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12.Something I enjoy doing most in my leisure time is going to the cinema to watch a great film.It's two hours of relaxation and escapism from real life.But when I kick back in my seat to enjoy the film and tuck into my box of popcorn,I'm often irritated by seeing someone next to me texting on their mobile phone or worse still,talking to someone.
It's no surprise that a proposal by a US cinema chain to let people use their phones during some film screenings was met with such anger,that the company had to withdraw the idea.People said it was'the worst idea ever'!Surely,going to watch the latest film is just that-watching not multi-screening.And if you're out with a friend it seems very antisocial or just rude.I certainly get distracted by the click-click on someone's mobile keyboard as they text and the glow of the bright small phone screen-why aren't they concentrating on the big screen?!
But with the availability of streaming films at home and cheap DVDs,cinemas are struggling to keep their customers.Some places now offer comfortable seats with complimentary snacks and drinks so maybe trying to attract a younger audience by allowing the use of mobile phones is the way forward?A survey in 2012found that a majority of 18-to-34-year-olds believed using social media while watching a movie would add to their experience.
However,not every young person wants to multi-task at the movies.Many of us still get annoyed by the theatre staff who appear not to do anything about it.Of course,we could ask the offenders to turn their phones off but as Adam Aron,head of AMC Entertainment,said in Variety magazine,6/when you tell a 22-year-old to turn off the phone,don't ruin the movie,they hear'please cut off your left arm above the elbow'."Clearly this is not what I would like to see but if you want to use your mobile phone in the cinema that I'm at,please don't sit next to me!What do you think is the right thing to do?

28.The underline word"irritated"in Paragraph 1meansC.
29.Which of the following is True of the US cinema chain's original advice?B
A.The advice was carried out smoothly.
B.They permitted people to use the phone.
C.The advice was very popular with people.
D.They prohibited people to use the phone.
30.What can we infer from Paragraph 3?A
A.Young people use their social media frequently.
B.The cinema needn't worry about their customers.
C.People prefer to watch films and DVD at home.
D.Sending messages is the best experience for young people.
31.What is the author's attitude towards multi-task at the movies?D

分析 很多人在看电影的时候都会发短信或者更严重的打电话,给别人造成了影响,对这一现象作者是反对的.

解答 28-31 CBAD
28.C 猜测词意题.根据后句by seeing someone next to me texting on their mobile phone or worse still,talking to someone可知,在看电影时边上的人发短信或者更严重的打电话,为此我感到很生气,故选C.
29.B 细节题.在第二段开头It's no surprise that a proposal by a US cinema chain to let people use their phones不奇怪,一家美国电影连锁影院提议观众可以使用手机,故选B.
30.A 细节题.最后一句 a majority of 18-to-34-year-olds believed using social media while watching a movie would add to their experience.告诉我们在看电影时使用社交媒体的大多数是18-to-34-year-olds,故选A.
31.D 推理题.在最后一段的第一句However,not every young person wants to multi-task at the movies作者认为不是每个年轻人都想在看电影时同时做很多事情,故作者是反对的,故选D.

点评 在做阅读理解时,考生可快速阅读短文,通读测试题,明确考察点,在对应细读,加快做题速度.有时间还可以复查校对答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

I'm very thank to you for inviting me to stay with you in the come summer vacation.I have been dreamed of seeing you again so that I can get help from you in my English learning.And I'm afraid I cannot go to your place in this summer.I've promised my grandmother,she lives in the country,to spend this summer with her.She misses me too much that I find difficult to refuse her request.I'm busy preparing for my examinations in present.I planned to visit you in winter if it's convenient to you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Peter,
How is everything going on with you recently?
I'm more than glad to receive your letter asking me for help.(高分句型一)As a matter of fact,it is a great honor for me to introduce some Chinese ancient poems to you-my best friend.The following are my arrangements for it.
Firstly,let's fix a time when both of us are available.What about this Saturday afternoon?In addition,there is no doubt that RenminPark is an excellent place to learn classical Chinese poetry,which is not far away my home nor yours.(高分句型二)If it is not convenient for you,please tell me to make necessary adjustments.(高分句型三)
Looking forward to your instant reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.When will the bike-sharing schemes be introduced to the public?
Not until____________ a better understanding of them.(  )
A.we have hadB.will we have had
C.have we hadD.we will have had


