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How Helping Others Helps You

Volunteering has a positive effect on your community.1. Volunteering can help you learn more about yourself and even put you on a path to your future career. Learn more about the reasons to volunteer below.

Gain valuable life experiences and skills.

Whether you build houses for the homeless or mail flyers for a local politician, you can experience the real world through hands-on work. 2.

Meet interesting people.

3.No matter what groups of people you’re working with, you’ll find that they have information and ways of looking at the world that can broaden your horizons.

Get academic credit.

Some high schools offer academic credit for volunteer work through service learning. 4.To find out if your school offers service learning, talk to your school counselor.5.

It’s eye-opening(令人瞠目的) to realize that doing even small things can have a big impact on others. Rhea, a college sophomore(大二学生), still remembers a visit she made to a senior home with a choir when she was in middle school. “An elderly man in a wheelchair looked up at me and said in a gravelly(粗哑的) voice, “You’ve made my day. This means so much.”She recalls, “No one had ever thanked me in such a way for doing something so small, and a stranger no less!”

A. Make a difference.

B. It’s good for you too.

C. It can help you learn more about yourself.

D. Giving back to your community is valuable in itself.

E. And you can explore your major or career interests at the same time.

F. It’s a program that offers hands-on learning through service to the community.

G. Both the people you are helping and your fellow volunteers can give you new understanding.


科目:高中英语 来源:宁夏2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:短文改错







Yesterday a schoolboy is daydreaming in class.Not knowing that he was doing,he put a pen cap into his mouth. A few minutes late,he was terrified to find that he had swallowed it!The teacher was shocking when the boy stood up and said,"I've just swallowed a pen cap."He was quickly sent the nearest hospitals.There a doctor examined him but said the best treatment was to take some medicine so that the pen cap could pass natural.Three hours later, the boy successfully made it."She is really lucky,"said the doctor,"It's very not rare that small children put things into their mouths for a fun.It's very dangerous."


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省如皋市2016-2017学年高二英语选修六Unit 3 Understanding each other练习 题型:完成句子

do without,take off,be familiar with,after all,have nothing in common

permit sb. to do,adjust to,grow accustomed to

1.Having __________ authority, many Americans now find China’s boom worrying.

2.Some of the students are still __________ being back at school after a long time of summer holiday.

3.She had a clear list of what her daughters, Sophia and Louisa, were not __________.

4.It is strange that they should be such good friends, especially as they __________.

5.I’m new and I __________ not __________ the rules in this school.

6.When I came back, he asked me to __________ my wet shoes and sit by the fire.

7.—I like bread with butter.

—But there is none left at home. I’m afraid that you have to __________ it.

8.__________, no one knows me better than myself.


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

There is something about music that_______ it_______ all other art forms.

A. distinguish; between B. distinguishes; between

C. distinguish; from D. distinguishes; from


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

When you finish reading this book, you will have_______ better understanding of_______ life.

A. a; the B. the ; a

C. /; the D. a ; /


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省张家港市2016-2017学年高二下学期周考4英语试卷 题型:书面表达

John was traveling by ship to Europe when a terrible storm came. A great leak was filling the ship with water. No matter how hard the sailors and passengers worked at the pumps, the water was still rising. The ship was sinking fast. There seemed to be no hope. But the captain told them not to give up hope. He said that there was hope so long as the ship remained above water. He promised that if they didn’t give up hope, he would land them safely. The captain’s powerful will moved them all. In the end he did land them safely.

After they landed, John found the captain to show his appreciation. But to his surprise, the captain said to him that he was the boy of 30 years ago who bought a geography book in his bookstore. John suddenly thought of the boy. At that time the boy didn’t have enough money, but he had gone from shop to shop and believed he could get what he wanted. Finally, he made it. Now, it was the same willpower of him that saved the lives of all the passengers.





















科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省张家港市2016-2017学年高二下学期周考4英语试卷 题型:完形填空

In 1970, a cyclone(旋风)hit the southern coast of Bangladesh(孟加拉国). So severe and deadly were its effects that it’s______listed as the world’s worst-ever reported natural disaster. The______had a big impact on two Swedish men from Mission Aviation Fellowship(MAF). They traveled ______to Bangladesh for the purpose of seeing what they could do to______. They journeyed south by boat for several days, throughout the country’s vast _____ network to reach the worst-affected area and began to envision(预想)MAF using an aircraft that would _____direct access to large areas of the country that were almost out of_______.

Throughout the 1980s, MAF Australia, along with other MAF groups, sent staff to_______assistance and their patience and dedication _____since they built trust in the countries that had been ____.

