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A recent study on parents who beat their children indicated that physical punishment still occurs far more frequently than previously thought but that physical punishment was ineffective. Given that 73 percent of the children who were hit waited less than 10 minutes before acting out again.

So, what is?

Many parents deal with their children’s mistakes by taking away toys and separating them from their playmates. But for strong-willed kids like I was, none of these methods were effective.

Like many kids, I wasn’t bad; I was bored. Fortunately, my father realized this fairly early on and developed a new form of “discipline” that produced immediate results and long-term positive effects.

Looking back as an adult, my father’s method of making me read the encyclopedia (百科全书)whenever I did something wrong was the best thing he could have done.

He would tell me a topic and say, “Learn about the aardvark and I’m going to quiz you shortly after.” It was punishment in the sense that I was forced to stop whatever I was doing, but it also had a purpose in that it kept my mind occupied and presented the type of mental challenge I clearly lacked.

Although unwillingly, I went to learn absolutely everything there was to know about aardvarks because I was going to figure out every question he could throw at me. If it weren’t for my driving need to prove him wrong, it may not have worked as well as it did.

So that’s just it: It was effective. It helped me change my behavior in that moment and it conditioned me to seek out books when I was bored. Obviously, that happened frequently and apparently and it worked. I grew up to become a successful lawyer and a famous writer as well.

To this day, Dad’s the only one who can beat me.

1.What is the probable main idea of Paragraph 1?

A. It reports the result of a recent study about the encyclopedia.

B. Physical punishment is useless to deal with children.

C. Physical punishment only occurred previously.

D. 73 percent of the children love physical punishment.

2.Why do many kids frequently do what they’re not allowed to do according to

the author?

A. Because they produce immediate results and long-term positive effects.

B. Because they prefer to break the “discipline” set by their parents.

C. Because they are always regarded as bad kids both at home.

D. Because they often find it’s dull in their everyday life.

3.What was the author’s father method of punishing him for his mistakes?

A. His father angrily took away his favourite toys.

B. His father separated him from his playmates.

C. His father forced him to do some reading and tested him later.

D. His father ordered him to learn about the aardvark and quizzed him shortly after.

4.What can be inferred from this passage?

A. Children who are mentally challenged are more likely to be successful.

B. Parents ought to develop a new form of discipline to educate their kids.

C. It’s absolutely necessary to punish strong-willed kids physically.

D. The stricter parents are, the few mistakes children will make.








1.主旨大意题。本文是一篇调查报告,开头提出中心: A recent study on parents…… than previously thought but that physical punishment was ineffective.,调查表明虽然体罚比最初认为的要多,但是对孩子的体罚是不起作用的。答案选B。

2.细节理解题。根据文章第三四段内容可知作者也是经常犯错误,但是根据“Like many kids, I wasn’t bad; I was bored”可知 他和大多数孩子一样犯错误不是因为本质坏而是因为无聊,故答案选D。





科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省周口市英文学校高二下学期期考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

The sun was shining when I got on No.151 Bus. We passengers sat jammed together in heavy clothes. No one spoke. That’s one of the        rules.       we see the same faces every day, we prefer to       behind our newspapers. People who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their        .

As the bus came near the Mile, a        suddenly rang out “     !This is your driver speaking.” We looked at the back of the driver’s head. “Put your papers down. All of you.” The      came down. “Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go         .”

Surprisingly we all did it. Still no one smiled. I faced an older woman, her head wrapped in a red scarf(围巾).I saw her        every day. Our eyes met We waited for the next        from the driver. “Now repeat after me. Good morning neighbor!”

Our voice were       .For many of us, these were the         words we had spoken that day. But we said them together, like       ,to the strangers beside us. We couldn’t help      .There was the feeling of relief(解脱), that we were not being held up(抢劫). But more, there was the sense of ice being        . “Good morning ,neighbor.” It was not so       after all. Some of us repeated it, others shook hands ,many laughed. The bus driver said nothing more. He didn’t        to. Not a single newspaper went back up. I heard laughter, a warm sound I had never heard before in        .

