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Together the two boys, who go to Escondido High School in California, have had the difficult job of learning in schools where the majority of the students can speak and hear. Orlando lost his hearing at the age of one. German was born deaf, and his parents moved from Mexico to find a school where he could learn sign language. He met Orlando on their first day of kindergarten.

“We were in a special class with about 25 other deaf kids,” German remembers. “Before then, I didn’t know I was deaf and that I was different.”“Being young and deaf in regular classes was very hard,” signs Orlando. “The other kids didn’t understand us and we didn’t understand them. But we’ve all grown up together, and today, I’m popular because I’m deaf. Kids try hard to communicate with me.”

Some things are very difficult for the two boys.“We can’t talk on the phone, so if we need help, we can’t call an emergency service,” German signs. “And we can’t order food in a drive-thru.”

Despite their difficulties, the two boys have found work putting food in bags at a local supermarket. They got their jobs through a “work ability” program, designed for teenagers from local schools with different types of learning disabilities. German has worked in the supermarket since August, and Orlando started in November.“The other people who work here have been very nice to us,” Orlando signs.“They even sign sometimes. At first, we were nervous, but we’ve learned a lot and we’re getting better.”The opportunity to earn money has been exciting, both boys said. After high school, they hope to attend the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in New York.

1.Orlando and German have been_____________.

A.to Mexico together.

B.deaf since they were born.

C.friends since they were very young.

D.to different high schools.

2.The word “emergency” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to________.

A.food. B.crisis. C.alarm. D.quick.

3.Both boys are happy to__________________.

A.have the opportunity to earn money.

B.work at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf.

C.help students with learning disabilities.

D.design programs for the deaf


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市毕业会考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I’ve ordered some pizza, so we _____ worry about cooking when we get home tired.

A. can’t B. may not C. needn’t D. dare not


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中高二下开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


My mom died when I was two years old. She died in an accident when ______ to visit her parents. I was in the backseat, and I wasn’t______ .I don’t remember anything about her. The only few things I know are from the ______ my dad tells me. I ______ with only my dad and myself. I love my dad, but sometimes it was ______,like being in elementary school when Mothers’day was coming, kids would decorate cards, and so on. To make it ______ , there was “tea party with mom ” day for 2nd and 3rd grade when kids and their ______ would come during the school day and have ______ and snacks. Except that my dad would let me ______ those days, we would do something ________together like going to Disneyland. I never exactly felt ______ even though I didn’t have a mom.

My dad worked very hard. My mom died right as he______ from Harvard law, and he tried to be both a good_______ and a great dad ,but also he tried to play both ______ as dad and mom . I remember all the other girls in my 2nd grade class had hair braided (辫子), and I ______ that too. So my dad would braid my hair every morning before ______ . It makes me smile just to______it.

I think about not having mother occasionally, and ______ it does bother me ,like the ________ that on Mothers’ day my dad and I visit my moms’ grave , and bring her ______ yellow roses .

Maybe I don’t have exactly what I want, but I have what I need .

1.A. walking B. flying C. running D. driving

2.A. saved B. deserted C. hurt D. interrupted

3.A. stories B. decisions C. experiences D. adventures

4.A. set off B. grew up C. pulled up D. settled down

5.A. useless B. impossible C. dangerous D. difficult

6.A. worse B. less C. closer D. slower

7.A. friends B. moms C. classmates D. neighbors

8.A. meal B. lunch C. beer D. tea

9.A. spend B. forget C. end D. name

10.A. easy B. important C. fun D. similar

11.A. brought up B. shown off C. lifted up D. left out

12.A. returned B. failed C. graduated D. stopped

13.A. lawyer B. guide C. actor D. businessman

14.A. games B. roles C. tapes D. tricks

15.A. wanted B. understood C. started D. accepted

16.A. weekends B. lunch C. school D. games

17.A. turn to B. ask for C. look for D. think about

18.A. always B. sometimes C. recently D. again

19.A. schedule B. plan C. fact D. thought

20.A. favorite B. available C. actual D. common


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川阆中中学校高二下期第一次段考英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


My health is the only thing I really have in the world. You can take away my money, my house or my clothes, and I can survive. 1. That is why I eat healthily, exercise regularly, and keep up my social life.

2. I try to avoid foods high in fat like French fries or cookies. I also try to limit the amount of animal protein (蛋白质) I eat. I never eat more than a few ounces of fish or chicken a day and I rarely eat meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits which are full of fiber and vitamins.

3. Your muscles(骨骼) must continue to be strong to support your body as it grows older. A regular exercise program of cardiovascular ( 心血管的 ) training and weight training is an important part of keeping you healthy.

Friends are an important part of one's health. Studies have shown that people with a lot of social activities get fewer colds and have fewer complaints(抱怨) than those who don't. 4. I like to laugh with my friends and I always feel better when I am with them than when I am alone.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at an proper weight and can keep my health. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. 5.

A. I try to eat a lot of healthy foods.

B. It's all parts of my recipe (秘诀) for healthy living.

C. But you take away my health and I will die.

D. Eating healthily is important to keep one's health.

E. Laughing is also an important part of health.

F. Hiking is also an important part of health.

G. Exercise helps increase bone-density and helps me maintain my posture.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西太原市高二4月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


One evening, an elderly lady ____1.____ (drive) past a small town when one of her tires suddenly blew out. Even though all she had was only a flat tire, it was __2.___ bad situation for a woman of her age. She was very ___3.___ (annoy), especially with the weather ____4.__ (get) colder and colder. At that moment, a man stopped his car in front of hers and asked __5.____ she needed help. The old lady became even more nervous because the man looked poor and ____6.___ (hunger). However, since no one else had stopped to help her during the past hours, she stood back and let him help her. After the man finished changing the tire, the lady was willing __7.___ (pay) him any amount of money. To her __8.______ (astonish), the man replied that he just wanted to help her, just as others had helped him in the past. He didn’t want the lady to pay him back anything. Instead, he just wanted her to help others _9.__ need as well. Later that evening, the lady helped a heavily pregnant woman. __10.__ never occurred to her that the woman was the poor man’s wife.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁沈阳市高一4月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除;把多余的词 用斜线( \ )划掉。




Tom is my good friend he was born to a poor family. His mother has been suffering a serious disease for many years. Life is too tough for him that he once nearly dropped out school for his family couldn’t afford his schooling. However, Tom, a strong-minded boy, was not afraid of the difficulties that he has been facing. Instead, he studies more harder than the other students in our class, because he believes that only through learn can he have a chance to let his parents live the better life. Now, Tom has become one of the top student in our school.

