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If you go out to the fields at night spring or summer, you can hear singing1.(happy)here and there. It seems as if they were performing a field concert.

The frog is a beneficial creature that does good to human beings. They can catch fast-moving insects. Each frog eats a large number of pets that are harmful to crops. This little creature is regarded 2.the natural enemy of pests.

But now the number or frogs3.(become)smaller and smaller. This is4.they are killed and put5.the table as a delicious dish by their chief enemy, human beings. It is cruel, isn’t it? The cause of the rapid6.(reduce)of frogs is that farmers use pesticide(杀虫剂)to kill pests ,and then frogs get 7.(kill)as a result of eating the poison-killed insects.

Something must be done without delay8.(save)frogs. If we don’t punish those 9.sell and kill frogs to make money, then one day all of us 10.(punish)by nature for failing to save frogs.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省佛山市2016-2017学年高一上学期第一次大考英语试卷 题型:完成句子

From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very___________(excite) (新概念2)


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省伊春市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:短文改错






On my way home after school there had an accident. A heavy truck hit a bike, caused the young woman on the bike fall to the ground heavily. As a result, one of her legs broken. Blood was running down his leg. A lot of people stood by watching, but everybody gave her a hand. I hurriedly stopped a passed car, and the driver and I carried the injury woman into the car. Then we took her to the hospital of nearby. The doctors treated her in time and she is soon out of danger.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省哈尔滨市2017届高三下学期第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达

随着我国经济的发展与对外开放程度的提高,越来越多的学子走出国门留学深造。根据下面的提示,请你以“Studying Abroad”为题,写一篇100左右的演讲稿。


1. 出国留学的优点:开阔视野;体验当地的风情;交更多的朋友;更快更好地掌握一门外语。

2. 出国留学的缺点:语言障碍不利于学习;费用高昂;而花大量时间打工又会影响学习。

参考词汇:语言障碍language barrier;足够的adequate










科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省哈尔滨市2017届高三下学期第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

If you have ever had a cat, or have watched one of the many funny cat videos online, you’ll know that cats have a mind of their own. A lot of the things they do are hard to understand---they like to climb up tall furniture, fit themselves in small spaces and attack small objects for no reason at all.

Now scientists have managed to figure out what exactly is going on in the brains of our little friends. According to Tony Buffington, a professor at Ohio State University in the US, cats’ strange behavior largely comes from their way of life back in the wild. “Cats today still have many of the same instincts(本能)that allowed them to live in the wild for millions of years.” he said in a TED Talk. “To them, our homes are their jungles.”

In the wild, cats are hunters. Their bodies and great balancing abilities allow them to climb to high spots to better look at the environment. Even though they don’t have to hunt any more in human houses, they still keep the old habit of viewing the living room from, for example, the top of the refrigerator.

Cats’ hunting instinct is also what makes them attack small things like keys and USB drives. In the wild, they hunt whatever they can get, and most of the animals they kill are small.

However, cats can also be prey. This explains why they like to stay in small spaces like drawers or washing machines---they are hiding, or they think they are hiding, from more dangerous animals. This is also why cats prefer a clean box: a smelly one could easily show enemies where they are.

Knowing how cats’ minds work is not only useful for better understanding them. It may also help cats’ owners to better meet cats’ needs. For example, owners could try to make climbing easier for cats by moving their furniture around. They could also use “food puzzles” to make eating feel more like hunting instead of just giving food to the cats.

1.According to Tony Buffington, ________.

A. cats’ strange behavior is hard for people to understand

B. cats are more used to living in the wild than in humans’ homes

C. cats behave strangely mainly because of some instincts in the wild

D. cats’ instincts are as helpful to them today as they were millions of year ago

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. Cats like to climb up high because they want to hide from dangerous animals

B. Cats attack keys and USB drives because they have a habit of hunting small animals

C. Cats enjoy staying in small spaces because they usually live in small caves in the wild

D. Cats’ preference for a clean box probably has something to do with their hunting instincts

3.The underlined word “prey” in Paragraph 5 probably means _________.

A. an animal that is too lazy

B. an animal that likes hiding games

C. an animal that keeps itself clean

D. an animal that is hunted

4.This article is mainly written to _________.

