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17.There are several reasons why cats climb trees,mostly to do with defensive purposes.Cats,as predators(捕食者),like to understand their environment well.Cats climb trees to get a better view of their surroundings,to help them see any potential prey(被捕食者).
While cats are predators,they can also be easily attacked by larger animals.A tree often provides a safe hiding place.In the wild,cats climb up trees to give them a resting place that is out of predators'range.It also helps disguise their presence,which can prevent any prey from noticing that there is a cat nearby.
Sometimes some cats may climb trees for fun,or possibly to work on improving their climbing abilities.Kittens(小猫) frequently test out their claw skills by trying to climb up everything,from bookcases to trees to a person's leg.Climbing practice is good for cats; it can improve their strength and flexibility and teach them an important defensive skill.To prevent them from practicing indoor climbing of your furniture,however,owners may wish to buy a carpeted cat tree for climbing.
If a cat has gotten up a tree and cannot get down,the owner may wonder why its remarkable climbing abilities only work in one direction.A cat's claws curve(弯曲) inward,allowing it to take hold of surfaces while going up head first.Unfortunately,this useful climbing curve does nothing to help the animal get back down again.Eventually,most trapped kittens will either jump out of the tree or realize that they can get down by going tail first.Either way,a cat up a tree is usually nothing to panic about unless it is injured; they are intelligent animals and will find out how to get down sooner or later.
32.In most cases,cats climb trees in order toC.
A.have fun      
B.seek food     
C.defend themselves    
D.please their owners
33.What does the underlined word"disguise"in Paragraph mean?D
A.Find out      
B.Focus on      
C.Make clear          
D.Cover up
34.Why do people want to buy carpeted cat trees?B
A.To train their cats in climbing        
B.To help protect their furniture.
C.To improve their cats'claw skill.
D.To keep their cats warm in winter.
35.Seeing your cat up a tree,you are supposed toA.
A.just take it easy                  
B.lead it down slowly
C.feed some food to it at once        
D.keep an eye on it all the time.

分析 本文主要讲述了猫上树的主要原因,目的在于保护自己.以及在平日的生活中应注意的问题.

解答 32.C 细节题.根据文章第一段内容There are several reasons why cats climb trees,mostly to do with defensive purposes,猫爬上树的大部分原因是为了保护他们自己,那样有的敌人就伤害不了他们.故选C
33.D 细节题.根据文章内容.In the wild,cats climb up trees to give them a resting place that is out of predators'range.It also helps disguise their presence,which can prevent any prey from noticing that there is a cat nearby.在野外,猫爬上树是为了在他们的捕食者的视野范围之外找个休息的地方.同时,那也可以将自己藏起来,不被敌人发现.结合选项,故选D
34.B 细节题.根据文章内容To prevent them from practicing indoor climbing of your furniture,however,owners may wish to buy a carpeted cat tree for climbing 为了阻止猫在室内的家具上爬,许多家庭都会为了宠物猫而购买一棵专供他们爬的树,目的是保护家具.结合选项,故选B
35.A 细节题.根据文章内容a cat up a tree is usually nothing to panic about unless it is injured; they are intelligent animals and will find out how to get down sooner or later.当看到猫爬上了树的时候,不用惊慌,他们是很聪明的动物,知道自己该何时安全的下来,结合选项,故选A

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are a major cause of climate change,and now a new study has confirmed that atmospheric CO2 is also affecting the ocean chemistry and potentially harming sea life.
Montana State University scientist Robert Dore has been researching the water in the Pacific Ocean for almost two decades.
"We've been going to the same spot in the Pacific Ocean,and we try and characterize long-term change in the open ocean environment.And one of the key things that we measure is CO2 levels.And we've b een able to record this increasing quantity of atmospheric CO2 into the ocean."
Scientists expected that as atmospheric CO2 increased,more and more of the carbon dioxide would be absorbed into the ocean,affecting the chemical balance of the sea water,with a potentially harmful impact on shellfish and coral in particular.
"As carbon dioxide dissolves in the water,or seawater in this case,it forms a weak acid (酸),carbonic acid,"Dore explains."And therefore,as the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere goes up and that exchanges with the surface seawater,it drives the pH down,and makes it more acidic."
The seawater Dore and his colleagues have analyzed confirms what the theory predicts.
