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I've always felt a need to be prepared for whatever situation I've found myself in.

My mother once took me to a store when I was seven years old.She and I got to the checkout counter, and she realized she had forgotten a couple of things on her shopping list.She left me with the cart and ran off to get what she needed.

"I'll be right back." she said.

She was gone just a few minutes, but in that time, I had loaded all the things on the belt and everything was rung up.I was left staring at the cashier, who was staring at me."Do you have money for me, son?" she said."I'll need to be paid."

I didn't realize she was just trying to amuse herself.So I stood there, ashamed and embarrassed.

By the time my mom returned, I was angry."You left me here with no money! This lady asked me for the money, and I had nothing to give her.”

Now that I'm an adult, you'll never catch me with less than $200 in my wallet.I want to be prepared in case I need it.

I've always admired people who are over-prepared.In college, I had a classmate named Norman.One day he was giving a presentation on an overhead projector and in the middle of his talk, the light bulb on the projector blew out.We would have to wait ten minutes until someone found a new projector.

"It's Okay." he announced."There's nothing to worry about."

We watched him walk over to his bag and pull something out.He had brought along a spare bulb for the overhead projector.Who could even think of that?

I often told my students, " When you go into the wilderness, the only thing you can depend on is what you take with you." And essentially, the wilderness is anywhere but your home or office.So take money.Pack a light bulb.Be prepared.

1.Why did the cashier ask a seven-year-old boy to pay for the purchases?

A. The boy was shopping by himself.

B. The boy's mother asked her to do so.

C. The cashier was playing a joke on him.

D. The boy's mother was away for something else.

2.Why did Norman bring a spare bulb with him?

A. He was always well-prepared.

B. His presentation was about bulbs.

C. He knew the classroom equipment was of poor quality.

D. He predicted the bulb on the projector would blow out.

3.What do the two stories tell us?

A. Accidents happen almost every day.

B. In fair weather, prepare for a rainy day.

C. Money is the key that opens all doors.

D. Chances favor those who are well-prepared.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省芜湖市2017届高三5月教学质量检测(高考模拟)英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

If you go to the Rehabilitation Institute in Chicago,you will see someone working to help patients.The job, which takes patience and skills,helps people do more.These persons are Physical Therapists.And I'm glad to be one of them.

I work closely with people who have hurt themselves.Their injuries may be as mild as having a painful shoulder, knee or back,or as severe as having paralyzed legs and/or arms.It's my job to evaluate what their problems are and come up with ways help make them better and stronger.

I need to be able communicate well with people of all ages and backgrounds every day.I need to be able to talk to people I’ve never met and ask them personal questions that help me to understand what is wrong with them.

I chose to go into physical therapy because I love to be with people and talk with them.I decided that I didn’t want to use the computer all day or answer the telephone or be in a lab doing experiments.

To prepare to become a Physical Therapist,I had to finish college and then went to graduate school for 3 years, attaining the master degree.In that time,I learned all the muscles in the body and all the organs and how they work.I mastered as much as possible in biology, chemistry, math, physics,physiology and psychology.

What I like about my job is that it is always very interesting and never boring.I like that I am never alone but surrounded by people all the time.They tell me that I have made a difference in their lives and when I go home at night,I know that I have touched someone else’s life and they appreciate the work I did for them.

1.According to the text,what dose a Physical Therapist do?

A. Curing patients of their severe diseases.

B. Helping patients know more about the hospital.

C. Offering tips to make patients better in their life.

D. Making patients solve their problems independently.

2.What dose a person need most to be a Physical Therapist?

A. Good communication ability. B. Good experimenting ability.

C. Good computer ability. D. Good observing ability.

3.What can we know about the author?

A. The author just finished his college. B. The author acquired all-round knowledge.

C. The author thinks his job is boring. D. The author likes doing experiments.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.The park was full of people__________ themselves in the sunshine.(  )
A.having enjoyedB.enjoyedC.enjoyingD.to enjoy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.table(  )


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省六校协作体2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

The new science of spending comes to a surprising conclusion: How we use our money may ________as much or more than how much we’ve got.

Money spent on experiences, rather than material goods, _______ more happiness. Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning to _________ $1 million under your bed . What would you do ________ that cash?

The money will probably make you think about one thing _______ all else—yourself. A large amount of research reveals that money ________ our selfish sides. We will _________ much on what that money can do for us alone, Perhaps you are imagining buying a faster car, or even a new house,

But studies show that _______ goods often fail to deliver ________ happiness, Fortunately ,our ongoing research _______ many ways to get more happiness from every dollar you spend, Changing how you spend money can increase your happiness.

But making these _______needs to challenge some of our ideas of spending. It’s hard not to ________ buying a house as a wise investment(投资), But new research shows it brings very little happiness, A study in the United States found that homeowners, on average , were no happier than ________ .

So, working hard to save money for a house might not be such a good idea _______ it means spending less time with your families and friends.

And dozens of studies show that people get more happiness from buying ______ than material things. Experiential purchases --- such as trips, concerts and special meals--- are more _________connected to our sense of self.

