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1.France is Europe’s third largest country and faces the United Kingdom _________ the English Channel.

2.In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. ______,the challenges are still great.

3.On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, _________(cause) about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.

4.When the lava(岩浆)reached the sea, there was the _____________(possible)of a huge tidal wave which could flood half of the island.

5.As a result, he spent many years trying to find a state ____people could follow his teachings.

6.Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras ________(attach)to their head.

7.The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydro-electric dam in the world and _______(it) reservoir is more than 500 kilometers long.

8.Minibuses with seats for 12 passengers offer ________alternative to expensive taxis and crowded public transport in some areas.

9.Barcelona _________(situate) on the northeast coast, about five hundred kilometers east of the Spanish capital, Madrid.

10.By the late 1890s, he had moved to Galveston, where he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane _____(strike).


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省如皋市2016-2017学年高二英语选修六Unit 3 Understanding each other练习 题型:翻译

1.我和他取得联系没有什么困难。(get in touch with)

2.当你出席婚礼时你得适应当地的风俗。(adjust to)

3.警察一直在寻找杀人犯身份的线索。(hunt for)

4.这对夫妇设晚宴庆祝他们的银婚纪念日。(in celebration of)


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

How Helping Others Helps You

Volunteering has a positive effect on your community.1. Volunteering can help you learn more about yourself and even put you on a path to your future career. Learn more about the reasons to volunteer below.

Gain valuable life experiences and skills.

Whether you build houses for the homeless or mail flyers for a local politician, you can experience the real world through hands-on work. 2.

Meet interesting people.

3.No matter what groups of people you’re working with, you’ll find that they have information and ways of looking at the world that can broaden your horizons.

Get academic credit.

Some high schools offer academic credit for volunteer work through service learning. 4.To find out if your school offers service learning, talk to your school counselor.5.

It’s eye-opening(令人瞠目的) to realize that doing even small things can have a big impact on others. Rhea, a college sophomore(大二学生), still remembers a visit she made to a senior home with a choir when she was in middle school. “An elderly man in a wheelchair looked up at me and said in a gravelly(粗哑的) voice, “You’ve made my day. This means so much.”She recalls, “No one had ever thanked me in such a way for doing something so small, and a stranger no less!”

A. Make a difference.

B. It’s good for you too.

C. It can help you learn more about yourself.

D. Giving back to your community is valuable in itself.

E. And you can explore your major or career interests at the same time.

F. It’s a program that offers hands-on learning through service to the community.

G. Both the people you are helping and your fellow volunteers can give you new understanding.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省张家港市2016-2017学年高二下学期周考4英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Not until recently _______the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.

A. had they encouraged B. they had encouraged

C. they encouraged D. did they encourage


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省张家港市2016-2017学年高二下学期周考4英语试卷 题型:单项填空

It may be necessary to stop______in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.

A. at intervals B. at random

C. at ease D. at length


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省淄博市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

In many cases, you ability to understand the local language directly affects the quality of your travel experience. For some travelers, the challenge of learning a new tongue is one of the joys of travel, and as a result, they spend much of their time in conversations with local citizens. Others will find that just learning to read the most common signs and use every-day greetings is enough.?

No matter which view you agree with, it’s necessary to take some time to learn some of the simple phrases of the new language before you go. One way of finishing this task is by listening to the new language. A phrase book can help expand your vocabulary, but hearing the sounds of the different spoken words is an excellent activity that can be done right in the comfort of your home. You can see movies in the new language or listen to the tapes or CDs. You can also download some listening material from the Internet. Just spending 15 minutes a night will improve your language skills.

When you arrive in the new land, begin by greeting new friends in their own tongue. This may come easy or it could take some time to learn, but it’s interesting. If you can’t do this, then it means that you will need more practice and patience to learn these very important words. You can go out during the day and begin one-one-one conversations with shop owners, business-men hand taxi drivers. This should not be one until you have learned some of the most common phrases, but one you begin to go shopping in a second language your communication skills will start to improve rapidly. You can also watch the local TV or listen to the local radio. For example, the advertisements(广告)will help you recognize the correct pronunciation of local street names.

1.What does the underlined word “tongue” in Paragraph I refer to?

A. language B. sign

C. vocabulary D. greeting

2.When could a traveler start one-one-one conversations with local people?

A. When he has mastered enough grammar rules

B. The moment he steps in the place he is visiting

C. After he has many movies in the local tongue

D. Once he has learned some of the most common phrases

3.What’s the last paragraph mainly about?

A. How to prepare for traveling

B. How to enjoy oneself during traveling

C. How to learn a new language during traveling

D. How important it is to learn a new language well


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:七选五


Medicine is the science of keeping people healthy, and healing the sick. Humans have practiced forms of medicine for thousands of years. Today specially trained people called doctors practice medicine.

