精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
In the animal kingdom, weakness can bring about aggression in other animal. This sometimes happens with humans also. But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people. I see it every day when people hold doors for me, pour cream into my coffee, or help me to put on my coat. And I have discovered that it makes them happy.
From my wheelchair experience, I see the best in people, bur sometimes I feel sad because those who appear independent miss the kindness I see daily. They don’t get to see this soft side of others often, we try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness, which includes a lot of pretending. But only when we stop pretending we’re brave or strong do we allow people to show the kindness that’s in them.
Last month, when I was driving home on a busy highway, I began to feel unwell and drove more slowly than usual. People behind me began to get impatient and angry, with some speeding up alongside me, horning (按喇叭) or even shouting at me. At the moment I decided to do something I had never done in twenty fore years of driving. I put on the car flashlights and drove on at a really low speed.
No more angry shouts and no more horns! When I put on my flashlights, I was saying to other drivers, “I have a problem here. I am weak and doing the best I can.” And everyone understood. Several times, I saw drivers who wanted to pass. They couldn’t get around me because of the stream of passing traffic. But instead of getting impatient and angry, they waited, knowing the driver in front of them was in some way weak.
Sometimes situations call for us to act strong and brave even when we don’t feel that way. But those are and far between. More often, it would be better if we don’t pretend we feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when we are scared.
小题1:How do people feel when they offer their help?(No more than 2 words)
小题2:What reaction did other drivers have when the author drove very slowly at first? (No more than 5 words)
小题3:Why did other drivers behave differently when the author put on the car flashlights? (No more than 8 words)
小题4: What does the author advise us to do at last? (No more than 8 words)

小题1:Happy/Pleased. (2分)
小题2:They sped, horned or shouted. /They got impatient and angry.(2分)
小题3:Because they knew the author was in weak. /Because they saw the author’s weakness. /Because the author’s weakness brought out their kindness.(3分)
小题4:Stop pretending we’re brave or strong. /Don’t pretend feeling brave or strong. / Don’t pretend that we feel strong or brave.(3分)

小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:And I have discovered that it makes them happy.可知人们在提供帮助的时候会高兴。填 Happy/Pleased.
小题2:细节题:从第三段的句子:People behind me began to get impatient and angry, with some speeding up alongside me, horning (按喇叭) or even shouting at me. 可知当作者开车很慢的时候,后面的司机加速,按喇叭,叫喊。不耐烦,生气。They sped, horned or shouted. /They got impatient and angry.
小题3:细节题:从倒数第二段的句子:But instead of getting impatient and angry, they waited, knowing the driver in front of them was in some way weak.可知作者打开闪光灯的时候,很多司机表现不同,因为他们知道作者身体不好。Because they knew the author was in weak. /Because they saw the author’s weakness. /Because the author’s weakness brought out their kindness.(3分)
小题4:主旨题:从最后一段的句子:More often, it would be better if we don’t pretend we feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when we are scared.可知作者想表达的是:有时我们要适当的示弱,不要假装很强。Stop pretending we’re brave or strong. /Don’t pretend feeling brave or strong. / Don’t pretend that we feel strong or brave.(3分)

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[1]With the right encouragement and tools,children can develop leadership qualities that are important to help them succeed in all areas of life. Leadership activities and games help build these skills by enabling children to become more self-aware and improve their self-respect.
[2] Good leaders call convey their thoughts and feelings effectively. Poetry, short stories or drawing are ideal activities to .Introduce children to the concept of leadership .Ask children to think about what makes a great leader and then express their ideas. Games like blind obstacle courses can build communication skills as well.
[3]Planning and organizing is a fundamental leadership quality.Children can learn this skill by helping to plan a concert or play .Instead of assigning just one leader, ___________small ones and assign leaders to each group .One group can be in charge of assigning roles and the second could be in charge of making invitations. How you distribute leadership roles will vary depending on the age of the children and what you have chosen to perform.
[4]Compromise is a skill of many effective leaders .Goals are achieved faster when arguments don′ t slow the process. Activities that teach children the art of compromise help them to negotiate with friends and family naturally.Group science projects, for example,can help enable children to learn how to compromise and negotiate. The success or failure of the project will depend on the children’s ability to negotiate and work together.
