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When my family moved to America from a small village in Guangdong, China, we brought not only our luggage, but also our village rules, customs and culture. One of the rules is that young people should always respect elders. Unluckily, this rule led to my very first embarrassment in the United States.

I had a part-time job as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. One time, when I was serving food to a middle-aged couple, the wife asked me how the food could be served so quickly. I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly. As soon as I said that, her face showed great displeasure. My manager, who happened to hear what I said, took me aside and gave me a long lecture about how sensitive(敏感) Americans are and how they dislike the description “old”. I then walked back to the table and apologized to the wife. After the couple heard my reason, they understood that the problem was caused by cultural differences, so they laughed and were no longer angry.

In my village in China, people are proud of being old. Not so many people live to be seventy or eighty, and people who reach such an age have the most knowledge and experience. Young people always respect older people because they know they can learn from their rich experience.

However, in the United States, people think “growing old” is a problem since “old” shows that a person is going to retire or that the body is not working well. Here many people try to keep themselves away from growing old by doing exercises or jogging, and women put on makeup, hoping to look young. When I told the couple in the restaurant that I respect the elderly, they got angry because this caused them to feel they had failed to stay young. I had told them something they didn’t want to hear.

After that, I changed the way I had been with older people. It is not that I don’t respect them any more; I still respect them, but now I don’t show my feelings through words.

1.Jack brought the couple their food very fast because[_______________.

A.the manager asked him to do so B.he respected the elderly

C.the couple wanted him to do so D.he wanted more pay

2.When Jack called the couple “elderly”, they became[____________.



3.In Jack’s hometown,______________.

A.people dislike being called “old”

B.people are proud of being old

C.many people reach the age of seventy or eighty

D.the elderly are the first to get food in restaurants

4.After this experience, Jack___________.

A.lost his job in the restaurant

B.made friends with the couple

C.no longer respected the elderly

D.changed his way with older people

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The more Jack explained, the angrier the couple got.

B.Jack wanted to show his feelings through words after his experience.

C.The manager went back to the table and apologized to the couple.

D.From this experience, Jack learned more about American culture.








试题分析: 本文作者是一位从中国广东移民到美国的年轻人,除了随身带的行李外,他还带去了中国传统的价值观和尊老爱幼的传统美德。但是就是这种“尊老”的美德,却使他在餐馆服务时惹恼了一位顾客,经过这次经历,他意识到了中美文化的差异。

1.细节理解题。根据文章首段One of the rules is that young people should always respect elders和.第二段I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly.可以判断答案选B。

2.细节理解题。从文章第二段As soon as I said that, her face showed great displeasure.可知当杰克称呼那对夫妇“老人”的时候,他们明显的不高兴,答案选C。

3.细节理解题。根据文章第三段In my village in China, people are proud of being old.可知在杰克的村子,人们以老为荣,故答案选B。

4.细节理解题。从文章末段After that, I changed the way I had been with older people. 可知答案选D。




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届新疆昌吉州一中高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达





注意:1.此投诉信应写给电信公司(China telecom)服务经理。








科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省清远市高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Organic food, once considered something that only health fanatics desired, is now a regular feature at most supermarkets. And that has created a bit of a dilemma. On the one hand, you have a conventionally grown apple. On the other, you have one that’s organic. Both apples are firm, shiny and red. Both provide vitamins and fiber, and both are free of fat, sodium and cholesterol.

Conventionally grown food generally costs less, but is organic food a better choice? The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally grown and sold food products are now being debated on a large scale. Supporters of organic foods ― a term whose meaning varies greatly ― are frequently telling the world that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.

The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of daily foods is a welcome development. However, much of this interest has been aroused by sweeping claims that the conventional food supply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional needs.

Almost daily, the public is surrounded by claims for “no-aging” diets, new vitamins and other wonder foods. There are numerous unsubstantiated(没证实的) reports that natural vitamins are superior to man-made ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than those treated with insect spray and the like.

Although most of these claims are not supported by scientific evidence, large amounts of written material about the benefits of organic foods makes it difficult for people to separate fact from fiction. As a result, claims that eating a diet consisting of organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health have become widely advertised and form the basis for people’s opinion.

One thing that most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the conventional food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead.

1.According to Paragraph 2, which of the following statements about organic food is true?

A. It hasn’t been used until recent years.

B. It has no agreed definition.

C. It is popular among producers.

D. It is accepted by most nutritionists.

2.In Paragraph 4, treated grains are examples of ________.

A. healthier food B. organic food

C. conventionally grown food D. expensive food

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. most doctors believe organic foods prevent disease or provide other benefits to health

B. organic foods are actually less nutritious than conventionally grown foods

C. people cannot separate fact from fiction because of the TV advertisements

D. organic foods cost more but are not necessarily better than conventionally grown foods

4.According to the passage, many consumers are attracted by organic foods because they _____.

