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Common ________ of depression are lack of energy, loss of interest in things you once enjoyed.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年甘肃嘉峪关市一中高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

Dear my younger brother,
I’m writing to discuss the problem of bringing the         76. _________
mobile phone to school with you. I think that is            77. _________
very common of young people to have a mobile phone         78. _________
nowadays for it is very convenience. But                   79. _________
many students fail use it in a proper way, so it often      80. _________
interrupts the class and even affect their studies. As a        81. _________
middle school student, you don’t have to get in the touch     82. _________
with others during your school time. I hoped you can learn     83. _________
some useful lesson from others’ experience. You had better     84. _________
not bring my mobile phone with you when you go to school.      85. _________
Li Dong 


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省肇庆市高二上学期期末质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The relationship between humans and animals has always been complex. Some cultures have developed entire belief systems around favored animals. Even in cultures with less formal belief systems, connections between people and animals still lead to commonly accepted opinions about animals.

These belief systems usually develop around the animals that interact (互动) with humans most frequently. Therefore, it should not be surprising that so many stories surround the most common of animals: rats. Rats live side by side with humans all over the world and regularly interact with people. Human-rat coexistence may be common all around the world, but different cultures respond to that closeness in different ways.

In the United States and Europe, one typical attitude is that the rat is a pest. This could be due to the common belief that rats spread disease. Actually, they don’t, at least not directly, but many people don’t know that. The Pied Piper of Hamlin, a well-known children’s story, is one example of how rats have been described in Western literature: in that story, rats cause such a problem that a town has to hire a piper to call them all away.

In many Latin American countries, the rat is described in a very different way. The story of the tooth fairy (a fairy believed by children to leave money while they sleep in exchange for a tooth that has come out) is common all over the world, but in Latin America, the “fairy” is a rat! Rats do have very strong teeth, which could explain the association. Clearly, this shows another attitude toward rats that is much more positive.

Yet another attitude toward the rat can be seen in the Chinese Zodiac (生肖). The Rat is one of the animals of the Zodiac. Like the other zodiac animals, the Rat is neither entirely good nor entirely bad. It’s described as clever and friendly, but also tricky and not entirely honest. That may be the most accurate description of the rat so far. Whether you like rats or not, it’s hard to deny their reputation for cleverness.

As many people are discovering these days, rats can even make excellent pets, so long as you remember to close the cage carefully!

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. A trend of keeping rats as pets.              

B. How different cultures look at rats.

C. How humans get along with animals.          

D. Favored animals in different cultures.

2.The rats in The Pied Piper of Hamlin appear______.

A. unpleasant        B. honest         C. smart        D. unusual

3.The tooth fairy in Latin America mentioned in Paragraph4 is to show______.

A. the tooth fairy is lovely                     

B. rats look very frightening

C. rats are welcome in Latin American countries

D. the story of the tooth fairy is common all over the world

4.According to the author, rats______.

A. don’t spread disease               

B. should be treated as pests

C. are fairly described in the Chinese Zodiac         

D. are kept as pets by more and more people

5.The passage is probably taken from a ______.

A. travel guide           B. news report        C. nature magazine       D. history textbook



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届浙江省台州市高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

 Carbon dioxide(CO2)_______ from burning fuels is the most common of the so-called greenhouse gases.

A.producing                             B.having been produced

C.to be produced                         D.produced



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年福建省厦门市高二下学期质量检测英语卷 题型:单项填空

Carbon dioxide     from burning fuels is the most common of the so-called greenhouse gases.

      A.produced          B.producing         C.to be produced    D.having been produced



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年海南中学高二下学期期末测试英语 题型:单项填空

Carbon dioxide ___ from burning fuels is the most common of the so-called greenhouse gases.


B.having been produced

C.to be produced