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

7.There are probably no people on Earth who like to gossip as much as the British.If prying into(打探)other's lives were an Olympic sport,then Team GB would surely take the gold medal.
And when the British can't watch the lives of real people,they have another source of entertainment to fall back on-the soap opera.British soap operas are very different from US TV dramas.For one,they are normally longer running.The two most popular,Coronation Street and East-enders,have been running for 48 and 24 years respectively.Both are broadcast several times a week,so remarkably there have been more than 7,000 episodes of Coronation Street.
The most obvious difference is that,unlike US dramas,the British soap operas focus on the real world.There is little glamour(魅力),the stars are rarely rich,and they normally have boring jobs.Perhaps the appeal is that the lives of the characters often mirror the lives of the audience-but with some drama added.This means the viewer can relate to the characters and feel the pain and happiness they go through on the show.
Because thesesoapoperas last fordecades,the cast is ever changing,The shows rarely focus on oneor two main characters.Like the real world,people come and go all the time.However,there are exceptions.Street's william Roach,76,has played the role of Ken Barlow since the very first episode of the show in 1960,and he is still a regular.
The choice of which soap opera you follow is often cultural:People from the north of British tend to watch Coronation Street as it is set in Manchester.People from the south generally prefer East-enders,which is set in the east of London.The show is generally considered grittier and is aimed at a younger audience.

28.What is the main difference between American dramas and British soap operas?D
A.American dramas are longer.
B.British soap operas are longer.
C.American dramas deal with dangerous things.
D.British soap operas deal with real people.
29.Why do British people like to watch such operas?A
A.They can find their own life from the operas.
B.They can enjoy the operas in their free time.
C.They can watch the operas for many years.
D.They care about the fate of the characters in the operas.
30.The underlined world"episodes"in the 2nd paragraph probably meansD.
31.One characteristic of British operas is thatB.
A.the characters play the same role for along time
B.the characters in the play often change
C.people don't know what will happen next
D.there is only one or two characters in them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Mr.Smith,
I'm very excited to tell you something about the fifth English Speaking Contest I took part in last week in our school.
I got First Prize out of 40 competitors,which was totally beyond my imagination.(高分句型一)When I heard the final result,I couldn't believe my ears and jumped with joy.
It's because of your efforts that I have made such rapid progress in my spoken English.(高分句型二)Before the contest,whenever you had free time,you would help me practice my spoken English.Besides,you communicated with me as much as possible,and corrected my pronunciation and intonation.What's more,you taught me some helpful speaking skills and made me full of confidence.Without your help,I wouldn't have achieved such a good result.(高分句型三)Also,I have benefited a lot from this competition.All in all,I really appreciate your help.
Thank you again for your advice and kind help.I sincerely invite you to my home for dinner and have a good time.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Public service advertising is designed to inform the public on issues that are frequently considered to be in the general best interests of the community at large.Typically,it reflects a political viewpoint,philosophical theory,religious concept or humanitarian notion(观念).It is also commonly referred to as a public service announcement (PSA)or a community service announcement (CSA).The ads are usually broadcast on radio or television,buy may also appear in newspapers or magazines.They are common in industrialized counties throughout the world.
PSAs are commonly aimed at changing public attitudes by raising consciousness about particular issues.Health,conservation and safety themes are popular in many PSAs.The public service advertising campaigns are often sponsored by trade associations,civic organizations,non-profit institutions or religious groups.
Most public service advertising involves joint efforts of the private and public sectors.Non-profit groups and government agencies commonly team up with private mass media,promotion and advertising firms to produce spots for radio,television and print media.Most commonly,the non-profit agency creates the message and an advertising firm develops the campaign,polishes it to meet industry standards and plans its distribution,all free of charge.Television and radio stations usually broadcast these ads at no charge,and magazines and newspapers customarily publish them for free as well.
In recent years,it has become commonplace for U.S.television stations to feature public service advertising spots immediately following a broadcast that has focused on an issue considered sensitive and of concern to many members of the general public.These PSA broadcasts generally offer addresses,websites and toll-free telephone numbers for information sources.Some of the topics focuse4d on in the PSAs have included child abuse,AIDS and civil rights.

