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Family traditions were important in our house, and none was more appreciated than the perfect Christmas tree.
"Dad, can we watch when you trim(修剪) the tree?" My eldest son, Dan, nine, and his seven-year-old brother John, asked.
"I won't be cutting this year," my husband Bob said. "Dan, you and John are old enough to measure things. Do it all by yourselves. Think you boys can handle it?"
Dan and John seemed to grow six inches in their chairs at the thought of such an amazing responsibility. "We can handle it," Dan promised. "We won't let you down."
A few days before Christmas, Dan and John rushed in after school. They gathered the tools they'd need and brought them out to the yard, where the tree waited. I was cooking when I heard the happy sounds as the boys carried the tree into the living room. Then I heard the sound that every mother knows is trouble: dead silence. I hurried out to them. The tree was cut too short. John crossed his arms tight across his chest. His eyes filled with angry tears.
I felt worried. The tree was central to our holiday. I didn't want the boys to feel ashamed every time they looked at it. I couldn't lower the ceiling, and I couldn't raise the floor either. There was no way to undo the damage done. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, which turned the problem into the solution.
"We can't make the tree taller," I said. "But we can put it on a higher position."
Dan nodded his head sideways. "We could put it on the coffee table. It just might work! Let's try it!"
When Bob got home and looked at the big tree on top of the coffee table, Dan and John held their breath.
"What a good idea!" he declared. "Why didn't I ever think of such a thing?"
John broke into a grin. Dan's chest swelled with pride.
小题1: The underlined part "grow six inches" (Para. 4) implies the brothers felt        .
小题2:What happened after the brothers moved the Christmas tree into the living room?
A.They rushed to school.
B.They began to decorate the tree.
C.They got angry with each other.
D.They found the tree was cut short.
小题3:How could the short tree be turned into a perfect one?
A.By making the tree taller.
B.By lowering the ceiling.
C.By placing it on a coffee table.
D.By raising the floor.
小题4:What Bob said in the last but one paragraph (the underlined part)showed        .
A.he was a little disappointed
B.he was too stupid to think of the idea
C.he appreciated what the brothers had done
D.he should not have given them the task


试题分析:文章介绍圣诞节前每个家庭都要修剪圣诞树的,今年Dan and John的任务就是这个,他们都很高兴很自豪,但是他们却把圣诞树剪的太短了,妈妈想了一个好主意解决了这个问题。
小题1:词义理解题:从后面的at the thought of such an amazing responsibility 一想到这么令人惊叹的责任他们感到很自豪,感觉自己长高了6英寸,选A
小题2:细节题:从第五段的句子;I hurried out to them. The tree was cut too short.可知圣诞树被剪得太短了,选D
小题3:细节题:从倒数第四段的句子:Dan nodded his head sideways. "We could put it on the coffee table. It just might work! Let's try it!"可知他们把剪短的圣诞树放在咖啡桌上,这样就是很完美的高度了,选C

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A few days ago, I bought some ink for my printer at my favorite $1 Supermarket, which sold everything from fresh produce to birthday cards at one dollar. Then l found a better        at a computer store. So I went back to the supermarket to        it for some other products. With        telling me exactly what to do, I put the ink into a plastic bag, tied it up, placed the bag into a push-cart and started      .
I was midway        when a clerk suddenly stopped me. "You are not allowed to        a bag around in this store. Open it and show me the      !" she yelled coldly.
    , I opened the bag and       the ink to her. "I'm returning it. " I said.
"You should have left the bag with the clerk upon       . Let me see your receipt!" she demanded I did as told, looking around, embarrassed        everyone was laughing at me. "Perhaps in the future you'll learn how to follow the store       . " she added.
By the time I finished shopping, I was angry. How dare she treat me as a       ? I went looking for her and asked for her      . She mumbled (嘀咕) something. I asked her again, and this time I heard "Ursula. "
"Ursula what?" I asked. She yelled at me,  "Ursula! " and stormed away.
"This employee is about to become unemployed, " I         when I got home. 1       their headquarters (总部). I described my unpleasant experience to a representative. She was sympathetic, "Our employees are taught to be      . Give me your phone number and I will ring you back. "
She did two days later. "I'm sorry," she said, "but there's no Ursula at that supermarket. Can you         her so that I can find out who she is? I assure you, we do not tolerate rude behavior, nor do we tolerate      to our customers. "
By this time, I had calmed down. l didn't really want the employee to lose her      . So I told the representative to forget about it.