A. explore the reasons behind cats’ strange behavior

B. describe cats’ past wild experience to readers

C. tell cat owners how to make life easier for cats

D. compare cats’ behavior in human homes with that in the wild


科目:高中英语 来源:宁夏吴忠市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The American expression "shoo-in" means someone or something that seems sure to win a race or competition.

Before a big football game, supporters of each are certain to argue (争论) about which side will win. Sometimes, however, one team appears so much stronger than the others that everyone agrees it will win. The stronger team is a shoo-in. there is no way that it can lose.

The expression "shoo-in" comes from horse racing. It comes from the word "shoo". That is not the shoe we wear on our feet. It's another word, S-H-O-O. To shoo is an expression hundreds of years old that means to force an animal to move in a desired direction.

Many years ago dishonest riders sometimes agreed secretly to control their horses so that one chosen horse would win the race. All but one of the riders would hold back their horses. The chosen rider would shoo his horse ahead of the others, and win the race. The other riders would secretly bet large amounts of money that the chosen horse would win. The public soon learned about such races. They began to call the winner of such a race a "shoo-in".

These days, people use shoo-into describe any athlete or competitor that seems certain to win, even without cheating. American runner Edwin Moses won more than hundred races before he ran the hurdle race in the nineteen-eighty-four Olympic Games. Everyone said Moses was a shoo-in, and that he could not lose. And they were

right. He won the gold medal.

1.One of the dishonest riders was sure to win the race because ________.

A. the other riders had agreed to fail in the race

B. be used to be the best in riding

C. the public had belief in him

D. he could not control his horse easily

2.Which of the following statements is Not true?

A. "Shoo-in" came from the word "shoo".

B. The public did not know they were being cheated.

C. Some runners bet a lot of money on the chosen horse.

D. US runner Moses was worthy of a shoo-in.

3.The main idea of the passage is that "shoo-in" ________.

A. is used to admire a person who seems to be sure to win a race

B. is a word used to describe a dishonest person

C. is used for any athlete or competitor that seems too clever to be cheated

D. is used for anyone or anything that is certain to win a game

4.This passage can best be titled_______.

A. Be Sure to Win B. Shoo-in, a Sure Winner

C. Winner in a Competition D. The Birth of Shoo-in


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省伊春市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

China, the biggest developing country in the world, is opening its gate to the whole world. It is preparing for the coming world. Every day 1ots of foreigners come here as business people or tourists. And even more people will come after Beijing has held the 29th Olympic Games successfully in 2008. When they come to China, we should do something to help them enjoy themselves and like China and the Chinese people.But there are some things they may not like:

1. Bumping (碰撞) Too many people are crowded onto buses and trains. This makes people feel terrible, and it is not safe, either.

2. Traffic problems Cars park on sidewalks. Bus drivers drive so fast that they make people who are trying to cross the street afraid.

3.Littering I notice this everywhere.Some people throw rubbish(垃圾) onto the ground even when there is a rubbish bin right next to them.

4.Queue jumping At the post office,or even at McDonald’s, people push to the front of a line instead of waiting.

Most Chinese people are just as unhappy with these kinds of things as I am. And,certainly,the government has known the problems and is trying to do something about them.

China is on her way!

1.The writer thinks we Chinese people should do the following except_____.

A. park our cars at right places B. hurry onto buses before others

C. throw rubbish into rubbish bins D. wait for our turn in public places

2.Someone throws an empty Cola bottle onto the ground. This is called_____.

A. queue jumping B. bumping

C. traffic D. littering

3.We can conclude from the passage that_____.

A. things will get better and better in China

B. fewer and fewer foreigners will visit our country

C. there will be more and more traffic problems in Beijing

D. fewer and fewer Chinese people will eat hamburgers

4.When the writer says “China is preparing for the coming world” he means that______.

A. most Chinese people are as unhappy with these problems as him

B. China is going to be a fast--growing country

C. it is time for the Chinese to change their bad behaviors

D. the Chinese will do a good job in the 2008 Beijing Olympics


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省宿州市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

From that day on, when eight-year-old Jack with gray eyes began riding my school bus, he was a troublemaker. His father passed away and he did not live with his mother. If a fight_________, it must have Jack. If a girl was crying, _____were that Jack had pulled her hair. I practiced every bit of ________, talking to him again and again, but no use. No matter how I spoke to him,________or strictly, he would stare at me with those big gray eyes________a word.

