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“There’s going to be one less boy in the room!” The words rang in my ears as the criminal(罪犯) pointed his gun against my head. The floodgates opened and tears ran down my face. No one in the courtroom(法庭) moved. Everyone was held silent with fear. A few seconds passed and the criminal put down his gun, turning his back on me.
“Cut!” the director shouted with joy. One take! We had done the scene in just one take. Then all the people who acted in the film went off for lunch.
I got my food and joined them, and the criminal, who had moments before been so scary, took his seat beside me and told us many funny jokes. A table of adults surrounded me, but I was never uncomfortable talking with strangers. I worked with these people and they worked with me. We talked, we laughed, we got to know each other and sometimes we became friends. At the end of the day we all went our separate ways, but we had been drawn close by working together to make this play.
After the show was broadcast, my friends asked if I had been scared of the criminal. At first this sounded funny. He was, after all, a kind and intelligent man. Then I realized that they didn’t see that side of him. Television and films are about creating an alternate(交替的) life that appears real even if for a while. We had been successful in doing that. Even my friends, who knew the real me, were drawn in the make-believe world of our story.
Acting has helped me to feel comfortable in my own skin and in communicating with others. I feel relaxed during interviews and when leadership opportunities come. Change is not threatening(威胁) to me, and I am grateful for the chance to learn and to grow in knowledge and experience in my life.
In the film, what was the manner of the author’s character when facing the criminal?
A.Brave and calm.B.Anxious and terrified.
C.Shy and quiet. D.Heroic and fearless.
We know from the passage that the author       .
A.is a kind personB.has realized his dream to be an actor
C.has a gift for film actingD.has no experience in film acting
When they had lunch, the author        .
A.was too afraid to sit beside the criminal
B.was unwilling to talk with the others
C.was laughing to tears by the criminal’s jokes
D.was comfortable communicating with others
Why could the author understand his friends’ questions?
A.He had a close relationship with his friends.
B.The actors performed so well that the audience accepted the story as true.
C.He thought it was normal for the audience to question the actors.
D.He thought they didn’t understand the process of film acting.
It can be inferred from the passage that       .
A.the author felt lucky to play in the film
B.it wasn’t the first time that the author had acted in films
C.the author’s friends encouraged him to act in films
D.the author had a successful career because of this film


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The young couple had another quarrel. They were sitting silently when the landlady came in and asked, “You don’t   31  the house any more?” He kept silent and she   32  shook her head.
The landlady began   33  the house. After looking around, the landlady screamed, “See how you have   34  my house? The walls are full of nails! How could I rent it to others?”
She began looking around her   35 room. Four years ago on the wedding night, he felt deeply   36  to her, saying, “I feel so sorry to you for   37  you live in this small room. In the future I will buy our own big house.”
This tiny room has two nails on the wall next to the door, one for her bag and the other   38  . At that time, she threw all her stuff such as her bag and umbrella on the   39  once she entered the room, staring at the whole   40  and feeling terribly upset. Then he began   41  more nails into the wall. There were three nails on the left, on which   42  his clothes yesterday and four on the right used to   43  their wedding photo frame.
The landlady started to pull the nails out with a tool. After the nails were   44 , the walls were left with countless holes. Suddenly, she felt heartbroken as if she were   45  nonstop through these holes.
  She   46  to her feet and exclaimed, “Stop removing the nails! We will rent the house   47  we buy our own!” He gazed at her surprised, and then turned round, tears over his cheek.
She   48 realized that marriage was like a wall and that all   49  and “cold wars” were like the nails on the wall.  50 , when they were removed, only a wall with holes would remain. But if all the nails were still in their own places, the wall was still complete and reliable.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Charles R. Drew was a medical student at Columbia University in New York. Before he graduated, he wrote an article __41___ blood bank, that is, the storing of blood. Up till then, a lot of people had died from loss of blood __42___ there was no blood bank.