When I reached my stop, I said          to my seatmate, and then jumped off the bus. That day was          off better than most.

1.A. unwritten            B.  strict           C.  bus           D. city

2.A. As                   B.  Because       C.  When          D. Although

3.A. read                   B.  sit             C.  talk           D. hide

4.A. ways                 B.  methods        C.  respect       D. distance

5.A. message              B.  warning         C.  suggestion     D. voice

6.A. Attention            B.  Minding        C.  Help         D. Listen

7.A. papers                 B.  passengers      C.  driver         D. tears

8.A. on                     B.  round         C.   ahead          D. down

9.A. still                     B.  nearly            C.  even          D. hardly

10.A. turn                   B.  talk             C.  order           D. remark

11.A. loud                   B.  neat             C.  slow         D. weak

12.A. first                     B.  last             C.  best         D. only

13.A. passengers         B.  citizens          C.  patients      D. schoolchildren

14.A. shouting             B.  crying           C.  smiling       D. wondering

15.A. formed              B.  heated          C.  broken       D. frozen

16.A. sad                    B.  hard             C.  ordinary     D. shy

17.A. need                   B.  want            C.  like           D. begin

18.A. my life           B.  Bus No.151      C.  public         D. other words

19.A. good morning       B.  good-bye         C.  hello         D. thanks

20.A. starting            B.  seeing              C.  taking        D. turning



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北邯郸市高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Pigs are always considered dirty animals because they roll in mud.But in fact they prefer being quite clean.They cover themselves with mud to help stay cool.During cooler weather, they prefer to stay clean.So do elephants, who also cover themselves in dust or mud to keep cool.When they find a place with clean water they will take a bath,using their long noses to give themselves—or each other—a nice shower

Some animals use dust to get clean.Chinchillas (南美洲栗鼠) have very fine fur. They don’t like to take water baths because water is not warm enough for them.So, instead, they roll around in fine dust.The dust helps to keep their fur and skin dry.This protects them from disease

Usually, a small bird is a light meal for a crocodile.But when a crocodile wants its teeth cleaned.it lies on the ground with its mouth open.The crocodile bird goes in and picks out any parasites(寄生虫)between the crocodile’s teeth or under its tongue.The crocodile gets its mouth cleaned,and the crocodile bird gets dinner.

You wouldn’t think fish would need baths.But some undersea parasites live under the fish’s skin.“Cleaner” fish,like the wrasse(隆头鱼),help take them away.The wrasse stands on its head and dances to signal a big fish that it is ready to go into the cleaning business.The big fish will stop moving and open its mouth wide so the wrasse can swim inside and pick out parasites and bits of food.

1.The passage is mainly about how animals __________.

A.stay clean B.help each other C.get their food D.take baths

2.What can we learn from the first paragraph about pigs?

A.They can help each other take baths.

B.They are dirtier during cooler weather.

C.They prefer taking baths to rolling in mud.

D.They like to stay cool and clean.

3.Chinchillas use dust to get clean for the following reasons EXCEPT that ________.

A. dust can dry their fur and skin B.They are not good at swimming

C.Water is too cold for them D.Dust is good for their health

4.From Paragraphs 3 and 4,we can know that __________.

A.Some animals can get clean from others’ help

B.Most animals are friendly to each other

C.Small animals couldn’t get food from big ones

D.All of the animals prefer to stay clean



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省邯郸市高三第一次调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配

Kids' health: Four steps for fighting stress

Everybody gets stressed time to time.  1.    Some ways of dealing with stress 一like screaming or hitting someone一don't solve (解决) much. But other ways, like talking to someone you trust, can lead you to solving your problem or at least feeling better.

Try taking these four steps. the next time you are stressed:

(1) Get support. When you need help, reach out to the people who care about you. Talk

To “trusted adult, such as “parent or other relatives. 2. They might have had similar problems, such as dealing with a test, or the death of a beloved pet.

