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He is no cleverer than me. Which sentence has the same meaning?

A. He is not cleverer than me.    B. He is cleverer than me.

 C. He is as clever as me.        D. He is as stupid as me.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A press report stating that Microsoft has restarted talks to buy Yahoo's search business for 20 billion U. S. dollars. "It has no basis in fact," the San Francisco Chronicle said on Monday.

The Times of London reported on Sunday that the deal under discussion would put former AOL CEO Jonathan Miller and Ross Levinsohn, a former president of Fox Interactive Media, in charge of Yahoo. The report also said executives (管理人员) at both companies had agreed to the broad terms of a deal.

In fact, there are no current talks between the two companies. The Chronicle quoted an executive at one of the firms who requested his name to be kept secret as saying. Furthermore, the 20-billion-dollar price mentioned in the Times of London article for Yahoo's search business appears questionable given that the market capitalization (资本总额) for all of Yahoo is 16 billion dollars, said The Chronicle.

Yahoo and Microsoft had had on-again, off-again talks over several months earlier this year about a 47. 5-billion-dollar takeover, and later a proposal focused only on Yahoo's search business. Discussions regarding both plans collapsed without an agreement.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has said repeatedly that he is no longer interested in buying all of Yahoo, but that he is open to some sort of partnership involving their respective search businesses.

Brad Williams, a Yahoo spokesman, said Sunday "We don't comment on rumors." Frank Shaw, a Microsoft spokesman, declined to comment.

Yahoo's shares have plummeted since Microsoft withdrew its 33-dollar-a-share acquisition offer earlier this year, leaving people to think that discussions would eventually be restarted. Yahoo's shares closed Friday at 11. 51 dollars, nearly one-third of the original offer.

1. From this passage, we can know that ______.

  A. Microsoft has given up buying all of Yahoo but its search business 

  B. Microsoft has already taken over the whole company of Yahoo

  C. the market capitalization for all of Yahoo is over $ 20 billion

  D. the market capitalization for all of Microsoft is only $ 6 billion

2. What is the author trying to convince readers of in the third paragraph?

  A. Yahoo and Microsoft are talking about takeover.

B. Microsoft is buying Yahoo’s search businesses for $ 20 billion.

C. Yahoo would like to sell its search businesses to another company.

D. There are no current talks between Yahoo and Microsoft.

3. What does the underlined word “plummet” in the passage most probably mean?

  A. develop rapidly      B. increase quickly      C. fall quickly     D. keep balanced

4. You can find this passage most probably in ______ .

  A. an entertainment website       B. an economical newspaper

  C. a sports magazine              D. a biological dictionary


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江西省南昌十九中高三第四次(12月)月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Nowadays more and more people are trapped in too busy work to relax themselves. We have no time to tell a bed-time story to our children, or enjoy a nice dinner with our family, or take a break to think about how we live the precious life, or even meet friends. All we notice is that the distinctions that used to guide and steady us ------ between Sunday and Monday, public and private, here and there ------ are gone. We have more ways to communicate, but less and less to say. Partly because we’re so busy communicating.
Maybe that’s why more and more people I know, even if they have no religious commitment, seem to be turning to yoga, or meditation, or tai chi. Some friends of mine try to go on long walks every Sunday, or to “forget” their cell phones at home. A series of tests in recent years has shown that after spending time in quiet rural settings, subjects “exhibit greater attentiveness, stronger memory and generally improved cognition. Their brains become both calmer and sharper.” More than that, empathy, as well as deep thought, depends on neural processes that are “inherently slow. ” The very ones our high-speed lives have little time for.
In my own case, I turn to eccentric and often extreme measures to try to keep my sanity and ensure that I have time to do nothing at all. I’ve not yet used a cell phone and I’ve never Tweeted or entered Face book. I try not to go online till my day’s writing is finished, and I moved from Manhattan to rural Japan.
None of this is a matter of principle or asceticism (苦行主义): it’s just pure selfishness. Nothing makes me feel better-----calmer, clearer and happier----than being in one place, absorbed in a book, a conversation, a piece of music. It’s actually something deeper than mere happiness: it’s joy, which the monk David Steindl-Rast describes as “that kind of happiness that doesn’t depend on what happens.” That is the highest of the highest we have been longing for----The Joy of Quiet.
【小题1】The writer sometimes doesn’t do anything because ________.

