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The 12—year—old CEO(首席执行官)of a Web site design company will be one of 300 business and political leaders accompanying Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien on a trade visit to China in March.
Keith Peiris, who founded Cyberteks Design in June 1999 and now has 25 clients (客户)in North America ,insisted in an interview that he is “just like any other kid.”
He and his father will spend nine days on the Team Canada trip to Beijing ,Shanghai and Hong Kong ,where Chretien aims to showcase the best of Canadian business in the most populous country in the world .
A glance at the complex ,elegant animations (动画)on his www.cybertecks.com site shows the extent of Peiris’ talent . “He doesn’t want to be No.2,”his father Deepal said proudly .
His father ,who is now vice president of operations at Cyberteks ,said , “I am teaching my son what I know .We make decisions together .I haven’t done anything my son disagreed with .He makes the final decision .”
The company has seven offices in the United States and five part—time employees who ,like the Peiris family ,work from their London homes .  
Keith Peiris admitted some potential clients change their minds when they learn his age ,but the well—informed not—yet—teenager tries to ignore them .
“Suddenly ,I’ve been called a whiz kid or geek ,which I am not too happy about .A few people have asked if they should call me ‘mister’, but I stay casual , I am still a kid

  1. 1.

    That Keith Peiris insisted that he is “just like any other kid” shows he is______.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    Who makes the final decision on operations at Cyberteks Design?

    1. A.
      Keith Peiris
    2. B.
      Deepal Peiris
    3. C.
      Jean Chretien
    4. D.
      Both A and B
  3. 3.

    According to the information in the passage ,which is the best and fastest way to know more about the Web giant ?

    1. A.
      We can go to Canada to pay him a visit
    2. B.
      We can make an international telephone call to him
    3. C.
      We’d better visit his web site—www.cyberteks.com
    4. D.
      We can write to his father for the kid’s information
  4. 4.

    Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

    1. A.
      Keith Peiris is a Canadian boy
    2. B.
      All the employees of the child’s company work at home
    3. C.
      The Canadian Prime Minister means to show off Keith’s success during his stay in China
    4. D.
      Keith always tries his best to be the best in the field of web site designing
1.Keith Peiris说这句话表明他很“谦虚”。
2.文中直述了“He makes the final decision.”
4.此选项中的show off (炫耀)与原文中的showcase(陈列,展销)意义不符。

科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修五英语北师版 北师版 题型:001




1.What are the two speakers doing?

A.Enjoying meeting each other.

B.Saying good-bye to each other.

C.Planning to see each other.

2.What can you guess about the woman?

A.He is a hard working boy.

B.He is as dull as Jack.

C.He’d like to go with Lisa.

3.What is the woman?

A.A waiter.

B.A conductor.

C.A book clerk.

4.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.A boss and a salesgirl.

B.A teacher and his pupil.

C.A professor and his assistant.

5.What do you guess about the man?

A.He didn’t sleep well last night.

B.He is going to play a game.

C.He is lying in bed.

听力原文:(Text 1)

M:Well, I’d better be getting home now.It’s been great seeing you again.

W:Oh, It was nice seeing you too.

(Text 2)

M:Sorry, Lisa.I can’t go to the party with you tonight.

W:Have you heard that all work and no play make Jack a dull boy?

(Text 3)

M:I want a ticket to London, please.Second-class.

W:Single or return?

(Text 4)

W:Excuse me, Professor Smith.I was wondering if I could leave 15 minutes early this afternoon.

M:Sure, go ahead, Jane.Do give your lovely child a loud kiss.

(Text 5)

W:What’s the matter?You look tired.

M:I tried to sleep last night but I lay there awake, thinking about the game.




6.What’s the woman going to do?

A.Attend her friend’s wedding party.

B.Attend Lan’s party.

C.Do some shopping with her friends.

7.What does the man suggest to the woman?

A.Wear her new dress.

B.Wear the light blue dress.

C.Wear a more formal one.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:How do you like my new dress?

M:It looks very fashionable.

W:I’m going to wear it at my friend’s wedding party tomorrow.What do you think?

M:Not a bad idea.But I think I prefer the light blue dress you wore at Lan’s party last time.


8.What time is it when the dialogue happens?

A.At 8∶00.

B.At 7∶30.

C.At 7∶47.

9.What’s the result of the dialogue?

A.The man will drop the woman at a nearby underground station.

B.The man will drive the woman to Park.

C.The woman will not meet her friend on time.

听力原文:(Text 7)

W:It’s only thirty minutes left.I’ve got an appointment-I’m meeting a friend in London at eight.I’ll never make it.

M:I’m going into London.I’ll give you a lift if you like.

W:Could you really?That would be kind.

M:Where are you meeting your friend?

W:Near park-but if you can drop me at an underground station.That’ll be fine.

M:No, it’s all right.Park’s not far out of my way.I’ll take you there.

W:That’s very kind of you.


10.Where does the dialogue take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a bookstore.

C.At home.

11.What does the man order?

A.A hamburger and coffee.

B.A Coke and a cake.

C.A hamburger and a Coke.

12.How much does it cost?




听力原文:(Text 8)

W:Can I get you something?

M:Yes, a hamburger, please.

W:Anything to drink?

M:Oh, yea.I’m thirsty.A Coke, please.

W:Here you are.That’s $1.70.

M:I think that’s wrong.It can’t be $1.70.It’s $1.17.

W:Oh, you are right.Sorry.


13.What is Sally?

A.A famous singer.

B.A film star.

C.A famous swimmer.

14.Where is Sally now?