A.even thoughB.as ifC.so thatD.in case
A.calmed down B.thought aloudC.found outD.got through


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When two Bangs meet
Sheldon Cooper is a scientific genius on the popular American TV show, The Big Bang Theory (《生活大爆炸》). He finally met his match last year: Stephen Hawking.
This is not the first time that the scientist has appeared on TV. He has also been on Star Trek (in 1987) and The Simpsons (in 1989). Each time, he played himself.
Hawking, 71, is perhaps the world’s most famous scientist after Albert Einstein. He has spent his whole life studying the beginning and the end of the universe, including the Big Bang (宇宙大爆炸) theory.
The Big Bang theory explains the early development of the universe. According to the theory, about 13.7 billion years ago everything was all squeezed (挤压)together in a tiny, tight little ball, and then the ball exploded. The results of that explosion are what we call the universe.
Hawking has always tried to make science more popular with people. His book: A Brief History of Time was published in 1988. In the book he shares his understanding of the universe in simple language. The book tries to explain many subjects about the universe to common readers, including the Big Bang, black holes and light cones (光锥).
Hawking’s achievements are even greater if you think about his disability. When he was 21, Hawking caught a bad illness that slowly stopped him from moving or talking. Now he sits on a wheelchair with a computer by his side. To communicate, he moves two fingers to control the computer’s mouse. He chooses his words from the screen, which are then spoken by a voice synthesizer (合成器).
Hawking also believes that there might be aliens in space. However, he believes they are probably very dangerous, so we should not look for them. “I imagine they might exist in very big ships ... having used up all the resources from their home planet,” Hawking said in a British documentary(纪录片) named Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking. 
小题1:What does the “two Bangs” in the title refer to?
A.The director of “The Big Bang Theory” and the founder of it.
B.The director and the actor of “The Big Bang Theory”.
C.The founder of the “Big Bang” theory and its spreader.
D.The scientific genius on TV show and the one alive in real life.
小题2:Acting in The Big Bang Theory is Hawking’s _____ time on TV.
A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
小题3:According to Paragraph 5, Hawking wrote the book A Brief History of Time especially for _____.
A.scientists who study the universe
B.people who know a lot about the universe
C.people who know little about the universe
D.people who only know simple language
小题4:The Big Bang theory mainly explains _____.
A.how the universe startedB.what the universe is like
C.how old the universe isD.how the universe exploded
小题5:According to the passage, which of the following about Hawking is TRUE?
A.He was born with a disability.
B.He uses a computer to communicate.
C.He believes aliens are our friends.
D.He encourages people to look for aliens.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My mother has been a true inspiration to me and changed the way I look at life. Since my birth she has made it evident that I would become ______ and that I would be one of the great ones. She has taught me that I can do anything if I put my ______to it.
As a young boy, I struggled to achieve tasks that came ______ to others. I had problems with writing, reading and especially speaking. I didn’t talk the way ______kids did and did not respond to questions or stay alert (警觉的) to my surroundings. My reading was poor ______ with teachers helping me, and my speech was hard to ______. My writing was not at the ______it should have been. Even simple things like knowing my left from my right or being able to snap my fingers (弹手指) were ______.
My mother ______ all my challenges and as a professor with a PH.D., decided to ______ the situation early in my development. She didn’t want me to ______. After a while, we did indeed get over all the problems that had ______ me. She spent hours every day ______ me everything I needed to know, determined to help me learn. ______ her I would not be anywhere close to the level I am now.
In addition, she gave ______ for my life. She told me what to do and what not to do. Her expectations have always been high ______ she knows that I can do it. For that, I thank her. She would not allow her son to be incapable. She never ______ on me, and to this day she tells me education is a must. I will be a ______ person if I continue to follow her lead. She encourages me to study hard for my ______ and attend college.
She used her gifts as a ______ to help a child --- her child --- and now I have the opportunity to become something. 
A.set upB.gave upC.pushed upD.looked up


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Healing
Jim and his wife, Connie, were shocked by the loss of their four-month-old son—Joshua, whose life was taken by SIDS—sudden infant death syndrome.
Thirty hours ago, Jim drove to the baby-sitter’s home to      Joshua. It was a     trip, like the one he made five days every week. He arrived, and little Joshua could not be        from his nap. The next few hours were a time of life and death: the racing ambulance, swift-moving doctors and nurse. But 12 hours later, at Children’s Hospital,      the doctors had exhausted(用尽) all     , little Joshua was gone. Yes, they wanted       of Joshua’s usable organs to be donated. That was not a      decision for Jim and Connie, a loving and       couple.