The effect was particular striking at about 250 meters down,and again at 500 meters.Dore and his colleagues came up with two possible explanations.It could be that surface water picked up CO2 and then moved to those depths.Or there could be a biological explanation."It's important to realize that the oceans are really becoming acidic.And it can have negative impacts on a whole variety of sea life from fish to coral.It's potentially catastrophic."
29.What can be the best title of the passage?A
A.Sea Life Facing Danger          
B.Scientist Researching Seawater
C.Oceans Becoming More Acidic     
D.Climate Change Affecting Seawater
30.Which of the following shows the process of the impact of atmospheric CO2 on sea life?B
    a.Sea life is endangered.
    b.CO2 goes into the surface water.
    c.The ocean chemistry is affected.
    d.CO2 decreases the pH and makes the seawater more acidic.
    e.CO2 levels in the atmosphere go up.
A.a→b→c→d→e                   B.e→b→c→d→a
C.a→e→c→d→b                   D.e→d→c→b→a
31.Scientist Robert Dore came to the conclusion based onA.
A.his research and analysis        B.the expectation of other scientists
C.some former theory               D.a major cause of climate change
32.What does the passage want to tell us most?D
A.It takes time to make a scientific study.
B.Atmospheric CO2 is doing harm to sea life.
C.Robert Dore is a committed and serious scientist.
D.Measures should be taken to prevent the potential catastrophe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.He pushed against that big stone with all hisstrength(strong).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Silence is unnatural to man.He begins life with a cry and ends it in stillness.In between he does all he can to make a noise in the world,and he fears silence more than anything else.Even his conversation is an attempt to prevent a fearful silence.If he is introduced to another person,and a number of pauses occur in the conversation,he regards himself as a failure,a worthless person,and is full of envy of the emptiest-headed chatterbox(喋喋不休唠叨的人).He knows that ninety-nine percent of human conversation means no more than the buzzing of a fly,but he is anxious to join in the buzz and to prove that he is a man and not a waxwork figure.
The aim of conversation is not,for the most part,to communicate ideas;it is to keep up the buzzing sound.There are,it must be admitted,different qualities of buzz;there is even a buzz that is as annoying as the continuous noise made by a mosquito.But at a dinner party one would rather be a mosquito than a quiet person.Most buzzing,fortunately,is pleasant to the ear,and some of it is pleasant even to the mind.He would be a foolish man if he waited until he had a wise thought to take part in the buzzing with his neighbors.
Those who hate to pick up the weather as a conversational opening seem to me not to know the reason why human beings wish to talk.Very few human beings join in a conversation in the hope of learning anything new.Some of them are content if they are merely allowed to go on making a noise into other people's ears,though they have nothing to tell them except that they have seen two or three new plays or that they had food in a Swiss hotel.At the end of an evening during which they have said nothing meaningful for a long time,they just prove themselves to be successful conversationists.
56.According to the author,people make conversation toD.
A.exchange ideas
B.prove their value
C.achieve success in life
D.overcome their fear of silence
57.By"the buzzing of a fly"(Para.1),the author meansC.
A.the noise of an insect
B.a low whispering sound
C.meaningless talks
D.the voice of a chatterbox
58.According to the passage,people usually talk to their neighborsB.
A.about whatever they have prepared
B.about whatever they want to
C.in the hope of learning something new
D.in the hope of getting on well.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Grasse has always been associated with smell.In the Middle Ages it smelt particularly unpleasant due to its leather tanning(制革) industry.The nobles only rarely visited the pretty and charming town to pick up their handmade Grasse leather gloves.In spite of their grand lands in the surrounding countryside,Grasse was certainly a necessary evil with no self-respecting nobles owning buildings there.
Molinard,a Grasse tanner(制革工人) himself,created the first Grasse perfume.Word spread like wildfire among the nobles about the designer perfumed gloves.Molinard offered a pair of his gloves to Catherine de Medici( the Queen),who gave plenty of praise to her Grasse perfumed gloves; she almost assured (确保)  Grasse's reputation as the perfume capital of the world.Thanks to Catherine de Medici,Grasse merchants were encouraged to grow the perfume plants that tanners needed to supply perfumed leather to the nobles.
Grasse has four perfume factories as well as a perfume school and a perfume museum.Fragonard's perfume museum is situated on the first floor of its perfume factory and displays an amazing private collection of perfume bottles,presentation boxes,documents and equipment that tells the history of perfume making from its earliest beginnings to the present day.The perfume museum is open every day,Sundays and public holidays included.
Grasse is certainly a perfumed heaven, a far cry from its smelly beginning as a leather tanning town.Now famous for a far sweeter smell,Grasse is surrounded by fields of flowers that make real estate(不动产) in Grasse very popular.