(2) Don't take it out on yourself. Sometimes when kids are stressed and upset they take it out on themselves. Oh, dear, that's good idea. Remember that there are always people to help you. Don't take it out on yourself. 3.

(3) Try to solve the problem. After you're calm and you have support from adults and friends, it's time to get down to business. 4. Even if you can't solve it all , you can solve a piece of it.

(4) Be positive. Most stress is temporary(暂时的).Remember stress does go away,

especially when you figure out the problem and start working on solving it. These steps aren't magic, but they do work. And if you can stay positive as you make

your way through a tough time, you'll help yourself feel better even faster. 5.

A. Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.

B. Notice your friends' feelings and find a way to help them.

C. Different people feel stress in different ways

D. Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.

E. You need to figure out what the problem is.

F. And don't forget about your friends.

G. Then, find a way to calm down。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省衡水市高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear _____1.________ spoken.. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. ____2._______ ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.

There is no easy way to success ____3._______ language learning. _____4.________ good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only _____5._______(memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and ______6._______meaning, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. _____7._______we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of _____8._____(advise) for those _____9.______are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practice speaking and ____10.____(write) the language whenever we can.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they ①_____ _____ _____ the fire burning all winter.

It seems that they used the ②_____  ______  _______ to cut up animals and remove the skin.

3.十几岁的时候, 他就开始探求人生的深层意义。
As a teenager, he  ③______  _______  ______ a deeper meaning in life.

4.每次试图破纪录的时候,Ashrita 都会达到一个体力不可逾越的极限点。
Every time Ashrita tries to break a record, he ④______ _____ ______ ______ he feels he cannot physically do any more.

 She could see her mother and the older children preparing the deer and pig meat ⑤_______  _______  _________.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Where is Mother?

—She is in the kitchen. She ______the housework all morning.

A.does B. has been doingC. has done D. was doing



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省石家庄市高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

For many parents , raising a teenager is like fighting a long war ,but years go by without any clear winner . Like a border conflict between neighboring countries ,the parent-teen war is about boundaries: Where is the line between what I control and what you do?

Both sides want peace ,but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict . In part ,this is because neither is willing to admit .any responsibility for starting it . From the parents’ point of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescents’ complete unreasonableness. And of course .the teens see it in exactly the same way , except oppositely . Both feel trapped

In this article. I’ll describe three no-win situations that commonly arise between teens and parents and then suggest some ways out of the trap. The first no-win situation is quarrels over unimportant things . Examples include the color of the teen’s hair, the cleanliness of the bedroom ,the preferred style of clothing , the child’s failure to eat a good breakfast before school ,or his tendency to sleep until noon on the weekends .Second ,blaming.The goal of a blaming battle is to make the other admit that his bad attitude is the reason why everything goes wrong . Third , needing to be right ,It doesn’t matter what the topic is –politics. The taws of physics ,or the proper way to break an egg –the point of these arguments is to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong .for both wish to be considered an authority—someone who actually knows something — and therefore to command respect. Unfortunately , as long as long as parents and teens continue to assume that they know more than the other ,they’ll continue to fight these battles forever and never make any real progress

1. Why does the author compare the parent-teen war to a border conflict?

A. Both can continue for generations .

B. Both are about where to draw the line

C. Neither has any clear winner

D. Neither can be put to an end

2. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. The teens blame their parents for starting the conflict.

B. The teens agree with their parents on the cause of the conflict

C. The teens acouse their parents of misleading them

D. The teens tend to have a full understanding of their parents

3.Parents and teens want to be right because they want to ________.

A. give orders to the other

B. know more than the other

C. gain respect from the other

D.get the other to behave properly

4. What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

A. Causes for the parent –teen conflicts

B. Examples of the parent –teen war.

C. Solutions for the parent –teen problems

D. Future of the parent-teen relationship



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考英语人教版一轮课时作业必修3Unit1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

In China,it is a traditional________to show respect to ancestors during the Qingming Festival.

A.belief B.custom

C.strength D.principle


