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6.This passage is written in simple language,immediately          to the reader.(  )

分析 这篇文章的语言很简单,读者可以快速理解.

解答 答案C.考查形容词的词义辨析.considerable相当大的;重要的,值得考虑的.available可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;有空的.accessible易接近的;可进入的;可理解的.flexible灵活的.根据句意,快速理解.故选C.

点评 考查词义辨析的题,熟记单词的意思,根据句意进行选择.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

16.He used to download information from the Internet and made good use of.of后加it或去掉of.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.When I was 12years old,I dreamed to get a signet(图章) ring.They were the"in"thing and it seemed every girl except me had one.On my 13th birthday,my Mum gave me a signet ring with my initials(姓名首字母)carved into it.I was in heaven.
What made it even more special was that it was about the only thing that wasn't being"replaced".We'd been burnt out in fires that swept through our area earlier that year and had lost everything-so most of the"new"stuff we got was really just to replace what we'd lost.But not my ring.My ring was new.
Then,only one month later,I lost it.I took it off before bed and it was missing in the morning.I was sad and searched everywhere for it.But it seemed to have disappeared.Eventually,I gave up and stopped looking for it.And two years later,we sold the house and moved away.
Years passed,and a couple of moves later,I was visiting my parents'when Mum told me that she had something for me.It wasn't my birthday,nor was it Easter or Christmas or any other gift-giving occasion.Mum noticed my questioning look."You'll recognize this one,"she said,smiling.
Then she handed me a small ring box.I took it from her and opened it to find my beautiful signet ring inside.The family who had bought our house 13years earlier had recently decided to do some redecorations,which included replacing the carpets.When they pulled the carpet up in my old bedroom,they found the ring.As it had my initials carved into it,they realized who owned the ring.They'd had it professionally cleaned up by a jeweler before sending it to my mother.And it still fits me.

1.The underlined word"in"in the first paragraph probably means"B".
2.When she got the ring back,the writer was aboutD.
A.13years old
B.15years old
C.26years old
D.28years old
3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.
A.The writer's family moved several times.
B.The writer never stopped looking for her ring.
C.The writer's ring was cleaned up by the new house owner.
D.The writer lost her ring in the morning when she took it off.
4.What would be the best title for the passage?C.
A.My New Ring
B.Lost and Replaced
C.Lost and Found
D.An Expensive Ring.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.When we hear of dangerous diseases,cancer and heart disease are often what first come to mind.Recently,a virus called Ebola has reappeared in Guinea,killing 62 people so far.It leads to high fever,bleeding and so on.Ebola can kill 90% of those infected (感染),especially in underdeveloped societies like those in Africa.
Ebola is named after the Ebola River,where it was first discovered in 1976.There are five different types of the Ebola virus,each named after where they first happened:Sudan,Ivory Coast,Reston,Bundibugyo,and Zaire.The deadliest of the five,Zaire,was responsible for the 2012outbreak,and is believed to be attacking Guinea.
Ebola is naturally found in fruit bats,which pass on the virus to other animals by biting or sucking on their blood.Humans who are suffering from the Ebola infection might have touched the bodily fluids (体液) of the infected animals.Once infected,a human becomes a carrier of the deadly virus.
Since we live in an interconnected world,where the situation in one country can affect us all,the effects of Ebola are huge:damaging trade relations,affecting foreign visitors,and weakening entire countries.Already the Guinea virus is spreading fast with a few cases spotted in Conakry-the capital city of Guinea,far away from the origin of the virus.It is feared that the disease may have already reached neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone,too.
Unfortunately,there are no disease-specific treatments for Ebola.Healthcare workers only supply the infected people with water to keep them in good condition.Since there have been many cases of nurses catching the disease from patients,they are forced to wear strict protective clothes,and in some cases,not even allowed to get close to the infected.The fact that there is no cure for the Ebola virus is what makes the outbreak a challenging one to control.

29.From the text we know thatB.
A.Ebola is naturally found in fruit
B.Ebola is a highly infectious virus
C.Ebola is a newly discovered disease
D.Ebola is recently controlled in Guinea
30.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?D
A.The causes of Ebola.
B.The origin of Ebola.
C.The treatment for Ebola.
D.The influences of Ebola.
31.In Ebola infected areas,healthcare workersA.
A.face the danger of catching virus
B.take measures to protect the nurses
C.give water and medicine to the patients
D.do whatever they can to save the infected
32.The text probably comes fromA.
A.an English newspaper
B.a tourist guide
C.a safety brochure
D.a medical report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.While I was teaching in China,l became interested in acupuncture(针灸).It was after returning from China and witnessing how successful it had been that I reached the decision to become an acupuncturist myself.I was lucky to discover that the town where I lived had a famous college of traditional acupuncture.
Alternative medicine such as acupuncture is particularly important for me because I firmly believe that it works on the level of body,mind and spirit.This is very different from Western medicine which is supposed to work only on the body.When a person is ill,it is believed that there's something in their life wh ich is putting their energy levels out of balance.What alternative therapies(疗法)try to do is help to gradually push that energy back into balance.The result is that any disease present might naturally disappear as it cannot survive when energies are balanced.
I've treated a wide range of people for various conditions,for example people suffering from stress and anxiety.To acquire a qualification in acupuncture,I took a course that lasted three years.I had to go to the college about one weekend in three.I also had a large amount of homework and practical work to do,which I did two or three evenings a week.This involved locating points on different people.As you can imagine,this isn't straightforward as people are of different sizes and have differently shaped bodies.
In the future I hope to set up an alternative health clinic which will involve myself as an acupuncturist but perhaps other people as well.I'd like to work with people who provide treatments such as rubbing (按摩) and pressing people's feet in a special way to help them relax and feel well.I'd like to set it up somewhere in the countryside,where people could feel free from the stress of life.