A. want to try something new

B. have carefully researched the products

C. value food safety and nutrition

D. expect to save some money

5.What is the author’s attitude towards the claims of organic foods?

A. Doubtful. B. Enthusiastic.

C. Supportive. D. Uninterested.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省汕头市高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


How to do just about anything on a computer

Make the most of your computer with this easy-to-follow guide packed with hundreds of valuable tips, practical projects, and problem-solving pointers. Organized in four sections, the book takes you from your initial computer set-up to creating your own iTunes account. Each chapter follows a similar step-by-step illustrated format so you will always feel as if you have an instructor at your side.

B. A Gate at the Stairs

"A Gate at the Stairs" is writer Lorrie Moore's first book in over ten years. It takes place in 2001 shortly after the terrorist attacks on America. It tells about a young girl named Tassie who attends college in the Midwest. She takes a job as a babysitter for a woman and her husband who have adopted a child of mixed race. It is a funny, sad and emotional story about marriage, race, family, terrorism and war.

C. The Magicians and The Magic King

Take one part Harry Potter, another part The Chronicles of Narnia, plus some new parts all the author’s own, season them liberally with adult themes — these are definitely not books for children — and you have this most readable, imaginative pair from author Grossman. Quentin Coldwater passes the entrance exam for Brakebills magic college and learns to master the art thereof, while also learning that “Fillory,” the fantasy world of his favorite book series as a child, is real. But there are demons within and without, and the life of magic and adventure isn’t always a happy one.

D. Bear

Few animals are as closely associated with humans as bears. Tracing the evolution of the bear family, the author discusses extinct types, such as the cave bear and the giant short-faced bear, as well as describing the eight species that exist. It explores the bear-human relationship and how human perceptions of bears have changed over time. Drawing from cultures around the world, it discusses the various legends and myths, including the ceremonies and taboos that surround hunting, killing and eating bears. "Bear" will appeal to all those interested in the past, present and future of these extraordinary creatures.

E. Cutting for Stone

"Cutting for Stone" was written by the medical doctor and writer Abraham Verghese. It is a powerful story about twin brothers born in a Catholic hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Their mother, an Indian nurse at the hospital, dies in childbirth. Their father, a British doctor, flees as soon as they are born. The brothers are raised by two Indian doctors who live at the hospital. One brother later moves to the United States. This is a story about the extremes of love, family, and medicine.

F. You Can't Teach Until Everyone is Listening

This book offers six simple, practical, and doable steps for managing your classroom! This concise guide shows teachers how to prevent misbehaviors—rather than react to them—and emphasizes the importance of: Establishing your role as a proactive classroom facilitator; creating a safe environment for learning; and, establishing a relationship of trust with your students. "You Can't Teach Until Everyone is Listening" is meant to strengthen every teacher's confidence and effectiveness in creating positive and productive classrooms and helping students to grow and learn to their greatest potential.


1.Zhang Ying is preparing for further study in the USA. Therefore, he is interested in reading some books about American life, including college life, family, cultural diversity and even terrorist attacks.

2.Charlie, who attends college in the Midwest, majors in medicine. He is fond of reading stories about family and love, especially those related to his future career.

3.Kate, who teaches children of mixed race in a primary school in the Midwest, finds it difficult to manage her class effectively. Now she is eager to find a book which helps improve her teaching.

4.Daisy is a nurse in an Indian hospital. She is an experienced nurse, but she is not skilled at using the computer. She wants to learn how to set up her computer, send and receive e-mail securely, share files, and scan documents.

5. Tired of reading magic novels like Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia, Henry’s interest turns to animals that have a close relationship with humans, such as dogs, cats and even fierce animals.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省汕头市高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达







1. 只能使用五个句子表达全部内容;

2. 文章中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

评分标准:句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。

According to a new survey, an increasing number of high school students in China choose to study abroad. And some students in my school think studying abroad is a better choice for them.





Therefore, whether it is good or not to study abroad depends on the individual.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省高三暑假联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配



Simple Way to Boost Marital Happiness? Say ‘Thank You’.

‘Thank You’goes a long way to keeping couples happy.


Dads Struggle to Find Work—Life Balance

Working dads say work—life balance is hard to find.


What Workers Want From Their Bosses...Besides Money

Money isn’t everything,and they need recognition as well.


Bosses Say It Is, Indeed,Lonely at the Top

CEOs of public firms say they feel especially isolated.


Americans Say They are Healthy, But Not Wealthy

Americans are evaluating the health of their personal finances with the same rigor as they do their physical health.


Higher Housework Burden Stresses Women

Unequal employment and pay add to mom’s stressors,because they make her feel the need to do more housework.



1.Work appears to be taking its toll on the relationship between dads and their families, a new study finds. CareerBuilder’s annual Father’s Day survey found that 22 percent of fathers say their work has negatively affected relationships with their children, while 26 percent believe their job has hurt relationships with significant others.