Those looking for real estate in France would have to go a long way to find anywhere more charming than Grasse with the city of Nice and its airport just a short drive away and plenty of activities to enjoy in the surrounding countryside.Real estate in Grasse is situated between the Southern Alps and the Cote d'Azur,allowing owners the best of both worlds.
28.Why was Grasse considered to be necessary although it was an evil?A
A.Because it produced leather gloves.
B.Because it made the nobles look respectable.
C.Because many nobles lived in its countryside.
D.Because it was a beautiful and attractive town.
29.According to the text,Fragonard's perfume museumB.
A.has several perfume factories       
B.can be visited all the year around.
C.is famous for its perfume school     
D.shows visitors the history of Grasse.
30.The underlined words"a far cry"in the 4th paragraph can be replaced by"C"
A.a good long cry   
B.totally absent     
C.very different    
D.far distant
31.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?B
A.Grasse is still less competitive in real estate.
B.Grasse is now a perfect place for people to live.
C.Grasse is becoming an important tourist attraction.
D.Living in Grasse might cause you much inconvenience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.It was now raining heavily.My husband was away.I did not want to ask anyone else to go with me.So I went to the hospital by(61)myself.I was taken to a small room.Lina lay(62)sleeping(sleep) quietly on a table.
This wasn't(63)thefirst time Lina had taken too many pills.I knew she would sleep deeply for about twelve hours(64)until/beforethe poison stopped doing its harm.
I sat down by Lina's side and watched her sleep.The room was still.I looked around.The room seemed familiar."Have I been here before?"I wondered.I looked around again."I'm sure I've been in this room,"I told myself.Then I remembered.It was in this very room (65)thatI gave birth(66)toLina seventeen years ago.(67)Howhappy I was then!
Lina used to be such a bright,(68)healthy(health) and nice child."What has turned her into a dope-taker (吸毒者)?"I asked myself."And why are millions of young people like her(69)taking(take) dope to destroy themselves?There must be something(70)seriously(serious) wrong with our society.What is it?"


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.If you really want to get to know someone,travel with them.
Having said that,I've heard horror stories,and with a couple of plans in the works for future trips with friends.I wanted to find some people who have successfully traveled with friends for advice on how to keep sensible when the trip involves lots of time spending with my best friends.
1.Talk money ahead of time
When you're traveling with friends,the topic of money will certainly come up.It's a good idea to talk about expenses before even booking the tickets.
2.Create a group schedule
When traveling in a group,a lot of time can be wasted trying to figure out what to do once you get there-if this hasn't been discussed ahead of time.
3.Nominate a trip leader
If you'll be traveling in a group with different friends,it can be hard to keep everyone motivated,so we should choose one person to be the key decision maker of the group for the trip.The leader can set departure times and let everyone know the basic plan by giving it a proper arrangement.
4.Put your important documents together
Once you've chosen a leader,using a travel folder to gather all tickets,maps and other important documents can help the process of group travel smoothly,as well.
5.Power down
Nothing is more likely to cause anger than when one person is trying to have a conversation with someone who's busy showing off the trip online.Turn off all messages,voice-mails and social media activity,and live in the moment with your friends.When you travel and end up spending the time with your face buried in your phone,your companions will certainly think your social networking is more interesting than their company.
6.Set specific free time
If you do decide to go by yourself and set your specific free time,you can use a communication app,like Wechat,to stay in touch.It allows you to send your location and communicate effectively if you travel alone while exploring.

33.The purpose of the text is toD.
C.have fun           
34.If you want to book the tickets before travelling,the most important topic you are concerned about isC.
A.Nominate a trip leader                   
B.Create a group schedule
C.Talk money ahead of time                
D.Put your important documents together
35.Why is your company angry with you?D
A.You turn off your communicative equipment.
B.You only have a conversation with others.
C.You only enjoy yourself while travelling.
D.You are only interested in social networking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Ever since Grumpy Cat first appeared online,the Internet can't get enough of her.But attention is not the only thing that this cat is getting.Her fortune is estimated at  100million,more than many famous actors and musicians earn.
So how did it all start?
Grumpy Cat's owner Tabatha Bundesen was working as a waitress when her brother Bryan decided to take a photo of her funny-looking cat and post it on Reddit,the social-news site.In a matter of hours,she became a sensation(轰动).
It got 1million views on Imgur in 48hours.