A.In a competition.

B.In a swimming pool.

C.In California.

15.What did she do at the last Olympics?

A.She broke all the records.

B.She won many cups.

C.She swam thirty-five miles.

16.Why has she given up swimming?

A.She is too old to swim.

B.She prefers visiting other countries.

C.She can’t win any international competitions.


(Text 9)?

Do you remember Sally Green, the swimming star?She was the girl who broke all the records at last Olympics.Where is she now?Last week our reporter, Tom Parker, went to see Sally in her Californian home.

M:It is true that you don’t swim at all now?

W:I’m afraid so.I’m too old.

M:But you are only twenty.

W:That’s too old for a swimmer.If I swim in an international competition now, I wouldn’t win.So I’d rather not swim at all.

M:But don’t you enjoy swimming?

W:I used to, when I was still small.But if you enter for big competitions you have to work very hard.I used to get up at 6 a.m.to go to the pool.I had to train before school.After school and at weekends, I swam thirty-five miles every week!

M:But you were famous at fifteen.And look at these cups.

W:It’s true that I have some wonderful memories.I enjoyed visiting other countries, and the Olympics were very exciting.But I missed more important things.While other girls were growing up, I was swimming.What can I do?


17.When did the story take place?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

18.What was Harry’s problem?

A.Everyone at his school liked him.

B.No one at his school liked him.

C.Some people at his school dislike him.

19.Why didn’t Harry want to accept his mother’s advice?

A.He thought he was too weak.

B.He thought he was the headmaster.

C.He thought he was too old to change.

20.What have you learned from the text?

A.Harry is a bus-driver.

B.Harry is a student.

C.Harry is the headmaster.

听力原文:(Text 10)?

  Harry came to his mother one morning while she was having her breakfast, and said to her, “No one at my school likes me, mother.The teachers don’t, and the children don’t.Even the cleaners and the bus drivers hate me.”

  “Well, Harry, ” his mother answered, “perhaps you aren’t very nice to them.If a few people don’t like a person, he or she may not be responsible for that;but if a lot of people don’t, there is usually something wrong, and that person really needs to change.”

  “I’m too old to change, ”Harry said.“I don’t want to go to school.”

  “Don’t be silly, Harry, ”his mother said, going to the garage to get the car out.“You have to go.You’re quite well, and you still have a lot of things to learn.And besides that, you’re the headmaster of the school.”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    TV and computer games are blamed for everything from turning our children into a generation of couch potatoes to increased anti-social behavior.Dr .Aric Sigman an associate fellow of the British Psychological Society, believes watching TV too much Puts children at increased risk of health problems, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obesity.

       If you’re worried about how long your child spends in front of a screen.It may be time to review and modify your family’s screen habits.

       Research firm BMRB estimates young people in the UK aged between 11 and 15 spend ,on average, 52 hours a week in front of a screen.

       In April 2007, he told MPs children under three shouldn’t be exposed to TV at all.

       He recommended children aged between three and seven should watch no more than  30 minutes to an hour of TV a day, seven to 12-yea-olds should be limited to one hour, and 12 to 15-year-olds should watch a maximum of one and a half hours.

       Dr .Sigman wants the Government to publish recommended daily guidelines for TV watching, as it does for salt intake.

       Both women, who have five children between them, acknowledge that cutting down screen time can be tough. “It needs a bit of effort, but small steps can make a difference so everyone in the family is happier,” says Laura O’ Flynn.

       Keep TVs and computers out of children’s bedrooms.Watching TV before going to sleep doesn’t help children settle.Instead, read a bedtime story or encourage them to read for themselves.Having and who they’re talking to online.

       Good viewing habits start young.It’s difficult to impose rules on teenagers who already watch excessive TV or play computer games for hours on end.

       Help children plan their viewing with a TV guide.This will cut down screen time and help them to become more selective about what they watch.

       Don’t put on the TV as background noise.

       Set viewing limits.Decide with your children how much time they can spend watching TV or playing computer games.Think in 30-minute units.Shorter periods make it easier to switch off and cut down on screen consumption.

       Lead by example.Don’t have a TV in your own bedroom and don’t spend hours watching TV or online.

       Do some activities, such as playing board games or going out on a bike ride to distract their attention from TV or computers.Laura O’ Flynn says: “we went into lots of schools and the children told us they wished their parents would take them to the park and play with them .”

       Before rushing to throw out your TV set or computer, it’s worth remembering much of the current research focuses on excessive TV watching.Watching TV as a family can be a shared social event and , if you plan your viewing and do something different to look forward to together rather than having the TV on all the time ,it’s all about striking right balance.

Review and modify your family’s screen habits


By TV and computer


◆Obesity: a generation of couch potatoes


◆In creased risk of health problem: attention deficit

Hyperactivity disorder

The present situation

Young people in the UK aged between 11 and 15 spend, on

Average, 52 hours a week in front of a screen.

Advice / Suggestions

◆Children under


No TV time

◆Children aged between 3 and 7


to an hour of TV a day


One hour a day

◆12 to 15-year-olds

A maximum of one and a half hours a day

◆The Government

Recommended daily guidelines for TV watching


Screen time


Keeping TV and computers out of children’s bedrooms

Help with children’s sleep

Forming good viewing habits when they’re young

76.             or computer games for hours on end

77.                   children’s plan for viewing with a TV guide

◆The reduction of screen time

◆78.              what they watch

Not turning on TV as background noise

Setting Viewing limits


Leading by example

Doing other activities

Distraction from TV or computers

80.            lies between planning viewing and doing something different