[5]The ability to work well with others is another important leadership skill. Team sports like baseball can teach children how to work as a group and that their contribution is important to the overall success of the team. This builds their confidence and encourages them to think beyond themselves and their individual needs.
小题1:What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4? (no more than 10 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3with proper words(no more than 6 words)
小题3:Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese
小题4:How do you distribute leadership roles when planning a play?(no more than 14 words)
小题5:Through what activities can you introduce children to the concept of leadership?(no more than 6 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When friends and family heard what I was planning, they wondered if I had gone crazy. But here I was in New Mexico, working at a youth farm as a volunteer. I wanted to give back to society. The farm is one of the nonprofit (非盈利的) camps in New Mexico. Founded in 1998, it provides a free camp for the kids whose families are poor. My main responsibility was to look after them.
More than anything, I was excited. I had the opportunity to influence these kids’ lives. I could help them have fun. At the beginning, I couldn’t help feeling nervous. By the end of the first week, I had felt completely at ease. Each child listened to me and enjoyed the games we played. This farm was their heaven, and each child truly felt beatific.
Harrison was probably the most troubled child I saw all summer. He couldn’t deal with anger. As soon as I met him, it was clear that he’d never been shown kindness or patience. His temper would unexpectedly fly out of control. He refused to play games with us and hit other kids at the very start. He was always worried that I would shout at him or hit him. I told him that I would never do that. And I simply educated him to be a kind and patient boy. After Harrison’s going home, his mother wrote to tell me how differently her son reacted to others and how much gentler he had become.
The kid was not the only one that changed. I changed, too. I grew to appreciate my caring family. I became more patient, too. My eyes were also opened to the different situations people live in. Giving myself to show them love was the most meaningful part of my service. As the saying goes, love is, above all, the gift of oneself.
小题1:For what purpose did the author work at the youth farm? (no more than 6 words)
小题2:What kind of kids could come to the camp? (no more than 6 words)
小题3:What does the underlined word “beatific” mean? (1 word)
小题4:How did the author change Harrison’s character? (no more than 12 words)
小题5:Do you want to be a volunteer like the author? Why? (no more than 20 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The tasty cream-filled golden sponge(海绵) cakes have been an American favorite for decades. These are just a few of the sugary treats made by the beloved Hostess brand. But after more than 80 years, Americans have to say goodbye to these iconic (标志性的) desserts. Early last week, Hostess announced it is going out of business.
"Many people have worked unbelievably long and hard to keep this from happening," said Hostess CEO Gregory F. Rayburn. "Hostess Brand has no other alternative than to begin the process of getting down and preparing for the sale of our iconic brands." Along with Twinkles (奶油蛋糕) and Wonder Bread, cupcakes and other sugary treats may disappear from the shelves.
In the past decade, Hostess has experienced difficulties with its management and high labor costs. The company had money troubles in the past, but this time there was no way to recover. Along with the loss of sugary treats comes the loss of nearly 20,000 jobs. Hostess fans hope that another company will buy out the Hostess.
The downfall of Hostess is due not just to the company's financial problems, but also to a changing America. Our country's tastes and lifestyles are not the same as they were eighty years ago. Americans have become more health-conscious, and they are demanding more healthful food products. As a manufacturer of high-calorie products, Hostess does not fit into this new way of life.
To make matters worse for Hostess, Americans do not eat as much bread as they once did. "More and more people are choosing one-dish meals," said Harry Balzar. "The tradition of bread as a side dish is going out." Americans are finding alternatives to their morning toast too. Instead they’re choosing quick snacks like yogurt and energy bars.
Will Twinkles become an image of a bygone(过去的) America? Hostess fans hope that it will secure its spot on supermarket shelves for years to come. We can only wait. And maybe eat fruit for dessert instead.
小题1: What caused Hostess to be in trouble in the last 10 years? (no more than 7 words)
小题2: Can you list three disappearing sugary desserts by Hostess? (no more than 5 words)
小题3:What makes Hostess's situation more severe? (no more than 9 words)
小题4: What's the hope of Hostess fans about this spongy snack's future? (no more than 20 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In 2009, the number of hungry people in the world reached one billion for the first time. It is difficult not to be shocked by the fact that more than one in seven people on the planet do not have enough to eat. By the end of this year, more than 35 million people will have died as a result of          . Hunger kills more people per year than AIDS and malaria (疟疾) combined.
