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18.She said the terrible weather shrank  harvests in Western Africa that year.

分析 她说那一年糟糕的天气使得西非的收成缩水.

解答 答案是shrank.本题考查语境中选用恰当的词;shrink v.收缩,缩水;主句动词为过去时,宾语从句中的动词也往往用与过去相关的时态;且从句中的that year也说明从句中需要过去时,故答案是shrank.

点评 首字母填空必须在对语境整体理解的基础上抓住指向答案的关键线索、固定句型或搭配等,并联系首字母,同时注意所选词的形式变化.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.When the Apollo astronauts landed on the Moon in 1969,millions of people were rather sad.The person to blame for this was an artist named Chesley Bonestell.For many years,Bonestell had been creating beautifully detailed paintings of the Moon and planets.Viewers of his artwork were unhappy because the real Moon did not look like Bonestell's pictures of it.
As a space artist,Bonestell tried to make his drawings look exciting and as true as the Moon is.He worked closely with astronomers and scientists to get the most up-to-date scientific information available.But in the 1940s and 1950s,no one had ever seen another planet up close.Yet Bonestell's paintings looked so real that some people thought they were photographs.
Even though Bonestell was interested in astronomy,he did not start out as a space artist.As a young man he studied architecture---the art and science of designing and making buildings.In 1938Bonestell became a special effects artist in Hollywood.It was here that he learned he could improve his paintings by following the methods used in the movies.
In 1944,a popular magazine published a series of Bonestell's paintings of the planet Saturn.He drew Saturn as if it were seen by someone standing on each of the planet's moons.The results were dazzling.Within a few years,Bonestell's artwork was appearing regularly in magazines and books on astronomy and space flight.
Many of Bonestell's artworks had been right all along.But the biggest surprise was the Moon.Someone asked Bonestell what he was thinking when he saw the first pictures from the Moon."I thought how wrong I was!"he said."My mountains were sharp,and they aren't on the Moon."
But he shouldn't have felt bad.No space artist had ever before taken so many people to so many faraway worlds.In the years just before the first manned space flights,Bonestell's artwork prepared people for the amazing space adventure to come.

51.Bonestell made his space drawingsC.
A.from a very early age
B.by copying photographs
C.with the help of scientists
D.in order to make a living
52.The underlined word"dazzling"in Paragraph 4 can best be replaced by"D".
A.doubtful  B.wonderful  C.terrible  D.worrying
53.Compared with the mountains in Bonestall's pictures,those on the Moon are muchA.
A.smoother  B.higher  C.darker  D.greener
54.Bonestell's success lay in the fact thatD.
A.he created a new drawing skill
B.he helped finish the first space flight
C.he made space travel more popular
D.he helped bring space closer to people
55.What would be the best title for the text?B
A.The first men on the Moon
B.The space art of Chesley Bonestell
C.The journeys of the Apollo astronauts
D.Spacewalking:through an astronaut's eyes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.It is often assumed that people with parents who lived to be very old are more likely to live to a grand old age themselves.
"But that's just not true-our study shows that hereditary factors don't play a major role and that lifestyle has the biggest impact."says professor Lars Wilhelmsen,referring to the 1913 Men Study that formed the basis of the current research.
Those who did not smoke,consumed mild amou nts of coffee and had a good socio-economic status at the age of 50 (measured in terms of housing costs),as well as good?physical working ability at the age of 54 and low cholesterol (胆固醇) at 50 had the greatest chance of celebrating their 90th birthday.
"We're breaking new ground here."says Wilhelmsen."Many of these factors have previously been identified as playing a role in cardiovascular(心血管的 )disease,but here we are showing for the first time that they are important for survival in general,"
He believes that it is significant that the research illustrates so clearly that it is the sum of our own habits that has the biggest impact.
"The study clearly shows that we can influence several of the factors that decide how old we get,"says Wilhelmsen."This is positive not only for the individual,but also for society as it doesn't need any major drug costs,"
The study has been published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.
The 1913 Men study started up in 1963. A third of all male 50-year-old in Gothenburg were called for a check-up that focused on cardiovascular health. Every ten years since,a new group of 50-year-old has been called in and those who were already taking part in the study have been given another check-up. This has enabled researchers to follow the development of illnesses in a specific age group,and to compare the health of 50-year-old in 2003 with that of 50-year-old in 1963,for example. Women have also been included in the study since 2003. Data have been studied over the years. including BMI (体质指数),smoking habits,cholesterol,exercise habits and blood pressure,
The men born in l913 were examined when they were 50,54,60,67,75 and 80. Of the 855 men who took part in the study from the start,?111?(13%) were still alive at the age of 90.
Over the years the material has brought out many research articles. An interesting result came in 2008 when researchers were able to show that the drop in the number of smokers,combined with lower cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure,between 1963 and 2003 could offer an explanation for the marked downturn in the number of heart attacks during this 40-year period.
55. Which of the following statements is true'?C
A.Socio-economic status determines how healthy we are.
B.Cholesterol plays an important role in keeping us alive.
C.The amount of coffee consumption has an effect on our health.
D.How long we can live depends on how long our parents lived.
56.The 1913 Men Study helps us to realize that.A
A.we can do something to lengthen our life  
B. we don't need to take drugs for our diseases
C. we can always predict how long we can live
D. we need to balance the numbers of men and women
57.The earlier men involved in the 1913 Men Study were examined inBfor the second time.
A.1917      B.1967       C.1923        D.1973
58. From the article we can infer thatD.
A.more men than women are in the habit of smoking
B.scientists began to study men's habits in the year 1913
C.women tend to Live a longer life than man because of their good lifestyle
D.heart attack is related to smoking,cholesterol take-in and blood pressure.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Many teenagers are not fully aware that theviolence(violent) online isharmfultothem.(对…有害)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled,pain free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness.If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to unhappiness.But in fact,the opposite is true:more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.
As a result,many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness.They fear the pain inevitably(不可避免的)brought by such things as marriage,raising children,professional achievement,religious commitment (义务),self-improvement.
Ask a bachelor(单身汉)why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying.If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment.For commitment is in fact quite painful.The single life is filled with fun,adventure,excitement.Marriage has such moments,but they are not its most distinguishing features.
Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night's sleep or a three-day vacation.I don't know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children.But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.
Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations.It liberates(解放) time:now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness.It liberates money:buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless.And it liberates us from envy:we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
66.According to the author,a bachelor resists marriage chiefly becauseC.
A.he finds more fun in dating than in marriage
B.he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains single
C.he is reluctant to take on family responsibilities
D.he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement
67.Raising children,in the author's opinion isA.
A.a rewarding task
B.a thankless job
C.a moral duty
D.a source of inevitable pain
68.From the last paragraph,we learn that envy sometimes stems from(由…造成)B.
A.hatred   B.ignorance C.prejudice(偏见)   D.misunderstanding
69.To understand what true happiness is one mustB.
A.have as much fun as possible during one's lifetime
B.be able to distinguish happiness from fun
C.put up with pain under all circumstances
D.make every effort to liberate oneself from pain
70.What is the author trying to tell us?C
A.It is important to make commitments
B.One must know how to attain happiness.
C.Happiness often goes hand in hand with pain.
D.It is pain that leads to happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.The captain gave orders toabandon(舍弃) the ship..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.In no time ____________out his cigarettes when it occurred to him that smoking was not allowed in the public(  )
A.did he putB.has he putC.he putD.put he


