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阅读理解(共13  26分)
阅读下面几段文字,理解文章大意,并从A 、B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
People need to relax and enjoy themselves.  One way they can have a good time is to watch a baseball game or another sports event.  Even thousands of years ago, groups of people gathered to watch skilled athletes.
Over 2000 years ago in Greece, certain days in the year were festival days.  These were holidays when people stopped work and enjoyed themselves.  They liked to watch athletes take part in races and other games of skill.
The most important festival was held every four years at the town of Olympia.  It was held in honor of the Greek god Zeus (Zus).  For five days, athletes from all parts of the Greek world took part in the Olympic Games.  At the Olympic Games, people could watch them box, run, jump and so on.  There was a relay race between two reams of men in which a lighted torch was passed from runner to runner.  The Olympic Games were thought to be so important that cities which were at war with one another had to stop fighting.  People were allowed to travel to the games safely.  Thousands of people came to Olympia from cities in Greece and from her colonies (殖民地)in Africa, Asia and Italy.  They met as friends to cheer their favorite athletes and to enjoy themselves.
56.What happened in Greece over 2000 years ago?
A.  People stopped work and enjoyed themselves.
B  The cities there were often against one another.
C  People watched baseball games.
D  People didn’t go to any games at all.
57.What were those countries in Africa?
A.  Friends.    B. Enemies.   C.  Colonies.     . D  Other cities.
58.What did people do at the games?
A.  They fought.
B They just talked to friends.
C  They cheered for good athletes.
D  They tried to find friends.
59.Greek cities then were fighting so they ____
A.  were weak.
B  were strong
C  couldn’t go to other cities freely.
D  could see each other.
60.The best title for the story is “ _____” .
A.  Greece at War
B.  Together for the Games
C.  Stop Fighting
D.  Sport

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My workplace, as do many others in our town, supports local services and the needy. One of the main services we _____21________ is our local food bank, a center where free food is made available to those in need.
This year, the food bank is _____22_______ more than in the past. _______23 cannot let the shelves become depleted(被耗尽的) or the food _______24________. Others, ________25______ children, depend on it. With the country’s _______26_______ situtation stalled(停滞) and more people out of work, more people are _____27______ and need supplements to feed their families.
This year, all the _______28______ in our area got together and decided to sponsor a “Food Fight Contest”. The contest will include 3 categories or areas to ______29_____: a) supply the most food, b) donate the most money, _______30______ c) provide the most volunteers. A company can win in all 3 areas or 3 different companies can win in each different area, ______31_____ the results. The contest will begin April Fool’s Day through the end of the month.
We’re kicking off a(n) _______32________ for fun this week. We’re all _______33______ and WE PLAN TO WIN! The last several years, to make donating ________34______, we set up food sculpture competitions between departments. Each department _______35______ bring in cans, sacks of rice, peanut butter, etc., then build and compete for the best _____36_____. The sculptures would be in a central location so coworkers could cast their vote for their ______37______. We tracked how much ____38_____ was provided by each group and then after the competition, all the _______39______ were taken to the food bank. We challenged ourselves to deliver more food and more weight each year, _______40______ it was for a great cause.
21. A. turn to          B. belong to          C. refer to          D. donate to
22. A. supported        B. challenged        C. criticized        D. enlarged
23. A. We             B. You               C. They           D. All
24. A. pile up          B. go bad             C. run out          D. sell well
25. A. only            B. actually         C. even             D. especially
26. A. cultural          B. economic         C. historical         D. political
27. A. hungry           B. anxious           C. unhappy         D. lazy
28. A. schools         B. charities       C. companies        D. governments
29. A. prove            B. stress             C. find              D. win
30. A. or               B. and             C. but               D. so
31. A. focusing on        B. relating to      C. depending on     D. leading to
32. A. campaign         B. adventure      C. ceremony         D. exhibition
33. A. excited           B. involved         C. thanked         D. prepared
34. A. likely            B. fun               C. useful           D. public
35. A. could             B. must             C. would           D. should
36. A. design            B. grade             C. speech          D. play
37. A. group           B. friend            C. hobby           D. favorite
38. A. money           B. food             C. energy          D. attenetion
39. A. gifts             B. goods          C. donations        D. participants
40. A. knowing          B. imagining        C. hoping          D. showing