The UN calculates that almost two-thirds of the world’s hungry people are in Asia. More than a quarter are in sub-Saharan Africa. Almost all of the rest are in Latin America, North Africa and the Caribbean. In the richest regions of the world there are only a small number of people who don’t have enough to eat. There are many reasons for world hunger. They include wars, droughts, floods and the overuse of farming land. All of them affect food production. But the most important reason is, quite simple, poverty — which has increased recently due to the economic effects of the financial crisis of 2008.
Although many people point out that there would be less hunger if the global population were smaller, few people would argue that there is not enough food to go around. The basic problem seems to be not a lack of food, but its distribution.In the last 50 years, global food production has risen even more quickly than the global population and there are of course many areas of the world where people generally have more than enough food. Overweight is a far bigger problem than hunger there.
小题1: What’s the main topic of the passage? (no more than 3 words )
小题2:Where do most of the hungry people live? (no more than 3 words)
小题3:Fill in the blank in Para.1 with proper words. (no more than 5 words )
小题4:What does the underlined word “they”(line 4, paragraph 2 ) probably refer to? (no more than 6 words)
小题5:What is the suggested way to reduce hunger in Paragraph 3? (no more than 8 words )


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A vast dust storm that blew in from the deserts of Australia’s red centre has blanketed the country’s largest city and eastern coast in a red fog,causing widespread traffic chaos and severe flight delays.
Residents from Sydney in New South Wales to Canberra inland and towns in southern Queensland awoke to a red sky and greatly reduced visibility after the country’s worst dust storm in 70 years blew in overnight. The Sydney Harbor Bridge and Opera House were covered in the red fog and hundreds of people were reported to have breathing problems. Children,the elderly and those suffering from asthma (哮喘) or heart or lung diseases were advised to stay indoors ,as even healthy adults reported "itchy throats" and a metallic aftertaste in their mouths after walking through the thick fog.
Commuters used face masks,originally intended to protect them from the spread of swine flu, to hurry across the blocked streets on their way to work. Some schools were closed and sports activities were called off as the conditions pushed air pollution levels to 1500 times their normal levels – the highest on record.
Passengers at the busy Sydney Airport faced delays of up to six hours for international flights and three hours for domestic trips,and even some international flights were cancelled as visibility was reduced to just a few feet.
Locals,phoning radio stations to express their shock at the red dawn.” It’s like a nuclear winter morning," tourist Peter Wilson told Daily Telegraph, "It is so terrible." adding that when he awoke the sky was "bright red" and "all the cars were covered in dirt".
The dust hanging over Sydney had largely cleared by midafternoon, although national carrier Qantas said severe delays would last all day because of direction-changed and late-running flights.
The sand storm,which measured more than 310 miles wide and 620 miles long, was caused by dust clouds blowing east from Australia’s dry places,which has been attacked by the worst drought on record. It covered dozens of towns and cities in two states as strong winds swept away tons of topsoil threw it high into the sky and carried it hundreds of miles.
小题1:What was the face mask originally intended for? (No more than 10 words) (2 marks)[
小题2:When did most residents of Sydney discover the vast storm ? (No more than 3 words) (3 marks)
小题3:What do you think the underlined wordQantas is? (No more than 3 words)(2 marks)
小题4:What is the main idea of the last paragraph ? (No more than 10 words) (3 marks)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[1] Dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave like wild animals. They will spoil your house, destroy your belongings, bark excessively, fight other dogs and even bite you. Nearly all behavior problems are perfectly normal dog activities that occur at the wrong time or place or are directed at the wrong thing. The key to preventing or treating behavior problems is learning to teach the dog to redirect its normal behavior to outlets(发泄) that are acceptable in the home environment.
[2] One of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself is to obedience train (驯服) it. Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem. Training opens up a line of communication between you and your dog. Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do.
[3] Training is also an easy way to establish the social rank order. When your dog obeys a simple request of “come here, sit,” it is showing obedience and respect for you. It is not necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the dog pack (群) by using extreme steps. You can
teach your dog its subordinate (从属的) role by teaching it to show obedience to you. Most dogs love performing tricks for you to pleasantly accept that you are in charge.