From Tom experience, I know our positive and determined attitude is the best weapon we can use it to fight against the challenges in life, because nothing is impossible for a willing heart.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁沈阳市高一4月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

What’s your opinion on spicy food? Some people cannot handle even the smallest amount of chili(辣椒) in their dinner while others can’t get enough of it.

Scientists have long been puzzled by why some people love chili and others loathe it. Plenty of research has been done on the subject, dating as far back as the 1970s. Previous results showed that a love of chili is related to childhood experiences, and cultural influences affect our taste buds, too. But the latest study has found that a person’s love of spicy food may be linked to his or her personality more than anything else, CBC News reported.

“We have always assumed that liking drives intake---we eat what we like and we like what we eat. But no one has actually directly bothered to connect these personality traits with intake of chili peppers,” said Professor John Hayes from Pennsylvania State University, who led the study.

But before you look at the study, you should first know that “spicy” is not a taste, unlike sour, sweet, bitter and salty. It is, in fact, a burning sensation that you feel on the surface of your tongue. This got scientists thinking that maybe a love of spicy food is brought about by people’s longing for thrill, something they usually get from watching action movies or riding a roller coaster.

In the study, 97 participants, both male and female, were asked to fill out questionnaires about certain traits of their personality, for example. Whether they like new experiences or tend to avoid risks. They were then given cups of water with capsaicin(辣椒素), the plant chemical that makes chili burn, mixed into them.

By comparing the answers to questionnaires and what participants said they felt about the spicy water. Researchers found that those who most tended to enjoy action movies or take risks were about six times more likely to enjoy the spicy water.

Interestingly, we used to believe that the reason some people can withstand spicy food is that their tongue have become less sensitive to it. However, this latest study has found otherwise. It’s not that it doesn’t burn as badly, it’s that you actually learn to like the burn,” Hayes explained.

1.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “loathe” in the second paragraph?

A. dislike B. fear

C. put up with D. adapt to

2.What did Professor John Hayes and his team discover from their study?

A. what we eat actually helps to develop our personalities.

B. Males are more likely to enjoy spicy food than females.

C. Those trying to avoid risks tend to be less interested in spicy food.

D. People are wrong to treat spicy as a kind of taste rather than a feeling.

3.Why do some people like spicy food according to the recent study?

A. Because their taste buds have become less sensitive.

B. Because they love the burning sensation.

C. Because they want to challenge themselves.

D. Because the more they try spicy food, the less it burns.

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. What he or she likes to eat mainly decides on his or her personality.

B. That a person enjoys spicy food depends largely on the personality.

C. His or her childhood experiences decide on his or her personality.

D. His or her cultural background decides on his or her personality.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林松原油田高中高一下4月考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Here’s a new warning from health experts: sitting is deadly. Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for long periods, even if you exercise regularly, could be bad for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place--in the office, at school, in the car or before a computer or TV. Just the overall number of hours it takes matters. Several studies suggest people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die. While health officials have issued(发布) guidelines advising on the least amounts of physical activities, they haven’t suggested people try to limit how much time they spend in a seated position.

“After four hours of sitting, the body starts to send harmful signals,” said Ekblom-Bak of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences. She explained that genes controlling the amount of glucose(葡萄糖) and fat in the body start to shut down.

Even for people who exercise, spending long periods of time sitting at a desk is still harmful. Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization, said people who exercise every day but still spend a lot of time sitting might get more benefits if that exercise were spread across the day, rather than in a single hour.

Still in a study that tracked more than 17,000 Canadians for about a dozen years, researchers found people who sat more had a higher death risk, whether they exercised or not. Experts said more research is needed to figure out just how much sitting is dangerous, and what might be possible to offset those effects.

People should keep exercising because that has a lot of benefits,” Ekblom-Bak said. “And when they’re in the office, they should try to interrupt sitting as often as possible.”

1.The underlined word “offset" in Paragraph 6 most probably means_______.

A. get rid of B. make use of

C. work out D. turn to

2.Sitting too much is dangerous because it can________ .

A. increase glucose and fat in the body

B. make a person become lazy

C. destroy the balance of glucose and fat in the body

D. make a person unable to exercise enough in a day

3.In the opinion of Ekblom-Bak, when at work, you’d better have a rest by_______ .

A. taking a walk around your office

B. chatting online or playing computer games

C. sending your friends emails

D. listening to music while sitting

4.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A. More and More People Sit Too Much

B. Side Effects of Sitting Too Much

C. Don’t Sit Too Much While Working

D. Sitting Too Much Could Be Dangerous


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖南衡阳八中高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








Mrs. White was in hurry to visit her grandson because she missed her very much. It was nearly three months when she last saw her grandson. When she was walking by a playground, a football fly in her direction. She was already in her seventy. Should she kick the ball back and should she just go past leave it where it was? Finally she gave it a kick with greatly effort and the ball went straight on into the goal. What amazing it was! She helped them win the game.