2.U.S.workers are looking for a little pat on the back,according to a new study.The latest Globoforce Workforce Mood Tracker revealed that more than half of employees would leave their current job to go work for a company that recognized their efforts. The research shows a direct correlation between recognition and retention.

3.It’s lonely at tile top, and CEOs know that better than anyone, according to a new poll.While being a CEO may come with prestige and financial benefits.a study by RHR International, a global executive talent development firm, revealed that the high, ranking position is often accompanied by isolation.

4.While women are doing less housework than they used to. they still take on the brunt of the household cleaning chores. New research indicates that this extra work stresses them out,and that stress worsens when there is salary or gender inequality present in the relationship. Though both men and women spend less time spent on domestic duties, women still take on a large amount of the work, studies show.

5.Saying “thank you” may be a simple way to boost marital happiness,new research suggests. This cycle of appreciation may also make for longer-lasting relationships.” Feeing appreciated by your partner influences how you act in your relationship, and how much you want to stay in that relationship,”study researcher told LiveScience.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省广州市高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


Dear editor,

I have been getting along well with my father. However, as I’m in Senior Three now, the question whether I should live at school or come back home for the nights has come to our family discussion. My father and I have different opinions over the matter and we are arguing over it these days.

My father insists that I should live at school. In the previous two years, I have been spending about 80 minutes every day to and from school. Living at school can help save a lot of time. In this way, I can have more time for my studies.

On the other hand, what I believe is that I should spend my nights at home. First of all, if I come home for the nights, I will have more freedom to arrange my studies. Meanwhile, I will have more time to communicate with my parents, which will make us understand each other better.

I don’t want to make compromises(妥协) and neither does my father, as it seems. Could you tell me what I should do? I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.

Your sincere reader,




1. 以约30个词概括以上短文的内容。

2. 以约120个词表达你对住校这件事情的看法,内容包括:





1. 可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



Dear Teddy,







Editor Li



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省广州市海珠区高三摸底考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

“Now,” Mrs. Virginia DeView said, smiling, “we are going to discover our professions.” The class seemed to be greatly surprised. Our professions? We were only 13 and 14 years old! The teacher must be . “Yes, you will all be searching for your future . Each of you will have to someone in your field, plus give an oral report.”

Each day in her class, Virginia DeView reminded us about this. Finally, I picked print journalism. This I had to go to interview a true-blue newspaper reporter. I was extremely nervous. I sat down in front of him able to speak. He looked at me and said, “Did you bring a pencil or pen?”

I shook my head.

“How about some ?”

I shook my head again.

Finally, I thought he realized I was , and I got my first big tip as a . “Never, never go anywhere without a pen and paper. You never know what you’ll run into.” After a few days, I gave my oral report totally from memory in class. I got an A on the entire project.

Years later, I was in college looking around for a new career, but with no success. Then I Virginia DeView and my desire at 13 to be a journalist. And I called my parents. They didn’t me. They just reminded me how competitive the field was and all my life I had run away from competition. This was true. But journalism did something to me: it was in my blood. It gave me the freedom to go up to total strangers and ask what was .

For the past 12 years, I’ve had the most satisfying reporting career, stories from murders to airplane crashes and choosing my strongest area. When I went to pick up my phone one day, an incredible wave of memories hit me and I realized that had it not been for Virginia DeView, I would not be sitting at that desk.

I was all the time: “How did you pick journalism?”

“Well, you see, there was this teacher …” I always start out. I just wish I could thank her.

1.A. goodB. mad C. careless D. curious

2.A. universitiesB. families C. professions D. lives

3.A. interviewB. please C. admire D. respect

4.A. expressedB. ordered C. expected D. meant

5.A. hardlyB. nearly C. naturally D. eagerly

6.A. drinkB. newspapers C. preparations D. paper

7.A. satisfiedB. comfortable C. terrified D. sorry

8.A. student B. journalist C. teacher D. writer

9.A. called B. recognized C. remembered D. visited

10.A. answer B. promise C. stop D. persuade

11.A. how B. whether C. why D. when

12.A. breaking in B. getting down C. falling off D. going on

13.A. making B. retelling C. covering D. writing

14.A. certainlyB. finally C. doubtfully D. completely

15.A. hurtB. excited C. disappointed D. asked



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山西省高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part a source of who you are. Here are some ways to love your parents.

____1.____ A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, we might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world. Respect them more and cherish these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them when you're off on your own. It's OK to get angry but angry actions don't help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, journal about your feelings, or talk to a friend. ____2.____

Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don’t get what you want or you have to clean. However, you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it’s cold, raining, snowing, or too hot. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes.____ 3.___ Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?

Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV, or go somewhere with them. ___4.____ Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.

Some people simply may not be able to love their parents. __5.___ Seek help if you are being abused in any way. Parents do not have a right to harm you.

A. Forgiveness is the key.

B. Tell them you love them every morning.

C. Parents will in turn express their love to you.

D. After this, share your feelings with your parents.

E. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.

F. Please remember parents are as important as friends.

G. There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example.