The next morning dawned and many things had to be arranged. Telephone calls and funeral plans.       one point Jim realized he needed a     .When Jim settled into the chair      the barber’s, he began to        the past hours, trying to       some sense of it all.      had Joshua, their first-born, the child they had waited so long for, been taken so soon….He had     begun his life. The question kept coming, and the pain in Jim’s heart just       him.
While talking with the barber, Jim mentioned the organ donations, looking at his watch, “They are transplanting one of his heart valves(瓣膜)right now.”
The       stopped and stood motionless. Finally she spoke, but it was only a whisper. “You’re not going to believe this. But about an hour ago the customer sitting in this chair wanted me to hurry       she could get to Children’s Hospital. She       here so full of joy. Her prayers had been answered. Today her baby granddaughter is receiving a     needed transplant—a heart valve.”
Jim’s healing began.
A.pick outB.pick upC.set out D.set up
A.partB.few C.someD.wise
A.decide onB.reflect onC.keep onD.focus on
A.getB.takeC.hold D.make
A.barelyB.nearly C.seldomD.almost
A.sinceB.as C.soD.and
A.desperatelyB.deadly C.clearlyD.obviously


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Family traditions were important in our house, and none was more appreciated than the perfect Christmas tree.
“Dad, can we watch when you trim(修剪) the tree?” My eldest son, Dan, nine, and his seven-year-old brother John, asked.
“I won’t be cutting this year,” my husband Bob said. “Dan, you and John are old enough to measure things. Do it all by yourselves. Think you boys can handle it?”
Dan and John seemed to grow six inches in their chairs at the thought of such an amazing responsibility. “We can handle it,” Dan promised. “We won’t let you down.”
A few days before Christmas, Dan and John rushed in after school. They gathered the tools they’d need and brought them out to the yard, where the tree waited. I was cooking when I heard the happy sounds as the boys carried the tree into the living room. Then I heard the sound that every mother knows is trouble: dead silence. I hurried out to them. The tree was cut too short. John crossed his arms tight across his chest. His eyes filled with angry tears.
I felt worried. The tree was central to our holiday. I didn’t want the boys to feel ashamed every time they looked at it. I couldn’t lower the ceiling, and I couldn’t raise the floor either. There was no way to undo the damage done. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, which turned the problem into the solution.
“We can’t make the tree taller,” I said. “But we can put it on a higher position.”
Dan nodded his head sideways. “We could put it on the coffee table. It just might work! Let’s try it!”
When Bob got home and looked at the big tree on top of the coffee table, Dan and John held their breath.
“What a good idea!” he declared. “Why didn’t I ever think of such a thing?”
John broke into a grin. Dan’s chest swelled with pride.
小题1:The underlined part “grow six inches” (Para. 4) implies the brothers felt        .
小题2:What happened after the brothers moved the Christmas tree into the living room?
A.They rushed to school.
B.They began to decorate the tree.
C.They got angry with each other.
D.They found the tree was cut short.
小题3:How could the short tree be turned into a perfect one?
A.By making the tree taller.
B.By lowering the ceiling.
C.By placing it on a coffee table.
D.By raising the floor.
小题4:What Bob said in the last but one paragraph showed        .
A.he was a little disappointed
B.he was too stupid to think of the idea
C.he appreciated what the brothers had done
D.he should not have given them the task


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When I was in seventh grade, I volunteered at a local hospital during the summer. I spent most of the time there with Mr. Gillespie. He never had any      , and nobody seemed to care about his condition. I spent many days there       his hand and talking to him, helping with anything that needed to be done. He became a close friend of mine,       Mr. Gillespie was in a coma (昏迷).
I left for a week, and when I came back, Mr. Gillespie was      . I didn't have the courage to ask any of the nurses where he was, for       they might tell me he had died.
So with many questions      , I continued to volunteer there.
Several years later, I was at a gas station when I noticed a       face. When I realized who it was, my eyes filled with tears. He was alive? I got up the       to ask him if his name was Mr. Gillespie, and if he had been in a       about 5 years ago. With an uncertain look on his face, he       yes. I explained how I knew him. His eyes were       with tears, and he gave me the warmest hug.