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are many types of reports. A report is simply an account of something that has happened. The commonest are news reports. We get them in newspapers, over the radio and on television Sometimes cinemas also show us newsreels.
The main purpose of a newspaper is to provide news. If you examine a newspaper closely,   you will find that there are all types of news, accidents, floods, fires, wars, fashions, spoils,
books, etc. The news covers everything that happens to people and their surroundings. Some-
times there are news items which are very amusing.
A news report is usually very short, except when it is about something very important, but it contains a lot of information. It is also written in short paragraphs. The first paragraph is in fact
a summary of the news item. It gives all the necessary information -what, when, where, how
and why. The other paragraphs give full details of the subjects. There may also be interviews
with people. The words actually spoken by them are written in inverted commas(引号).
Often there are photographs to go with the news to make it more interesting.
53. The easiest way to get today's news is _______
A. to go to the cinema                  B. to watch a color TV
C. to read today's newspapers          D. to listen to music over the radio
54. Newspapers sell well mainly because _______
A. they cost very little                        
B. they are easy to get
C. they have got pictures to go with the news   
D. they provide all sorts of news in them
55. If you want to get enough information about yesterday's traffic accident within a very short time, you can __
A. read the first paragraph of the news report in today's newspaper
B. start with the second paragraph of the news report in today' s newspaper
C. look through the whole news report in today' s newspaper
D. talk with people who have seen the accident
56. To interest more people, a news report __
A. usually produces amusing news
B. always writes very short news reports
C. often prints pictures to go with the news
D. sometimes provides long and important news
57. This passage mainly talks about __
A. different types of reports                    B. news reports
C. happenings to people and their surroundings    D. the length of a news report


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

  Chinese cigarette packs will have skulls(骷髅),blackened teeth or diseased lungs printed on them in the latest effort to deal with smoking,but one expert said the images may actually attract younger people to take up the habit.
  The images would have to take up at least 30 percent of the pack's surface area under rrules that would come into force from January 2009.It was part of a plan that would also see tobacco advertising banned in China by 2011.Similar images are already printed on packs in countries including Singapore,Thailand and Canada.
  Chinese are the world's most enthusiastic smokers,with a growing market of more than 300 million making it a magnet for cigarette companies and a focus of international health concern.China has banned smoking on public transport,but it is still allwed in many public places such as restaurants,and it is not uncommon to see people smoking in hospitals.
  The average age people take up smoking in some parts of the country had hallen to as low as just over 10.And the new measures could make the problem worse,according to Zhao Cuiping,a youth expert."In analysis over the past decade(十年) on what young people like,they far prefer skulls and other scary images to cats or dogs,"she said.
  Chinese cigarettes are also among the cheapest in the world and a packet can cost as little as eight US. cents.
  The country needs to take effective measures to cut down smoking or the habit could end up killing 2.2 million Chinese a year by 2020,the World Health Organization said in May.
  56.The new designs will be adopted on cigarette packs ______.
   A.to attract young people     B.increase tobacco sales
   C.as trade mardks           D.as health warnings
  57.We can infer from the article that nobody is allowed to smoke while _____ in China now.
   A.staying in a hospital B.taking a bus ride C.eating outsede D.walking in the street
  58.Zhao Cuiping seemed to think that teenagers would ______.
   A.enjoy the new cigarette packs
   B.dislike the new measures
   C.be the last to give up their smoking habit
   D.prefer to have pet animals on the packs
  59.All the paragraphs support the idea that China's smoking problem is serious except ____.
   A.Paragraph 1 B.Paragraphs 1 and 2 C.Paragraphs 1and 5 D.Paragraphs 2,5 and 6