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.The elevator of the future may be just over the horizon thanks to German company ThyssenKrupp.The firm has invented a cable-free elevator (called MULTI) that can go up and down like traditional lifts but the magnetic motors allow it to go side-to-side too.The designers predict that this technology could incrase the carrying capacity of existing architecture by as much as 50%.Plus it looks really neat.
ThyssenKrupp plans to use light-weight materials to build its elevator ears of the future and the lack of a cable winch(钢缆绞车)will reduce weight as well.The ears wouldn't just move up and down as they do now but would instead go in a circle that allows more cars to slip in fight behind the next.The result is that you might only have to wait 10seconds for the next one to arrive rather than wait for the one you just missed to come back down.
The technology backing ThyssenKrupp's MULTI elevator is very similar to magnetic levitation(磁悬浮)systems used in high-speed trains.Each car has two magnetic motors-one for vertical movement and another for horizontal.This system can also deliver power to the car's internal lighting and electronics without using wires.
A traditional cable driven elevator has mechanical components that can hold the car in place in the event of a power-off.ThyssenKrupp didn't go into detail about safety measures in its announcement but it's safe to say the magnetic levitation elevator will have some sort of system to hold it in place if the lights go out.ThyssenKrupp is working on a test tower that will be used to develop the MULTI into a real elevator technology.This should be up and running by 2016but it will probably take at least a few more years before you get to climb inside a magnetic elevator car.
32.What does the underlined phrase"over the horizon"mean?C
A.Above sea level.      
B.On the rise.     
C.On the way.    
D.Out of sight.
33.MULTI is designed toB.
A.save energy      
B.carry more passengers
C.run much faster   
D.be neat and comfortable
34.The key technology about MULTI is itsA.
A.magnetic motor   
B.cabl winch
C.wireless electronics  
D.lighting material
35.What can be learned from the last paragraph?D
A.MULTI will sell well.
B.MULTI has to work on a tower.
C.MULTI will be put into use in 2016.
D.MULTI has a safety system in case of power-off.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

8.Things to Know Before Adopting a Dog
The idea of giving someone a puppy for Christmas provides a warm fuzzy response for most people.(36)C  Pets carry a lot of responsibility,but they reward their owners with years of love and devotion.
Be Realistic About How Much Time You Have
In a busy world,full of work,soccer games,and family dinners,time is more precious.When adopting an animal it is important to consider how much time you have.to devote to training and caring for it.(37)D  If you have plenty of extra time to devote to a pet,a puppy is a good choice.
Think About How Much Space You Have
Large dogs naturally require more room than small dogs.They need big yards to run in,or a nearby area where they can go for longer walks.If you live in a small apartment on an upper floor,this can be a problem.(38)E  Smaller dogs take up less space and are often easier to transport up and down stairs and in elevators.If you have a large home with a big backyard where your dog can run and play,then a larger breed may be a good fit for you.
If you have small children,a patient dog with a high tolerance level is necessary.Kids explore with their hands,and they are likely to touch,tug,pet,and crawl all over the new dog.In this situation,you need to choose a dog with an easygoing temperament-who will not become frustrated and bite.(40)G

A.Consider the Other Pets in Your Home
B.Choose the Right Dog for Your Situation
C.However,adopting a dog is not something to be taken lightly.
D.A puppy requires a lot more time and attention than an older dog.
E.Walking around a small space with a Labrador underfoot can be frustrating.
F.Adopting a dog rather than buying one benefits both the animal and your family.
G.Breeds like Golden Retrievers,Labradors,and Border Collies are well known for their family friendly attitude.