In 1997, MAF could______start a flight program within Bangladesh. At that time, besides transporting doctors to hospitals located in _____parts of the country, MAF also _____an on-call emergency medevac(前线急救直升机)service in Bangladesh.

On November 15, 2007, Cyclone Sidr hit southern Bangladesh. MAF’s________response and emergency procedures were seriously_______as the office received over 200 phone calls in one day from aid agency personnel in urgent need of _____to and from the disaster zone. For the next two months, MAF______solidly, seven days a week. The float plane became known by______locals as “The Sea Angel(天使)”---the only aircraft in the country of its type having such a(n) ______.

In 2009, “The Sea Angel” was sent again for rapid assistance_______Cyclone Alla struck. Today, in Bangladesh, MAF makes over 750 flights and transports around 2,500 passengers annually.

1.A. just B. still C. soon D. often

2.A. history B. failure C. burden D. event

3.A. separately B. occasionally C. immediately D. fortunately

4.A. help B. limit C. research D. avoid

5.A. air B. bus C. river D. rail

6.A. reduce B. prevent C. change D. enable

7.A. focus B. danger C. order D. reach

8.A. seek B. provide C. promise D. receive

9.A. ran out B. came back C. paid off D. kept on

10.A. noticed B. untied C. assisted D. traveled

11.A. properly B. secretly C. suddenly D. finally

12.A. secure B. crowded C. remote D. coastal

13.A. request B. began C. restore D. continue

14.A. rapid B. natural C. appropriate D. unexpected

15.A. followed B. tested C. forecasted D. established

16.A. transport B. message C. funding D. encouragement

17.A. accelerated B. flew C. appealed D. searched

18.A. reasonable B. grateful C. outgoing D. respectable

19.A. destination B. application C. decoration D. reputation

20.A. once B. if C. when D. until


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省淄博市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完成句子

1.France is Europe’s third largest country and faces the United Kingdom _________ the English Channel.

2.In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. ______,the challenges are still great.

3.On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, _________(cause) about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.

4.When the lava(岩浆)reached the sea, there was the _____________(possible)of a huge tidal wave which could flood half of the island.

5.As a result, he spent many years trying to find a state ____people could follow his teachings.

6.Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras ________(attach)to their head.

7.The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydro-electric dam in the world and _______(it) reservoir is more than 500 kilometers long.

8.Minibuses with seats for 12 passengers offer ________alternative to expensive taxis and crowded public transport in some areas.

9.Barcelona _________(situate) on the northeast coast, about five hundred kilometers east of the Spanish capital, Madrid.

10.By the late 1890s, he had moved to Galveston, where he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane _____(strike).


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省五市十校教研教改共同体2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

It has been around for centuries, but up until very recently, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) wasn’t fully accepted abroad. Proof of this can be found in The Treatment (《刮痧》), a 2001 film that tells the story of a Chinese man in the US who’s accused of abuse after he uses guasha, a form of TCM treatment, to cure his grandson’s disease.

During the last 10 years or so, however, TCM has been getting increasingly popular all over the world. A report released by the State Council Information Office on Dec. 6 says this style of health care, which includes different forms like herbal medicine and exercise, has spread to 183 countries and regions.

“We have set up 10 TCM centers outside China, and all of them are popular among locals,” Wang Guoqiang, head of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said at a news conference on Dec 6. “Governments of 86 countries and regions have signed agreements with the Chinese government on TCM corporation.”

One of the reasons behind the growing popularity of TCM is the increase of scientific research into it. And after Tu Youyou-the Chinese scientist who discovered the anti-malaria (抗疟疾) drug qinghaosu (青蒿素)-won the Nobel Prize last year, TCM became even more famous internationally.

However, all these achievements in TCM don’t mean that it’s problem-free. Over the years, TCM has faced challenges in being able to prove that it has certain effects.

Some researchers have suggested TCM should be more exact and work together with Western medicine.

“Bringing together with Western medicine and TCM, rather than being in competition, is where the potential for great effects is,” said Bernhard Schwartlander, the China representative of the World Health Organization.

1.The film The Treatment is mentioned in the first paragraph is to .

A. introduce the film to readers

B. show TCM is increasingly popular

C. arouse readers’ interest in Western medicine

D. prove that TCM is not fully accepted in western countries

2.We can learn from the passage that .

A. TCM is not exact in curing diseases

B. 10 TCM centers abroad are all set up by locals

C. 86 countries have cooperated with China on TCM

D. Tu Youyou’s success contributes to the popularity of TCM

3.According to Bernhard Schwartlander, TCM should .

A. combine western medicine

B. face no challenge at all

C. give an exact description of its effects

D. complete with western medicine

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. A report on TCM B. Opinions about TCM

C. TCM & Western Medicine D. Traditional healing spreads