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It is a lot of trouble to learn a new language. When we go to all that trouble, we certainly want to be understood. But understanding is based on more than speech. Sometimes misunderstanding comes not from the wrong words, but from the wrong style. In our own country, we learn the style for politeness. But this polite style may be misunderstood in another country. This can cause unexpected difficulties. Since you have spent so much effort learning this new language, it is sensible and practical to learn the politeness rules also. Even if you think some of the customs are foolish, learning them can help you to be clearly understood.
In your country, is it considered polite to listen quietly to other people without any change of expression on the face? If this is the style you have learned, perhaps you should watch two Americans talking. Notice how the person who is listening will have frequent changes of expression. The listener may also make little remarks while the other person is talking. These little remarks may be one word, like “Really?” or they may just be a little sound, like “Uhhuh” or “Mmm.” This is the way American listeners show that they are listening in a friendly way. This is why Americans get uneasy when the listener is silent and shows no change of expression. In the American style of speaking, an unmoving face often means that the listener is unfriendly, or perhaps even angry.
Sometimes people from two countries are uncomfortable with each other for very small reasons. Here is an example: Americans think that perspiration odor is not polite. In fact, they worry so much about this subject that they spend a great deal of money on deodorants (除臭剂) and dry cleaning and washing their clothes. If a foreign student does not follow the same rule, Americans may be disturbed and think the foreigner is not nice. The problem can be especially troublesome because Americans are so embarrassed about this subject that they do not even like to talk about it, so they are not likely to tell that person why they are uneasy.
63. If you want to be clearly understood in another country, besides the language, you should also learn _________.
A. its common knowledge     B. its style            C. its wrong words      D. how to make a speech
64. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. American listeners have frequent changes of expression.
B. A foreign student may not get along well with Americans if he smells.
C. An unmoving face and silence of listeners will make Americans feel unhappy.
D. Making little remarks like “Really”, “Uhhuh” or “Mum” is impolite while listening to an American.
65. The underlined phrase in the last paragraph probably means _________.
A. an unpleasant smell                                     B. a good style of talking
C. an unfriendly way                                   D. a polite expression
66. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Learning a new language                  B. Different people, Different languages
C. Body Language                                     D. Different Countries, Different Cultures


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Everyone should learn to apologize. Apology language do work. Have you ever tried to apologize, only to be refused? It may be that you were offering partial apology in a “language” that was foreign to your listener. The five languages of apology include:
Apology Language 1: “I am sorry.”
List the hurtful effects of your action. NOT “I am sorry if…”, but “I am sorry that…”. You might ask if they want to add any points that you have not recognized.
Apology Language 2: “I was wrong.”
Name your mistake and accept fault. Note that it is easier to say “You are right ” than “ I am wrong”, but the latter carries more weight.
Apology Language 3: “What can I do to make it right ?”
How are you now? How shall I make amends to you? How can I RESTORE YOUR CONFIDENC that I love you even I was so hurtful to you?
Apology Language 4: “I WILL TRY NOT TO DO THAT AGAIN.”
Engage in problem-solving. Do not make excuses for yourself such as: “Well my day just so …” Instead, offer what you will change to prevent yourself putting them in the same bad situation again.
Apology Language 5: “Will you please forgive me?”
Be patient in seeking forgiveness. They may need some time or greater clarification of your input from Apology Languages 1-4.
Finally, your apology may not be accepted, but at least you know that you have been faithful in offering a sincere olive branch of peace.
41. When offerring an apology, which of the following dose the author prefer?
A. “You are right .”                 B. “I am sorry if …”      
C. “I am wrong.”             D. “Well , my day was just so…”
42. In the last paragraph ,the author tells us even if your apology may not be accepted , at least __________ .
A .It is not your fault any more.               B. Your mind will be at peace.
C. your friend will make peace with you.       D. your apology is true to your heart.
43 .What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. Five tips for apology that work.            B. Five ways of refusing apology.
C. The function (功能) of apology language.   D. The importance of apology language


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

No one could have failed to be moved had he watched the live televised volleyball game between the Chinese and Cuban women’s teams. As we sat before the television set, with our eyes fixed on the screen, we experienced every kind of feeling. When the two teams played neck and neck, we were on pins and needles, anxious as to what would come next, and when our team fell behind our hearts were in our mouths. Watching the game between those two teams is not only a matter of great joy. For more than that it provides food for thought. Just see how the Chinese women won the game ──by their co ──operation (合作), by their excellent skill, their effort and strong will. A Chinese saying goes, “When two competent opponents (比赛的双方) meet, the strong ──minded one will win. “This is the spirit of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team. If every Chinese showed some of the spirit, never losing heart in times of difficulty and remaining clear ──minded in times of advantage (优势), then our nation would stand in the vanguard (前列) of the world family of nations, just as the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team has done, is doing and will do.
44. While watching the game, we _____.
A. had feelings of different kind
B. enjoyed a friendly and wonderful game
C. clapped and cheered only for the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team
D. were eager to know what would happen later on
45. The wonderful game _____.
A. brought us great joy
B. provided us with food for our thoughts
C. gave us not only great joy but also food for thoughts
D. give us a valuable amusement
46. The author believed that _____.
A. the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team was the strongest
B. China was sure to become stronger and stronger if only we have that spirit of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team
C. The Chinese must remain clear-minded in time of advantage
D. The Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team never lost heart in times of difficulty
47. The best title of the passage might be _____.
A. Watching a Close Volleyball Game
B. The Spirit of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team
C. Learn from the Members of the Volleyball Team
D. The Strong
──Minded Are the Winners