When the United States entered the Second World War, it became __43___ to set up blood banks. Dr Drew became __44___ of the Red Cross’s first blood bank. When the Red Cross __45___ blood banks to collect and store blood for men __46__ in battle, black American gave blood along with the whites. At ___47__ their blood was not accepted. Later blood from the blacks was ___48___ but was stored in a __49___ place from “white” blood. Although the best doctors __50___ that there was __51___ difference at all between the blood of blacks and whites, the Red Cross, with the support of the government, __52___ to separate black blood from white blood.
After the war, Dr Drew was ___53__ from Washington with three other doctors to attend a medical meeting in a southern state. In northern Carolina their car went __54___ a ditch(深沟)and Dr Drew was __55___ hurt. He had lost __56__ blood by the time a passing car took him to the __57___ hospital. But they were stopped at the gate of the hospital. “__58__him to the hospital for blacks.” No matter __59___ they said, they could not get into the hospital. They had to take him to the __60___ hospital, but on the way Dr Drew died because he had lost too much blood.
A.biggestB.most modernC.nearestD.cheapest
A.TakeB.BringC.Send forD.Find


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My parents operated a small restaurant in Seattle. It was open twenty-four hours a day, six days a week. And my first real job,when I was six years old,was   36    the diners’ shoes. My father had done it when he was young,so he taught me   37   to do it efficiently(有效地),telling me to   38   to re-shine(再擦亮) the shoes if the customer wasn’t    39 .
Working in the restaurant was a cause of great   40  because I was also working for the good of the family. But my father   41  that I had to meet certain standards(标准) to be part of the team. I   42   to be punctual(守时的),hard-working,and polite to the    43 .
I was   44   paid for the work I did at the restaurant. One day I made the mistake of advising Dad that he   45  give me $10 a week. He said,“OK. How about you paying me for three meals a day you have here? And for the times you bring    46  your friends for free soft drinks?” He   47   I owed him about $40 a week.
I remember returning to Seattle after being    48  in the US Army for about two years. I had just been promoted(升迁) to Captain at that time. And full of pride,I walked into my parents’ restaurant,but the   49  thing Dad said was,“How about your   50   up tonight?” I couldn’t   51  my ears! I am an officer in the Army! But it didn’t   52   as far as Dad was concerned,I was just   53   member of the team. I reached for the mop(拖把). Working for Dad has taught me the devotion to a   54    is above all. It has nothing to do with   55   that team is involved in a family restaurant or the US Army.
A. cleaning          B. shining        C. removing       D. keeping
A. why                B. what           C. when           D. how


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I got my first driver’s license(执照)in 1953 by taking driver education in my first year at Central High School in Charlotte,North Carolina. Four years later when it was time to renew my license I was a married woman. Henry and I were living in Baltimore, Maryland. Two weeks before my 20th birthday, Henry drove me to the motor vehicle office on a hot July afternoon. When I got to the office and showed to the man behind the counter my North Catrolina driver’s license,ready to renew, the man told me that I was under age by Maryland law since I was not yet 21. “Mr. Henry Smith, your husband, will have to sign for you,” he said.
I argued,pointing to a very lage belly(肚子)of mine,”I am married. I am having a baby. Why should I have to have someone sign for me to drive?” He answered coldly, “It’s the law, madam?”
Henry encouraged me to calm down,just go ahead and get the license and be done with it “No.” I said. I refused to have him sign for me. So I left without a Maryland license.
I called the North Carolina Motor Vehicle Office and renewed my NC license by mail-using my name Susan Brown. And thus it was for the next twelve years. Since Henry was in the army I could drive under my home state license. By the time Henry left the army we were once again living in Maryland, and I had to take the Maryland driver’s exam. Since then I just go in and renew every four years-sign the name Susan Brown,have my new picture taken, and walk out with a license to drive.
Susan got her first driver's license           .
A.before she got married to HenryB.when she was twenty years old
C.after she finished high schoolD.when she just moved to Maryland
Susan failed to renew her license the first time in Maryland because          .