[4] Training should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable. A well-trained dog is more confident and can more safely be allowed a greater amount of freedom than ______
小题1:What’s the main idea of the passage (no more than 8 words)
小题2:Complete the following statement with words from Paragraph 2 . (no more than 3 words)
_____________________ is essential to the dogs though it can't solve all behavior problems.
小题3:Fill in the blanks in paragraph 4 with proper words (no more than 4 words)
小题4:Point out at least 4 benefits of training dogs in Para.4 . (no more than 4 words)
小题5:What does the word “it ”(Line 1 , Paragraph 4) refer to ? (no more than 2 words) ?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Directions: Read the following passage.Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit.
Many people pursue goals that they hope will make them happy, but happiness is not always the final result. So how does one determine and establish which goals will end in personal happiness and which will not ? what are the things in life that are correlated with personal happiness?
The most important thing is people’s attitude toward life, which can greatly impact their personal levels of happiness and satisfaction with life overall.
Psychologists have known for some time that optimism is a good defense against unhappiness. It’s probably no secret that optimistic people are considered to be much more happier people than pessimists. There are specific characteristic features optimists have (pleasant ways of thinking), that bring them more success, greater health, increased life satisfaction, and other good things. If you became an optimist, it can mean that you became a very happy person, despite your circumstances, and it can actually bring more things into your life to be happy about. “If you are optimistic and you think life is going to get better, it will become a self-fulfilling prediction”, says one of the scientists. “Happy people manage to look on the bright side, even if they encounter big problems on their way.”
Positive psychologists believe that people can learn how to become happy, that everyone can teach themselves to see a half-empty glass as half-full. All they have to do is to spend time thinking about all the things that have gone right for them, rather than complaining what has gone badly. Study on depression shows that one of the biggest causes of depression is thinking and worrying about something that went wrong in the past.
小题1:According to the passage, what can affect people’s personal levels of happiness? (No more than 5 words ) (2 marks)
小题2:Why are some people depressed according to the study? (No more than 13 words )  (2 marks)
小题3:How do people learn to be happy according to the psychologist ? (No more than 15 words )  (3 marks)
小题4:What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 10 words )   (3 marks)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. 
Oscar-winning director Ang Lee’s new epic “Life of Pi” reveals the relationship between a teenage Indian boy and a Bengal tiger. But in reality, the predators(食肉动物) are under increasing threat from humans. Animal rights group PETA is hoping to use the popularity of the film to focus people’s attention on the real life of Bengal tigers.
With the rising demand for tiger parts from East Asia, illegal hunting remains a tremendous danger for the remaining cat population.  Back in 1947, there were 40,000 tigers in India, but the number is experiencing a sharp decline to 1,706 despite campaigns to protect the animal.
Rising man-animal conflict is also one of the leading causes of decline in tiger numbers. In one of numerous reported attacks on the endangered big cats, villagers near the Bangladesh-India border, armed with sticks and boat oars, set upon the animal suspected to have attacked a local fisherman and beat it to death earlier this month. So far this year, 58 tiger deaths have been reported in the country.
“The first instinct when a tiger is spotted is to just kill it,” grieved Gurmeet Sapal, a wildlife filmmaker. “The feeling of fear and revenge is so strong that it shuts out any other emotion. What we don’t realize is that the tiger never attacks humans until it is forced to.”
India has been struggling to stop the tiger's decline in the face of the loss of habitat as well that encourages the animals to leave the forest for food. “The tiger’s rapidly exhausted prey base causes the predator to go all out to get its food. Consequently, livestock and human beings become easy prey, which leads inevitably to conflict,” says a wildlife conservationist.
Filmmaker Sapal says it is only normal for people to think of the tiger as a dangerous animal, but its image as a human killer bears some injustice. “Tigers never kill for sport nor store meat. They kill their prey only in case of hunger. ” 
(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in no more than ten words)
小题1:PETA hopes “Life of Pi” can __________________________________.
小题2:Why did the villagers beat the tiger to death?
小题3:As a result of the loss of habitat, __________________________________ are more likely to be the big cat’s victims. 
小题4:When will tigers attack and kill people according to the article?