Towards the end of the year, I received many small gifts from kids on my bus. A little girl sent me a star key chain. She had written, “I love Polly and Polly loves me.” On the last day of school I was_________because of talking to the headmaster. When I got on the bus I___________that the star key chain was gone. “Jack was the first one to get on the bus. Check his__________,” insisted the girl who had given me the gift.

I asked him to come forward. I________my hand into one pocket. Then I felt it – the_________shape of the key chain. Jack stared at me for a long time. There was no__________in those big gray eyes, and no plea(请求)for _____. He seemed to be waiting for what would happen. I was about to_________the key chain out of Jack’s pocket when I __________myself.” Let him keep it,” a_________seemed to whisper. “It must have fallen off before I got here,” I said to the kids.

Many years later, I was in a department store________someone said, “Polly?” I turned to see the big gray eyes. To my____________ , he hugged me and pulled________from his pocket ---the key chain that_________, “I love Polly and Polly loves me.”

“You were the only one who kept________,” he explained. We hugged again…

1.A. build up B. gave up C. broke out D. picked out

2.A. challenges B. changes C. choices D. chances

3.A. interest B. respect C. patience D. hope

4.A. slowly B. gently C. coldly D. rudely

5.A. without B. through C. after D. upon

6.A. observed B. delayed C. complained D. punished

7.A. wondered B. doubted C. admitted D. realized

8.A. seat B. hands C. pockets D. schoolbag

9.A. expanded B. raised C. hid D. reached

10.A. charming B. original C. familiar D. normal

11.A. pride B. regret C. pleasure D. anger

12.A. encouragement B. admission C. mercy D. escape

13.A. pick B. slide C. rid D. pull

14.A. stopped B. enjoyed C. helped D. prepared

15.A. sound B. voice C. tone D. noise

16.A. until B. when C. before D. while

17.A. delight B. fear C. surprise D. amusement

18.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

19.A. wrote B. repeated C. appeared D. said

20.A. asking B. persuading C. trying D. arguing


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省鹤壁市2016-2017学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

When Tom Szaky sees a juice container thrown away, he doesn't see rubbish, but he sees a pencil case. Sweet wrappers? A beautiful kite! But these are not the imaginings of a dreamer. For the 28-year-old CEO of Trenton, New Jersey-based TerraCycle, they’re a business model.

The fast-talking Szaky is leading the new industry of upcycling(升级改造). Instead of recycling (shredding or breaking down materials and enabling them to be reproduced as other products), TerraCycle takes packaging headed for landfills(废物填埋地)and reuses it - more or less whole. TerraCycle’s 85 employees make nearly 200 products, sold at shops such as Petco, Kmart, Whole Foods Market, and Target.

Szaky’s $7.4 million company, now also moving ahead in Mexico, Canada, the United Kingdom and Brazil, is quite different from the business he founded with classmate Jon Beyer in 2002 as a freshman at Princeton University. The two entered a business competition with a plan to sell organic plant fertilizers made from worm waste. They lost the competition, but started the business anyway.

With their goal - to make products entirely out of rubbish - suddenly clear, Szaky knew the time was right to drop out of Princeton.

TerraCycle’s first product used dining-hall waste to feed the worms and thrown-away bottles to package the fertilizer. The result: a cheap, green breakthrough. Word spread, and in 2004, Home Depot began carrying the fertilizer in its Canadian stores.

To Szaky, waste does not exist in nature. TerraCycle is a “second chance” employer of, say, a piece of furniture, an ice-cream container. As Szaky points out, “The biggest problem with most green, fair-trade, and organic products is that they tend to cost more. At TerraCycle, everything is made from rubbish, and rubbish is free. People should be able to protect the planet without having to pay a cost for that right.”

1.What is Tom Szaky now?

A. The CEO of TerraCycle. B. An employee of Home Depot.

C. A student at Princeton University D. The manager of a food company.

2.How did Szaky get the idea of upcycling?

A. From his visits to foreign companies.

B. From his studies at Princeton University.

C. Through shopping at big stores in America.

D. Through the experience of a business competition.

3.What is the goal of TerraCycle?

A. To make cheap and green products.

B. To recycle waste materials in another way.

C. To make products completely out of rubbish.

D. To change worm waste into organic plant fertilizers.

4.What is the advantage of upcycling according to Szaky?

A. The cost is kept rather low. B. More materials are available.

C. It has a large promising market D. Its products are environmentally friendly.

