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Finding the Real You

Psychometric testing — personality testing — has been very popular nowadays as studies show their results to be three times more accurate in predicting your job performance. These tests are now included in almost all graduate recruitment (招聘) and are widely used in the selection of managers.

The most popular of these personality tests is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It is based on the theory that we are born with a tendency to one personality type which stays more or less fixed throughout life. You answer 88 questions and are then given your “type”, such as Outgoing or Quiet, Feeling or Thinking.

Critics of personality testing raise doubts about “social engineering”. Psychologist Dr. Colin Gill warns that the “popular” personality traits (特性) have their disadvantages. “People who are extremely open to new experiences can be butterflies, going from one idea to the next without mastering any of them.” However, the psychometric test is here to stay, which may be why a whole sub-industry on cheating personality tests has sprung up. “It’s possible to cheat,” admits Gill, “but having to pretend to be the person you are at work will be tiring and unhappy and probably short-lived.”

So can we change our personality? “Your basic personality is fixed by the time you’re 21,” says Gill, “but it can be affected by motivation and intelligence. If you didn’t have the personality type to be a doctor but desperately wanted to be one and were intelligent enough to master the skills, you could still go ahead. But trying to go too much against type for too long requires much energy and is actually to be suffered for long. I think it’s why we’re seeing this trend for downshifting — too many people trying to fit in to a type that they aren’t really suited for.”

Our interest in personality now exists in every part of our lives. If you ask an expert for advice on anything, you’ll probably be quizzed about your personality. But if personality tests have any value to us, perhaps it is to free us from the idea that all of us are full of potential, and remind us of what we are. As they say in one test when they ask for your age: pick the one you are, not the one you wish you were.

1.The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is based on the belief that __________.

A. personality is largely decided from birth

B. certain personality traits are common

C. some personality types are better than others

D. personality traits are various from time to time

2.According to Dr. Gill, what is the problem with personality tests?

A. The results could be opposite to what employers want.

B. People can easily lie about their true abilities.

C. Employers often find the results unclear.

D. They may have a negative effect on takers.

3.In Dr. Gill’s view, how easy is it to change your personality?

A. It’s possible in your adult life.

B. It’s easy if you have great motivation.

C. It’s unlikely because it requires much energy.

D. It’s difficult before the age of 21.

4.What final conclusion does the author reach about the value of personality tests?

A. They are of doubtful value to employers.

B. They are not really worth doing.

C. They can strengthen the idea we have of our abilities.

D. They may encourage greater realism.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年贵州省高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The koala(考拉) is possibly one of the best known Australian animals, and is found in four states: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

The word “koala” comes from an Australian word meaning “no drink”. Sometimes people call them “koala bears” but koala is not a bear. It belongs to a special group of Australian mammals, called marsupial(有袋类). Female marsupials have a pouch where the baby animals live after they are born.

Koalas have soft, thick, gray or brown fur on their backs. The fur on the stomach is white. The Koala in the south have thicker fur than those in the north because of the cold winters. However, the koalas in the northern part live in warm to hot weather most of the year, so they have thinner fur.A koala has a large nose and round ears. Koalas don’t have tails. Adult koalas weigh between 7kg and 14 kg.

Koalas spend nearly all their time in the trees. They sleep most of the day, but feed and move from tree to tree mainly at night.The reason koala sleep for much of the day is because their food, eucalyptus(桉树) leaves, are so hard that they need a lot of energy(能量;精力)to digest. Sleeping saves energy.

Each koala has a home made up of several trees that they visit regularly. They normally do not visit another koala’s home trees except that a male is looking for a female to mate with.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true about the name “koala bear”?

A. The name was given by the native in Australia

B. The word “koala” is an English word

C. The name describes one of its living habits

D. The name is partly wrong.

2.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “pouch”?

A. House B. Cave C. Bag D. Nest

3.. Why do the koalas live in the south have thicker fur than those in the north?

A. The thick fur can protect them from the colder weather

B. It’s always hot in summer in the north

C. It’s always cold in the winter in the south

D. They have to move to the north in the winter

4.Why do koalas sleep much in the day?