There are many parts to a doctor’ s job. Doctors’ first need to identify what is making a person sick. Then they decide on a treatment. They also predict when the patient will feel better.1. When treating patients, doctors work with many other people, including nurses and physician assistants.

Becoming a doctor involves years of education and training. Medical students first graduate from college.2.Students usually earn a Doctor of Medicine degree in medical school. After medical school most graduates enter a residency ( 住院医师实习期), which is a training program usually in a hospital.3.During this time, new doctors can specialize in a particular type Of medicine in such areas as internal medicine (内科学) or surgery (外科). Finally, new doctors must pass a test to get a license to practice medicine.

In the 1900s scientists developed vaccines (疫苗) to prevent many diseases and drugs to treat many others. Doctors transplanted organs from one person into another. They used many machines to help them to identify and treat diseases.4.

Today doctors have many ways to help patients heal.5. For example, scientists are still searching for cures for cancer, AIDS, and many other diseases.

A. They can be used to prevent diseases.

B. In addition, doctors try to prevent illnesses.

C. Doctors thought diseases were caused by the gods.

D. Then they spend three to four years in medical school.

E. But there are still many unanswered questions in medicine.

F. They also learned how good nutrition helped people to stay healthy.

G. During a residency, experienced doctors train the new doctors for three to seven years.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:短文填空

Christmas Eve means a warm get-together with friends, a candlelight dinner, or perhaps a celebration at a pub for students. But for Cai Yingjie, 1.unusual night has a different meaning: helping beggars and the homeless.

Cai, who is a student in journalism at Tsinghua, could be2.find) at Beijing’s Wudaokou Light Railway Station that special evening. 3.she saw an old beggar, she took the cold, rough hands of the woman with her warm, clean hands, 4.(give) the woman some warm bread and helped her put on a pair of new gloves. The woman was surprised for a few seconds, then burst into tears, saying “For the first time I feel 5.(respect)”.

Cai said, “A beggar’s life is much6.(hard) today. That’s why I want to help them.” They brought bread and gloves with them, and stopped to greet beggars and offer 7.some of the warm food. Each beggar greeted them 8.a look of surprise.

“I know the9.(active) can’t help much, but it’s meant10.(show) our respect and care for beggars and the homeless who have been neglected for so long,” said Sun, head of the group.


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省榆林市2017届高三高考模拟第二次测试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

In old times, a young athletic boy is hungry for success. For him __ was everything and success was measured by such a __.

One day, the boy was preparing himself for a running __ in his small native village. A large crowd had gathered to __ the sporting wonder and a wise old man, upon __ of the little boy, had travelled far to attend it.

The race started, looking like a level heat at the __ line, but sure enough the boy worked hard and called on his determination, __ and power. He took the winning line and was first. The crowd was crazy and cheered and __ at the boy. The wise man remained still and calm, expressing nothing. The little boy, __, felt proud and important.

A second race was called, and two new young, fit __ came forward, to run with the little boy. The race was started and sure enough the little boy __ success and finished first once again. The crowd was crazy again and cheered and waved at the boy. The wise man __ the same and said nothing.

“Another race, another race!” said the little boy. The wise old man __ forward and presented the little boy with two __ challengers, an elderly lady and a blind man. “What is this?” __ the little boy. “This is no race!” he __. “Race!” said the wise man, The race started and the boy was the only finisher, because the other two challengers just __ at the starting line. The little boy was happy, and raised his arms in __. The crowd, however, was silent showing no delight toward the little boy.

“What has __? Why didn’t the people join in my __?” he asked the wise old man. “Race again,” replied the wise man. “But this time, finish together, all three of you, finish together.”

1.A. failing B. winning C. discussing D. advising

2.A. process B. result C. prize D. effort

3.A. difficulty B. position C. chance D. competition

4.A. pray B. chat C. witness D. apply

5.A. informing B. talking C. accusing D. hearing

6.A. finishing B. dead C. waiting D. defending

7.A. kindness B. strength C. reward D. examination

8.A. knocked B. ran C. waved D. travelled

9.A. therefore B. besides C. however D. unless

10.A. customers B. challengers C. operators D. settlers

11.A. achieved B. managed C. consulted D. demanded

12.A. responded B. required C. obtained D. discovered

13.A. put B. brought C. turned D. stepped

14.A. new B. poor C. sick D. familiar

15.A. ordered B. suggested C. explained D. asked

16.A. remembered B. shouted C. comforted D. supported

17.A. ran B. stood C. jumped D. cried

18.A. delight B. sorrow C. concern D. decision

19.A. continued B. began C. happened D. changed

20.A. pride B. vocation C. performance D. success