A.she was forbidden to drive by Maryland law
B.she lacked driving experience in Maryland
C.she was to give birth to a baby soon
D.she insisted on signing for herself
We can infer from the text that in the U.S.          .
A.American males should serve in the army
B.different states my have different laws
C.people have to renew their licenses in their home states
D.women should adopt their husbands' family names after marriage


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There was great interest when a big hole mysteriously appeared in the middle of a field. Engineers were called in to explain how it had got there. They offered various explanations but were not at all sure how the hole had been caused, it was thought that a large bomb which came suddenly exploded, but it was not possible to prove this. A simple, but highly improbable explanation was offered by a man who declares to know well about “flying saucers”; the strange objects which are round in shape and are said to visit the earth from outer space. The man’s explanation may have been nonsense (胡说八道), but at least it was imaginative. At any rate, it was far more interesting than the one given by the army.
After examining the ground carefully the man declared to have seen special marks on the soil quite near the hole, these, he said, could only have been caused by a flying saucer. Moreover the leaves on some bushes nearby had turned yellow because of a strange hot gas which had come from the saucer just before it landed. Even a small tree some way off appeared to have been burnt slightly. A small piece of metal found in the hole itself gave further proof that a strange object had been there. According to the man, it was quite clear that people from another world had been going around the earth trying to pick up information, when something had gone wrong. Because of this they had been forced to land in a field so that the damage could be repaired. The hole had been caused when the saucer struck the earth, while the strange marks nearby were made when it took off again. This, said the man, was the simplest explanation of how the hole had appeared. Judging from the interest the public took in the matter, there must be quite a few people who secretly believe or hope that this simple explanation is the true one.
小题1:What aroused public interest?
A.A mysterious hole in a field.B.Various explanations offered by experts.
C.A simple explanation given by a man.D.The shape of the flying saucers.
小题2:The author thought the man’s explanation was________. 
A.boring but imaginativeB.reasonable and interesting
C.meaningless but interestingD.mysterious and unbelievable
小题3:The man found a lot of proofs except ____. 
A.special marks on soil near the holeB.yellow leaves on some bushes nearby
C.a small piece of meal in the holeD.the remains of the flying saucer
小题4:It’s said the outer-space people were circling the earth _______.
A.to repair their saucerB.to strike the earth
C.to. collect information D.to make strange marks


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A new study says that birds living in big cities sing shorter, faster songs that are higher-pitched (高音调的) than those sung by their brothers in the forests. The researchers think that the birds adjust their songs to allow themselves to be heard over the noises of the city, especially the low traffic noise.
To study how urban birds song, Hans Slabbekoorn and Ardie den Bore, biologists at the University of Leiden in Netherlands, travelled around Europe and recorded bird songs in ten major cities and in nearby forests. The species they focused on, the great tit (大山雀), is widespread across Eurasia and one of the few types of birds that thrives in big cities.
Singing is crucial (重要的) for males, which use their songs to attract mates and mark out their territory. The changing songs could play a role in eventually causing the city birds and the forest dwellers to evolve into separate species.
The findings could also help explain why usually only a few bird species thrive in cities. By contrast, many more bird species tend to be found in forests and other undeveloped habitats.
Studies like this could eventually help researchers predict how urbanization (都市化) will affect birds, using this knowledge could help urban planners design more pleasant city environments, study co-author Slabbe-koorn said. “You can make a city much more livable if you pay attention to where the noise goes and where the people go,” he said. “It would be easy to fit the birds into those models.” Then cities wouldn’t be strictly for the people, but also for the birds.
小题1: Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Birds Change Songs to Suit Country Life
B.Birds Change Sex to Suit Urban Life
C.Birds Change Living Habits to Suit Urban Life
D.Birds Change Songs to Suit Urban Life
小题2: Males usually sing their songs to ____.
A.evolve into another species
B.attract mates and mark out their living area
C.attract city people’s attention and make them supply food
D.allow themselves to be heard over the noises of the city
小题3: The underlined word “thrives” in the second paragraph means “____”.
