at one particular room could ___________ a square on a piece of cloth. Later the squares would be sewn(缝) together to ___________ a quilt. The quilt would be ___________ to a man who had devoted his life to the ___________ and would soon be ___________ .

The kids were given paints in bright colors and asked to paint something that would make the quilt ___________ . As I looked around at all the squares, I saw pink hearts, blue clouds, orange sunrises and red flowers. The pictures were all bright and ___________ . All ___________ one.

One boy was painting a heart, but it was dark and lifeless. It ___________ the bright colors that his fellow artists had used. I asked why. He told me that he was very ___________ and so was his mom. He said that his sickness was not ever going to get better and neither was his mom’s. He looked ___________into my eyes and said, “There is no hope in my life.”

I told him I was sorry and I could understand why he had made his heart a dark color. I told him that ___________ we couldn’t make him better, we can give ___________ , which can really help when you are feeling sad. I told him that if he would like, I would be ___________ to give him one so he could see ___________ I meant. he instantly crawled into my lap. I thought my own heart would burst for this sweet little boy.

He sat there for a long time. Finally he ___________ down to finish his coloring. As I was getting ready to ___________ home, I felt a tug (猛拽) on my jacket. Standing there was the little boy, ___________ . He said, “My heart is changing ___________ . It is getting brighter. I think those hugs really do ___________ .”

On my way home I felt my own heart. It too had changed to a brighter color.

1.A.convey B.draw C.adapt D.paint

2.A.fold B.make C.spread D.annoy

3.A.attempt B.sold C.presented D.conduct

4.A.organization B.country C.education D.neighborhood

5.A.retiring B.abolish C.predict D.dying

6.A.ambitious B.suitable C.beautiful D.comfortable

7.A.ridiculous B.inspiring C.confusing D.puzzling

8.A.without B.besides C.beside D.except

9.A.lacked B.appeal C.contained D.favour

10.A.curious B.disappointed C.sick D.adequate

11.A.straight B.flexible C.forward D.even

12.A.so that B.even though C.as long as D.as though

13.A.prizes B.smiles C.hugs D.necklace

14.A.grand B.relaxed C.eager D.happy

15.A.which B.where C. what D.that

16.A.witnessed B.jumped C.dragged D.fell

17.A.leave B.stay C.head D.arrive

18.A.smiling B.crying C.glaring D.declaring

19.A.shape B.color C.weight D.form

20.A.approve B.desire C.fail D.work