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Several different stories are told about the origin of Saint Valentine’s Day. One story dates as far back as the days of Roman Empire. According to the story. Claudius, the Emperor of Rome, wanted to increase the size of the army. He knew that it would be easier to get young men who were not married to join the army; therefore, he made a rule that no young men could marry until he had served in the army for a number of years.
A priest(man working in church) named Valentine broke the rule and secretly married a great number of young people. Finally, Claudius found out about Valentine and put the priest in prison, where he remained until his death on February 14.
After his death, Valentine was made a saint(圣人) and the day of his death was named Saint Valentine’s Day----which is a time for people to send one another their greeting of many kinds.
February 14, Valentine’s Day, is sweetheart’s day, on which people in love with each other express their soft feelings.
People sometimes put their
love message in a heart shaped box of chocolate or a bunch of flowers tied with red ribbons. Words of letters may be written on the flower covered card, or something else. Whatever the form may be, the message is almost the same “Will you be my Valentine?”
64. According to the rule_______.
A. no young men could get married unless they were old enough.
B. Young men could get married if they had served the army for a number of years.
no one could get married without the emperor’s permission
young men could get married only in the army.
65. The passage mainly tells us about_______.
A. How Valentine died                B. The emperor of Rome   
C. How Valentine’s Day is celebrated    D. The origin of Valentine’s Day
66. February 14 is chosen as Valentine’s Day because_______.
A. people want to remember Valentine
lovers express their soft feelings on this day
people send one another greeting of many kinds on this day
people want to fix a date for lovers to express their emotion
67. Valentine was put in prison for ________.
A. he helped the couples who were not supposed to get married 
B. he got married 
C. he fell in love with more than one woman.  
D. he broke the emperor’s rule on purpose


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever dreamed of having a fashionable watch of great value?
A small watchmaker in Switzerland in 1922 designed the first automatic watch to show the day,month,and date.Only seven of these splendid watches were ever made and these watches were almost lost to history.Today,it is so hard to get an original watch that some watch historians are even willing to offer $ 200,000 for one.
These watches attracted a lot of people for their splendid color,fashionable style,and new uses in the 1920s.The owners of the watches were admired and set apart from the crowd.Because the number of the original watches is very limited,owning such a watch will make you feel very special.
Today,you are offered the same kind of watch with improvement.The watch has a 24-jewel mechanical(机械的)movement,the kind desired by watch collectors.The watchmaker has made the movement of the watch much more modern with an automatic rotor(上弦装置)so that the watch never needs to be wound by hand.The watch comes in a very beautiful case with a crocodile design on it.To get a watch in such a perfect design means to get a chance to know a piece of watch making history and to wear such a watch will show your personal taste and social position.
You can get the watch either in person or by mail at an affordable price.You will also receive good service from the watch seller.If you are not satisfied with the watch after you get it,you may simply return it within 30 days.Don’t miss the chance to realize your dream.
41.The original automatic watches are valuable because          .  
A.the watches were made many years ago
B.the watches were made by a Swiss watchmaker
C.only rich people can afford the watches
D.only a few watches of the kind were made
42.Watch collectors want to get the improved watch,especially for its         
A.mechanical movement                            B.splendid color
C.fashionable style                                            D.new uses
43.The purpose of the passage is to encourage the readers to          .
A.buy the watch                                            B.return the watch
C.wear the watch                                              D.receive the service
44.The passage is probably taken from a           
A.novel    B.magazine                C.text book                    D.science book