He began to tell me when he       there comatose (昏迷的), he could hear me talking to him and could       me holding his hand the whole time. He thought it was an      , not a person, who was there with him. Mr. Gillespie firmly believed that it was my       and touch that had kept him alive.
Then he told me about his life and what happened       him to put him in the coma. We both cried for a while, said our goodbyes and       our separate ways.
Although I have not seen him since then, he fills my heart with joy every day. I know that I made a       between his life and his death. More      , he has made a very big difference in my life, too. I will never forget him and what he       for me: he made me an angel.
A.visitorsB.employeesC.doctors D.relatives
A.touchingB.breaking C.holding D.shaking
A.ifB.although C.when D.since
A.fearB.terror C.convenienceD.insurance
A.undoneB.unanswered C.uncoveredD.unaccepted
A.blankB.kindly C.familiarD.strange
A.supportB.principle C.memoryD.courage
A.comaB.position C.conversationD.situation
A.expectedB.replied C.thoughtD.considered
A.keptB.put C.filledD.came
A.climbedB.sat C.stoodD.lay
A.feelB.attack C.imagineD.send
A.animalB.angel C.intervieweeD.assistant
A.noiseB.shout C.voiceD.suggestion
A.toB.on C.overD.off
A.ranB.checked C.escapedD.went
A.livingB.difference C.mistakeD.turn
A.importantlyB.carefully C.frequentlyD.actually
A.decoratedB.headed C.didD.allowed


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I grew up in a small town and the main entertainment was Friday night high school football. It was just a sleepy little town where parents wanted to raise their children away from crime and              of a big city, and where teenagers like me        leaving to find something bigger and better.
All that changed one summer night. My friend Lisa, Martin and Tyler held a party for my eighteenth birthday at Lisa’s house.       they kept handing alcohol to me I was pretty        . I asked Tyler to take me home. With some       , we made it out to his car and drove home. News came next morning. My friend Martin was       in a car accident. That night after Tyler and I left, Martin, who was       more drunk than me, got into his car and        towards the highway to go home. Driving on the wrong side of the road, he never saw the truck coming. The driver didn’t see him       to avoid the car. They hit head on. Martin died immediately, and the driver was thrown       the truck windshield(挡风玻璃)and died a week later.
Whenever I       back on that day, I can’t help thinking that it was my       to drink so much that night.       things would be different. I know Martin       the choice to drink and drive that night, but a part of me will always feel       for what happened.
I may not change the world with my story, but I do hope that by       my story I can make you       that you not only have a responsibility for yourself but also for others. Don’t ever think that your choices are yours       . Every choice is like a stone dropped into         water—each ripple (涟漪) represents someone who your choice       . That’s quite an influence, isn’t it?
A.death B.fashion C.danger D.challenge
A.succeeded in B.dreamed of C.applied for D.agreed to
A.As B.WhileC.WhenD.Although
A.lostB.drunk C.frozen D.sleepy
A.fun B.difficulty C.hope D.method
A.died B.injured C.killed D.hurt
A.constantly B.frequently C.clearly D.equally
A.headed B.walked C.pushed D.fled
A.in trouble B.in time C.in danger D.in place
A.above B.below C.into D.through
A.turn B.hold C.look D.get
A.desire B.fault C.right D.chance
A.faced B.avoided C.regretted D.made
A.responsible B.disappointed C.sensitive D.embarrassed
A.remembering B.sharing C.declaring D.stopping
A.explain B.escape C.limit D.realize
A.alone B.finally C.merely D.perhaps
A.clean B.deep C.still D.fresh
A.affects B.inspires C.attracts D.benefits


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My grandson, Daniel, and I have always been very close. When Daniel’s father remarried after a divorce, Daniel, who was eleven, and his little sister, Kristie, came to live with us. My husband and I were more than happy to have kids in the house again.
Things were going along just fine until the diabetes (糖尿病) I’ve lived with most of my adult life started affecting my eyes, and then more seriously, my kidneys (肾). Then everything seemed to fall apart.
Three times a week, I had to go to the hospital to be hooked up to a dialysis machine (透析机). I was living, but I couldn’t really call it a life — it was an existence. I had no energy. I dragged myself through daily chores and slept as much as I could. My sense of humor seemed to disappear.
Daniel, seventeen by then, was really affected by the change in me. He tried as hard as he could to make me laugh, to bring back the grandma who loved to clown around (开玩笑) with him. Even in my sorry state, Daniel could still bring a smile to my face.