A. Their foods are poisonous

B. Their food needs too much energy.

C. They want to save energy for the activities at night

D. They can’t get enough water from their leaves


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省2016-2017学年高一(学优部)下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

When he was in trouble, he ____________(寻求)advice from his lawyer.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2017届高三下学期三调考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文填空

A researcher has made a report 1. says having a lot of money makes you a bad person. Professor Paul Piff spent ten years 2. (look) at the personalities of rich people and 3. (find) that their behaviour was very different 4. the behavior of poor people. Rich people are more likely to break 5. (rule), not follow the law, and not care about other people. Wealthy people cheat more at games and are less likely to help other people. Professor Piff told the BBC, “Wealth makes you more 6. (worry) about your own interests, your own desires, your own welfare.” He added that rich people think their own goals and needs are the most 7. (importance) thing in their life.

Professor Piff also found that poor people are more generous than rich people. The poor give a higher percentage of their money 8. (help) others than the rich. The 9. (wealth) you are, the less generous you are. You give significantly smaller portions away to other people. However, he said that rich people could change their behavior and become nicer 10. more generous.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年河北省高一(承智班)下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







With Teachers’ Day draw near, I would like to express my thanks to Ms. Li, who taught me English last year.

At that time, I was having a trouble studying English and my scores fell. Ms. Li encouraged me and tell me her story that she never gave up before her studies didn’t go well. She also said that it was necessary to make efforts so that I would not regret waste time. Her words were the best medicine because she stood in her shoes to deal with problems and gave me sincere advices. She didn’t simple comfort me. Her teaching methods also counted. It had never occurred me that studying could be so interested until I met Ms. Li.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河北省高三(高补班)下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Man Booker Prize for Fiction is awarded for a novel written by a writer from the Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland and it aims to represent the very best in contemporary fiction. The prize was originally called the Booker-McConnell Prize, which was the name of the company that sponsored it, though it was better-known as simply the ‘Booker Prize’. In 2002, the Man Group became the sponsor and they chose the new name, keeping ‘Booker’.

Publishers can submit books for consideration for the prize, but the judges can also ask for books to be submitted that they think should be included. Firstly, the Advisory Committee gives advice if there have been any changes to the rules for the prize and selects the people who will judge the books. The judging panel changes every year and usually a person is only a judge once.

Great efforts are made to ensure that the judging panel is balanced in terms of gender(性别) and professions within the industry, so that a writer, a critic, an editor and an academic are chosen along with a well-known person from wider society. However, when the panel of judges has been decided, they are left to make their own decisions. Meanwhile, the prize sponsor has no further right to take part in any more.

The Man Booker judges include critics, writers and academics to maintain the consistent quality of the prize and its influence is such that the winner will almost certainly see the sales increase considerably, in addition to the£50,000 that comes with the prize.

1.Who can submit books to the prize?

A. Judges. B. Writers.

C. Readers. D. Sponsors.

2.Why is the prize named the Man Booker Prize?

A. Because the prize is given to writers from the Commonwealth.

B. Because the prize was known as simply the ‘Booker Prize’.

C. Because the prize is sponsored by the Man Group and they kept the name.

D. Because the prize is aimed to award the very best contemporary fiction.

3.Which task can be done by the Advisory Committee?

A. Changing the rules for the prize on their own.

B. Selecting the judging committee.

C. Making decisions on who is the winner.

D. Submitting books for consideration for the prize.

4.The consistent quality of the prizes is guaranteed by ________.

A. the prize money

B. the gender of the judges

C. the make-up of the panel of judges

D. the increase in sales of the winner


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届新疆乌鲁木齐地区高三第二次诊断性测验英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Abby Harris has a dream. But unlike most ordinary 15-year-old girls, Abby’s dream has _______ to do with expensive shopping, meeting her _______ boy bands or throwing huge parties with her friends. This US teenager wants to be the _______ astronaut to walk on Mars. And she’s using the _______ of social media to make sure that she gets there.

According to Abby’s Internet blog, Astronaut Abby, she has wanted to be a (n) _______ since she was 5 years old.

She _______ more in the post People Say I’m A Dreamer: “When you’re that young and you have that big a dream, most people just _______ you. But I stuck with it. I made plans, I worked hard and I _______ on my goal. As I got older and continued to stay focused on science, technology, engineering and math(STEM), people in my life(my family, friends, teachers), began to notice and _______ me to dream big. I had huge ambitions, and was ________ to have people around me telling me that I could achieve them.