Grumpy Cat's real name is Tardar Sauce and she actually has a condition called dwarfism,which makes her constantly frowning.But that unique frown turned out to be worth millions of dollars.
Tabatha,who lives in Arizona in US,isn't complaining.She still remembers that September 22,2012,when her life turned upside down.
Since her cat became a worldwide phenomenon,she was able to quit her job and devote her life to managing her cat's modeling career.Sounds unbelievable,but it's true.She says that her only job now is to book Tardar's photo shoots,commercials(商业广告),and other appearances.
What are the other benefits of owning a million-dollar cat?
Apart from not having to work,Tabatha can travel all the time.She has time and money to visit her family more often and enjoy her life.She never could have imagined just how huge her cat would become,but she always knew Tardar was very special.And she is glad to see her cat bringing joy to so many people around the world.
As for the millions of dollars Grumpy has earned,they come from all the products,commercials and a best-selling book.She even has her own movie-Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever.
25.What does the underlined part"the Internet can't get enough of her'mean?B.
A.The Internet can't stand her any more.
B.The Internet can't pay more attention to her.
C.People don't focus on her any longer on the Internet.
D.The Internet can't find enough information about her.
26.What made Grumpy Cat become famous?A.
A.Her unusual appearance.
B.Her bad temper.
C.Her short and fat body.
D.Her unique fur.
27.About Tabatha Bundesen,we know thatC.
A.she now works as a waitress.
B.she feels very tired of her famous cat.
C.she only manages her cat's modeling career.
D.she is too busy to go home to visit her parents
28.The general idea of the last paragraph isB.
A.how the cat can become so famous.
B.how the cat can make so much money.
C.what the film about the cat is named
D.how the cat's owner spend so much money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Most students,when asked about their ideal graduation gift,would probably reply,"A car",or"Money for a deposit on a house".Cai Kaiyuan,21,made a different choice.As a graduation gift to himself,he decided to work as a volunteer teacher in a remote village in Tibet.
Cai,a senior majoring in electrical engineering at Huan Railway Professional Technology College,originally planned to cycle from Sichuan to Tibet.During his journey,Cai's idea for a different graduation gift to himself began to take shape."I did not know beforehand what the journey would mean to me.I just want to gain a unique experience and have pleasure in appreciating the view there,"he said.
It turned out cycling on a plateau (高原) was extremely challenging.And it has kept changing his outlook on life.Cai's fingers even became frostbitten while cycling up a 5008-meter-high mountain,where temperatures often dropped to 18 below zero.At night,the ice covered the road and he fell off his bike three times.The lack of oxygen made him feel dizzy and weak."At the most serious moment,I felt that my life was on the line,"said Cai.
However,he also gained something unexpected.At Ya'an,a city in Sichuan,he met a group of tourists who are also university students.A girl called Wu Ling told him that she planned to work as a teacher in a primary school in Tibet after her journey.He was impressed by the idea as she looked slender and weak.
It was not until he reached a family-run hotel in Shigatse that Cai's spirits began to rise.The hotel manager's two daughters enjoyed talking with him.The kids asked about his experiences on his trip,and showed him the beautiful local lakes."They told me that they always liked to talk to guests,as they wanted to improve their Mandarin,"he said,"Their parents and many locals can only speak Tibetan."
Cai was touched by the girls'story.Their situation is tough and the local people have little chance to learn Mandarin because the schools are short of teachers."I want to do something to improve the situation for kids like them,"said Cai.His parents finally gave their agreement and his teachers also supported him.
21.According to the passage,Cai Kaiyuan's graduation gift to himself isD.
A.to have money for a deposit on a house      
B.to travel by cycling from Sichuan to Tibet
C.to own a new car and marry a slender girl     
D.to work as a volunteer teacher in Tibetan school
22.What words can be used to describe Cai's journey to Tibet?B
A.unique and pleasant            
B.challenging but rewarding
C.relaxing but unexpected         
D.freezing cold and boring
23.The purpose of writing this passage is toA.
A.tell us about an unusual graduation gift      
B.introduce a dangerous journey to us
C.give advice on how to travel to Tibet        
D.encourage us to be a teacher in Tibet
24.Which of the followings is NOT the reason for Cai to make his decision?B
A.He met Wu Ling and was impressed by her plan.
B.His parents and teachers persuaded him to go to Tibet.
C.He was moved by the kid's desire to improve their Mandarin.
D.A lack of teachers makes the local people have little chance to learn.