A.he is out of work .B.whatever he does make no sense
C.he is worried about his writing.D.he can enjoy himself in his leisure time.
【小题2】When the writer uses the word “forget” , his real meaning is _______.
A.Somebody really forgets his cell phone at home.
B.Somebody thinks cell phone is not a suitable means of communication.
C.Somebody hates modern techniques such as the cell phone.
D.Somebody leaves his cell phone at home on purpose.
【小题3】Which of the following is right?
A.It is better to go back to the ancient times since we are so busy now.
B.The writer is unwilling to help others since he is selfish.
C.Slowing down to find time and space to think and enjoy oneself is urgent.
D.We have more to say because we have more ways to communicate.
【小题4】What does the underlined word mean?
【小题5】What is the main idea of the article?
A.The importance of spending time in quiet.
B.We can do some sports such as yoga to relax.
C.Principle or asceticism is important in one’s life.
D.The more we communicate, the more we will be closer.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省宁波市效实中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】   If you have a p___________ for Impressionist paintings, you can go to Museum of Modern Art.
【小题2】As they had no children of their own, they a________ an orphan.
【小题3】The car accident has done p________ damage to his leg, and he will never be able to walk.
【小题4】There is no c__________ evidence showing the relationship between H7N9 and the dead pigs in Huangpu River.
【小题5】After 30 years’ struggle, China has been t_________ from an under-developed country to the second biggest economy in the world.
【小题6】I am willing to do anything in e__________ for my freedom.
【小题7】The woman waited for her husband at the mountaintop year after year and e_________ became stone.
【小题8】We should not hold p_______ against homosexuals, for it is just a personal choice.
【小题9】If you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it a_________________.
【小题10】The human activities have seriously threatened the e__________ of many species.
【小题11】Some environmental activists a___________ that nuclear energy should be massively developed to replace the traditional sources of energy.
【小题12】Some scientists still believe that global warming is just a natural p__________.
【小题13】The UN has already b____________ the use of nuclear weapons in the war.
【小题14】Galileo put forward the heliocentric theory and made great c_________ to our understanding of the universe. 


科目:高中英语 来源:2013年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(江西卷解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One might expect that the ever-growing demands of the tourist trade would bring nothing but good for the countries that receive the holiday-makers. Indeed, a rosy picture is painted for the long-term future of the holiday industry. Every month sees the building of a new hotel somewhere, and every month another rock-bound Pacific island is advertised as the 'last paradise(天堂) on earth'.

However, the scale and speed of this growth seem set to destroy the very things tourists want to enjoy. In those countries where there was a rush to make quick money out of sea-side holidays, over-crowded beaches and the concrete jungles of endless hotels have begun to lose their appeal.

Those countries with little experience of tourism can suffer most. In recent years, Nepal set out to attract foreign visitors to fund developments in health and education. Its forests, full of wildlife and rare flowers, were offered to tourists as one more untouched paradise. In fact, the nature all too soon felt the effects of thousands of holiday-makers traveling through the forest land. Ancient tacks became major routes for the walkers, with the consequent exploitation of precious trees and plants.

Not only can the environment of a country suffer from the sudden growth of tourism. The people as well rapidly feel its effects. Farmland makes way for hotels, roads and airports; the old way of life goes. The one-time farmer is now the servant of some multi-national organization; he is no longer his own master. Once it was his back that bore the pain; now it is his smile that is exploited. No doubt he wonders whether he wasn't happier in his village working his own land.

Thankfully, the tourist industry is waking up to the responsibilities it has towards those countries that receive its customers. The protection of wildlife and the creation of national parks go hand in hand with tourist development and in fact obtain financial support from tourist companies. At the same time, tourists are being encouraged to respect not only the countryside they visit but also its people.