And experiences come with one more _________ -- they tend to bring us _______ to other people, but more often, material things are enjoyed_________ . So social contacts are important to ________ mental and physical health.

1.A. present B. equal C. appear D. matter

2.A. carries along B. breaks out C. holds on D. brings along

3.A. keep B. own C. discover D. count[

4.A. with B. to C. about D. for

5.A. above B. below C. before D. after

6.A. shows B. explains C. affects D. designs

7.A. depend B. concentrate C. take D. look

8.A. mental B. beautiful C. material D. clever

9.A. outgoing B. exciting C. willing D. lasting

10.A. invites B. offers C. prefers D. follows

11.A. plans B. changes C. decisions D. mistakes

12.A. know B. view C. dream D. judge

13.A. buyers B. sellers C. builders D. renters

14.A. if B. how C. unless D. though

15.A. houses B. cars C. experiences D. health

16.A. clearly B. rarely C. generally D. closely

17.A. benefit B. conclusion C. purpose D. identify

18.A. familiar B. close C. proper D. native

19.A. completely B. worldwide C. secretly D. alone

20.A. gain B. improve C. damage D. cover


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省兰州市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:信息匹配

Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a batter student in several ways

1.Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.2.Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process.3.

The following methods may work best for you.

●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.

● Write your notes in your own words.


● Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.5.

A. Use words, not complete sentences.

B. There are three practical note-taking methods.

C. You must write your notes on separate paper.

D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.

E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.

F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.

G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省漯河市2017届高三5月月考英语试卷 题型:短文填空

In ancient China the kite was known as “Zhiyuan“. 1. (original) regarded as a technology, it also featured in many art collections, and was considered to have unique artistic value. It first 2. (appear) in the ware of the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC—476BC). According to historical records. Mo Zi spent three years 3. (construct) a wooden kite which failed after one day’s flight. One book noted that the master carpenter Lu Ban also made some which 4. (use) to spy on the situation of the enemy.

Now the basic procedure of making kites remains the same, but 5. (style) of kite-making vary in different regions. These in the “World Kite Capital” of Weifang in Shandong Province are well known for 6. (they) craftsmanship, materials, painting, sculpture and flexible flying movement. One of these kites, 7. was over 300 meters long, won first place in the International Kite Festival 8. (hold) in Italy. It is now housed in the Weifang Kite Museum. Even year, the festival is held there and is expected to draw many fans with a passion for flying kites.

9. you are interested in flying a kite, you should choose a sunny and windy day so you can enjoy the open air, and take care to avoid electric wires and cars. You could lake more than one with you and fly them according to the change of wind. And of course, a pair of sunglasses may prove useful in protecting your eyes 10. bright sunshine.


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省河西五市2017届高三下学期第二次联合考试英语试卷 题型:短文改错





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Sue ,

How time flies. It is a month that you stayed with us. We all miss you and are very grateful to what you did for us when we were together.

We had an English speech contest the others day and I won the first prize, which again remind me of all your kind help. Do you still remember the tree what was planted by us together on the hill behind the school? Yesterday we went there and got it water. The tree you planted yourselves is growing well and whole class decided to name it Sue wood. Will you come back to see Sue wood?

How is everything with you later? We hope to know more about you and your American students. Hope to keep in close touch with.

All the best

Liu Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省宁德市2017届高三毕业班第二次质量检查英语试卷 题型:七选五

Are Your Clothes Causing Pollution?

Very small pieces of plastic, called microfibers, are polluting rivers and oceans. 1. Clothes worn for outdoor activities and exercise are often made of artificial material, which is useful in keeping warm. But they contain very small plastic fibers, which may also be harming the environment when you wash them. When people wash these clothes, very small pieces go down the drain (下水道) with the wash water.


Pollution caused by plastic is not new, but recent studies have shown the effect of microfibers in the environment.

Studies show very small microfibers are ending up in our waters, which may come from waste water treatment factories. A 2015 study found them in fish from California.

Microfibers,effect on food supplies.

Beyond the waterways, the researchers say microfibers may end up in soil and agricultural lands. 3. This means there is much to be learned about microfibers and the environment.

Some studies have shown that microfibers end up inside sea animals, like oysters. 4. Researchers say that the fibers tend not to move into the tissue of the fish, but it needs more study.

Steps to save or keep microfibers from the environment.

Until more information becomes known, there are steps to take to reduce the amount of microfibers in the environment.

People should use less of the artificial materials. If we already have those in our lives and we’re using them, an important step would be washing them less.

5. A bag is being designed in which to wash these clothes. It traps the microfibers in the bag and it may be available for purchase soon.

A. New technology may also help.

B. Studies on how much of the microfibers is released.

C. The source of these microfibers may surprise you: your clothes.

D. Washing machines keep microfibers from escaping with wash water.

E. Studies on microfibers in the environment.

F. They can also move around the atmosphere.

G. So if these microfibers have been found in fish and seafood, are they safe to eat?