29.What's the main purpose of PSAs?C
A.To sell more products through some special ways.
B.To change consumer's attitudes through media.
C.To improve people's awareness about special issues.
D.To make more famous stars known to the public.
30.How does the author like PSAs?A
A.He thinks it good to make PSAs.
B.He is against the idea of PSAs.
C.He is curious about the idea of PSAs.
D.He thinks PSAs are completely to make money.
31.What can we learn from the passage?C
A.Most of the PSAs are made by the government.
B.PSAs will make big profits for trade associations.
C.PSAs offer various topics in many different areas.
D.PSAs are mainly broadcast on television currently.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.While global warming and ocean acidification driven by pollution cause a real threat to sea creatures,climate change is not the primary driver threatening to cause the extinction(灭绝)of large ocean animals.It is humans that are threatening large sea creatures primarily by hunting and fishing them.
Researchers  findings reflect a phenomenon experienced by ancient land ecosystems(生态系统).These losses in the ocean are paralleling what humans did to land animals sonic 50,000 to 10,000 years ago.when we wiped out around half of the big-bodied mammals on Earth,like mammoths,mastodons.saber-tooth cats and the like.
The increasing threat to large groups of sea animals is a recent phenomenon.The researchers made this discovery by comparing characteristics of nearly 2,500 extinct sea vertebrates and mollusks alongside others currently in danger of extinction.They found that smaller sea animals were a little more likely than large ones to be killed off during five previous mass extinction events-the most recent of which was associated with a small planet's strike some 65 million years ago.
What was surprising to the reseachere was  that they did not see a similar kind of pattern in any of the previous mass extinction events that they studied.
The study shows that a sixth mass extinction,which may already be underway  could kill off larger-bodied animals while leaving smaller ones behind.That could have a terrible long-term impact.
Such removal of the largest animals from the modern oceans,which never happened in the history of animal life,may disturb the order of ecosystems for millions of years even at levels of taxonomic loss far below those of previous mass extinctions.
This news should serve as ii wake-up call for humans to fundamentally change the way they manage the oceans.That is to say,it is a warning of what will happen if we don't get our act together.
Limiting industrialization of the oceans may be necessary to give threatened animals time and space to recover.Most whaling has been banned since the 1980s.We have brought gray whales back from the edge of extinction and blue whales are coming back too.
The researchers point out that cutting back on carbon emissions(排放)will also be  necessary lo slow extinctions.

58.Pantgraph 2 is intended to tell us thatA.
A.both land animals and sea  animals die out because of humans
B.big-bodied animals were killedas they were threattohumans
C.humans tended to kill animalson land instead of thoseinseas
D.humans have been main killers of animals for a very long time
59.What can we learn from the researcher's,studies about animal extinction?B
A.It is easier for sea creatures to go extinct than land ones.
B.The patterns of sea animal mass extinction are irregular.
C.Humans were responsible for all those extinctions.
D.Small-bodied creatucs produce I heir young more easily,
60.Which does the passage suggest is the most important in stopping sea animal extinction?D
A.To completely ban people from hunting them.
B.To fully realize the urgency ofprotecting them.
C.To unconditionally release kssCO2 into the air.
D.To reasonably keep control ofthe trade in them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

One Sunday,I was reading my book while it suddenly occurred to me that it was my mother birthday the next day.However,I forgot it complete.I was worried that I didn't prepare any present to her.At that moment,idea of online shopping came to my mind.I clicked the mouse and search some famous shopping websites.Having compared the price of many dress,I chose one with a reasonable price which I supposed my mum would appreciate it and bought it as soon as possible.The next day I received the dress as expected without get out of my room.You see,online shopping is very convenient that it has made our life colorful.