The way tourism is handled in the next ten years will decide its fate and that of the countries we all want to visit. Their needs and problems are more important than those of the tourist companies. Increased understanding in planning world-wide tourism can preserve the market for these companies. If not, in a few years’ time the very things that attract tourists now may well have been destroyed.

1.What does the author indicate in the last sentence of Paragraph 1?

A.The Pacific Island is a paradise.             B.The Pacific Island is worth visiting.

C.The advertisement is not convincing.         D.The advertisement is not impressive

2.The example of Nepal is used to suggest _________.

A.its natural resources are untouched

B.its forests are exploited for farmland

C.it develops well in health and education

D.it suffers from the heavy flow of tourists.

3.What can we learn about the farmers from Paragraph 4?

A.They are happy to work their own lands.

B.They have to please the tourists for a living.

C.They have to struggle for their independence.

D.They are proud of working in multi-national organizations.

4.Which of the following determines the future of tourism?

A.The number of tourists                   B.The improvement of services.

C.The promotion of new products.            D.The management of tourism

5.The author’s attitude towards the development of the tourist industry is __________.

A.optimistic         B.doubtful          C.objective          D.negative



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年江苏省高三开学适应性练习考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

It’s amazing what a little free beer can accomplish. In 1997 the small Danish island of Samso, located in the Kattegat Strail, won a contest hosted by the Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy. Samso, then known for its dairy and pig farms, would become Denmark’s showcase for sustainable power, eventually going carbon-free. How that would happen, however, was far from clear, since the government initially offered no funding, tax breaks or technical expertise(专门知识).

Given that almost all its power came from oil or coal — and the island’s 4,300 residents didn’t know a wind turbine(风力发电机) from a grain silo(谷仓) — Samso seemed an strange choice. Soren Hermansen, though, saw an opportunity. A restless native son who grew up on a family farm, Hermansen was teaching environmental studies at a local school when he heard about Samso’s award. He volunteered to be the first — and only — participant. “I realized this could happen,” he says. “This was realistic.” He may have been the only one who thought so.

Hermansen knew Samso islanders were conservative, but that could be an advantage: once he convinced enough potential first movers to act, the rest would follow. So Hermansen showed up at every community or club meeting to campaign for the renewable-energy project. He pointed to the island’s unexplored potential for wind power and the economic benefits of making Samso energy-independent. He sometimes brought free beer.

It worked. The islanders bought shares in new wind turbines to build 11 large land-based turbines, enough to meet the entire island’s electricity needs. Not satisfied with that, they supported the construction of 10 huge offshore turbines,which provide power that the island’s dependence on cars and ferries needs. Today Samso isn’t just carbon-free — it actually produces 10% more clean electricity than it uses, with the extra power fed back into the national electricity network at a profit.

Hermansen has become a green angel, traveling from country to country telling the story of Samso’s success when he’s not at home running the Energy Academy, a research center for clean power. But he’s the first to say that the real credit belongs to the islanders,and that Samso’s lesson is that environmental change can only come from the ground up.

1.What was Hermansen’t response to the Samso’s winning the contest?

A. He regarded it as a chance.

B. He was not satisfied with the award.

C. He thought it was strange.

D. He thought it was reasonable.

2.From the second paragraph we can learn that __________.

A. many Samso islanders participated in the green project actively

B. most Samso islanders were against the renewable energy project

C. Samso has a long history of making use of renewable energy

D. at first people showed little interest in the renewable energy project

3.Why did Hermansen show up at every community or club meeting?

A. It was his duty to keep the islanders informed of government policies.

B. He wanted to convince the islanders to use clean power instead of oil or coal.

C. He wanted to persuade the islanders to be involved in the wind power project.

D. He wanted to share his beer with other islanders.

4.What can we learn about Hermansen’s personality from the last paragraph?

A. He is practical.                 B. He is courageous.

C. He is modest.                  D. He is ambitious.