But things were not improving. After a year on dialysis, my condition was deteriorating (恶化) and the doctors felt that if I didn’t receive a kidney transplant within six months, I would surely die. No one told Daniel this, but he knew — he said all he had to do was look after me. To top it off, as my condition worsened, there was a chance that I would become too weak to have the transplant surgery at all, and then there would be nothing they could do for me. So we started the tense and desperate wait for a kidney.
I was adamant (坚决的) that I didn’t want a kidney from anyone I knew. I would wait until an appropriate kidney became available, or I would literally die waiting. But Daniel had other plans. The time that he took me to my dialysis appointments, he did a little secret research on his own. Then he announced his intention to me.
“Grandma, I’m giving you one of my kidneys. I’m young and I’m healthy …” He paused. He could see I wasn’t at all happy with his offer. He continued, almost in whisper, “And most of all, I couldn’t stand it if you weren’t around.” His face wore an expression of appeal mixed with determination. He can be as stubborn as a mule (驴) once he decides on something — but I’ve been told many times that I can out-stubborn any mule!
We argued. I couldn’t let him do it. We both knew that if he gave up his kidney, he would also give up his life’s dream; to play football. It was all he ever talked about. And he was good, too. Daniel was co-captain and star defensive tackle (防守阻截队员) of his high school team; he expected to apply for a football scholarship and was looking forward to playing college football. He just loved the sport.
“How can I let you throw away the thing that means the most to you?” I pleaded with him.
“Grandma,” he said softly, “compared to your life, football means nothing to me.”
After that, I couldn’t argue anymore. So we agreed to see if he was a good donor (捐赠者) match, and then we’d discuss it further. When the tests came back, they showed Daniel was a perfect match. That was it. I knew I wasn’t going to win that argument, so we scheduled the transplant.
Both surgeries went smoothly. As soon as I came out of the anesthesia (麻醉) , I could tell things were different. I felt great! The nurses in the intensive care unit had to keep telling me to lie back and be quiet — I wasn’t supposed to be that lively! I was afraid to go to sleep, for fear I would break the spell (魔法) and wake up the way I had been before. But the good feeling didn’t go away, and I spent the evening joking and laughing with anyone who would listen. It was so wonderful to feel alive again.
The next day they moved me out of ICU and onto the floor where Daniel was recuperating (复原) three doors away. His grandfather helped him walk down to see me as soon as I was moved into my room. When we saw each other, we did not know what to say. Holding hands, we just sat there and looked at each other for a long time, overwhelmed by the deep feeling of love that connected us.
Finally, he spoke, “Was it worthwhile, grandma?”
I laughed a little ruefully (懊悔). “It was for me! But was it for you?” I asked him.
He nodded and smiled at me. “I’ve got my grandma back.”
And I have my life back. It still amazes me. Every morning, when I wake up, I thank God —and Daniel — for this miracle. A miracle born of the purest love.
小题1:Grandma’s diabetes brought about all the following EXCEPT that _______.
A.her eyes and her kidneys were affected
B.grandma became quite a different person
C.Daniel had to be sent back to his father
D.everything was thrown into confusion
小题2:When grandma was at her lowest, what did Daniel do to bring her back to her usual life?
A.He tried his best to make her laugh.
B.He helped her with the daily chores.
C.He gave up his dream of going to college.
D.He searched desperately for a good donor match.
小题3:How did grandma feel when Daniel announced his intention to give her one of his kidneys?
A.She was moved by his selfless decision.
B.She wasn’t at all happy with his offer.
C.She felt relieved that an appropriate kidney was available.
D.She was enthusiastic about having a kidney of someone she loved.
小题4:What would giving up a kidney mean to Daniel, according to the passage?
A.He wouldn’t be young and healthy thereafter.
B.He didn’t have to search for a good match any more.
C.He could apply for a full scholarship to a college he desired.
D.He would also give up his life’s dream: to play football.
小题5:How was grandma when she came out of the anesthesia after the surgery?
A.She was feeling low.B.She was full of life.
C.She was exhausted. D.She was the way she had been before.
小题6:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Grandma got her life back thanks to Daniel’s selfless donation.
B.Grandma thought her returning to life was a miracle of pure love.
C.Daniel agreed with grandma that the transplant was worthwhile for her, not for him.
D.Much as he loved football, grandma’s life meant the most to Daniel.