A.diesB.survivesC.suffers D.travels
小题4:What is NOT the effect that studies of birds’ songs have?
A. Predicting how course of the city’s expanding will affect birds.
B. Helping the city planners design more pleasant city environments.
C. Making cities more livable for both the birds and people.
D. Driving the urban birds back to the forest.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Being the head of a high school for many years, I grew tired of budget meetings, funding cuts, and many other administrative chores(杂务). I started to dream of retirement. Sitting in traffic on a weekday morning, I would find my mind wandering. I would imagine spending time with my grandchildren, quiet evenings with my wife, traveling, or rediscovering some great books. I told myself that I wouldn’t sign myself up for any committees, any classes, or anything requiring a schedule.
My first day of retirement came at last! I cooked a great breakfast for my wife and me, leisurely read the paper, cleaned a bit of the house, and wrote a few letters to friends. On the second day, I cooked breakfast, read the paper… On the third day, … This is retirement? I tried to tell myself that it was just the transition(过渡), that those golden moments were right round the corner, and that I would enjoy them soon enough. But something was missing.
A former colleague asked a favor. A group of students was going to Jamaica to work with children in the poorest neighborhoods. Would I interrupt my newfound “happiness” and return to the students, just this once? One trip. That’s all. My bags were packed and by the door.
The trip was very inspiring. I was moved not only by the poverty I saw but also by the sense of responsibility of the young people on the trip. When I returned home, I offered to work one day a week with a local youth organization. The experience was so positive that I was soon volunteering nearly full-time, working with students across North America to assist them in their voluntary work.
Now, it seems, the tables have turned. Some days I am the teacher, other days I am the student. These young people have reawakened my commitment(责任感) to social justice issues by challenging me to learn more about the situation in the world today, where people are still poor and suffer because of greed, corruption and war. Most important, they have given me the opportunity to continue to participate in helping to find solutions. In return, I help them do their charitable projects overseas. I’ve gone from running one school to helping oversee the construction of schools in twenty-one countries!
What did the writer expect to do after he retired?
A.To write some great books.
B.To stay away from busy schedules.
C.To teach his grandchildren.
D.To plan for his future.
Why did the writer decide to go to Jamaica?
A.He wasn’t satisfied with his retired life.
B.He couldn’t refuse his colleague’s favor.
C.He was concerned about the people there.
D.He missed his students in that country.
The underlined part “the tables have turned” (Paragraph 5) most probably means that the writer ______.
A.improved the situation in his school
B.felt happy to work with students again
C.changed his attitude toward his retirement
D.became a learner rather than a teacher
What does the writer think of his retired life now?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Agnes Miller was one of the earliest leaders of the Women’s Liberation Movement in the United States. She was born on a farm in Missouri in 1892. Strangely enough she had a very happy life as a child. She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five. Her parents and her brothers always treated her as their favorite.
In 1896 the family moved to Chicago. Three years later they moved back to St. Louis where Agnes spent the rest of her childhood. She enjoyed her years in school and was an excellent student of mathematics. She also was quite skillful as a painter.
It was when Agnes went off to college that she first learned that women were not treated as equals. She didn’t like being treated unequally but she tried not to notice it. After graduating from college she tried to get a job in her major field—physics. She soon found it was almost impossible for a woman.
Agnes spent a full year looking for a job. Finally she gave up in anger. She began writing letters of anger to various newspapers. An editor in New York liked her ideas very much. He specially liked her style. He asked her to do a series of stories on the difficulties that women had in finding a job. And there she began her great fight for equal rights for women.
Where did Agnes spend her childhood?
A.Missouri.B.Chicago.C.New York.D.St. Louis and Chicago.
At school, Agnes was good at      .
A.physics and paintingB.maths and painting
C.writing and mathsD.physics and writing
What happened in Agnes’s life when she was in college?
A.She learned to accept the fact that men and women were unequal.
B.She learned that it was impossible for a woman to be a scientist.
C.She came to know of the inequality between men and women.
D.She developed her personal way of writing.