24.The author decided to learn acupunctureC.
A.when he was teaching in China
B.when he was studying in college
C.after he came back to his mother country
D.after he discovered an acupuncture school
25.What does the author think of acupuncture′?B
A.It prevents disease.
B.It treats people as a whole.
C.It has an immediate effect                  
D.It helps improve people's lives.
26.The acupuncture course the author took wasA.
A.time-consuming and challenging        
B.learner-centered and effective
C.difficult but interesting                      
D.painful but helpful
27.What do the underlined words"other people"in the last paragraph refer to?B
A.Other acupuncturists
B.Other alternative therapists.
C.Other doctors who use Western medicine.
D.Other people who want to escape from stress.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.It's difficult for us to learn a lesson in life             we've actually had that lesson.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Thousands of people impact all aspects of our lives*be it the weatherman at the TV studio in a neigh boy ring city,or the technician at a phone company across the continent,or the woman in Tobago who picks the mangoes for your fruit Scilad.Every day.intentionally or unintentionally,we make a large number of connections with people around the world.
Our personal growth and evolution (and the evolution of societies) come about as a result of connecting with our fellow humans,whether as a band of young warriors setting out on a hunt or as a group of co-workers heading out to the local bakery after work on Friday,As a species (物种),we are instinctively(本能地)driven to come logether and form groups of friends,associations  and  communities,Without them,we cannot exist.
Making connections is what our  gray matter does best.It receives information from our sense and processes it by making associations.It grows quickly when it's making connections.
People do the same thing.It's a scientific fact that people who stay socially and physically active hive a longer life.This doesn't mean staying with the same  old crowd and going around on an exercise bike.It means getting out and making new friends.
When you make new connections in the outside world you make new connections in the inside world-in your brain.This keeps you young and alert (机警的)-Edward M.Hallowell,in his book Connect,cites the 1979 Alameda County Study by Dr,Lisa Berkman of the Harvard School of Health Sciences.Dr,Berkman and her team carefully looked at 7,000 people-aged 35 to 65,over a period of nine yews.Their study concludes that people who lack social and community connections are almost three times more likely to die of medical illness than those who have more contacts.And all this is independent of socioeconomic status and health practices such as smoking,olcoholic beverage consumption or physical activity!
Other people can also help you take care of your needs and desires,Whatever it is you'd like in this life-romance,a  dream  job,ticket to the Rose Bowl-the chances are pretty high that you'll  need someone's help to get it.If people like you.they will be willing to give you their time and their efforts.And the better the quality of harmonious relationship you have with them,the higher the level of their cooperation.

61.Which of the following is laid great stress on in the passage?C
A.Our fate is decided  by the companions we keep.
B.People connect with each other out of necessity,
C.Contacts between people are essential for our life.
D.Conned ion is established when we work together.
62.The underlined part"gray matter"in Paragaph 3 refers to"D".
63.Dr,Berkman   and his  team's study reverbB.
A.a wonder  cure for deadly diseases
B.a vital function of connecting
C.a great encouragament to smokers
D.a practical way to connection
64.Which of the following can be Ihc proper litle  for the passage?A
A.The Benefils of Connecting
B.The Progress of Connection
C.The Methods of Connecting    
D.The Features of Connection.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

15.Coming face-to-face with your inadequacies can be painful,to say the least (36)EIt even makes you question yourself.Your knee-jerk reaction may be to get defensive or even dismiss the critique entirely.But handling negative feedback with grace will not only make you look gracious,but it could ultimately help you grow as a person.Here's how to do it.
1.Be objective about the criticism
Before you jump to conclusions and begin to challenge the other person's opinion,take a step back and look at it objectively.
Next time you get a bad review,don't immediately allow your emotions to get the better of you,but rather,take a moment to consider whether the criticism is at all accurate.(37)F
2.Avoid unnecessary conflict
If you decide that the point is valid,it may be hard to take.In your discomfort,you may feel the urge to criticize the other person angrily and defend yourself.(38)C
3.Be open to the idea of change
(39)AAnd it may be because of a concept called"cognitive dissonance"that Can prevent us from changing even when that's what we need most.
4.Ask questions
If you're open to using the criticism as a springboard to improvement,you will likely need more information.(40)GYour emotions will be tiding high,and you may not be particularly receptive to extra information.However,when you feel ready,it could be worth revisiting the subject with the person who criticized you.Even if you don't agree with their advice,thank them and promise to consider it.

A.Most of us are pretty stubborn.
B.There is no doubt that change is necessary.
C.But it's best to avoid getting into an argument.
D.Being sensitive to criticism leads you nowhere.
E.It challenges the way you believe people see you
F.Give yourself a chance to really take in the information and evaluate it.
G.The initial moment you hear it may not be the best time to ask for more details.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:短文改错







Three years ago, I went to a boarding school. The reason for my attended such a school was that my parents was very busy. They often went abroad on business but had no time to take care of myself. Besides, they thought I ought learn to be independent. Honest speaking, the school life does benefit me a lot. I not only learned some ways to solve problem on my own but also learned how to get along with others. But that I treasure most now is the friendship that I developed into at that time. How I miss that wonderful time!