In the seventh grade, Abby ________ a Twitter account as part of a history project she was doing on the International Space Station. She ________ wanted to use Twitter to get in touch with NASA employees, but soon she found that it was a ________ place for her to write about her dreams, connect with others who have interest in space and ________ pictures of projects that she was working on. Her connections on Twitter then ________ her to create her website and blog, Astronaut Abby, located at astronautabby.com.

Several years ago, Abby ________ Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano at an airport and ________ him into becoming her mentor(导师).

Abby is obviously doing everything she can to make her ________ a reality. Want to help her along? You can visit her ________ to learn more about this amazing girl and her ________ dream.

1.A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything

2.A. best B. top C. favorite D. worst

3.A. first B. last C. youngest D. oldest

4.A. energy B. ability C. strength D. power

5.A. blogger B. astronaut C. dreamer D. star

6.A. argues B. agrees C. explains D. explores

7.A. believe B. blame C. praise D. ignore

8.A. took B. focused C. counted D. lived

9.A. pushed B. prevented C. encouraged D. discouraged

10.A. anxious B. confident C. determined D. fortunate

11.A. set up B. built up C. made up D. took up

12.A. rapidly B. originally C. rarely D. finally

13.A. comfortable B. real C. great D. quiet

14.A. share B. draw C. take D. stick

15.A. persuaded B. stopped C. made D. helped

16.A. came after B. came across C. came into D. came at

17.A. talked B. forced C. trapped D. fooled

18.A. plan B. media C. dream D. life

19.A. website B. home C. school D. city

20.A. awesome B. absurd C. awkward D. awful


科目:高中英语 来源:宁夏学益校区2016-2017学年高一下学期第一次(3月)月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:对话填空

Billy: It's great to have the opportunity to see the Chinese acrobatics (杂技) performance. I like watching them very much.

Jennifer: So 1. I. Which act do you like the most?

Billy: I'm fond 2. the magic show.

Jennifer: Oh! It is beginning now. Is that tight-rope walking?

Billy: I think so.

Jennifer: I get nervous every time I watch this. It's so 3. (danger) and hard for him to balance. He may fall off and hurt himself.

Billy: Don't worry. It seldom 4. (happen). He has practiced a lot.

Jennifer: Oh, he's 5. (final) finished. I heard 6. many acrobats started their training when they were very young.

Billy: Yes. It takes many years of hard training before they can give 7. public performance.

Jennifer: Exactly. And the acrobats have to be cool-headed 8. (succeed) in their performance.

Billy: That's true. By the way, the clowns show is one of my favorites. I 9. (come) to see it next weekend. Would you like to come with me on that day?

Jennifer: I'd love to, Billy. Well, let's stop 10. (talk). There're many animals on the stage. Another show is about to begin.

Billy: OK. Look! The little dogs are so cute.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河北省高三下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五

Make the right choices

What is life’s gift? 1. Choice is the ability to select one course of action from a set of alternatives to achieve a goal. What is so great about choice? It transforms us from dumb animals into artists. Each of us becomes another Michelangelo. Choice becomes nothing other than the tool we use to sculpt (雕刻)our life. The tool doesn’t come free, however, for the price of choice is responsibility. 2. The reward is happiness.

Life is not still. It is a flow. 3. We constantly need to monitor where we are on our journey. We need to ask questions: Am I moving closer to my goals? If not, what corrective measures can I take? What action will I take now to readjust myself to my goals? Choice is power. Choice is at the heart of life. It is the creative power of life.

4. And your life becomes more convenient or comfortable because of them. For example, you decide which stores to shop at and which gas station to go to. But the decisions that we make to sculpt our lives are far more important than deciding where to shop. The more we appreciate the difference between minor and major decisions, the greater the probability that we will experience happiness and fulfillment.

All chess lovers realize that it isn’t necessary to win to enjoy the game. The pleasure is in the playing. Life is like a chess game. 5.

A.But when we accept ad carry it out, we get a great return.

B.Make the best moves you can under the circumstances.

C.Life is full of hard choices, and the bigger they are, the harder they get.

D.Every choice we make leads us closer to or farther from our goals.

E.Choose to carry out responsibilities not because you have to, but because you want to.

F.You have to make choices every day.

G..It is free will or choice.

